@_Ghost_Poster gets his own thread on KiwiFarms

Somebody says he's a troll from here, they got marked as dumb.

Others cope by saying they knew all along he was a troll and are determined to dox him because he's an r-slur.

Congrats @_Ghost_Poster :!marseyparty: you successfully buckbroke the Elaine spergs

Edit: @_Ghost_Poster responds:



Every year Europoors vote for the best Manul (otherwise known as Pallas' cat) in-between collecting benefits, being harrassed by migrants and sitting on a bidet. I even have a post about last years' contest. This year was particularly spicy in the semi-final round between Mania and Polly:

Mania is the :marseyflagpoland: Manul, Polly is (I think) a zigger :marseysaluteussr: or a :marseychingchong: As you can see this caused some fervour among our cabbage-eating friends:

At this point Biden :marseybiden: takes over the voting and STOPS THE COUNT, disqualifying Mania

This is some SERIOUS FRICKING BUSINESS to Polish Groomercord servers who immediately begin plotting terror attacks on Russian soil to avenge their fluffy Siberian Cat

I can't be fricked to translate these :marseysleep:

Poliggers immediately mobilize, sending legions of plumbers into Manul Man's house, doxxing them and kicking off the Third Manul-Polish War

Pierogi and fluff are everywhere, casualties abound. Here are some pictures of the Manuls in the running:


If you give a shit, Dunzi just won, I think he's a :marseychingchong: of some description, he is beautiful though:

The account is still dunking on seething poliggers

Many angry replies to this, feel free to get in quick and say Danzig is German etc.



The first picture is of my dad, me and my brother a few weeks before he would be hospitalized.

My father contracted HIV in the Navy due to unsafe medical practices conducted by the military. He would unknowingly give HIV to my mom. According to how far along my mom's conditon was, she contracted it sometime between my birth and after my brother's birth. Neither me nor my brother have it, so it is most likely my mom contracted HIV after my brother was born. Because they were having unprotected s*x to have children, my father likely contracted HIV close to when I or my brother was born, but we can never know for sure. He served in the Navy in California. It was not common practice at this time to test heterosexual, non-drug using, non-hemaphiliacs at this time, so my parents went unnoticed until my dad became sick.

My dad became sick very suddenly. He started being extremely fatigued and losing his appetite. He was unable to work and would collapse from exhaustion at home. He was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with AIDS.

In the hospital, he caught the common flu and died from a blood clot related to his AIDS diagnosis. My mom is still alive and HIV positive. She is doing well.

Please get tested, no matter who you are or what your lifestyle is.



>”unsafe medical procedure” (obvious bs)

>fruity pic (even I picked up on this)


Is “unsafe medical practices” in the Navy code for unprotected gay s*x?

Anna Slatz and her band of chuds got one of the jeets posting videos about how to take advantage of :marseyflagcanada: foodbanks fired. He was making 98k working at TD :marseyviewerstare:
What kind of transhumanist are you?

What are some more you can think of?

They forgot the Sir Francist Galton eugenicist :chudspin2: : Even though he was a libtard in his time albeit

There's also the @dont_log_me_out übermensch who manages to improve himself 100fold through sheer force of will and determination.

meditating on this

Choice quotes from the article itself :marseysmirk:

The “feminists are man-haters” trope is getting old.

Until recently, refuting these claims has proven difficult. After all, every feminist-hating man has an anecdotal story of “that one feminist” he knows who definitively hates men. Thankfully, contemporary research has finally given us real, irrefutable evidence that feminists do not, in fact, despise men.

Feminists Won't Coddle Men's Egos

Whereas non-feminist women are likely to excuse or ignore men's bad behavior toward women, feminist women will, more often than not, call it out. They will not pull their punches to spare men's egos. They expect much from men, and will hold them accountable to the behavior they know men are capable of.

And it appears that this is where the man-hating feminist trope has its roots.

