

28.02.25 - Another lazy day

Substack post here

There were some issues with substack embeds before, just click the link r-slurs

Reported by:
  • X : michael tracey is usually quite chuddy on glennpai's show :marseythonk:
  • UraniumDonGER : The faster America burns down, the better. SLAY QUEEN :marseynails:
  • hello_how_are_you : michael tracey is a fake chud

EFFORTPOST Should I go to the doctor?

Overwhelmed. That's the only word that can describe how I feel right now. I'm drowning in emotions, thoughts, and ideas that I can barely function. Perhaps writing out the issue will provide some relief.

Physical Strife

I've returned to self-harming. I don't even need benzos or painkillers to do it anymore. I can slash myself to the white meat and just sit with the pain. It barely phases me. In fact, there's a part of it that feels deliciously good. It's an entire experience - the blood that drips, the sight of carved-out flesh, the sensation of being obliterated. It all comes together beautifully. I'm not even ashamed of my scars anymore. I think what I've done to myself is quite remarkable, and not many people could manage. If only I could challenge that willpower and dedication to something worthwhile, but I'm stupid as frick and all I can do is longpost and do drugs.

I tried to contact my psychiatrist but they're closed until January. I made an appointment with a GP for today but I don't really know what I'm going to do or say. Just tell them I've been self-harming and having panic attacks? I don't know what they can do for me. I doubt they'll be allowed to prescribe me anything, since I'm technically still supposed to have a supply of benzos for the month (I ate them all ages ago).

Should I go or should I just leave it? I think what I'm really looking for is just someone to talk to, though I don't know if a GP is the right person to be talking to.

As I write this, I'm listening to Nas Illmatic, and I'll say it's my top 5 most favorite albums of all time, and I'd argue it's the greatest hip hop album of all time. I think Life's a B-word is the greatest rap song of all time, and AZ absolutely kills it.

My favorite line is:

I switched my motto; instead of sayin', "Frick tomorrow!"

That buck that bought a bottle could've struck the lotto

I love how it encapsulates that "quiet violence of dreams". We have a vision of someone trying to escape the sins of their environment, but their most reliable means of escaping their heck is to win the fricking lotto. There's such a sense of futility and misery wrapped in these lines.

Social Strife

So it's clear I don't belong here. Everywhere I go I annoy people and make them angry. People have actively verbalized that they don't like me, and this recurring pattern is one that has characterized my life since childhood. It isn't a big problem - I'm a generally introverted person. However, I'm not schizoid and I do need some amount of love and acceptance. I fail to find these things and that makes me sad.

I'm so fricking depressed about being an incel. I'm 29, broke, no hope of GF, children or marriage. I can't even buy hookers because nobody's going to frick a dude with actively bleeding legs. I have literally permanently locked myself out of s*x for the rest of my life with my mental illness and self-harm. I do wonder, if I had the same personality, but I wasn't a 156cm ugly black man, would I still be an incel? These are questions we need quantum computers to answer.

I crave self-harm right now but my appointment is in three hours and I don't know if I can stop myself from cutting until then. And again, I'll probably be wasting my time and money going to a GP who is going to look at me and say "I didn't go to school to deal with schizos" and refer me to a psychiatrist which, as I have highlighted, is gone until January.


I don't know whether I should go to the doctor or not. Am I wasting my time? What am I hoping to achieve?

>Hey, you cute twink, you said you're leaving the site forever!

Well Reddit is shit and I need something to do when I'm not playing RDR2 so I guess I'm stuck with you r-slurs. You people who will give me griefing awards, insult me, tell me to kms, and accuse me of using ChatGPT (an accusation which confuses me. There are tons of plagiarism detection sites online. Proving I use ChatGPT would be trivial, yet nobody does it).

I'm so fricking overwhelmingly sad I can't think straight. This was supposed to be a longpost about Eugene Terre'Blanche but I'm too sad to do it.

