Reported by:
  • Impassionata : most impressive
  • whyareyou : being unironically helpful to reddit is dramaphobic
  • Soot : ^ Even DOE it is drama-positive to screw over subreddit powerjannies
EFFORTPOST 17:18 update: the pedo saga is over already? "He was 16 so it's not pedophilia" "Oh okay thanks!" The powerjannies are organizing another protest and I've been allowed into the server (my main is now banned but it's ok bc i have 4 accounts in the backchannels my main didn't even have access to)

This post here convinced them to give me full access :star:

Stay tuned for excitement! I'll wait until they actually get some stuff together to start dumping content en masse. Might just pull the whole server again. We'll see how hysterical they get.

update: I am not able to see some channels but it's okay I still have access to them and am making this known!!!

update: I have created cognitive dissonance by spreading "FUD"?? which google says means "fear, uncertainty, doubt"

update: I am testing the waters in another channel

update: The Jannie Letters are now being discussed

update: My main has now been banned for posting content it did not have access to, like that is going to do something, somehow? Leaks to follow once they get a game plan going. They're currently considering NSFWing all their subs because ads aren't served on NSFW subs which is actually a really good idea. Though they're afraid to do this because they might get demopped by Reddit.

Last words, as seen from yet another account. Fittingly it was a train who banned me.

https://discord . gg/mKudvApxD5 - invite link.

Get in fast, Wuz is going to link this thread there for the craic.

Remove the spaces around the .
They really did not like this thread and so they've revoked the general purpose invite link. New one to follow if they reissue a new one and don't smarten up. They're in a tizzy now combatting leaks that haven't even happened yet instead of doing their union larp.

I have made this thread public to be sporting. Meeting in a few, updates on hold UFN.

Final preview:

Imagine being a webdev and being reached out to by a volunteer internet janitor of some subforum on a gay orange messageboard lol



Multi-page discussion about the scaaaaary fish in one of their secret channels. I was banned and never had access to this but I can still see! Get it together @femilip! :marseyraging:

"rdrama never changes" indeed @demmian :#marseypipe:

And now we discuss rDrama!

There is a 100% chance it will be leaked, @JayRy27. I told you all this when I first joined the server and was given limited access. Femilip decided to yall me instead of accepting generously given, excellent advice. And now we're doing this again. Are you happy?

Yeah, paywalling the API is super gay, but you know what else is super gay? You, @LunarOlympian :na:

Why are you "ramp[ing] up the verification"? You guys were all just talking about how leaks aren't a problem because this is so popular!

Even when they're trying to be mean it just makes you want to take their lunch money and dunk their heads in the toilet even more. Also! Stop using the default Midnight theme here dummies, we have much more beautiful themes once you're logged in. Dramblr is amazing! So is Coffee! And Tron!

And here are their AI-generated "open letters" which they, somehow, couldn't write themselves and are forming committees to discuss how to improve them? N8 only proposed AI generating the letter as a joke but these tards ran with it lol.

The leaks will continue until my main is unbanned and given full access to all channels so that I may be a charitable voice of reason.

Newest as of 13:27 EST


https://discord . gg/34mHx6RZ

Remove the spaces.

minor update

@sir I tried to send you a message but it says I need to be groomcord e-friends with you before we can talk

and you're not accepting my add, so I guess I'll just respond here:

ONE: rDrama actually has an extremely robust slur and profanity filter, which users can toggle on and off. Both are on by default and on for logged out users. Like see here? BIPOC. That is THE N WORD. I typed the N word. But it will appear for you as "BIPOC" - there's a LOT of these, both for actual abusive language and for just cheeky things, like Discord being changed to groomcord and such.

TWO: We actually have native support for multiple communities! You can see this both here and on Here they're called Holes and function much like subreddits, but with way more features. They're user-created and user-run. For example: /h/toomanyxchromosomes (women ☕) and /h/slackernews (tech stuff). On WPD, they function differently and they're just called Flairs and they're used for categorizing content for easy access and/or filtering. WPD's are admin-created and admin-run.