Yes, there is ample anecdotal evidence that some feminist women hate men. Following the #MeToo movement, many feminists began actively self-identifying as misandrists (man-haters) in response to the sheer volume of abusive, dangerous men who were exposed during that time. Many feminists and non-feminists alike saw their attitudes toward men evolve as they saw prominent male celebrities, political correspondents and politicians they trusted and admired be called out for their sexual misconduct and attempted cover-ups. For a lot of us, it was a time that eroded our trust in men. For some of us, that trust was never regained.


But the existence of some feminists who hate men does not prove that all feminists hate men. In fact, although feminism is a movement that seeks to center women's equality and liberation, it has also done much for the liberation of men. After all, men are harmed by patriarchy, too, and feminists seek to abolish all forms of gender-based discrimination that are propped up by patriarchy.


Now we get into the comments


Moid does everything to please feminists but only gets shit on, continues being a feminist because it's called being a decent person chud.

I mean, to say that feminism hates men is nonsensical because feminism is a broad and diverse ideology that itself can neither hate nor love.

I've done everything that my feminist gender studies professors told me to do as a man. I am gentle, communicate my emotions, try not to be arrogant and speak over people, etc etc etc, and I am a better, more fulfilled man for it.

But... once in awhile I'd like my side to actually advocate for me, and recognize that we still live in a society that excludes men from many things. I'd like my side to recognize that sometimes WOMEN unfairly exclude and hurt men. The advice everyone gave me as a man and as a father, including the school principal and family lawyer? Get a female family member to take my kids to the doctor, because if it had been a woman doing it, this probably wouldn't have happened.

This was extremely depressing for me. Despite being the best man and father and husband I could--- and live up to the feminist ideal of what a man should be--- I was still treated like a predator and abuser by default. So who was advocating for me as a man on this issue? Who was calling this out and calling it unfair??

The only voices I hear are right wing ones, but I am not interested in being the kind of man they want me to be.

Let's be honest... if I went to a feminist sub on Reddit and brought up my woes, would people in that sub be sympathetic? Or would I promptly get banned?

Other men like you are supposed to be advocating for it. But men have been so reliant upon other people, usually women, organizing and structuring neutral gatherings and a lot of existing men's spaces being incredibly toxic means men have to start creating their own communities.


Only right wingers are dishonest and the reason why young people support palestine is because zoomers can just fact check who is more just on the internet

Something I've noticed over the decades is that conservatives tend to think that everyone knows and believes what they know and believe. Therefore, in their mind, anyone who professes to know/believe something different is just lying in order to gain an advantage over the conservative.

Which fits this situation. Since they believe feminist beliefs are wrong and trying to assert power over men, they hate feminists and assume feminists must hate them just as much (if not more). They cannot imagine a world where people just ... believe differently, everyone must be trying to pull a fast one on them.

I mean, that's what THEY do. Conservatives lie all the time about everything, so they assume everyone else does too.

I'm good

They're bad

If I do something bad, they must be doing the same thing, but even worse.

I think the reason this tends to be more prevalent on the right is that they believe in good and bad people, while the left tends to believe in good and bad actions.

Hot take. The rise of leftist thinking among the youth populations is directly correlated to how much easier it has become to actually check whether actions have good and bad consequences. Boomers cannot imagine being able to just gather data on what is and is not helpful for people and society. They favor divine command ethics and virtue ethics because these are much easier to use in low-information ecosystems.


Menslibber calls out the phd article writer for purposely misinterpreting a study :marseysurprised:

She also links to another article she wrote about the same topic, which interprets the lower benevolence result as:

Meaning, feminists are less likely to coddle, mollify, or excuse men who behave poorly.

These interpretations do not seem to have any basis in the actual study. If you read the study that she cites, the scores for benevolence are measures of benevolent sexism specifically, taken from the 1999 AMI inventory, which measures responses to statements like “Every woman needs a male partner who will cherish her” and “Men are more willing to take risks than women.” A footnote in the study explains, "Conceptually benevolence to men and hostility to men are not indices of positivity–negativity, but rather they measure stereotyped attitudes to men."