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : You're idiots. LED = point source light. Terrible for eyes - trans lives matter
Senator Mike Lee: Using far less efficient, fragile, dusty butt light bulbs will own the libs :marseydab:

Republicans doing everything in their power to validate the r-slur accusations

The caliber of people defending this

  • Think the poor can't afford a pack of light bulbs and would prefer those with 1/25th the usable life

  • Muh aesthetics... ignoring all the options you have with LEDs + "I'm sure someone will figure out these are actually bad... because I'm just sure they are"

  • Migranecels (read: munchie)

  • Dinesh trying to insight

  • I use some lights less, so they should be shittier because???

:bogged: Dump Eeet :marseystocksdown:

Wonder how many r-slurs are gonna :noose: over a :marseymicrosoft: glitch

Imagine being so pissed you file a complaint on a stone tablet

When you came, you said to me as follows : "I will give Gimil-Sin (when he comes) fine quality copper ingots." You left then but you did not do what you promised me. You put ingots which were not good before my messenger (Sit-Sin) and said: "If you want to take them, take them; if you do not want to take them, go away!"

What do you take me for, that you treat somebody like me with such contempt? I have sent as messengers gentlemen like ourselves to collect the bag with my money (deposited with you) but you have treated me with contempt by sending them back to me empty-handed several times, and that through enemy territory. Is there anyone among the merchants who trade with Telmun who has treated me in this way? You alone treat my messenger with contempt! On account of that one (trifling) mina of silver which I owe(?) you, you feel free to speak in such a way, while I have given to the palace on your behalf 1,080 pounds of copper, and umi-abum has likewise given 1,080 pounds of copper, apart from what we both have had written on a sealed tablet to be kept in the temple of Samas.

How have you treated me for that copper? You have withheld my money bag from me in enemy territory; it is now up to you to restore (my money) to me in full.

:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED All women are AGP
Community Note by @Spy6

This was debooonked by Blanchard who correctly pointed out that the cis-women who were aroused by the thought of themselves dolled up were doing so in anticipation of a potential erotic encounter.

AGP MtFs on the other hand were acutely fixated on their own bodies and the desire to have female body parts.

Helpful [83] Not Helpful [7]
Chastity Blog Post for the start of 2025 (featuring unlocked peeni pic)

Hello rdrama, your favorite degen is here, and I am going to ramble about a few things I plan to do (w/ pics)

Exploring my sexuality was really fun in late 2024, and I don't plan to stop anytime soon.

First off I though I would give you a look at my uncaged peepee for the first time. As I have said before, putting on a chastity cage is a long process, not because it is difficult, but because you have to be semi-flaccid, and not only does chastity turn me on, but it requires a lot of fondling to get it through the base ring, and the base ring can act as a semi-peepee ring.

That means I sometimes have to wait 15-30 minutes in just my base ring until it goes down long enough for me to put it back on. So I'll me lounging around like this.

(Panties on just for fun)

I have some lingerie as well, it's a bit big (since it is probably made with the average burger moid in mind), but I maybe be able to make it work with a few outfits.

Anyways, I ordered my first dildo!!!, which should be coming soon, which will be really fun.

Its a purple dragon one I got for $30 off amazon, because I don't have the disposable income for bad dragon at the moment.

Besides that I got a pink croptop, some more bottoms, and a 4 way strap. The 4 way strap was much need because the current 3 way one I have pushes against my taint really hard nad can make sitting for long periods a bit painful.

To take final kink inventory of what I either already have, or are on the way, it is.