A mostly-comprehensive list of rDrama's features can be found here:

It's very impressive! And completely free and open source! We're banned from GitHub because of course we are, but you can find it all on Gitea here - Feel free to fork! We'll even build new features and stuff for you if you'd like. Maybe even for free. Our only requirement is that you don't remove Marsey, the cat mascot. You can definitely use different Marseys though; we've got over 2500 already and are always adding more user-created ones. But at least one must be present.


Here is their tentative tl;dr rant:

And here is the autojanny macro for it to annoy people with as it links them to a novel that none of them will read because holy shit

Hello @BuckRowdy! Dedicating several paragraphs pleading with the porn addicts to rally to the cause so they don't have to use the official Reddit app to jerk off (most already do anyway??) is a bold move. Let's see how that goes.

14:04 small update

Arkontas! I have more accounts verified in there than I even remember now! But I have a helpful textfile with a list of credentials for them so it's not really an issue. Please accept my add so we can chat!

update: He has accepted my chat and we are having a nice discussion though I am in another meeting now. Groomcord handle removed at his request.

I don't even need to be signed into any of these at this point. I am getting inundated with screenshots from other people lol

how do you do fellow hatecircle members?

14:15 EST - rDrama isn't a problem but also we need to keep this hidden from rDrama :mars#eygigathonk:

They keep going on endlessly about how it's not a secret and rDrama isn't a problem but they also keep revoking the invite link so no one can see it.

Will post new update link when available.

I already did that dummy! I'll repost here at the current end:

Here is their tentative tl;dr rant:

And here is the autojanny macro for it to annoy people with as it links them to a novel that none of them will read because holy shit

Hello @BuckRowdy! Dedicating several paragraphs pleading with the porn addicts to rally to the cause so they don't have to use the official Reddit app to jerk off (most already do anyway??) is a bold move. Let's see how that goes.


Also old but hi again @BuckRowdy!!!

As requested, you are in the screenshot @I_POGCHAMP_INFANTS. I remember you from the NNN leaks! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Super minor

Not even updating the timestamp in the flair over it, but posting the invite link here and showing them this thread functioned exactly as intended and they are now having to deal with constant requests to generate unique invites (for free!) to bring their jannie friends, since the general purpose invitation concept has been removed:

15:05 EST - They got our boy greg @hoodatninja :marseylibations:

They're also BRIGADING. Moderators! Brigading!!!

@SkorpioSound is the only one with a conscience smdh


15:50 EST - @LunarOlympian is going bigbrain mode :marseybigbrain#:

@TheSpookiestUser who has provided several new sidebar images is getting ready to quit over all the leaks :marseydepressed:


Demoralization sets in :marseygiveup:

16:00 EST - rDrama is now a no-no word :nono:

16:06 EST The abyss stares back

Watching @TheSpookiestUser's slow descent into madness has been a real treat:

Annnnd @LunarOlympian who said he was going to infiltrate rDrama but gave up without making an account is assuring the other jannies that the verification is working just fine :marseymisinformation#:

16:57 They've just been wordswordswords :marseysleep:posting for awhile now but /u/nerdshark is extremely unhappy with something that I'm not reading lol

/u/nerdshark's most recent comment on Reddit is...

and then he jannied the very popular thread, locking AND deleting it lest people stop spending all day on the subreddit for an imaginary disorder :star:

Anyway here's the current level of discussion:

Incredibly boring.

Forbes started covering it this morning though, unrelated to Reddit's volunteer janitors:


u/nerdshark just posted this while I was making this update. What's he got in his closet? Is he a pedophile? Crypto nazi? Did he once call something gay? Let's find out!

Hilariously, digging through your post history would be a million times easier if you got your way and pushshift came back. If you do win this, I am excited to see what we find!

17:07 /u/nerdshark has some weirdly specific fears about porn and children :marseyhmmm:


@Xyreo what's going on big guy?

Infant puncher guy why are you defending pedos? AGAIN??

Sharky appears to have jannie clout that infant rapist guy does not. This is getting ACTUALLY DRAMATIC now.