In other words, she is citing a study that found lower benevolence and then is explaining what lower benevolence means, but her explanations are baseless and not supported by the actual study. It is ironic that she is even trying to (baselessly) defend feminists' lower benevolence, because this finding actually signifies that feminists have less stereotyped attitudes towards men.


Menslibber used to be a chud but then he realized that feminists couldn't be misandrists because feminists believe in equality... just like how the DPRK is a true democracy :marseyhwacha:

I used to be skeptical of feminists as well, when I was a teen. I thought many of them were just misandrists. Then I was reminded of the word "misandrist" and realized that was stupid - feminists believe in equality, misandrists "hate men."

Can someone who calls themselves a "feminist" act misandrist, or even be a misandrist? Sure. But they are different things, so that's important to know.

:#marseysmughips: :#marseyconfused2:

Menslibber volunteers for charity and notices how it somehow turned around to being about women

I volunteered for a men's charity for a while that said it was about challenging what it means to be a man, but all they really did was challenge how being a man affects women, they did talks like "here's how to talk to your friends about sexism and consent" which is very valuable, but when that's ALL hat you do I can understand why some men feel like it paints them as the problem.

Every single press snippet on their website was about the safety of women (which is incredibly important). But when your challenging masculinity charity is more only focused on demonising the behaviour of men towards women, it's like putting a plaster over a wound that needs stitches. It would be more fruitful to help them to understand themselves and express themselves in a healthy way that sends a message that these men are valued as people.

Can you understand why women and feminists main priority may be lowering the rates of sexual violence? And they do that by teaching about consent? I do not understand how you can experience a talk about consent as demonizing men

:#marseyracist: :#marseynoooticer:

Menslibber says its only moid foid on social media

This is especially clear on social media spaces like Instagram where men LOVE complaining about women and seem to just genuinely hate women that aren't super submissive "trad-wives"


Menslibber/vaush fan explains that it doesn't make sense for men to ignore what women's expectations for dating purposes because another menslibber told them to, gets btfoed by a janny :marseyjanny:

One of the most demoralizing things I sometimes read on this subreddit is someone saying that men can't change because women still have expectations of them that fit traditional gender roles.

How true that perception of expectations are is pointless to argue because it differs from place to place and most people talk about their personal experiences anyway... but even if it was 100% true, always - so what? If it's a necessary step for the better, don't play into those expectations. Women don't want to date you because of that? Okay.

"but even if it was 100% true, always - so what? If it's a necessary step for the better, don't play into those expectations. Women don't want to date you because of that? Okay. "

I dont know man.This just feels like a bad concession .Part of appealing to a demographic means addressing issues that said demograpic actually cares about.For alot of guys,especially young guys,thats dating.How to be percieved as attactive to women around me.

Its counter productive and a bit delusional to expect men to ingore what the women they actually come across becasuse some online social tell them so. (entire comment removed)

FOH with that. :marseyjanny:

Finally we have the removed comments :marseyletsgo:

Other men like you are supposed to be advocating for it. But men have been so reliant upon other people, usually women, organizing and structuring neutral gatherings and a lot of existing men's spaces being incredibly toxic means men have to start creating their own communities.

Men have organized movements for millenia, how could you possibly suggest that they simply are too lazy to organize? Men organize on this issue all the time on the right. So why not on the left? Because it is a hostile workplace environment, as evidenced by the very comments you made up above.

I know, because I've tried and I've experienced the phenomenon myself. I have attempted to organize, and I have been met with hostility from people that should be allies. For example: when my wife and I dealt with infertility, I was involved in numerous infertility support groups and ran my own. There were no men, and I wondered why. So I started a subgroup myself and encouraged the women to bring their husbands so that we could get things going.

