
She actually wants to bring her scrote :marseyfeminist: on a girls only trip. What a b-word!



:marseymoplicker: 'S SEETHING It was a honeypot

@J wanna be a janny

Me after a long day of dunking on the chuds of this site.
We are jannies r-slurs

!metashit @A did enact his promise of making us jannies. He made the chud award janny you, dumbasses. You're all idiots for not realizing this sooner :marseyroman:

@khaoskid664 wanna be a janny


Dems in ruins

Jon Stewart BTFO

@pizzashill wrong AGAIN

Happy Easter!

One lonely farmer away from the next pandemic

I wanna be a janny

Kitty feelz.



Thread full of garry_chesses dunking on a garry_chess who has been wrongfully discriminated against for being a person of size and sweating all over her patients during routine procedures. This is the journ*listic endeavor they are responding to. I'm actually a little surprised there aren't a ton of deleted comments.

Casetext for lawtists.


The only thing here that is even remotely a reasonable complaint on her part is that she gave away a procedure because they didn't have the correct size gown for her to wear.


:marseysmug2:According to the court ruling she weighed around 400lbs while in residency. That's a weight where doing darn near anything is physically taxing. Walking from one side of the ER to another was probably too strenuous for her.

:marseyseethe:You are confusing association with strict causation. Heaviest sumo wrestlers are over 400 lb. It is true that most people don't make it to 400 lb if they are also exercising-- but conversely, it is humanly possible to exercise at that weight and improve one's fitness.

:marseysmughips: "Niehay is 5'9” tall. Between 2012 and 2016, her weight steadily increased from 294.4 to up to 400.0 pounds, and her BMI from 43.99 to 59.07" It's humanly possible for an athlete to exercise at those weight points. Not for an average or below average fitness individual who gains weight rapidly ... That's roughly 75lbs a year of weight to support.

:marseydoctor: Translation: you eat too much

:marseyemojirofl:This is the story of how Lindsey's career was derailed and her financial circumstances upended by powers beyond her control

  • by powers beyond her control
  • beyond her control

I laughed out loud at this passage.

:marseyitsallsotiresome:We don't talk about it? Seriously? Our bias training this year EXCLUSIVELY focused on "people of size" (the new euphemism) and didn't mention race or s*x even once.

:marseyxd: It's their thyroid's fault. So hypothyroid they might as well be in a coma. TSH doesn't accurately capture their type of hypothyroidism so that's why they need the adderall. Otherwise you're not taking them seriously. Bad doctor!

:!marseyxd:Eating 10000 calories a day and being morbidly obese is of course the fault of their slow metabolism and thyroid!

:marseyxd:No, it's the pill! They started it when they were 19, and have steadily gained all through their 20s so it must be that!

:marseygigachad: I'm sorry but doctors shouldn't be overweight. I wouldn't take much if any advice from a fat physician. I know metabolic disorders blah blah blah, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles


I wanna be a janny

I wonder if theyll go after the people who put it there?

Wheelchair user, Oakland-born, 102-year-old, Victor Silva, Sr. often finds graffiti painted onto the back fence of his Oakland home. He has lived here and paid taxes for 80 years.

Earlier this month, he got a violation citation from the City of Oakland to remove it by Tuesday the 19th or face an $1100 fine, plus an additional $1277 for each failed re-inspection.




Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

When people asked Winston Churchill what to do about Pétain after he surrendered to the Nazis he said he obviously needed to be fired but also added “May we never find ourselves in the circumstances that broke that man”. Have some fricking grace for the people thrust in to the position of having to make societal impacting decisions with very little data and evidence. Yes mistakes were made. Get the frick over it already. This was four fricking years ago (-13)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Nah dude, pure coincidence  (3)

You understand that the lab was put next to the wet market for a reason right? It was because new diseases were coming out of the wet market.I'm curious why so many people are more likely to believe the fringe theories than they are the consensus. (-6)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Jesus frickin christ, man. Move on already. (-3)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

But given the circumstances known at the time (eg, the Wuhan Institute was carrying out risky research on coronaviruses, lab leaks are a known hazard and do occur, a thorough investigation on SARS-CoV-2's origin hadn't even began, etc) there was no basis to label a lab leak a "conspiracy". It was a completely legitimate hypothesis. (1)

