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  • whyareyou : Love means mutilate and sterilize children FYI
Please remember to be kind IRL to LGBT this pride month. People might be struggling: being a chud online is fine. Jesus wants you to love and be nice.

Please remember to be kind IRL to LGBT this pride month. People might be struggling: being a chud online is fine. Jesus wants you to love and be nice.

Euro 2024 Live Match Thread - Italy vs Albania



Bro thinks hes him

Taking bets on my most used words

4chan's reddit colony discuses the Boys
Jimmy Carter is living the dream

God I wish that were me :marseysleep#:

"anorexia" recovery destroyed my body. My life is finished.

Hello :)

I'm not new to EDSF - for years, I have viewed the site, reading posts for advice and support - but I have never posted. To be honest, sharing my ED journey is embarrassing.

I live in England, in the countryside, with my mum and dad. Before I struggled with my mental health, I was a high-achiever and a perfectionist. I attended a selective all-girls school, played musical instruments, acted, participated in orchestras, volunteered and was in the top team for every sport. I worked 24/7; education was my life. I had ambitions and aspirations. I was determined and resilient to reach them. Typical story - a perfectionist struggles with mental health… My life began to fall apart in 2021. First, I developed anxiety, then, OCD and depression and lastly, my ED.

I have Binge Eating Disorder. I will not lie, writing that is humiliating and mortifying. I am so ashamed. Pre-ED, I was naturally underweight and had no interest in food - I ate healthily, skipped meals and hated junk food. In 2022, I had urges to eat food I did not want, then eating when I was anxious/stressed/depressed became a habit. The binges started small and grew. I gained a lot of weight and felt suicidal because of my body. I began therapy to recover from Binge Eating Disorder. I learnt to control myself around food 60% of the time, the other 40%, I binged. Thankfully, I over-exercised, so I managed to lose weight. I was proud of my body and the happiest I'd ever been in my life. I was confident, determined and 1000x better than the ‘normal' me. Then, my life began to fall apart again. Long-story-short, I was incorrectly diagnosed with Anorexia (I binged weekly on 10,000+ calories and had binge urges everyday) and forced into recovery. A lot happened. It was traumatic and the medical professionals and CAMHS were AWFUL. They made me gain weight without providing any therapy or even advice/support. CAMHS think eating disorders are weight disorders and do not care about what you are struggling with mentally. They encouraged me to binge (I had BED!) and told me to eat junk food. I lost my willpower and control over food that I had learnt in BED therapy, I lost my motivation and I began binging more. Now, I binge every single day, all day. I do nothing else. I have at least 5,000 calories each day, up to 25,000. I have gained 5st in less than 3 months. I can't exercise, I can barely walk up the stairs, my mum helps me to shower, I look disgusting and unrecognisable, I'm uncomfortable 24/7 and I pray each night that I won't wake up the next day. I attempted suicide because I hate this body. My body is ruined - my teeth, hair, skin etc, everything is ruined. I'm having private therapy to help my Binge Eating Disorder but it's not working. Anorexia recovery and all the people who forced me to gain weight have destroyed my willpower/determination and now, I have zero control over food.

I want my body back. I wish I had hidden my weight from everyone or faked weight gain and recovery. Now, I'm just waiting for my life to end.


I saw a study that claimed almost 55% of Australians dislike the us and only 15% support them. I was wondering if this was true and if so is there any particular reason why?

Asking redditors how they feel about the US? :marseylaying:

I'm not mad at the US, I'm just disappointed


You sound like one of the reasons we don't really like the USA. Don't take this the wrong way, it's not like we really care, but you sound like an idiot to anyone in a first world country.


The entire globe thinks the U.S. is a joke. Because it is. I live in Colorado at the moment and laugh my butt off at the stupidity of this country every day


Guns. And the total chaos that is Trump. We can't seem to understand how millions can believe the crap that he says and not see what a terrible,lying, hypocrite he is. It is like the world is watching on in disbelief at a country that was once so respected, and then to allow one clown to ruin hundreds of years of an envied global reputation.


Trump is absolutely new to American politics. Off the top of my head, he's the first criminal president. He absolutely doesn't represent conservative politics as they were understood even 20 years ago. What are you on about? You don't even understand your own country.

