"You might call this a game of cat and moth" :marseyemojilaugh: - Kodkod BBC Earth
Elon Musk has clearly peaked. What now?

Elon Musk's net worth has gotten stuck in the 400 billions. If it was going to go up higher it would have done so by now, taking into account that his team is in the white house right now.

SpaceX has also clearly peaked as they got their reusable rocket working, but beyond that there is not much else to be done in terms of technological revolution for SpaceX, and moon mining is still many decades away.

Tesla has also peaked as their vehicles aren't getting any cheaper, and they are now facing global competition in the electric vehicle market from BYD, significantly limiting their future expansion outside of the US.

The social media company X also appears to be holding on to its market share when it comes to users, and does not really have any further scope for growth, unless Elon were to actually buy tiktok.

This leaves Grok the AI, which is left attached to Tesla products and to be used on twitter. Which limits the number of users to the number of people already using Elon Musk's products and services. That is, Grok AI itself is less a product, and more an accessory to Tesla products.

Elon Musk has also been talking of opening up a video game company, but by the looks of it, it is pretty much apparent that the video gaming industry is going to be far more competitive than it was when Amazon tried to get into it.

All in all, it becomes apparent that Elon Musk's net wealth has peaked in the 400s of billions and that the market share of his companies is also soon going to peak due to the limited size of the American market, and the amount of competition from other companies in the global market. That is to say, Elon Musk and his companies have peaked, and we are unlikely to see anything else truly revolutionary come out of them. Including the robotics side of things, where the humanoid robots if they make it, would still end up being overpriced in relation to international product prices, and likely even middle income American budgets.

In conclusion:

The US is not going to lead in any further tech revolutions or new era of technological innovation or ideas. What the US is going to lead in at best is iterative improvements so for the next 30-50 years the only thing we can expect from America is improvements in products and ways of doing things that already exist but better.

This would also mean that the global market is going to continue eating up the US share of the global market, as the US market fails to add additional layers of complexity and income brackets to its own economy, due to all wealth accumulating in a few hands.

US market is reaching its peak global market share. It will not expand beyond this point, but will always be at risk of shrinking beyond this point, until one day it finally does. US economic growth will remain slower than the global economic growth, as that is the only way that the US can remain competitive in the market. Cutting costs forever until there are no more costs left to cut.

The last innovative billionaire in the US is done. It is over now. The CEO of Nvidia doesn't count, as he is currently doing more marketing than actual product to match the advertised quality. OpenAI also doesn't count because we do not have AGI yet. They can be counted if they ever manage to actually make smarter than human AI which is very likely to be never.


:nuggetesoteric: Theoretical Bitesize 'cuz Communism when no food :marseyanorexic: lmao :nuggetesoteric: Marxist :marseymarx: asks the age old question of how :marseymath: actually do communism IRL :marseytrotsky:


:marppy: Drama Report: 2025-01-17 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

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:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Ceiling Coon :marseyceiling:



Why I'm a pro-life feminist
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China is 9.3% smarter than the US. What this means for the world.

If we compare overall PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) scores of China and the US, China comes out 9.3% ahead of the US. This might seem like a big number but in practice this is a big enough number that makes it possible for China to completely surpass the US no matter what moves the US makes.

The reason for this is simple. It is akin to 115-130 IQ person competing with a 100 IQ person and both are going all out. The 115-130 IQ person is obviously going to win barring a car accident.

The intelligence gap also makes China smart enough to create the next generation of global technology where the US has hit the wall. China already owns Epic Games ( the company with the most used video game engine in current year ), and has already taken over the minds of the American zoomer with Chinese content. Today, when a US company wants to make an actually successful product for the market, they go to the Chinese.

Singapore for comparison is 14.3% smarter than the US, and while being a very small tiny Island nation, has a quality of life and Per capita PPP income that is 71% higher than that of the average American. Which is to say, small percentage superiority in intelligence has very vast real world effects.

China is 32% smarter than Mongolia, which guarantees that China is going to own Mongolia no matter what happens.

China is also guaranteed to dominate Russia and South East Asia and practically own them.


The Chinese have become too smart to stop and had too high a starting population. Which means they are going to completely dominate global trade followed by surpassing Europe and the US in nominal GDP terms followed by surpassing these territories by nominal per capita GDP terms.

How to get gf?

Just curious.

Exposing state hypocrisy: sexual violence by security forces in Egypt

!vibecheck what about this one???? :marseythinkorino:

Egypt: Gang R*pe Witnesses Arrested, Smeared | Human Rights Watch

What do we think does this pass the !vibecheck? :marseyhmm:

Hand Fart Kill


Baby raccoon plays like a fricking kitten.



Fat fricking raccoon almost eats baby deer.


Phoebe Bridgers - That Funny Feeling
"This Is the Girl" | David Lynch and Lindsay Lohan

Back in my days, I used to bump this song all day all night. I absolutely love slowdive - Lil B

Having an akathisia episode

Ugh I hate this feeling.

I took 4 Dramamines and drinking a beer trying to make it go away

A !bobmob classic


"These vagabond shoes..."


Machinery such as computers, broadcasting technology, and telephones as well as transport equipment make up the largest part of Chinese exports

Lmao the roles have already reversed.

The US is already so far back their primary export to the world is raw materials.

China on the other hand is the one exporting technology to the world now.

China is also the largest economy in the world by PPP terms and has an economy that is 10 trillion USD (PPP) higher than the US.

The US has already lost. The numbers are just catching up.

The US is also obviously not going to be the one to stop climate change, as they are the same as any other middle eastern economy completely dependent on oil sales and their economy would fail if the world went for renewable energy. Which they are even without the US taking a large part in the industry.

What this means is that once the global oil supply reaches peak oil, the US economy will also take a hit.

Most developed economies have already achieved peak oil and annual demand is on a yearly decline. China is expected to reach peak oil by 2027. Based on current trends we can expect the global to reach peak oil by 2040.


Saudi Arabia is a more accurate representation of the future of the US economy than the western world. US economy is going to hit the wall at 100,000 USD per capita and remain stuck their as more and more of the world surpasses the US over time.

The world is only 25 years behind the US and fast catching up. If the US ever stalls they will get left behind within 25 years.

It's official: Nintendo Switch 2 revealed after months of waiting

Uuuuf it has a very bad charging connection. Should had made the hole on the switch and not on the controllers

Repairing it will be an b-word

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