:drafts: Im worried that my type is my brother : rs_x :marseypoggers: :marseytrad: :!marseyspit:


/u/MaintenanceEqual4086 Queen we need you to join rDrama ASAP


She also made this post to !redscarepod a year ago

Is it possible to be a female autogynephilie?

I really like looking at my body in the mirror. I know that I objectively have a good body and I like this. I'm basically attracted to my own body. When I masturbate I think about myself masturbating. It seems like many other women don't also think this.

Female to female AGP? :marseypikachu2:

And this 2 weeks ago

Is female perversion possible?

I am currently taking an Introduction to Lacan course. In our reading, the author says that perverts are almost always men :marseyhesright: and that female masochism is a male fantasy. They didn't go any further than merely clarifying why they will use male pronouns in the chapter. Could anyone explain this idea further or point me in the direction of further reading?



[๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] Are there any pro-Trump businesses in Naperville?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

JB is that you? (-91)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜

The people who think & talk about Trump the most are his haters. And that makes his supporters very, very happy. Nothing you do matters or will change anything (-56)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Jesus Christ are you kidding me? Get an actually life and stop being a child (-57)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

You're equating slavery to supporting a political candidate which is pretty disgusting.Btw many people supported the candidate because of terrible leadership failures on the left. Trump is a byproduct of bad policies all around. Nobody would have considered him if the left hadn't failed so epically. Don't get me wrong, Trump is a narcissistic idiot but the left failed us in more ways than one. (-8)

Actually, just no.Trump is not the result of failings on "the left". Trump is the natural end of the trend in the Republican party that has been happening since Reagan. The pattern has been consistent. Reagan, Bush, Bush, and Trump have made terrible domestic and foreign policy decisions that have royally screwed us over. Each worst than the last. Democratic presidents have not been perfect, but they have been doing their best to pick up the pieces of inherited disasters, and then they get blamed for the fallout of decisions their Republican predecessors made that were not easily fixable. Clinton was the only President in the past four decades to balance the budget and start to decrease the nation debt which skyrocketed under Reagan. Obama was left with remnants of a phony war that W started. People like to blame Obama for increasing debt, but a lot of the increase in his years in office was consequence of things he couldn't control. People blame Biden for inflation that is a direct... (20)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Mmm sounds like you're uneducated on Donald Trump being a racist. Let me educate youโ€ฆ.Trump invited leaders of the HBCUs to the White House in his first term, proceeded to help get them more funding. The Platinum plan was drawn up to create safer urban neighborhoods with the highest policing standards. Introduced new criminal justice reform most of which greatly affected the black communityโ€ฆ.all of this comes at a time when the Left is telling you he's racist, but Americans that have interacted with Trump tell you he is one of the most genuine humans in the world. Which is shown by his Numerous Humanitarian awards/nominations. (0)

Assuming he isn't racist, who cares? What I can't stand about the man is that he is weak as a human and he misuses his power for stupid stuff. I am a Republican but I walked away from Trump when I heard him badmouth John McCain's POW statusโ€ฆthis tough talk from the coward who failed to serve in the same war. Taking away security details for his enemies is petty and immature (MAGA morons wont care to admit it but Biden reauthorized those security detailsโ€ฆthat is how a real man behavesโ€ฆyou rise above the petty crap).Like Trump MAGA losers are all tough at the keyboard but everyone I have met IRL can't even look me in the eye when I ask challenging questions, like the McCain scenarioโ€ฆone guy, a vet, denied it happened then when I showed him the clip he made some lame claim about editing or whatever.I heard the quote as it aired in real time. Trump is a coward.Character counts. (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Yeah, frick freedom of speech!! (-12)

"oh no, I have to care about other people to be accepted by society"!!!!!!!!!!!! If you sit there and spew hatred and then people genuinely don't like you as a person, then people DONT want to hear you, be around you, or spend time with you dude. That's just reality and basic human relationships. If you cannot reconcile that concept, consider thinking that if you are not capable of considering the other person when you interact with them, you're probably stuck on caveman shit. Genuinely - if you are an unkind butthole in this current society - people don't want to spend time with you. That's the end of it. They don't want to hear from you because you think LESS of real human beings. Because you think that poor people don't deserve the same respect and dignity as other human beings. Because you are willing to condemn innocent people to death because of their religion, race, sexuality, or otherwise. That is NOT the human connection or intended experience. "Do no harm" commit no evils, ... (3)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/JokeMaster420

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Hexbears won the auction :marseyitsover: :marseybearmerchant:
Republicans move to create millions of new voters


chuds btfo
this is cirno
Reported by:
  • kaamrev : degeneracy
  • BWC : GuroBIPOCs deserve the rope


Reported by:
The hate that Starfield got was completely unfair and inorganic

At launch, Starfield was celebrated but it didn't take long before a hate campaign began against it and people started posting tons of negative reviews of the game. They complained about ridiculous things like the lack of vehicles (plenty of games don't have vehicles), and the lack of things to do (this is false, there is plenty to do).

