:marseypopcorntime: David Sacks vs Paul Graham slapfight continues. :marseypopcorntime:

bonus meymey for those who clicked:

Be gay do ... GDP

I love social science.

ELON MUSK Creates an Ad for Kamala

mfw they're trying to take down our KWEEN

im gonna do it

I am marking all of them read



It turns out that Krys Tyson may have been sexpesting for a good time already, and Mr Beast was already dealing with a "third-party investigator". Another interesting finding is that to employee Krys Tyson, one has to provide him with a sextoy a full-time executive assistant to handle his mental health fully.

Bard spotting on Bluesky 27 July 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

New 'toss (for dramafoids especially)
Gays are against Paris olympics
Jinxthinker's plan to own the coomers by posting coombait (but with black people)

the dejenerate podcast - how we fight n-zis 5:15

It's a short video plus it's all bangers, so I'm not clipping it. If you watch a single jinxthinker video this season, this is the one to watch.

  • He just completed phase 1 of the plan against p-dophiles, he used a throwaway to PM random people interracial porn

  • He was gatekept by a system that moderates what you can post on a new account on a 2nd website (I'm assuming he meant kiwi farms), but at least the jannies will see it and get heart attacks. Talks about another site being attacked.

  • Joker laugh 1:20

  • Calls for all his followers to join his righteous crusade

  • He's already been to heaven and knows how to attack p-dophiles 2:40

  • Pedos cowering, not knowing where he's going to attack next.

  • He will be making accounts, aging them, and building credibility by pretending to be right wing 4:00

  • He will be targeting, stallforum (?), and more anime forums. Cooming to own the coomers.

!jinxthinkers brat mode is out joker mode is IN IN IN (Trust the plan)

I asked null if there were any recent attacks of incoherent porn posts

capeshit writers coping

What the Sigma? : Teachers

Knock on wood, so far this year, I haven't heard a single Skibbity Potty or Alpha Male nonsense. Today, I had one of my less focused students start blurting out, "What the Sigma? What the Sigma? What. The. Sigma?" You know the behavior. Say something you heard on TikTok and then look to see who responds. Say it again, doing your absolute personal best to get attention. More effort than you've ever given a single assignment or locating a pencil of any functionality.

A couple of kids chuckle and look to me for a response, so I ask the kid, "What does that mean?" This, of course, is his cue to repeat it two more times.

I ask him again, what does the Greek letter Sigma mean to you in this context. Again, "What the Sigma?" as if he's owning the room.

Naturally, I Google that crap, to the utter astonishment of all the dingbats. Perhaps they believe I've never heard of the Interwebs.

According to all of the reliable sources (I found them on the Internet, so they must be correct), a Sigma is equal to an Alpha, but living away from the pack. I shared this with the class and then clarified with my student, "So, you're a Sigma, on par with the Alpha, right?"


"If you're the Sigma, you're basically a pack leader, like an Alpha, right? You're the boss. Everybody follows you. You are the best at everything and everybody knows it."

"Ummmmmmm...." A couple of "Ooooohs" from the peanut gallery tell me that the burn has landed. My A kids are having a nice chuckle at the moment.

"Now, dear children, let's all appreciate this moment of irony." At this point, I resumed my normal teaching activities, but a bit more dramatically than usual. We're in a wood shop, so most of this is monitoring traffic, giving safety reminders and generally saying things like, "Next you're going to the table saw," or, "Before you jump into that could you pick up those three things." We have a well-oiled machine and kids were quick to respond to my requests and move on with whatever they were doing.

The irony was entirely lost on my poor Sigma, but everybody else in the room understood that the hierarchy had been quietly affirmed.

:#marseyinvisible::#soyjakanimeglasses: :#!zoomertears:

:#soyjak: :#soyjakfat: :#!bigsmilesoyjak: :#!soyjakwow:

The king of hamsters :chadthankskingcapy:

It's @Aevann


A suspected p-dophile killed himself moments after he admitted to watching child pornography to a predator hunter outside his South Dakota home.

Donald Letcher, 60, described the graphic detail of the disturbing videos that featured children as young as infants to Predator Poachers founder Alex Rosen, according to footage shared by the "Breanna Morello Show" podcast.

Letcher described his atrocious viewing pleasures, which featured males holding down babies as they "ejaculated" on them.

After hearing enough evidence, Rosen called in a police officer and got Letcher to admit his heinous act to the cop.

As the officer called his supervisor, Letcher walked inside and a "pop" was heard.

The crew outside say they didn't think much of it because it "wasn't a loud shot," but it was later revealed that Letcher shot himself in the head with a .22 bullet.