17:14 The pedo saga concludes with "ummm guys we have a confirmed pedo who sends porn to and hits on kids here but that's not really relevant, can we please stay on topic?"

17:16 lol oops sharky confused "xyreon" with "blocks" who he confused with "cocacola"

and it keeps getting better as /u/MotleyBlondie comes out swinging with :marseyakshually#: the boy was 16 so it's not pedophilia

But let's get back on topic :marseyshrug:

It all falls apart... :#marseydisintegrate:


The news article to the incident by Apollo News just released. !germs !chuds IN IN IN

Rechter Streamer „Vulgäre Analyse" wegen Volksverhetzung inhaftiert


Shlomo Finkelstein aka Aaron Pielka is a German uberchud and part of the original German anti SJW movement with now more well known cucks like Kraut, who disavowed the rightoids to turn into not just a Neoliberal but THE neoliberal. <- THIS R-SLUR <- Shlomo Finkelstein before his YouTube channels were nuked, here with his Avatar shown to shit into Mecca Roblox cube while wiping his butt with the Quran.

Shlomo was known for causing controversies, like burning the Quran on camera, pissing on the Quran and using the Quran in a BBQ to grill pork. Shown here.

He has his own, very biased, Wikipedia article (unlike CWC lmao) for anyone curious give it a read. Shlomo describes by Wikipedia:

"Shlomo Finkelstein, pseudonym of Aron Pielka[1][2] (born May 4, 1996 in Krefeld[3][4]), is a German right-wing extremist[5] online activist. He spread racist, Islamophobic and anti-feminist content. One of Pielka's most popular formats published as Shlomo Finkelstein is the video series Die Vulgäre Analyse, which is now considered a "established authority in the right-wing radical online world".[6]"

His other notorious controvrsies/accomplishments include the "Stolz-Monat" a hijacking of the pride month to show Stolz (Pride) for Germany instead of the LGBT community. This set off the political establishment and journ*lists as expected and was broadly supported by the AFD (German literal Nazis) and their youth wing the "Junge Alternative"(Höckejugend). Again Wikipedia:

"In 2023, Pielka was a co-initiator of the social media campaign "#Stolzmonat", in which he called for social media to be flooded with nationalist and anti-queer postings during Pride Month. Instead of the rainbow flag, the postings showed a German flag in seven colors. At the same time, the campaign was intended to spread a counter-narrative that Germans were oppressed by LGBT actors. In addition to "Shlomo Finkelstein's" supporters, the AfD also participated in spreading the campaign.[1][17]"

This blew up so much the #Stolzmonat overtook Pride hashtags on Twitter/X for the entire pride month and even caused the "Verfassungsschutz" (GlowBIPOC SS Wing of Globohomo Abteil Germany) to release Videos denouncing the Stolzmonat, which obviously completely backfired and caused even more media and mainstream attention alla Streisand.

He had multiple Youtube channels that were all banned due to wrongthink and up until last week his internet presence amounted to twitter and a podcast called "Honigwabe", livestreamed on the Honigwabe YouTube channel. Link to the channel for anyone curious, beware the content is on German. Up until last week because the Bullerei got German YouTubes most notorious Chuddie and now he is serving a one year sentence in prison. Quoted from Apollo News:

"Right-wing streamer "Vulgar Analysis" imprisoned for incitement"

The right-wing streamer Aron P., alias "Shlomo Finkelstein", has begun a prison sentence, as the Cologne public prosecutor's office explained to Apollo News. The reason is the execution of a one-year prison sentence, which was initially suspended.

The right-wing streamer and YouTuber Aron P., known by his pseudonyms "Shlomo Finkelstein" and "Vulgar Analysis", was arrested last week. This was explained by the Cologne public prosecutor's office to Apollo News. The reason for the arrest was the "execution of a final prison sentence of one year from the judgment of the Cologne District Court of December 11, 2020, which has been legally binding since June 29, 2021," according to the public prosecutor's office.

