What's your favorite rDrama word/phrase currently in your autocorrect?
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Husband isn't voting (self.rant)

If there is one nazi in a room and the 9 other people in the same room don't speak out and make a stand to oppose him, there are 10 nazis in the room.

if your husband won't vote against fascism and project 2025 he is complicit, just as bad as the MAGA fascists who vote for the wannabe dictator and convicted felon Donald Trump

I made the mistake of saying that during our fight....I'm now sleeping in my car.

I'm on the same side as your husband.

He also doesn't understand why women choose bear and he watches conspiracy theory videos all the time.

Well if he can't understand something as simple as the woman vs bear thing then I probably wouldn't expect him to understand the finer details of presidential candidates; in that case I wouldn't stress myself trying to make him see any further.

My god, "educate myself", "educate him", you're a broken record of preachy insufferability

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I offend you by being too logical about a situation you're trying to flip to fit your narrative?


Paris 2024 :marseype#dosnipe:

Beijing 2008 :marsey#party2:

!chuds !fellas !chads Muslims raping eurotards are good. We need Sharia Law, if Dirlewanger method is the most expedient, so be it.


It's 6 and a half minutes of chatlogs so I'll post screenshots of good bits below



How rich do you think is my girlfriend? :marseygolden2: :marseymindblown:

She's an only child and her parents have a company with 200 employees in the real estate sector

she also spends like 100k USD on vacations and clothes each year

MonsterEnergy chan

Turn on the Olympics. See this. Turn it off.

There's a literal :marseytrain2: demon fashion show France wtf????


And yes that is a whole forum for Transformers :marseysnappyautism: I appreciate it because it's one of those OG Internet forums that long predates any contemporary social media.

Apologies if this is a little less cerebral :marseybrain: than what /h/lit is used to but my understanding is that the Eisner Awards are supposed to be prestigious or something. Interesting that it went to a licensed comic — a Hasbro property about action figures of all things.

I've always maintained that the Transformers comics are actually pretty dope sci-fi comics. Really they're the only Transformers stories that have ever been more than just toy advertisements and I've been meaning to do effortposts on the Dreamwave and IDW runs. Pat Lee easily deserves one all to himself :marseymerchantsoy:

Anyway do our resident !comicshitters have any opinions?

New boulderlob


Hi!, can me and the boys read to you Matthew 18:6?

:#speechbubble: !christians !ranchers !r-slurs


Marsey looks in the bowl and says "looks like the back stroke!"


:#marseywitchtriggeredtalking: :#marseyfortykeks:

:#carlos: !carlos

!bardfinn !alligatorfrickhouse

Reported by:
The Olympics :marseychonkernoticeme: gives r/shortguys the ulimate blackpill :marseydoomer:
Strawbs you don't get me, I'm part of the union. - YouTube :marseykingharkinian:

!britbongs !bluecollar !commies !coomers

Bluddy Bollocks to Thatchaaah!

Forget reddit, what's the dumbest shit you've heard on *this* website?

Thread title. What is the dumbest shit you heard a fellow dramanaut say (and who said it?)

The ones I fondly remember are Ninjjer's 'I hate that the term p-dophile is starting to get used to refer to people attracted to children as opposed to child male feminists' and Salvador's 'The international elite and banks know that Ukraine won't last long in the war because McDonalds sold off their assets in Russia to their regional manager and will buy them back for pennies once the war ends '(both of these examples being paraphrased, I don't remember the exact wording)

Carp's opinions on movies come dangerously close too.

I'm sure there's more but none come to mind at the moment. What are some that you remember? Bonus points for linking to the actual thread


Madam President's border is already paying dividends

Reported by: Ghostface Noob Saibot Sektor Cyraxx Conan T-1000

Just kidding, here is the new look for the Warner Bros. Discovery-approved Sektor and Cyrax: :#blackwomanspeaking: now excuse us while we work on our irrelevant and forgotten games and cancel more projects for tax writeoffs! :marseysaulgoodman:

!g*mers someone create a fighters/kappa ping group already!