  • 2 pair of underwear

  • 1 skimpy skirt

  • 2 black thigh-highs

  • 1 "femboy" socks

  • 1 crop top

  • kink3d chastity cage

  • flat chastity cage

  • inverted chastity cage (which is super cute but I don't have the bf% to wear :marseycrying2:)

  • 3 size set of buttplugs

  • artic fox tail buttplug

  • dragon dildo

  • various chastity straps

In the future I do want to try a fufu clip, which look like this

Besides that, more lingerie or perhap even some gimmick cages like this lol

Anyways, thanks for reading, and have a good rest of your week rdrama :marseywave3:



You say that but we know the clout chasing for the mythical "modern audience" wasn't working so logically the next extreme is to advertise against it to see what happens. :chudsmug:

Like neighbor the "modern audience Xwitter purple hair hambeasts" are the ones who do not play video games wtf, will redditors start saying that vaccines cause autism next year when it comes to them hijacking rightoid talking points from the past 5 years? :marseyconfused2: !g*mers !chuds


indigenous woman who is also a vidya designer, on the "indigenous" section on CBC:

Neighbor why are "indigenous" and "aboriginal" activist foids always like the Whitest motherlovers on the planet? :marseyxdorbit:

When the video game Custer's Revenge first came out more than 30 years ago, a successful boycott eventually caused it to be pulled from store shelves The controversial video game, made for the Atari 2600 by Mystique (now defunct), depicts indigenous women tied to trees and cacti and r*ped.

When indigenous game designer Elizabeth LaPensรฉe found out this game was again available for play online she took to Twitter to voice her outrage.

"The game reinforces systemic violence against native women," said LaPensรฉe.

Daniel Starkey, a Chickashsha Nation game journ*list, was researching a story about Native American representation in games when he came across YouTube videos of Custer's Revenge. Starkey spoke with LaPensรฉe about his find. The two of them were able to find several game-play footage videos on YouTube, but it wasn't until Starkey dug deeper that he actually found a playable link to a remade version of the game.

"I'm not in a position to go to that link, download it and play it. I don't know how far back that would put me in my personal healing," said LaPenล›ee from her home in Oregon. But Starkey did download the game to prove that it can be played.

"[It] made me sick to my stomach and brought me to tears," said Starkey. "I respect its right to exist, but it's almost impossible for me to figure out how anyone could consider the game of cultural value to anyone." :marseyfrozenchosen2:


1 9 8 2





LaPensรฉe is a former game journ*list turned game designer. Until now, LaPensรฉe had not spoken out against violence against women in video games. The gaming industry has come under fire for its sexual harassment against women and female game designers and journ*lists have had their safety and lives threatened.

LaPensรฉe said she has stayed quiet for this very reason.

"If anyone were to attack me in that way, I just don't have the allies in the game industry who would help protect me and look out for me, I have the native community too," said LaPensรฉe.

For me stepping out isn't just about the game industry, it's about personal experiences and having to be the voice of someone who is part of a statistic, that a game like this is reinforcing what creates that statistic.

  • Elizabeth LaPensรฉe, video game designer

LaPensรฉe, who designs games that promote indigenous heritage and healing, said her decision to speak out now is based on her career's work.

"This has been my whole life's work, starting off as a g*mer and then looking at native representation in video games. And finding the places that we can step up, and step in and define our representations ourselves," said LaPensรฉe.

"For me stepping out isn't just about the game industry, it's about personal experiences and having to be the voice of someone who is part of a statistic, that a game like this is reinforcing what creates that statistic."

In the last 24 hours, since LaPensรฉe`s initial tweet and the follow-up Twitter conversation, several videos of game-play footage have been taken down. Starkey added the footage violates YouTube's terms of service by containing explicit content and uncensored nudity.

LaPensรฉe said that even though a game like this exists, the indigenous community can change the narrative by replacing the content with positive messages.

"We can make games too. We're completely capable of it. The cowtools are much more accessible, the technology is much more accessible than it used to be," said LaPensรฉe, adding a lot of her work is responding to a game like this.

Holy fricking shit, imagine sperging out about a game that was 31 years old (now 41) by the time this article was written, this is even more pathetic than the Brapzilian Pentecostal TV channel in 2011 sperging out against Duke Nukem 3D :marseyxdorbit:, this is like if Jack Thompson came back from the shadows and started to shit on Doom and Doom 2 30 years later :shyyt:

!foidmoment !g*mers

Absolute last chance to sign up for todays SF ALPHA 3 tournament!!!