In December 2020, according to the public prosecutor's office, he was legally sentenced to a prison sentence of one year - suspended - for "incitement to hatred, dissemination of symbols of unconstitutional organizations and insulting religious denominations and communities". Specifically, as the Cologne District Court explained to Apollo News, there are ten cases, but they did not want to give any further details.

The judgment became final in June 2021. The exact wording for which the streamer was convicted is not clear, as the verdict cannot be found in the database. As the district court explained to Apollo News, the suspension on probation was withdrawn in February 2022. Neither the public prosecutor's office nor the district court wanted to explain to Apollo News why it took more than two years for P. to go to prison. They also refused to provide any information about the circumstances of the imprisonment.

Since Monday, rumors have been circulating on X (formerly Twitter) about the video producer's disappearance. The rumors were fueled by KasparKast, Aron P.'s streaming partner. The two run the YouTube channel "KasparKast x HonigWabe" together. In the most recent episode, only KasparKast appeared. He explained that he would now have to stream alone for an indefinite period of time.

At the beginning of the livestream called "#freeshlomo", KasparKast explained that Aron P.'s "health was fine." He said he currently has no contact with P. However, he explained that P. would not be able to stream "in the next few months". He also explained: "As far as I understand, even the best lawyer in the world can only help to a limited extent at this point in time." This was followed by the rise of the hashtag "#freeshlomo" in German Twitter trends.

And thats all we know so far. His co-host Kasper (Vice-Chuddie) was live just recently talking about the article and the future of the Honigwabe. Link to the livestream.

So what now?

According to Kasper the Honigwabe will continue forward with guests from the German rightoid scene serving as co-hosts. Shlomos arrest is just another hit from a greater purge of rightoids ordered by German minister for internal affairs Nancy Faeser in preparation for the upcoming federal and state elections such in Thuringia and Saxony where total Chud victory is expected. Recently, Misses Faeser for example ordered the ban of one of Germanys largest alternative media news magazines "Compact" which was overturned for definetly 100% literally just being despotic and illegal. Twitter cute twinks will celebrate, Chuds will cope, Steiners counterattack will not commence and Shlomo will probably stay in prison for at least half a year. The west has fallen and millions, possibly even billions, will die.

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EFFORTPOST Laughing at a dying company's dying game :marseymeangirls:: The fall of Team Fortress 2 :marseytf2spygenocide:

Hi dramafrens!! :#marseywave2:

Have any of you heard of this obscure little indie game company called Valve? You may have heard of them from niche titles such as:

Half-Life :#marseyfreeman:

Portal :#parrotportalblue::#parrotportalorange:

Only the biggest gaming platform of all time, Steam :steamhappy#:

But today we're talking about a game very close to my heart: Team Fortress 2! :marseytf2heavypat: Valve's hit first person class-based team shooter is an iconic game, earning it a place of glory amongst all vidya and entrenching it in internet and meme culture, and even a somewhat recent meme trend depicting the TF2 characters as buff, totally heterosexual Wagnerite Ziggers has produced some of the shiniest gemeralds of all time :gem:

(video courtesy of @CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM_fan17)

It's really close to my all time favorite game and definitely my most played. Countless hours were sucked from my childhood :marseybib: as baby me learned to use my first slurs whenever I came across a particularly annoying enemy Demoman :marseysnappynraged:

Which is why it's all the sadder that I'm now talking about its spectacular fall from grace.

:marseygrimreaper: The Beginning of the End :marseygrimreaper!:

Meet Your Match :marseybrap:

TF2 had a reputation of being a quite regularly updated game, with a major content release happening around 3-5 times a year. Besides usual gripes from boomers :marseyboomer: these updates were pretty well received, and I certainly have held a positive view of almost all of them although that could just be me yearning for my teenage years.

However, on July 7th of 2016 the most controversial TF2 update to date released: Meet Your Match.

Before this update all TF2 players would play the game through a generic server browser. Valve ran their own public servers right alongside all the community made ones, and filtering for a server you wanted was incredibly easy and streamlined. You could filter by player count, full/empty, whether or not the server used the shitty Valve Anti-Cheat, whether custom decals were allowed, you name it. Everything was hosted on the server browser, it held everything from official Valve servers to servers run by the dregs of society. I fondly remember joining a server when I was about 11 running a map that had furry porn plastered all over the walls :marseybutt2: you never forget your first time, !furries.