"The cop breaks the door down and then one of my camera guys goes around the window and sees him (Letcher) on the ground with a hole in his head bleeding out of it," Rosen said.

Letcher was airlifted to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead, according to Rosen.

The p-dophile had reached out to Rosen's team, who were posing as a preteen girl, and asked for "nudes."

"This guy messaged us first in April, and all the messages he was pretty sexual, asking us for nudes thinking we were a 12-year-old girl," Rosen said.

The predator hunter said he had Letcher graphically describe the videos to ensure the creep admitted to the crimes for video evidence.

"When they describe basically everything they see, it leaves no doubt they're guilty of watching and possessing that stuff," he added.

Letcher reportedly molested a 9-year-old girl in 1996, a fact unknown to Rosen at the time of his conversation, but the case was overturned by the South Dakota Supreme Court.

"The justice system never held him accountable," Rosen said.

Letcher was also hit with DUI and hit-and-run charges after he ran over a 6-year-old girl in a "non-p-dophile" incident in 2022.

Alex Rosen was actually arrested and taken into custody over this. Here's the video of it:

Many are mad at Rosen over this, but he did nothing wrong. One less p-dophile in the world is certainly not a tragedy as far as I'm concerned. :marseywoodchipper2:

Ava Kris Tyson :marseybadass: has stepped away from 'all things MrBeast' amid transphobic attacks :marseyitsover:

!transphobes :marseyxd:

Reported by:

This article is r-slurred. Everybody could have already guessed this…except probably the antiwork r-slurs. I think it would be fun to mess with them. Either pretending that article is capitalist propaganda or posting that "maybe I was wrong about being anti work all along and I'm scared I'm going to hurt my children".

Reported by:
China is taking this event to seriously

It would been so hilarious if China won all the gold medals. It would been like normie kid beating all special need kids in running

Olympics in reality matters only to sports that nobody gives a frick about like for example all the cool basketball players are in NBA or even other clubs, same with soccer, weighters have their own stuff, fighters have pro fight where they earns way more money. So the novelty of Olympics doesn't exist anymore. Basketball olympics will be just Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant (neighborz) in Paris.

Merari owns the !transphobes

Say :marseyclapping2: it :marseyclapping2: louder :marseyclapping2: for :marseyclapping2: the :marseyclapping2: transphobes :marseyclapping2: at :marseyclapping2: the :marseyclapping2: back

Trans :marseyclapping2: women :marseyclapping2: are :marseyclapping2: biological :marseyclapping2: women

!cuteandinvalid !chasers


I was surprised by this myself because all the Asian women i had known previously had had small breasts, but when i met up with an online friend from China one day i was surprised that she actually had big honkers

I think it must have been because she was over 30. I have the suspicion that once an Asian woman reaches 30 she transitions from teen to MILF :marseymisatolewd2:


He can do it

Reported by:
who is this man

he inspires me

who inspires you rdrama

where has /h/fitness gone

Mr "Beast" :marseydevil: is cooked :marseyskull:

TLDR:- Mr Beast knew Kris was a p-dophile and covered it up

  • Mr beast videos are all faked for scripted outcomes

  • most contestants are employees or friends/family or large youtubers

  • Mr beast ran multiple live streams where he claimed random shirts bought during the stream would receive prizes (basically counting as an illegal lottery targeting kids)

  • Mr Beast's "autographed" merch has been caught being autographed by his team members forging signatures on video

  • Mr Beast always acts like in his videos his fans and monetary supporters will be able to win random rewards and he is always loosing money with his generous giveaways basically training kids to consume in hopes of winning a tesla

Ive alays thought mr 661 was a bad influence on kids. I dont think this kind of mind rot editing, money obsessed content is healthy especially in how he lies about real it is when its blatantly faker then any traditional game show which has actual regulations on it. My big red flag came a while back when he claimed he actually made very little money on videos since he was always rolling over profits into new videos which seemed like such a massive lie like yeah dude you totally arent rich and are giving all the money to your fans its not like you own a whole butt town.

My ultimate psychoanaylsis is that like most kids content Mr mark of the beast tries to act very childish and that his bussiness is run by kids (hehe our accoutning nerds are telling me to stop making such crazy challanges since we loose all our profits) its how like Marvel comics used to operate in 60s where Stan lee would act like the whole thing was this crazy spontaneous bullpin of wackiness with merch deals so good his finance people tried to kill him! The difference is unlike a lot of other kid facing preformers who know how to act like a "big kid" and appeal to children Mr Breast has no charsima so the only way he can keep a child's attention span is via lots and lots of money.

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