The truth is that people had unrealistic standards. They wanted 1000 individually crafted planets and when they realised they were procedurally generated, people lost their shit without realising what an immense undertaking they were asking for. Starfield manages to provide a good variety of games and exploration always rewards you with amazing sights and plenty of opportunities to take photos. At the end of the day, Starfield provides more content than 99% of games out there. It is better than No Man's Sky @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS. How you can you visit places like Neon and Akila and complain that the game is empty? There are so many settlements with an incomprehensible amount of content. There is also a host of lifeforms to discover and they all behave differently, making it exciting to explore the wild parts of planets.

People complain that many of the missions are fetch quests, but they fail to understand that much of the fun of the game comes from the journey. Traveling to different places, speaking to different characters and discovering new things is exciting, and fetch quests expose you to new content.

What I find strange is that people complain about the writing and the story. This is the best writing in a game recent. It's so fun talking to different characters because they all feel so different and they have varied motivations. I can't wait to meet new characters and it's exciting to pick what I'm going to say to them. I enjoy the persuasion situations where you have to pick the right thing to say to convince a character to do something. These are high stakes situations and I don't save scum so I deal with the consequences of my actions.

I will admit that the game is not perfect and there are some flaws. For example, there are a lot of loading screens. Secondly, 60fps mode isn't particularly stable. However, none of these shortcomings tarnish the game in a major way. Furthermore, Bethesda has listened to fans and updated the game to give players plenty of the features they have been asking for, making the game even better than it was at launch. That is a beautiful thing to do, and not many developers would do that. Thank you Todd Howard.

The hate campaign against Starfield was started by CHUDS who were mad that there weren't many conventionally attractive women in the game. You could see it on /v/, and it eventually spread to Reddit where chuds latched onto the narrative.



Of course, this discourse spread to Steam where a bunch of reviews started complaining about ugly NPCs. You can tell its chuds writing these because they use terms like "woke".



From here, it became easy to just call the whole game "woke" and the kinds of criticisms that came from this were ridiculous. People were mad that you could choose they/them pronouns!



So with all this needless hate gathering around Starfield, it became a hot topic in the culture wars which led to the torrent of bad reviews. That is why there is a negative perception of the game. However, for those of us who know what the game is trying to be and are playing it with a pure heart, we recognise that Bethesda has bestowed a masterpiece upon us. This is a beautiful game with so many twists and turns. It's innovative, unorthodox, yet so effortlessly fun.

I'm feeling quite sad right now because @ToeBeans ignored me cruelly and I don't know what I did to her to deserve this treatment. However, I'm about to play Starfield and it's going to make me feel much better. I might not have true friends online, but when I'm playing Starfield, Sarah Morgan and Sam Coe are my best buddies and they'll never desert me. Here are some of my favorite screenshots from the game. Looking at them helps me feel better.



literally me (I am the main character)

@BWC !alligatorfrickhouse


Foids owned



Chad finds a workaround to high drink prices


>be Jared

>Show up

>Get daydrunk on Founders All Day IPAs

>Piss everywhere in the men's room


>Drunk drive a stolen Kia with no plates and 17 parking tickets on the windshield

>Sideswipe a Waymo

Just another day in Ancap Paradise

WHITEY BAD PLEASE FRICK MY WIFE :marseysoylentgrintalking: :soyjakwowtalking: :soysnootalking: :soyreddittalking: :soyjakyelltalking: :marseycucktalking:


!chuds !nonchuds genuinely what prompts even the most lefty leftoid to say shit like this.

Swipe right on life

recently I read a whore justify herself with evolution, and learned that the peepee displaces other men's c*m because we're born for free love. We're whores at heart, every womyn was a frick machine until fundies put us everywhere in chains.

This is based on a few studies, here's one

Results obtained by modifying an artificial peepee suggest that the coronal ridge is an important morphological feature mediating semen displacement...


basically they made fleshlights and tested how well the plastic peepee removed semen from the tube. that's the kind of hands-on science we know and love :marseyclapping: :sciencejak:

but think about it, does semen really stay in there long enough that "displacing" after has a huge advantage? Certainly it's useful, but how much? insemination happens pretty quickly so the lingering sperm probably isn't going to inseminate her if the ejaculation didn't. And even then the rest is fully removed in five days. So either everyone was having Aella gangbangs, the returns are diminishing, or perhaps there's an alternative explanation.