In doing this, I realized I'd revealed my gender, and I was verbally abused by many of the women there. A few were right winger Bible thumper types who thought I wasn't adhering to God's plan of what a husband/father to be, but even more were self identifying feminists who said I was "invading the sacred space of women" and "just trying to get off on pregnant women." I would have perhaps started an exclusive men's group, but it would have taken years and years to get it up and running and I needed support at that moment, not in 10 years. It's hard to get a men's liberation movement going when the people who are supposed to be your allies are actively tearing you down. The attitude was generally. Their attitude was the same as yours: "You are wrong for expressing your pain when so many others are suffering more."

I had the same issue as a parent of a micro preemie. At the moment of my deepest depression and grief when I needed support, I went to pre-existing support groups. I was met with the same treatment. So I started my own blog and tried to organize. While working. While raising a kid with special needs. But yeah, I get it, I'm a man so I just have to do it all myself with no help, and if I fail, it's all on me.

Do you know how hard it is to try to create a movement from scratch in a busy life? It's like telling a woman in the 19th century to--- if she wanted to be a scientist--- simply to reinvent the entire university system and scientific literature system from scratch.

And yeah, it's nice that you can find a few people in the halls of academia who might actually be earnest advocates, but that doesn't mean much when the actual people in the real world who are supposed to be allies are tearing you down.

Your lecturing me without knowing my experiences is a bit hypocritical when you talk about being patronizing. You think you are the only man who has experienced that kind of pain with a loved one and struggled in a typically non-male space?

I appreciate and commiserate with your story and I am well aware of how hard it is for men to organize these kinds of groups. Yet feminists had to do it in much harsher conditions in the late 19th century to now. Again - those men didn't join the one you tried to create because to a lot of men, it isn't our responsibility. I don't see how your story contradicts my overview. I know a few good men are trying.

It's just the majority of men benefit from our patriarchal society or just don't care.

foid try to not make anything about themselves challenge impossible :marseyxd:

It's a lot easier to justify oppressing people who you can convince yourself you hate - and it's easier to hate someone who you can convince yourself hates you.

And unfortunately the whole conservative movement & mediaaphere is a giant machine for manufacturing hate. Hence why, and how, patriarchy gets reproduced.

Do you have any evidence that this is what anti-feminist men are trying to do? It's a common trope, but I only ever see it bandied around in feminist spaces.

When I myself was antifeminist, and when I talked to other antifeminists, our antifeminism was not about trying to justify oppressing women. Rather, it was about trying to stop stereotyping and prejudice towards men. So it is quite ironic that you describe antifeminism as an attempt to justify the oppression of women.

They regularly believe women's place is in the kitchen; that men are physically and mentally superior to women; that men deserve a well-mannered, subservient wife; that female promiscuity is a problem, and that reproductive health should be out of their control; that no-fault divorce shouldn't exist and marital rape is impossible; that sexual harassment and assault isn't a widespread issue;

islam is right about women :derpsnickering:

The real perception paradox: reading an article about men who hate feminists that makes feminist men question their stance. /s

Seriously though, there is something very wrong with the tone of the article.

The "all men are responsible for patriarchy" trope is getting old.


Mods, are y'all going too hard on some of the comments? There was one that I wanted to respond to that's now deleted, and the person said they were once antifeminist but now they weren't. These are people who have learned that what they thought was wrong, and grew from it. Or they're explaining how they came to believe what they did believe. These things can and should absolutely be included in discourse about those who aren't feminist. Who knows what would work better to change someone than someone who has changed?

:#marseytrollolol: :#marseytrollolol: :#marseytrollolol: :#marseytrollolol:

Reported by:

After a lovely chat with the well dressed gentlemen :marseyglow: surrounding my car, I have seen the error of my ways. :marseyglow:

The intelligence :marseynotesglow: community has our best interests at heart and are worthy :marseyglow: stewards of the world order. :marseyshutitdown:

Reported by:
YEEZY PORN IS CUMMING :marseyyeezus:

''Stellar blade is a meh game. It LOOKS good but plays crap.''