So what did Meet Your Match change? Well, it didn't remove the server browser. Not outright. But it did take all official Valve-ran servers off the browser and move them into a shitty matchmaking system :marseybangfast: No longer could you filter for a specific Valve server running your favorite map, you now have to queue up for matchmaking in a party with up to five friends (no more just joining your friends through Steam or the server browser!), have a certain list of maps selected, and pray to god :marseypraying: it lands you in a game within the next 15 minutes. Even worse, since the matchmaking system's job is to get you into a game by any means necessary, it could land you in a game with no players or a game about to end and switch maps to a shitty one you don't like. Additionally those official Valve servers got way shittier, due to the removal of the ability to switch teams, removal of sprays (basically the ability to plaster a custom image onto any surface you want :marseyevilgrin:), and the increasingly outdated Valve Anti-Cheat system being easier to exploit by cheaters. Oh, and those five friends you get to party up with? :marseypolyamory: They will only be on your team, meaning you can only have friendly competition with these friends if somebody gets auto-balanced (which remember is a necessity since you can't change teams manually to even the balance :marseyeyelidpulling:)

That server browser still exists, but it's been relegated to its own separate tab and no longer has any Valve-ran games on it. That would be fine if you don't like Valve servers, (and who would? :marseyno:) but the average TF2 player is just going to hit “find game” and not bother with the server browser, leaving a bunch of half-empty, struggling community servers—not to mention that most of the community servers are shit themselves, but for other reasons; no way in heck am I downloading 13 trillion Touhou reskin mods just to play on a shitty weeb server! :marseysick: :soyno:

The update understandably made a lot of people upset, me included! But we had no idea how much worse it was going to get.

Jungle Inferno, or, Pain of Neglect :marseysleep:

Released on October 20th of 2017, Jungle Inferno was a pretty bog-standard update, as far as things go. A few new weapons, some balances, a few new maps which were mostly shitty, we've all heard it before. The problem? It was the last time Valve would do anything significant with the game. Any updates past Jungle Inferno were repeating seasonal events, and the last Saxxy Awards (the TF2 community's version of the Oscars, where people would create kino animations using Valve's Source Filmmaker) ever to be held to this date :marseycrying:

“But Shelly,” you might ask, “you said there were still seasonal event updates! Surely stuff was being added then, right? :marseynerd2:” Well, yes. But it wasn't Valve. Every Halloween :marseypumpkin: and Christmas :marseyimmaculate: Valve would have some intern scour the top rated maps, cosmetics, weapon skins, and taunts from the community workshop. So surely game's health is in the community's hands, and doing alright, yes? Well…

All of this shit was just bad, frankly. :marseydisagree: Often times the skins had missing textures, the cosmetics were r-slurred and unwanted or even outright broken, the taunts didn't work, all things that could go weeks without being fixed. Besides, hats and skins don't affect the gameplay!

Well maps do affect the gameplay. But they were all shittier even than the skins! A prime example is Wutville, a community made Christmas map. I think I'll let this image of the first attacker spawn and the known bugs list speak for themselves.

So we have a map that is basically a long, sniper-heaven corridor with no flank routes, tons of bugs, and is a visual fricking mess to boot! :marseyitsallsotiresome: And this is just one extreme example of many broken community maps; don't even get me started on Bread Space, which started the defending team out facing the wrong way, so half the team would obliviously walk the entire way back to their last point in the setup phase! :marseylaugh: It was obvious that Valve was not bothering to playtest anything they were putting into the game, let alone make it themselves.