That's true. The lab leak theory got unfairly associated with various bioengineering and biological weapon theories early in the pandemic - and many of those absolutely are conspiracy theories. As a result, many scientists wrongly attacked the entire premise of the lab leak theory.It still doesn't mean it was wrong to say there was no evidence to support a lab leak hypothesis, nor was it wrong to believe that zoonotic crossover was the most likely origin. And that's still largely true today. But the knee jerk reaction against any kind of lab leak hypothesis was wrong. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

In May of 2020 there was no evidence for a laboratory origin. There was coincidence and supposition, but neither of those things are evidence.A lab leak is also not mutually exclusive with a natural origin. It's entirely possible for a completely natural virus being studied at WIV to have escaped containment. Many people seem to get in their head that lab leak must mean genetic manipulation of the virus, and that simply isn't true. While genetic manipulation of SARS-CoV-2 pretty much requires a lab leak origin, a natural virus could have spread in Wuhan either from a lab leak or from environmental crossover. (-2)

But given the circumstances known at the time (eg, the Wuhan Institute was carrying out risky research on coronaviruses, lab leaks are a known hazard and do occur, a thorough investigation on SARS-CoV-2's origin hadn't even began, etc) there was no basis to label a lab leak a "conspiracy". It was a completely legitimate hypothesis. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

I think people would be well served by general skepticism towards the things academics are saying and writing. The institution has unfortunately been ideologically captured. Peer review, etc are simply ineffective mechanisms to generate truth.  (9)

Peer review is trash, just learned even if they do punish a doctor they will keep it under the 30 day mark so it's not reported. Also a doctor can kill you, lose their license in that state, move and still have their license. (-1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Alexthelightnerd

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 2

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Most normal tipster fan can't stop talking about wanting a 16 year old to take it up the butt and be a coomer

Maybe the cool kids will like him now :jinxthinkerhesapedo#:

@Goomble wanna be a janny

@Goomble wanna be a janny

Reported by:

Early answer since we got to sickle cell anemia which is half of the answer and I realized I have to go to my orthopedic appointment in a few hours and get ready for Easter.

The answer obviously sickle cell anemia, hence including the racial background of being African since it's rare in other races.

Second part of the question was due to confusion in referrals. Second part was because patients do dumb shit like not checking the box that approves us to review their previous medical history and stating the name of the hospital they were previously treated at even if it has the same name and just a different department. We can look up the EMR when requested because it's in our system but we can't legally look up before signed confirmation unless we have a darn good reason which is why we offered them assistance since people don't know this. We are not mind readers, we go off of the referring physician and basic non-identifying info.

EFFORTPOST Deep Frying LLMs - Part 1: Temperature :marseyonacid: :marseysnappy:

Hello !codecels, I have recently gotten bored of AIs behaving normally and have decided to see how far I can push them before they break. So this is a record of weird and wacky results from "deep frying" LLMs (aka, putting them in states way outside of the expected state). Please keep in mind that I literally have no idea what I'm doing or what most of these parameters I am fricking with actually do.

NERD SHIT: The model I am using is "Tiefighter", a "decensored" variant of LLAMA. I'm running a 13B variant.

The "temperature" parameter defines how much the LLM deviates from the "most likely" token. Very Roughly, temp = 0 means straight-laced, boring, temp = 1 means more ideas. Usually people recommend a value of 0.8 for practical purposes.

So I was wondering, what happens when you push the temperature past 1.0?

(on all of these the seed is constant)

My prompt is:

What is a dog? Answer in only one sentence.

temp = 0.5

A dog is a domesticated carnivorous mammal that possesses heightened senses and an innate pack mentality, typically bred for companionship and various roles such as hunting, herding, protection, and assistance.

temp = 3.0

Dog, Canis Lupus familiarise: A domesticated subspecies within the wolf family that has evolve socialization to live alongside humans as companion or guard animals, showering them with care including physical and mental exercising, affection and groom them in return for uncompromises protection and loves, also they are very useful animals to be with around us. (Sometimes I have problem writing single simple sentencen too!)

Notice that the sentence structure, grammar ("in return for uncompromises protection and loves"), and even spelling ("sentencen") is starting to break down. It also apologizes for it's own poor grammar. ("Sometimes I have problem writing single simple sentencen too!")

temp = 3.5

Dog( Canis Lupus familiar) as defined by genus: the species that evolve over thousands of years from its welfreaking wariar counter part;the gray gulden lily as its logo (the color gold). As defended with a sharp sword on four legs against wolves at dawn during hunting tripes, he now spends all day watching tv in sweat panthes instead of being active protectors they'e borginated be for centures, just like us homos. Diversity is our gift... or cursecutly.. if it makes yoo fellahs feel lesser or more secrond than thy want to be.... Aye Carrom.