The review of IGN literally praised the gameplay lol

They don't even read anymore

7 out of 10 is C

This train enthusiast is spamming every gcj. Post with 3/10 meme because for the last two months they prayed for the game to suck ( literally cared about it as much as kiatards) and now xir is coping hard

  • Writer Tracie McMillan claims being white has benefited her by $371,934.30

  • She argues that her family was able to save money because of white privilege

  • Her claims are detailed in her new book

A Brooklyn-based journ*list calculated exactly how much racism and white privilege has financially benefited her down to the last cent - coming in at a whopping $371,000.

In her new book, 'The White Bonus: Five Families and the Cash Value of Racism,' author Tracie McMillan claims that being white has created a benefit worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

McMillan derived the number, in part, by tracing the amount of money she's received from her family over years, money she claims her family was able to save up over generations because of their whiteness.

Figuring largely into her final sum were educational loans that she received from her grandfather, totaling at $52,784.33.

McMillan, a graduate of NYU, where she studied political science, contends that her grandfather was able to give her this money because he had been able to accumulate wealth over years thanks to his whiteness.

She argues that her grandfather's wealth was rooted in benefits accrued from the GI Bill, a post-World War II piece of legislation that helped military veterans attend school and receive job training.

The Brooklyn-based writer argues that the GI Bill 'heavily favored whites,' and therefore benefited her grandfather at the expense of non-whites.

McMillan also received $40,384.72 as an inheritance from her grandfather, which, again, she contends was money that was owed to her grandfather's whiteness.

She also received $15,086.74 from her parents, which she referred to vaguely as a gift. McMillan, in a graphic posted on her website, fails to elaborate on why this 'gift from parents' was attributable to their whiteness.

The writer also cites 'avoiding foster care' as a consequence of her whiteness, which is an assertion that almost suggests that all non-whites are automatically in foster care.

She puts the value of avoiding foster care at $15,771.37.

But McMillan claims that the money she's received from her family is only one part of her 'white bonus.'

The NYU-graduate contends that her rent-stabilized apartment, has saved her $1,319.86 in costs due to discrimination that she never faced given the fact she is white.

Another white privilege was her 'job as a tutor with Maggie,' from which she claims she received $26,858.04 more than non-white tutors.

And McMillan also asserts that she's been spared $37,488.11 in credit discrimination when accessing credit.

Explaining her calculus to CNN, the Brooklyn Journ*list said: 'I calculate $146,000 from my family that probably they had because of racism.'

'I calculate $225,000 of money that I have had access to or equity I've gained probably because I was white. That's almost $400,000.'

Asked why she had written the book, McMillan said: 'I hope that readers who aren't White feel seen, too — that somebody out there who's White does see how this is happening.'

McMillan insists that her nearly $400,000 estimate only scratches the surface.

'All these are back of the envelope estimates. They are bare minimums.'

'The White Bonus,' McMillan's new book, focuses on how white privilege benefits the middle class because 'the middle class is really the fulcrum for White advantage in the US.'

In her book, McMillan lays out her argument that all white families in America have benefited because of their race,

'White people today do not understand — because this history has been hidden from them by previous generations — that somebody in their family got something because they were White.'

When McMillan announced her tour for her new book on, formerly Twitter, some commenters criticized the book's premise.

One user wrote: 'Maybe we should re-label white privilege to “white, upper middle class” privilege. Since a lot of us that grew up poor didn't have the “bonuses” you enjoyed.'

Another commenter asked: 'Will you be donating all the profits from this book to black causes?'

And one critic observed: 'Money from inheritance, parents paying for college and loan from grandparents isn't a white bonus. It's a upper-class bonus.'

They continued: 'Go interview lower-class and middle-class white people and ask about their college, inheritance and loans from grandparents.'