America has NEVER had a populist president before :soysnoo5:

Comment chains are good and you should go and read some

Saw a hedgehog in my garden today

Don't know what to do with hedgehogs, so I left him a piece of sausage near the burrow. Now, half a day later, it is gone


42 year old :marseychud: white male shoots up waterpark in the same county as the HS shooting a few years ago where the parents got time.

Sneedman house dox
I hate-buy these specific energy drinks

I was trailing through my local grocery store ehen i saw someone standing nesr the enrgy drink aisle. She was super nice to me as she told me the specific energu drink she buys is out of ztock.

I genuinely needed a freind and thought the niceness ajd generosity with words was her way of saying i could be your friend.

I saw her next time in a differnt location and gave her my email, since sharing a number or facebook/instagram kwhich i dont use) could be risky as she may thinjk im some sort of hooting hollering guy looking at her as prize money.

She never got back to me after thinkin i was tryinng to get with her, when in reality i just wanted a friend as aoft spoken as her.

I can def see why someone doesnt always accept strangers friendship because she could be thinking i want to stalk her or some illegal shhh.

Anyways sorey for this post but its drama in my life.

Interesting think like a doctor case. Pretty old case so we're going to be playing ‘what assumptions are made?'

Father murders the mother in front of a 7 y/o girl and then commits suicide. I'll be pretty easy on this one since the gravity of the situation. What was my immediate thoughts? No ‘thats fricked' doesn't count but was a thought.


Today I saw very fat pretty young woman, morbidly obese. It was at the grocery store. And her bag was full of healthy stuff, like vegetables, fruits, dark bread, zero coke, only thing I could stick to was processed sausages. And I wonder why people make those pathetic New Year's resolutions.. It never works... Better follow your intuition.

Did she tell you she's buying healthy stuff because of a ""New Year""-thing? :soycry:

Or did you just asume that cause she's fat.

the second one :gigachadqueen:

Seriously not cool.

Mind your own business.

She's trying to better herself.

Your judgement shows what kind of person you are. :soycry:

I always go with “You never know what someones going through.” And mind my own business.

But you do you I guess, just maybe keep some thoughts to yourself next time. Or think before you hit the post button.

Media lurks for life kids, just remember. And anyone from anywhere can access that. :soycry:

maybe I will got arrested though this discusion 🥟 :gigachadqueen:

Oh get over yourself. You don't know anything about a literal stranger who's buying produce at a grocery store. Don't you know what they say about assuming? Except in this case the only person you're making an butt out of is yourself. Remember that there are heavier people on EDS too. This is meant to be a supportive community. We're not skinnygossip or lolcows :soycry:

Is it maybe a jealous or scared kind of thing, Lena?

I saw your other thread about feeling better than other people, when you're buying healthier food than they are at the grocery store. :marseytrad:

I think Lena got arrested. :marseytrad:

just a psa that health exists at every size; the size of one's body is not an accurate indication of their health !! :marseyfoidretard:

I feel bad for OP because it's clear they have a lot of judgement built up inside of them, whether it be from the stress of an ed or the standards they force upon themselves. I mean there's a possibility that this is just their personality but I feel like the ed is really getting to them... :soyjakanimeglasses:

Poor OP! I know it was a mean thought, but we all have those. I'd never say anything mean to someone for being fat, but God knows I think things I'd be embarrassed for them to hear.

If we didn't think fat was a bad thing, we wouldn't mind being fat ourselves. It's very internalized. Again, normal thoughts for people struggling with these disorders. :soyjakanimeglasses:

i starved my way out of obesity, 100 lbs down. there were points in my journey where i was starving but was still obese. i could have easily been that girl at the store that ur judging.

i have thoughts like this too. it's hard to control, i get it. but just keep in mind u really don't know anyone's circumstances. empathy is so important ♥ :marseytrad:

Noticed a lot of chuds on rdrama: HOPE YOU ARE NOT BEING THIS WAY UNIRONICALLY!! Love love love! Chris loves you and all folks



I think my dream home would have a couple cats living in it calling it home before me that were originally off the streets. Sound s like some Oliver & Company All Dogs Go to Heaven cartoon plot twist but thats kinda cool neat sounding to me.

Thanos freinds.

**thanks friends!

What are you giving your dad for father' day?


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