
I'll start...

Night One: Abortion and Women's Rights

Key speakers include women activists from across the country fighting for reproductive health as well as victims that have been impacted by the loss of Roe v Wade

Keynote: Hilary Clinton Gretchen Whitmer

Night Two: Patriots (and Republicans) for Biden

Key speakers include conservative leaders, Constitutional scholars, military leaders, and former trump officials.

Keynote: Mitt Romney explaining that inflation is temporary, dictators are permanent. [Special appearance by Barack Obama who greets Romney as he leaves the stage]

Night Three: A tribute to Bernie (and economic progressivism)

Key speakers include AOC, Robert Reich, Union leaders, laborers, and individuals who received student debt relief. Possible cameo by Mark Cuban to point millionaires are also doing just fine.

Keynote: Bernie Sanders

Night Four: Where We've Been, Where We're Going

Key speakers: Members of the Kennedy family, Bill Clinton, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama Focus on Democratic party legacy, Coronavirus recovery, democracy and the rule of law.

Keynote/Nominee: Joe Biden

I can't stop laughing at how r-slurred this post is. Hilary as a keynote speaker. Bragging about inflation. An entire night dedicated to a tribute to Bernie. AOC as a keynote speaker. Mark Cuban to vouch for millionaires. And it has upvotes lmao.

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  • Arran : attention seeking NlGGER
I relapsed with self-harming

The fricking cwowld metwl slid owor my skin like silk sliding :marseyslipperyslope: dwown a fricking banyister. It dwoesn't take much pwessure wen u have a fricking sharp :marseybackstabsjw: razwor. Bwood came pwouring immediatewy. That's a fricking gwood sign - the fricking deep cuts are fricking bwight white :marseypolarbear: and take a fricking minyute two start bleeding. I am onye with the fricking pain because I deserve it fwor being worthless and a fricking piece of shit and a fricking bad perswon.

Am I bwoken that my mind cwonstantwy instwucts mwe two self-mutilate, b-word? It feels :marseyvapecrying: like there's a fricking gwoblin in my head (the Gwueswome Gwoblin) cwonstantwy egging mwe on two dwo the fricking nyeedfwl and start slicing. Can anyonye relate, b-word? I knyow I'm gwoing two dwo it again twomworwow and it's gwoing two be wose. The fricking cycle's begun again.



She would have become a pooner :pooner: if she was born today


R-slur makes r-slurred decisions. Loses car


Imagine sending your soldiers hold some land in swampy forest :marseythumbsup:

Edit: after checking

I don't think there were any Russian there


Made this for lunch just now. I've tried getting the beef right for these darn things a bunch of different ways. Internet people have all sorts of ways they've tried to get it just like the restaurants, but the only one I've seen that looked like it would realistically work was this massive bearded greek dude shoving like 5 pounds of lamb shoulder onto two spits and throwing it on a charcoal grill. I'm just trying to make lunch here, though. I've tried to make a mini spit using the rotisserie attachment in my toaster oven, and that looked and smelled great, but the meat completely dried out and was nasty inside.

Other internet ideas were like to use ground meat and form a really tight meatloaf and bake it in the oven, then you can cut thin slices off it that look a lot like the gyro places, but it's lacking the super brown crispy outside you want.

This time I bought some really thin ribeye steaks (like less than 1/2") that people usually use to make carne asada. I figured with how thin they were I'd want the pan to be really fricking hot, so I did a test run with one of them with the heat cranked all the way up on my stove and a cast iron skillet. Darn near lit my kitchen on fire, like the oil in the pan actually just made a poof noise and burst into flames. The steak didn't get burned though, even with me moving it around in the pan to smother the fire. The steak was a perfect medium rare cooking it just one minute a side. Problem, though: medium rare steak is too chewy for sandwich or sandwich-adjacent preparations.

Finally, I marinated the rest of the steaks and cooked them with slightly less heat (although still enough that the pan was smoking up my kitchen) for 2 minutes a side. They're pretty well done, but perfect for a gyro because you can bite through the pieces so easily. Then I put this together and smashed the whole thing into my face. The end.

Thats not how it works you fricking imbecile :marseyraging:

Completely the opposite of what descartes meant

God's most emotionally aware :marseyitneverbegan: gender :marseypassftm:
Those are early 20 year olds :marseybooba: it's over for zoomers
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Arlo Guthrie - Alice's Restaurant
Trump will win in New York :marseymagahat: :marseylaughpoundfist:

Same NYPD that kneeled to the blm rioters, did nothing when the blm harassed people just trying to eat at restaurants, and DID in fact, also harass diners just trying to eat at restaurants.

I'm to the point at which I truly believe that anyone who puts on a uniform and coerces others is straight-up lost.

If they had a conscience, they'd be doing other work.

:#wingcucks: :#marseyhorseshoe:

It's gonna be wild


Can you imagine how much salt and rage this is producing in the tds stage 12 segments? Trump campaigning right in the middle of the heart of darkness and getting massive ground level support. I can only grin at the mental images.

an event in new york. demonrats are finished :#marseychuddance:

He said this last time too. He is not going to win new York lmao

Never say never.

He's never winning New York lmao.

Can't even win GA but he's totally going to win NY. Kek

:#marseyxd: :#brainletmaga:

So they'll call it for Biden when there's 0.6% of the vote in and not 0.5%?

i think you can call New York even with 0% counted


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