!chuds !foidmoment


Isaac, Houston, TX


  • 2022 - working as Sales Rep at a Tile store, making 3-4k a month while going to school full time

    • Left job to focus on classes because he was having issues
  • Doing UberEats/Doordash, also getting money from his father

    • "If I need some I'll ask and he might send it"

    • He stopped doing the gig stuff because he injured his knee timestamp

      • Can't do regular Uber because his car does not qualify

      • Has a 2012 Corolla - later clarifies that it's above the miles limit

      • "My knee hurts when I drive"

        • He drove 3 hours over to Caleb, driving 3 hours back later.

        • Something to his meniscus

  • Costco opening nextdoor - planning on getting a job there

  • Was a Solar Salesman at the beginning of this semester but the company closed down?


  • Studying Biotech (undergrad)

  • 4th year but with credits he is a junior, will be finishing in 5 years

    • Had some issues during COVID, didn't pass a lot of classes - trying to make up for that now
  • 2.0 GPA overall

    • "Yeah I just got to 2.0 last semester" :marseyspecial: timestamp
  • "Yeah I passed one class... in COVID" timestamp

  • Failed Intro to Biotechnology class :marseyemojirofl: timestamp

    • "I was passing that class up until the final"

    • Failed "Fundamentals of Chemistry"

  • "Why'd you pick this major" timestamp

    • He thought it sounded interesting

    • "So what's your career path"

      • "What do you mean my career path?" :marseybrainlet:
  • "A 2.0 is good though" :marseydespair: timestamp

  • He's taking 26 credits this semester :marseypikachu2:

    • "You can't do that"

      • "Can't do that at one college" :marseyretardchad:
    • "I've learned a few new techniques this semester so I'm dialed in" timestamp

      • 'Like what?"

        • "ummmmm"
      • He's just taking adderall :marseyemojirofl: l timestamp

  • Payments to "StudyPool" timestamp

    • Website where you "get help" on your assignments

    • "I would never cheat" - this site is definitely cheating :marseyxd:

    • Looks like it's a per assignment basis - lots of these :marseybigbrain:

    • $360 last month (allegedly splits with his friend)

  • NBS Facts timestamp

    • $30 payment, he says he doesn't know what that is


  • Put his all tuition on his credit cards timestamp

    • An Apple card specifically :marseyretard2:

    • "I haven't missed a payment" :marseywhirlyhat:

  • Spending a lot on eating out/misc bullshit

  • Self-rated a 5/10 in finances timestamp

  • Credit Card 1 ($14'715) timestamp

    • $548 minimum payment
  • Should he consolidate his debt timestamp

    • If he could actually control himself yes
  • Missed payment timestamp

    • He says he doesn't have any but there's $40 in late fees - he paid it a day late but confused this with the concept of a missed payment
  • Reasoning for putting tuition on the CC timestamp

    • thought his dad would help pay it off

    • Dad had purchased a house but needed help with the down-payment - $15'000

      • Father is letting him live there rent free and considers this repayment? Not sure if I followed this right
  • Coinbase and Robinhood timestamp

    • Invested in crypto?

    • Coinbase - $3'666 in 2021, down to $60 today

    • Robinhood - $6'006, down to $6?


  • Oracle ad placement

  • There's some sort of on-boarding video now timestamp

    • He didn't bother watching it :marseyxd:
  • Girlfriend gets time to talk timestamp

    • Didn't know how much debt he's in

    • "I think he's nervous he's not usually like this"

    • "He gets defensive when we argue so I think that's what he was doing with you"

    • Thinking about marrying him, wouldn't until he's out of debt

    • Guy's dad doesn't actually give him that much money

  • Guy applied to show through Insta


It's easy to dunk on @TuckerCarlson here :marseyagreesuperspeed: He is just simply wrong about Darwinism. But Tucker is a very smart, educated guy who ended up confused about evolution because our truth-seeking institutions have taken up lying full time—including the biologists, I'm ashamed to say.

