
TLDR CharliXCX is a musician who wrote a song inspired by Dasha. She was also friend with a musician who transitioned into afterlife. This obvious moral conflict confuses our OP.

You heard about G*merGate getting Trump elected, but what about RedScare getting Trump reelected?? Plenty of yapping under this comment, is Dasha an alt right republican? Is New York getting MAGAified?

The problem with Dasha is that she's a relevant political actor with a far-right agenda to get Trump & the Republican Party elected to get Project 2025 implemented. She's an active threat to freedom, democracy & civil rights

OP's issue isn't just that Charli is friend with Dasha, we need to think about the message her music could carry

(OP) and also for many people charli is a role model, and so they could think that being friends with far-right is okay, and it doesnt say anything about you as a person??? she's a queer icon, so i guess i can wait from her at least some political clarity?

It's absolutely 100% your own fault if you saw her as a role model and became influenced by her.

(OP) girl wtf music is also media that can be used for propaganda, artists do have responsibility on what things they putting into their art

Charli XCX makes music about snorting coke and drunk driving

Glad to see an artists who stands for rights of all oppressed groups :marseykneel:

Might be the worst white savior liberal I've ever seen :marseymayo:

!chuds wonder what subreddits Alec moderates

lmao he looks just like you would imagine


He now wants a loyal black girlfriend


Selected responses:


I decided to pay my favorite subreddit, /r/forwardsfromklandma a visit and found a version of this comic edited as the Barbie movie (for some reason) and about the Mr. Beast :marseytrain::

Of course, the redditards jump at a chance to defend their own kind.

If she did groom kids; she's still a she. No one refers to cis men who groom kids as anything other than their preferred pronouns.

It's like they see the comic then decide to just be the person in the comic :marseylaugh:

Also I love that for every 1000 p-dophile pastors if 1 trans or queer person preys on a child all of us have to apologize for it. The right has shown time and time again they don't care or hold themselves to any standards, let alone the same ones we observe.

I think we should still stick in the realm of facts and reality. Priests/pastors technically abuse children at rates lower than the average for people with access to children in general. That means if being trans/queer is a minor predictor for NOT committing sexual crimes, it's most charitable to put trans folks 1-for-1 on even footing with pastors, not (the clear hyperbole) 1000 to 1.

I spoke in hyperbole but was well aware of it, you quote statistics that you don't have or didn't present. /r/notadragqueen and /r/pastorarrested are where I get my hyperbolic view point from. I'm well aware I don't know the statistics but to claim pastors are as bad as queer folk when committing sexual abuse of minors seems like a lie. Religion is a breeding ground for pedophilia because it teaches humans they're allowed to have power over others. That just simply isn't the case for the queer community. It obviously does happen and is terrible, but one community sweeps pedophilia and child molestation under the rug whereas there is at least some culpability in progressive spaces.

Religion has been harming people and children for 2000 years, queer folk just exist.

Real schizo hours right here. This neighbor just admits to now knowing actual statistics then pretends that progressives hold pedos accountable. :marseypedosnipe:

boy i sure am sick of hearing about this already

Well, just better sweep it under the rug, then. :marseyjanny:

Well yes, no matter what one has done one should be gendered correctly. If hitler transitioned i would call hitler she, and kill that motherlover.

Possible hot take: I think we should all correctly gender Chris-chan, whether you believe her transition was in good faith or not. She's a monster, but I don't want to start drawing lines where it is and isn't okay to intentionally misgender someone.

Hitler and Chris Chan brought up in the same chain. There has to be some internet law about this… :marseyhmm:

It's no about respecting a person or something like it. It just simple correct grammar: you refer to someone by their pronouns, because thats how you refer to them.

Redditard acts like this isn't a political issue and is actually about grammar. lol. Lmao, even :marseyxdgenocide:

All I'm going to say is that you don't often see the "groomed" kid—now adult— taking to Twitter to say they weren't groomed.

This brought to you by the "kids should be able to consent" party! This comment is currently +25 upmarseyd by the way… :soysnooseethe: :marseyshooting:

All this makes me so angry. Like as far as I know the accusations are false, but everyone is ignoring that and running with being bigoted to Ava because she's trans.

Yes, I too, am pretty sure there's no way a guy (:marseytrain:) who had secret chats and meet ups with minors and owned cartoon child porn would do anything inappropriate… :marseyelliotrodger: :marseyeyeroll2:

Nobody called EDP the hard r. The whole situation is just an excuse to be transphobic without consequences.

Someone did indeed call EDP the hard r.

Hahahahaha I'm gonna leave it on that one. Plenty of other r-slurred takes in there to comb through, but I'll leave that to the rest of you dramatards.

New Toss :marseypharaoh:

Reported by:
New garfield


:redlight: :marseygroomer: :redlight:

Lava, now 20, had previously branded the allegations as 'massive lies' that were 'twisting the truth,' but dozens of Groomercord messages from 2019 in Tyson's server featured explicit content, despite the presence of children.

Screenshots from the server claimed to show words like 'c*m,' NSFW (not safe for work) and 'porn.'