Why was Valve refusing to work on such an influential title? Despite all their decisions the TF2 player counts were continuing to grow, almost suspiciously so… (more on that later :marseywink:) surely if Valve put in the effort they could bring ever more players in and just get that much more money from anyone participating in its famous economy. It has a lot to do with their company work philosophy: on the outside, they claim to avoid “treadmill work” :marseyeyeroll: and prioritize employee freedom :marseyrevolution: by letting them work on any projects they had passion for. Beneath this stupid pseudo-commie work structure however everyone knew Valve operated on the principle of “Do nothing and let Steam make us infinite money.” They didn't need to work on TF2 because it made them zero billions of dollars. :marseyshrug:

Attack of the Machines :marseysnappyenraged2:

The Sniperbots :marseypedosnipe:

In 2020, there was a source code leak, leading many people to fear the worst. A lot of rumors were in the air at this time, everything from exploits in the code being used to hack accounts to even in-game doxxing. While none of these ever really came true, there was certainly an opportunity for cheaters to exploit a vulnerability in the game. And exploit they did!

A bit of background is needed. Basically there are nine classes in TF2, but out of all of them none is more powerful than the Sniper. With two clicks he can instantly kill 5 out of those 9. In a game played by humans, the main barrier to playing Sniper is the human player's skill and ability to quickly land those instakill headshots. A good player can theoretically steamroll the entire enemy team only by playing Sniper, but nobody but the most turbovirgin neurodivergents could ever hope to reach the skill level needed.

A robot though… :marseythinkorino:

With the game's guts on display for the world to see, people naturally quickly made programs that could run an account on TF2 playing sniper, which would proceed to walk straight into combat and land every headshot, wiping the entire enemy team :marseywtf2: but it wouldn't just be one, it would be five, ten, fifteen sniperbots with absolutely zero counterplay pooping up entire game servers. As expected, these bots were also equipped with the latest in slur technology :marseyracist: and would frequently call votekicks on human players :marseyban:

It was a dark time, and still is. These bots are still running around, and the game is absolutely unplayable outside of peak hours. The bots don't stray outside of casual matchmaking so community servers are fine, but the same problems I already highlighted with those servers still exist today :marseysad:

Valve managed to “fix” the slur-spamming problem by removing chat permissions for all free to play players. :marsey1984: I don't think I need to mention why this is a bad idea. In addition to that the bots aren't really fixed, they still flood casual servers and kick every human player out. To this day, it seems Valve has no intention of actually fixing this issue.

#SaveTF2 :soysnoo:

The problem eventually became Reddit's problem. /r/tf2 is the epitome of a modern day vidya subreddit, astroturfed to heck, filled with shitty memes and r-slurred redditors who think they can accomplish anything by making smug comments. Their solution to the bots, the content drought, and the general decline of the game? Be heckin' wholesome 100 about it, and start a hashtag :marseysoylentgrin:

The SaveTF2 movement started with the general goal of getting Valve to fix their darn game. Get rid of the bots was the first priority, and after that people generally thought that Valve would notice TF2 as profitable with the surge of new players coming into a fresh, shiny, bot-free classic game! :marseyglitter: After all, TF2 was still reaching record numbers of concurrent player counts, (:marseywink:) imagine what new heights it could reach from there!

It became fully Redditized incredibly quickly. Constant mentions of Valve and Valve developers on Xwitter, :marseyeyeroll: r-slurred “spread the word” posts all over reddit in unrelated subs, :marseyeyeroll2: and getting the voice actors to go along with their shitty memes :marseyjerkoffsmile: are just a few of the regular Keanu Chungus redditor actions you would expect from such a movement.

The Valve Response :marseylaugh:

In May of 2022, the TF2 Twitter account posted this:

This lead many to rejoice in the triumph of the SaveTF2 movement. Honestly things were looking pretty… hopeful? Maybe the Reddit activism got to them? After years and years of total radio silence it looked like Valve might actually care about this ‘dead game' that continued to grow.

An update was promised and actually… delivered? In July of 2023, TF2 players got the Summer Update! What was in this update, you ask?

  • Community-made cosmetics

  • Community-made skins

  • Community-made maps

Sound familiar? :marseysmug3: But hey, at least the wholesome reddit seal was added into the game! :wholesomeseal: (No, I'm not joking)

This satisfied the redditors though, and the SaveTF2 movement gradually lost momentum, sputtered, and died. All the while, the bots still ran free.