The ones I found were "Structural Integrity" and "Pleiotropy" but those are anti-climactic

With the help of my friends, I've erected a fourth, and final, theory.

The blood plunger


BLOOD is a bigger barrier to insemination than sperm I think. Since we've not always had lovey-dovey foreplay for some enjoyable, LUBRICATED s*x, I imagine vaginal trauma was more common. I.e. :rape:

After all, what big "sexual ingredient" isn't necessary at all for impregnation?

That's right, the female orgasm.


Now look, I'm not exactly happy with this conclusion, I'm not an incel I have female friends, r*pe is bad.

But I do believe I'm onto something here for a PURELY MECHANICAL QUESTION without any ethical extensions.

A question posed and answered in the spirit of Die frรถhliche Wissenschaft


In short, the blood produced during s*x would prevent or severely inhibit insemination, and the peepee plunges it out.

Have I convinced you?

Now I'm not a scientist, but I do know the contact information for the real scientists who've published the original studies, and I drafted the following:


I honestly just want to bounce this idea off you guys and get some help with the draft. how well would an academic receive this

Women are evil
After elon daddy is done ignoring his child dying from aids he is gonna execute me with his police force :marseydance:
:marseyhatium: Shia LaBeouf Hate Thread

Couldn't tell you who he is, what he's been in, or if he's a good actor.

I just hate that stupid girly name.

UK Users: Lobsters needs your help with the Online Safety Act

!britbongs get your VPNs ready for when Aevann cucks out too

Orange Site thread

Reported by:
  • prez : ban this bafoon
Marvel Snap banned due to links to TikTok, Capeshit enjoyers on suicide watch

The subreddit is up in arms, many people are asking for refunds, or hysterical that their microtransactions can no longer be accessed


Reported by:
Destiny bros, we got some good drama coming. Police report filed over sharing n00ds of clout chasing hoes.


Maro's final word on DEI in Magic


Right, there's nothing productive to be had in terms of discussion here, and I don't think you guys even care at this point either to try.

Call it whatever stupid buzzword you want - Woke, DEI, PC, SJW, or whatever dumb term people come up with next week. I don't care. The term means, always has meant, and always WILL mean "Not being an butthole to someone because they're different to you."

Don't pretend that the old stories were fine just having black or gay people - Because buttholes complained about that then, just like you are complaining about it now. The reality is, people who are not the same skin colour, sexual orientation, gender, lifestyle, size, physical ability, etc etc, than you, Exist. They always have, and always will.

Culture including people with different characteristics to you IS NOT A SLIGHT. They are not doing it to offend you, or to "gaslamp you" or whatever nonsense the Anti Woke Brigade has come up with this week. These characters are being created so that the real human beings who have those differences, have someone to look at and go "Hey this guy's like me!" That's it. That's the whole thing. It's just about making everybody feel welcome.

If you want to complain about this, I encourage you to send us a modmail. But this thread is locked, and you know darn well why.

:#marseyjanny: :#marseyjanny2: :#pepejannie: :#marseyjannysuspicious:

Reported by:
:marseydrinking: Uh oh guys marsey's drinking again, just be cool :marseydrinking:

They've told me the same story three times this night already yeesh!

/r/Futurology Has a Totally Normal Reaction to Current Year :soycry:


We thought the world would always get better. That we would achieve greater levels of well-being and happiness, and that it was natural for children to be better off than their parents. But after decades of progress, we are facing times of great uncertainty: it is difficult to imagine a future in a context of wars, populism and natural disasters. What is progress today? Is it still possible?


This is nothing new , all this is mostly related to the economics of the situation, and late stage capitalism,which Marx pointed out would happen over a 170 years ago .

It takes one comment in to the top thread to mention Marx. :marseylaugh:

Is it really half baked, the dude in the 1850s basically said the endpoint of capitalism is the consolidation of wealth into fewer and fewer, tell me that's not happening.... Of course Marx didn't get all the shit right, and communism is a failed ideology but youdont throw all the ideas ๐Ÿ’ก out just because some of them are flawed


Gotta wonder at what point people will genuinely start to rise up and rebel against it. Far more likely to happen in freer countries than the US, like in Europe.


The British film and TV industries used to be a powerhouse of quality entertainment on a shoestring budget, long since drowned under a tidal wave of average-at-best American music, films and TV. Don't get me wrong, some American stuff is brilliant, but broadly speaking if it's badly made, badly written, badly acted and the audience already knows what will happen all the way through, it's American.


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