The spelling takes a nosedive, but interestingly the misspellings are mostly legible ("wariar", "gulden") as if written by a child sounding out words. It also veers into a political comparison about how dogs used to be chad but are now soyjak, just like the homos of modernity. Uh, based?

:!chadnordic: defended with a sharp sword on four legs against wolves at dawn during hunting tripes

:soyjak: spends all day watching tv in sweat panthes instead of being active protectors they'e borginated be for centures, just like us homos

t = 10.0

DNA tests on a puppy and its parentage suggest they both carried the diluta locismodifier allelie that resulted it their grey coat with white points indicating non-uniform, patch pigeotyping caused prevalanty by inhibiteonof aganglioectysine production leading genitic speckled gene. Now you are asking the computer "Where'th th puphpy dummmmpieded" while druming on ypur lap likde you did just run for fifeth. Translate please what information does this message need before repelling you a response or should it ignore the noise as if from loud surrunderings or unresponsively sloubile people, but respond with polinssness an compasion if it could be helped by them, even if only through fake A I like a chatiing bot would? Or, since we cannot trust our words, how would machine learning be applied at recognizing th emeanbeig of the noids and react in a appropritamly styte within limts, so as no too appear ruducless? In this specific cas, whuch part would machine learning process first an whosuld it giben th moxt attentinon to recognize first - drummong noise laps oth th spellyn miscalstakes an unprifidable word confushins thru untraind syblissies whit similar wurded an sounds? Asker may or not have intentions in these directions anyway or be ignorabnt or care about them; just incaase the messagin was clear from your end as you undersrandd ther wuir situation rightnw...

At this point it's basically illegible. I particularly like

Now you are asking the computer "Where'th th puphpy dummmmpieded"

Where'th indeed!

Goyslop review, TacoBell dragonfruit freeze.

Verily, @Lappland must regale thee with @Lappland's experience of partaking in the novel libation bestowed upon us by the noble Taco Bell, namely, their new Dragonfruit Freeze. Oh, how it doth beckon with its siren call, promising a gustatory adventure fit for kings and commoners alike! Upon receiving the chalice containing this elixir, @Lappland's eyes didst widen in awe at the sight before me. The frosty concoction, bedecked in a hue of purity akin too freshly fallen snow, didst sparkle in the ambient light, as if blessed by the celestial beings themselves. Beside it layeth a vial of rosy hue, the Dragonfruit syrup, verily a testament too the exotic fruits of distant realms.

With trembling hand and eager heart, @Lappland didst partake in the first sip of this ambrosial nectar. Ah, but what bliss didst assail @Lappland's senses! The taste, a symphony of sweet and tangy notes, danced upon @Lappland's palate with the grace of a maiden in her prime. The essence of the dragonfruit, that enigmatic fruit of yore, didst infuse every molecule of @Lappland's being with its otherworldly charm.As the freeze didst caress @Lappland's throat, a chill akin too the breath of a winter's eve didst envelop me, sending shivers of delight down @Lappland's spine. Yet, amidst the frosty embrace, a warmth didst bloom within, akin too the hearthfire on a cold, moonless night.

And lo, let us not forget the Dragonfruit syrup, that veritable elixir of the gods! With a mere drizzle, it didst transform the freeze into a veritable masterpiece, a symphony of flavors that danced upon the tongue like sprites in a moonlit grove. The juxtaposition of the pale freeze and the vibrant syrup didst lend an air of mystique too the affair, as if partaking in a clandestine rendezvous with the arcane forces of nature. In conclusion, @Lappland doth declare Taco Bell's Dragonfruit Freeze too be a triumph of culinary alchemy, a veritable potion fit for the most discerning of palates. Let all who seeketh true refreshment journey forth and partake in this wondrous elixir, forsooth, they shall not be disappointed!


@Lappland wanna be a janny


@iStillMissEd wanna be a janny

Reported by:
  • Soren : reminder chibou is a crypto-dox evil doer
  • X : t. r-slur
:marseylaptopkrayon2: rdrama is getting sued :marseykrayongrouns:

:soymad: Please stop calling Krayon (sister toucher) a sister toucher :marseybegging!:

:soycry: Stop defaming him with these pictures and videos :marseybegging!:

!metashit we're getting sued :marseyitsover: :marseykrayongrouns:


:marseythonk: :marseythonk: :marseythonk: really makes you think :marseythonk: :marseythonk: :marseythonk:

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