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

It's 2024. How the frick can your camera phone suck so goddarn much at this point in time? (286)

Screenshots automatically upscale resolution. I'm sure ai can repair the images to get a clearer image of their faces (-15)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘


Liberal = terrorist but the gif is funny so I commend you (-12)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Cry about it libshit (-13)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

They should be charged and/or deported to Gaza, ASAP. If they want to burn the US flag and deface our monuments, then they should go coexist with the terrorists they align themselves with. (1)

Defacing public property is just a crime, but honesty it's fine IMO as a form of protest. I would rather they deface properly than hurt people which to my knowledge they didn't do. This kind of property is worth killing of stance is insane and anti American.Burning is flag is a form of protest, it's actually insane to think it isn't. It's a method of showing how it feels for you to live in a country at the moment. It's not done to offend you personally, it's about conveying a message.The closest to of these to something I get is waving terrorist flag, but I still think this is dumb, and especially not something people should be disappeared over. Like nobody on earth who has just waved a Nazi flag in a march to was deported or sent to prison despite it being a much worse flag IMO. If they get arrested it's for an actual crime they committed.As for getting violent with police, like again it's a crime, but whatever man. It's not like police are helpless. They're infinitely more trained... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Let's stop talking about the last thousand years. What happened on October 7th was a large scale attack on innocent civilians. Israel has responded militarily to destroy Hamas, who trained and armed the attackers. Hamas hides behind children. Israel locates high ranking Hamas officials, and instead of sending soldiers into dangerous door to door combat, bombs the building they're hiding in. Innocents, along with the Hamas official are killed. If the terrorist wasn't there, no bombing. For those of you that don't understand what is occurring, this is called war. What's worse, it's war against a terrorist organization. They don't wear uniforms. War is horrific. War ends when one side surrenders. Hamas can end the war today. Release the hostages and disarm. End of war. (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Can't deport citizens. What to do about Americans who say "death to America"? (1)

Americans saying "death to America" well freedom of speech also means the freedom to sound like an butthole. But speech is speech. That itself is not a crime.Arson is a crime. Vandalism is a crime. Assault is a crime. Inciting a riot is a crime - there is a huge difference between peaceful assembly and a "mostly peaceful" assembly and a flat out riot. Assaulting law enforcement is a crime. Destruction of property is a crime. All are crimes which should be prosecuted in order to hold those people who commit them accountable for their actions and as a deterrent to others. Failing to hold people accountable for their actions, only encourages others to continue and escalate those actions leading to greater confrontations and ultimately violence. Non-American citizens should have their visas reviewed and possibly revoked if warranted. Non Americans who are here on a visa are expected to conduct themselves as guest of this country. If they are unable and are unwilling to do so then their... (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/MeasurementOk3007

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+4🐮)

Number of comments: 63

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

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One of the stupidest vibe ruining tropes ever lmao. "Hmm it's been like 17 minutes since I used my story to virtue signal about current culture war... Oh I know! I'll have the bad guy do it this time!" Like, literally replacing the whole page with a "sonic sez" would be better lol

Having fun on the wrong side of history there bud?

Villains typically have respect for everything but the actual life of people or they don't genuinely care. Bigotry isn't evil it's an ideology.


I honestly find it funnier when a fanbase is somehow disappointed with a villain for being racist/sexist. Like, when Freddy Krueger's about to kill a black girl and says a racist one liner first, people were like wtf. As if Freddy fricking Krueger is some kind of role model lmao

Oh, or the recent Halloween movie where people were upset that Michael Myers killed a gay couple. Like, obviously? He's an indescriminate serial killer, what did you expect?


Honestly joker hating Nazis makes tons of sense, he's all about chaos and they're a dictatorship.

That might be the most reddit thing I've read.

the imperium of man in warhammer 40k, famously murders people for heresy and being mutants (which often is just humans who adapted to other planets), is incredibly accepting of trans and gay people. in one book (pariah nexus i think? i don't remember) the practice of "tactical pansexuality" is discussed

Keep yourself safe.

Shortcels on giga suifuel
:marseyxdorbit: S*x havers BTFO :marseyxdorbit:
:marseytransattentionseeker: Kris Tyson's "sibling" begins to nootice (AGP) :marseypearlclutch:

Terfs and rightoids are having a field day with this.


(This totally happened)

To the carpenter with the SS tattoo in Lakewood, I hope you hit your your thumb with a hammer

Driving down Warren Rd this afternoon when I stopped at the light and looked to my right.

Quickly noticed the driver's right inner forearm had an unmistakable SS tattoo all proud and shit.

I truly hope your arms gets mangled to shit so that you can't jerk off you butthole.

Edited to add: I'm assuming he was a carpenter since he had a working van with a Carpenter's Union sticker on the back window.

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