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By the grace of Monty /h/vampire has come back to un-life

And once again House :marseyvampirecrusader: Vampire :marseycountvoncount: rises from the coffin :marseyvampeek: like, well, ourselves

@birdenthusiast Will be the #2 Janny

All others can apply and I'll think :marseymindblown: about it


Communism will win most vodka :marseyrussian: enriched blood :marseyblenderafter: award :marseyklennywinner: :marseyvampire:

:marseyyikes: :marseyyikes: :marseyyikes:
Where is the 1913 Vienna of 2024? :thinkingstatue:

I was wondering why I was doing all these no tip orders for diapers and candy (I'm not exaggerating holy shit so much junk food and baby formula) but why are the orders always for a few items but the fee I'm getting is like 8 bucks to drive a few miles? You'd think they'd order more so it's worth the exorbitant fee.


Follow up tweet:

Also, obligatory: :#marseywould:

And so began the war of slop

At least there :marseycheerup: aren't any plastic :marseyfunkobox: straws tho

can @houellebecq's mom please :marseyinshallah: slide in my dms

i promise i wont tell her which account is yours

New Xtoss
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Anon has had it
r*pe baiting methods
MAY BOOKCLUB WINNER & ANNOUNCEMENT! :marseyreading: :marseynotes:

good evening !bookworms! :star: so The Idiot and Culture of Narcissism were tied, and I have decided that we will follow @neoconshill's protocol and read The Idiot first, and Lasch will be the book we read next unless y'all complain about it, in which case we will not lolz. I am excited and I hope you are too! :marseyangel:

tentative chapter breakdown!

so this book has four parts. :marseyclappingglasses: we will do our best to get through one part per week, which might be a little intense so we can play that by ear. :marseypaperbag: i'm a little concerned :marseysweating: for those of us non-NEETs, :marseywhirlyhat: so we may need to persevere :marseybuff: and extend bookclub may through to june, as this is probably going to be a LOT of material considering we're dealing w/ russian lit i am stupid for nominating this book, i never said i was bright. :marseyspecial: for now, this is how we will break this down:

Week 1: read Part 1 (Ch 1-16): read 2ish ch/day if you can, if not that's fine lol

Week 2: read Part 2 (Ch 1-12): read 2ish ch/day

Week 3: read Part 3 (Ch 1-10): read 2ish ch/day

Week 4: read Part 4 (Ch 1-12): read 2ish ch/day

i am mildly concerned that those of us who are not !verifiedhot will have a tough time w/ this schedule so I will leave it up to y'all to dive in and decide if this schedule/book works. this is a club and i am not your mother. vote/complain/discuss below. :marseysaluteusa: i lowkey would be fine w/ reading Atomised or one of the Mishima books instead, but that's your call. have a great night/day, sorry this is lazy i'm high i love you :marseybutt:

Is anyone here having an enterprise hard drive in their personal desktops??

I heard they are LOUD but I've seen videos on their sound and they dont seem to be THAT loud. Any !codecels or !g*mers

I torn between this and this

Toshiba 14TB 3.5inch Enterprise HDD (MG07ACA14TE) or

Seagate Exos X18 12TB Internal Hard Drive Enterprise HDD - CMR 3.5 Inch Hyperscale SATA 6Gb/s, 7200RPM, 512e/4Kn, 256MB Cache (ST12000NM001J)


Makes sense that Krav Maga would attract absurd lolcows

Possible Incel Trait: No Childhood Nostalgia

I have no nostalgia for my childhood. A lot of my fellow zoomers started jerking off to how good things were on the late 90s/early 00s. That all the music that came out then was better, and that the games that came out were the best.

I hate 2000s media. It makes me think of being a social outcast loser. I'm still one, but at least nobody cares anymore. I hate Minecraft. It makes me remember all the times my friends would play without me.

Is this an !incels thing or just a me thing.

shilling writing cringe or based?

I always see people on plebbit shilling their books on different writing subs for their stuff on personal sites / amazon / royal road. Even on non writing subs and people eat it up.

idk I'd feel cringe and weird shilling that but is that just me? Is it normal to accept it and do it as well? Is it autism??? (yes)

what is he planning? :marseyveryworried: :marseysnappyenraged2:
It was spongebob's 25th anniversary yesterday :marseycupcake:

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