Sign-up link:

:marseycheers2: Hope to see you !g*mers and !fightclub

Beat Kids
You must be attached to a brain probe that continuously feeds you content from one of these social media platforms. Which do you choose?

I don't think Americans understand what a war with Canada would actually look like : AskCanada | American pretends leafs would do terrorism


Right off the bat, I'm American, and this is just my best guess, but I've been talking to and hearing a lot of Americans say stuff like "oh if it came to it it would be over in a day" or some stuff like that. WRONG

We. Would. Not. Be. Able. To. Stop. The. Bombings.

I don't think most Americans consider how much easier fighting a war is when you can identify your enemy by skin color and language, you guys speak English (mostly) you have basically the same demographic makeup as the US, basically what I'm saying is that you are the platonic ideal for a partisan guerilla campaign.

You can't buy KN03 in Canada because the government is worried people would make black powder with it. Americans have nothing to fear from !leafs bombing them.

I can pretty much guarantee that the first thing the Canadian military high command does is erase all records of who is in the Canadian military, hide all of their leopards, their jets, their stuff that is on par with US military tech in bunkers in the Northern Territories and destroy the fricking maps, you won't be using them for a while, but they're nice to have around if needed.

No. We haven't even destroyed the long gun registry 20 years after a court ordered it to happen.

The Canadian military will then systematically erase any identifiable signatures it has, servicemen and women will burn their ID cards, their uniforms, bury caches of small arms, explosives, anti tank weapons, anti air rockets.

Lmao no. Most CAF members have little to no real training. They don't have the ammo needed to train. Heck they got rid of post basic training! !burgers that right leafs go to basic and then "learn on the job".

This war would not look like anything the US has ever seen before in its history, this war would look like car bombs in Des Moines Iowa every day, Police Stations being shot up in every state of the Union, political assassinations.

Canadians allowed themselves to be disarmed (at least the lefties did). They don't have guns to shoot with.

/u/Grotesque_Bisque You're a moron jacking off to fantasy

Crypto whale goes schizo and spends ~$7 million on a suicide note

Only $1.4m was burnt and the rest donated, but $7m sounds more dramatic :marseywink:



Original post:

1. :marseyindignantwoman: "awful thing to say... I hope you grow as a person" :chudsmug: "you should lose some weight"

2. :marseyshrug: "there's more to life than just s*x" :marseyunamused: "you lot don't have hobbies other than wearing makeup and scrolling Instagram..."

3. :marseyindignant: "dogs are more fun to have around" :marseysquint: "are you perhaps a user of the Dogpill?"

4. :marseychonker2: "Seriously, women offer nothing other than looking pretty..." :marseyhmm: "what do YOU offer?" :marseychonker2: serious posting intensifies

Also, check these two woman comments LOL

5. :marseyindignantwoman: "Exactly, leave us alone" :marseysoylentgrin: "you are alone Eowynn" :marseytradmad: "what?" :marseysoylentgrin: "It's a Lord of the Rings reference" :chadnordic: "dude STFU"

6. :greendesigirl: :marseysmug2: "wow, your first gender reveal at this age" :marseychudindian: :chudindian: "you expect men to r*pe you or something?"

Aevann interviewed by Vice journ*list :capypharaoh: :marseyilluminati2: :capyeffendi:

Yes I know I said I would post the Maureen Sabiski thread but I'm sick as frick and lazy and also my computer is blue-balling me. Sorry!

JD vance makes a totally serious post. MAGA reacts in a reasonable manner.

Nope. That is not okay. You will be VP of the United States of America!

This is embarrassing. If you aren't going to attend our Presidential Inauguration you should not have run for the office

You would trade a front row seat to the most significant inauguration in the last 150 years, as the incoming vice president, for a football game? This has to be a joke.