On April 30th of this year, a long time TF2 YouTuber by the name of ZestyJesus woke up and dropped the fattest trvthnvke ever made on the TF2 community:

For those of you who don't want to watch an hour long video, :marseywords: the TL;DR is that after scraping years of data from third party sites and even neurodivergentally collecting his own information, this guy came to a frightening conclusion… You know how I said that despite everything, in spite of the bots, the content drought, the shitty community made updates, in spite of all of it, TF2's player count continued to grow?

In the video, this guy provides pretty darning evidence that over 70% of TF2's reported players… are bots. :marseypearlclutch: But not those sniper bots I've been talking about previously! No, these bots exist specifically to sit in private servers with TF2 running in text-mode (no graphics to reduce RAM usage) and periodically receive item drops, courtesy of Valve's age old gacha system. These bots then sell these items for irl money, inflating both the in-game economy and the reported player counts. The actual player counts? Declining, and had been since Meet Your Match.

ZestyJesus took aim at the Redditors in his closing statements in the video, highlighting how much of a massive failure SaveTF2 was and what an embarrassment it was that the movement lost steam as soon as Valve threw them a bone that looked and tasted exactly like all the other bones they had been thrown for seven years.

So naturally, the redditors crawled out of the woodwork.

#FixTF2: The Redditor Strikes Back :marseysoyhype:

Not taking any hints as to the actual point of the ZestyJesus, some clown by the name of WeezyTF2 releases this video:

Basically he's just saying the movement needs to start again with a different name. TF2 players, still stunned from the TRVTHNVKE fallout, have begun clinging onto this new movement as of late. It basically just involves a lot more whining, which at least does more than the reddit activism they were doing before.

Another YouTuber by the name of shounic, who mostly does explanations of the game's mechanics and code :marseyneko: released this video a mere day ago, highlighting all the barriers to actually fixing the game and all the pitfalls this new movement could fall into:

And at around this time TF2 starts getting massively review bombed!!

At least reviews are an actual form of protest. But what about other Valve games? It appears that Half-Life 2 has also been the target of a few stinkers! :marseyshitlover:

Surely this will go well.


Redditors suck and I hate them all. I hope Valve does something with my favorite childhood game but honestly I'm not holding my breath. I think Valve realizes they're probably going to make more money from their newest Overwatch-clone slop than they could ever make from fixing TF2.

And if they don't? They have the money. Steam will bail them out.

Reported by:
  • pub_LICK : /h/slackernews or /r/erstory
EFFORTPOST How The Unix Haters Won :marseypenguin: :marseykernelpanic: :!marseyraging:

Chances are if you are using a device in 2024 you have likely touched a Unix systems: your phone, your appliances, and web serves are all using UNIX or UNIX likes. Created in the mid 70s at Bell labs, primarily by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, Unix was a multi user multi tasking operating system built for mainframe computers. It was built on a philosophy of simplicity where a set of small programs which each did one thing well would be able to communicate together to accomplish more complex tasks.

It was originally built just for software development but became more popular as it was licensed out to various universities, governments, and corporations (due to AT&Ts relationship with bell labs they could not sell UNIX directly but had to license it to other parties). Most famously was BSD by Berkley which lives on as the BSD line of OSes. One of these licenses was sold to Microsoft who then created Xenix, which was then sub licensed to other parties making it briefly the most popular UNIX version until it was oudated with UNIX 4 and 5 by AT&T and Sun.

At the same time Microsoft had made a deal to provide a lighter OS for IBM's line of personal computers since they were to under powered for Unix so they hired Tim Paterson who had created 86-DOS for Seattle Computer Products Intel Machines to port the DOS system to IBM PCs, IBM PC DOS, and bought the DOS rights from him creating MS-DOS. An under powered 16 bit single tasking piece of shit. Microsoft positioned DOS as the companion to XENIX with the two being compatible and hoped to eventually make DOS identical to single user XENIX called XEDOS. Until Bell labs broke up and AT&T could just start straight up selling UNIX V which blew XENIX out of the water.