'These conversations should not have happened with people at the age I was at the time; I strongly condemn them,' said Lava.

'I was a minor in this situation and not the adult influencer who shouldn't have allowed this to happen. I did not see this as wrong at the time.'

The Groomercord saga began when 'Nathan' posted two videos online, claiming that Tyson had him and Lava 'wipe the server' so 'no one could see [Tyson] was spamming corn :marseycorn: to minors'—corn :marseycorn2: is used on social media platforms to reference pornography.

'Based on the recent screenshots and messages, I would like to make a statement about the 'Groomercord,'' he shared.

'This was 5 or 6 years ago, and I thought I had a good memory of the situation, but I was wrong. After reading the chat logs, this stuff was inappropriate and wrong.

'I spoke based on my memory of the situation, and I still do not remember these conversations, but they definitely happened.'

Nathan has claimed that Tyson also exploited him, sending him sexual content on the server.

He also highlighted a screenshot allegedly sent to a moderator,  which included a discussion about deleting the 'n-word' from the server.

Tyson had also been accused of racism this week after a series of racially insensitive social media posts emerged.

In one post, Tyson appears to joke about police brutality and in another, the YouTuber calls Islam a 'backwards religion that hates anything different.'

Looks like someone's :marseywagie: gonna have a meeting :marseynouautism: with boss man Pizzashill :marseydarkpizzashill: on Monday.

The decrease in traffic will not affect mobile users, Khinshtein said, adding that making YouTube run slower was "a forced step not directed at Russian users" but at YouTube management "which believes that it can violate and ignore [Russian] legislation".

"The fate of YouTube in Russia depends solely on YouTube itself," Khinstein said, before warning the company that unless it began complying with Russian law, "nothing good awaits it here".


Alt text: May the best man win.


Announcing !fosstards - your ping stop for all things Linux, BSD, Free Software and Open Source!

New ping group- !fosstards

stupid white colonizer teaching bad things to locals

Mileage milestone.

Post from Ava's alleged sister:

Have no idea if this is Ava's sis's real account (I'm leaning towards fake) but the commenter getting mad about the issue of doxxing and then promptly deleting his account is kind of funny.

We stan our pure shy zoomer waifus :marseyheart:

I'm in similar situation


Shamefurr dispray on my part, I'm only one in my family who might have to arranged marriage. :marseycut: :marseycut:

:greendesigirlgenocide: :chadwomannordic:

They want old school romance but only with someone whose package fits



!bharatiya !


Weekly "what are you reading" Thread #59

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.

!bookworms !classics !ringbearers


TLDR: Youtuber of the Sheiy-like genre sneaks into Bohemian Grove and records the Cremation of Care ceremony, uploads it to his channel. It gets copyright striked, so he reuploads it on his Patreon.

What's interesting here is that this isn't a Rusty Shackleford Epstein Island Drone Footage situation, this here is a well-established channel. According to this video, this isn't his first time sneaking in, and he believes his life is in danger because of it. Almost as if posting it next to your barely-concealed face on your popular and public YouTube channel is a great idea if you don't want to get caught :marseyhmm:

Or posting it on a platform where the local uniformed freemasons police department can pull your payment info at the drop of a hat :marseythonk: Clearly someone with a strong self-preservation instinct who believes he is uploading compromising information for the public to see, at risk of his own life and limb :marseygiveup:

Unfortunately for our hero, some Alt Tech boomers beat him to the punch and you can watch it for free. The ceremony itself is exactly as LGBTQIAP+ and Developmentally Delayed as Richard Nixon described it.

I now pass the question onto you, dramasisters: Would you risk being tortured to death by three letter agents if it meant you could get upmarseys and boomer paypigbux? :marseymoney: :marseygolden:

Something called "Turtle Wow" got hacked

Live link to a thread since I didn't see anything elsewhere -

Sounds like all the login deets got yoinked

Edit -

comment link

From their website / groomercord


Unfortunately, our network has been the target of an extensive attack culminating in hackers gaining access to our login DB. As of now, we can confirm that the hackers gained access to the account data, but no character data is lost.

This means that while no progress should be lost once servers are back online, the encrypted passwords and emails are at risk of being leaked. However, the party behind the attack has made no demands nor have they given any intentions beyond "entertainment."

It is our responsibility to inform you all the risks, even if login details were not stored in plaintext. Further, we encourage you to change your password if you used the same login information anywhere else. While passwords are encrypted and hashed, it is still encouraged to exercise caution and change your login information anywhere it was used.

While we "could" have the server back up and running almost immediately with little to no lost progress due to the backup system we have in place, we are choosing to delay while we further reevaluate our infrastructure, consult with cybersecurity professionals, and ensure similar methods can never be used to gain access to our servers again.

We are deeply sorry for allowing such an incident to happen, and will double our efforts to ensure such an attack never happens again."

I was on when it happened. They were spamming the N word in big yellow server announcements in chat


surprising no one, except reddit the :soyjakhipster: was ridin with Biden

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