I'm not!! Excuse me??? How can we count on you to carry this movement forward if you can't be at the inauguration of President Trump. I love you JD have always been on your side from day one. I think you need to be there. But I guess that's between you & President Trump.

We were talking about the possibility of Vance for 2028. Missing the inauguration would be a big deal.

I think you may want to think a little more about it. An inauguration maybe a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Is this a joke? When our country is falling? I'm a huge supporter of you from Ohio. It's just a game. I would never choose a game over my country. That's just me. The a hole liberals are going to have a field day at your expense. This is disappointing. I pray this is a joke.

This is a joke, right? ๐Ÿ˜† RIGHT?! ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

Because so many of us worked hard to get you into the White House -- and now that that day is soooo close -- you want to skip it, to go watch a game?

every day i'm shocked at the r-sluration of the average redditor and the average MAGAor. just...the dumbest people who ever lived. i hate social media.

for the record, i unironically think a presidential inauguration should be skipped if your team is in the national championship. he's the VP anyway it doesn't matter!


Timestamp is 14:33 in case it doesn't link right link

[๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] List of Carmel business that support MAGA


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜

Then I guess you gonna go hungry because it is a lot of them. Check the votes in Carmel for last election. (-50)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜

Might want to move to a different part of the state if you're that ignorant (-83)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜

The Goat in Carmel used to fly the Blue Lives Matter flag and often has Fox News playing on their TV. (26)

Make sure to call the DEI department when you need a police officer. (-53)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Me not agreeing with the logic isn't marginalizing them. Can I ask why it's so important for them to be validated by others? Believe what you want. Let me believe what I want. I'm not disrespecting them but you can't change your DNA. (1)

Firstly DNA does change over time. It can be why cancer develops, or trauma, which is why we know radiation is extremely dangerous. It's why we age. There is even a twin study composed by NASA to further assess it.Don't parrot things you don't know. You've likely been told many times gender is a social construct and willfully ignored this and scream deoxyribonucleic acid like its a magic gatcha. Most of the world also believes it's just X and Y without regards to intergender, the SRY gene (which brought out a lot of jackasses last year regarding Imane Khelif), or the genetic anomalies that alter sexual development (XXY, XYY, XO, etc.)You can't go a second without feeling like you're catering to someone by giving a modicum of respect based on a belief you've barely studied in highschool, or had it repeated into your head by propaganda of what you think someone should or shouldn't be. You can easily ignore this controversy altogether like most people do, let them live their lives and ... (3)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

It's your right as an American ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ to have and voice your opinions beliefs- it's also your right to be wrong. MAGA is not the problem. It's the infighting and tribalism that divide us. I just want the best for America and its citizens. We should all be able to revolve around this point. We are all Americans. (-1)

But your "best" for America and its citizens probably doesn't match my "best." And MAGA isn't the root of the problem, sure, but a manifestation of decades of political rot and subversion and lies going unchecked. Decades ago when it was decided that facts didn't matter, that was the slippery slope emerging. Please don't tell me MAGA isn't the problem when they're racist and ok with Nazis and persecution of anyone who isn't white male. If the goal was to spread Christ, as they claim, they need to reread their Bible if they have the literacy and reading comprehension skills. And if that wasn't the goal (which duh, it's not when it's coming from Trump/Elon/etc.), it's greed and evil intent personified. So sure, you can try to walk back years of poison, but you'll find no one will trust or listen to you again. (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

Not mad - just pointing out the left's hypocrisy. What if a conservative said they didn't want to support trans businesses? Y'all would call them every name in the book. (-16)

No, I wouldn't. I mean that. It's your right to spend your money where you want. Our dollars are a form of voting, after all. I understand that and it doesn't make me mad. ETA that I learned a long time ago spending the mental energy being mad about something that doesn't impact me (ie, the conservatives boycotting a liberal business in your example) is just not worth it, that anger and hate is all-consuming and not productive. (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/CortaCircuit

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 8

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

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