We all believe nonsense, across multiple topics :marseyme: The Darwinian paradigm IS broken, having nothing to do with any error of Darwin's. But the real story is the Cartesian crisis we are clearly in across the board, and the dawning of this needless dark age. The alarm is going off, but instead of leaping out of bed, we're going to take the battery out of the smoke detector and go back to sleep. Shame on us.


What is he saying :marseyconfused: The libtards have ruined universities and science therefore it's understandable why this highly intelligent 55 year old man is r-slurred? Can't he read a book? :marseysmug2: :soyjakanimeglasses:

Soys discuss

The same few dozen grifters just perpetually circle jerk and gobble up each other's jizz on a daily basis, regardless of what their fellow griftee has said.


Am I just dumb or Bret Weinstein never writes clearly what he wants to say on Twitter? Like he's always writing criptic stuff and rarely stating something clearly, and never explaining himself

:marseyhesright: but I'm also dumb :marseygigaretard:

Sneed from the last few days about the evolution clip

Reported by:
New Toss - TikTok ban edition

Reported by:
Lol I pissed off the mentally ill foid with massive chin

I used to be pro fro Cho but after she pathetically threatened to sue @TheGrillcast and then had her mental breakdown to quit the site only to come back not even 1 day later it was time to block her.

Well turns out she probably found out today that I blocked her and she had another manic episode.

!jannies get rid of her on your jannie team she has no business being a jannie.. in fact not sure why she's not banned after she leaked peoples phone numbers and doxxed a few rdrama users

Library book sale haul for 16$ :platyrich: :marseyreading2: :marseychristchanreading:

!bookworms Also bought some books on ebay to fill gaps that werent there

Reported by:

The owner of 'Topsters #2', a site that allowed you to make collages of album covers you'd listened to or something, deleted the entire site and all user data earlier today with no warning, leaving only the above warning and a recommendation of some Gregorian chant. :carppolycarp: (official thread theme, find it from this link)

(At work right now so I can't listen to the specific piece he links, but as a bonafide lifelong Latin Mass attending church choir member who has sung and heard more Gregorian chant than most people can imagine, it sucks! Sacred polyphony blows it out of the water, but tradcath larpers are so infatuated with funny monk music and it pisses me off)

This has predictably pissed off the redditors of /r/Topster, a community of... people who make album cover collages? Whatever they do, they're mad they don't get to do it anymore, unless they use one of the other sites that do the exact same thing. (Why are there so many?)

Some choice links: :marseysoycry: The main thread, has some amusing seethe

i feel ya,,, had a whole "to listen to" list as well.... my buring of the library of alexandria This redditor was looking forward to making a list of their top 100 albums for their first 'transversary' but now they've lost all their data :marseyxd: reads like an rdrama baitpost

And the best part of all of this is that this isn't even the first time! This guy has shut down the entire website over his schizoposting before, so they can't even claim this was unexpected. Great write up on that incident by @MarseyIsMyWaifu here:, but that r-slur put it in the music hole so no one ever saw it.

he's so neurodivergent :marseylaying:

whatever you do, do NOT spread misinformation about Varg, it will make him VERY ANGERY 😾


There's like 20 30 posts and they're pretty funny

If you don't have twitter, idk what to tell you.

This fricking one lmao

so cursed :marseypuke:

Boykisser appearance


Him realising he had to keep that shit going for 4 more years

Canoemaxxed and paddlepilled

I'm in my watercrafting arc


Palestinian Relief Bundle - 373 items for $8 (36 comments, 58% updooted) I see several pro-trans games featured in this bundle, but I highly doubt that Palestine is pro-trans?


Whilst we (or I) can rightfully criticise Palestinian culture for being anti-trans, that doesn't mean they should be genocided.

Does it matter? Civilians in the middle of a warzone need aid. Once the conflict is over, we can have a conversation about deprogramming them from hateful religious mindset.

>When you tell chudoids that you can disagree with Muslims while not wanting Muslim children to starve to death and get bombed:

Also !g*mers apparently from the comments, all these games are absolute trash?

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