With DOS being so shit MS began working with IBM on a new OS called O/S 2 to replace DOS. Eventually the culture clash got to be too much and the success of the DOS based Windows 3 convinced to continue with DOS while IBM kept OS/2. As powerful multi processing OSs which could multi task effectively became common competitors like Sun UNIX line, OS2, OpenVMS, and Next Step offered better multi processing more power and backwards DOS support.

In this soup is where the Unix Haters mailing list emerged. It ran from around 1988 to 1993 and was a place for people to rant about UNIX. This was collected in the 1994 book The UNIX-HATERS Handbook. I think the motive of the Unix Haters becomes clear when you look at who wrote the intro for the book, Don Norman, a user experience engineer at Apple. The Unix Haters view Unix as a inhuman, inaccessible dinosaur which is used not because it is intuitive or user friendly but because it was first and now its everywhere. The book is mostly a polemic of rants about bad experiences and vivid metaphors:

Ken Thompson has an automobile which he helped design. Unlike most automobiles, it has neither speedometer, nor gas gauge, nor any of the other numerous idiot lights which plague the modern driver. Rather, if the driver makes a mistake, a giant “?” lights up in the center of the dashboard. “The experienced driver,” says Thompson, “will usually know what's wrong.”


In a previous job selling Lisp Machines, I was often asked about Unix. If the audience was not mixed gender, I would sometimes compare Unix to herpes—lots of people have it, nobody wants it, they got screwed when they got it, and if they could, they would get rid of it. There would be smiles, heads would nod, and that would usually end the discussion about Unix.


I have a natural revulsion to any operating system that shows so little planning as to have to named all of its commands after digestive noises (awk, grep, fsck, nroff).


If the designers of X Windows built cars, there would be no fewer than five steering wheels hidden about the cockpit, none of which followed the same principles—but you'd be able to shift gears with your car stereo. Useful feature, that.


Q. Where did the names “C” and “C++” come from?

A. They were grades.

In between these metaphors are the same few points made over and over again: 1. Unix commands do not follow logical names for instance grep searches files, awk is a text replacement as is sed, cat concatenates files and/or displays constants to the command line, fsck checks file systems ect. This is a mostly pedantic argument since any experienced Unix user knows these by heart its also pointless in the internet age and only really applies to first time non programmers. 2. Pipes are too limited and difficult to use as they only go one way and transfer text as is the bash shell since allows for custom programs with unique syntax. The authors compare this to Macintosh which has independent programs with their own discreet files:

When was the last time your Unix workstation was as useful as a Macintosh? When was the last time it ran programs from different companies (or even different divisions of the same company) that could really communicate? If it's done so at all, it's because some Mac software vendor sweated blood porting its programs to Unix, and tried to make Unix look more like the Mac.

The fundamental difference between Unix and the Macintosh operating system is that Unix was designed to please programmers, whereas the Macwas designed to please users.

Unix was literally made for programmers and working Ill say in my own work bash scripting a nice quick and dirty automation tool.

3. RM is a powerful command which does not warn the user of its dangers as using it you can easily destroy a whole system if you make a type while far up the root:

I too have had a similar disaster using rm. Once I was removing a file system from my disk which was something like /usr/foo/bin. I was in /usr/foo and had removed several parts of the system by:

% rm -r ./etc

% rm -r ./adm

…and so on. But when it came time to do ./bin, I missed the period. System didn't like that too much.

Unix wasn't designed to live after the mortal blow of losing its /bin directory. An intelligent operating system would have given the user a chance to recover (or at least confirm whether he really wanted to render the operating system inoperable).

To this I say skill issue plain and simple. Reminds me of a student in another lab whose PI has a strict "no rm" rule for students working on the supercomputer :marseysmug2:.

4. Bad documentation. This mostly came from the At&T commericalization. Pretty much no company wants documentation out there for their commercial OS otherwise you can easily leave the plantation I mean can anyone show me the windows NT 10 kernel documentation?

Beyond that many complaints here are outdated. Whining about usenet speeds? Whining about C++ being as inefficient as COBOL? Whining about x windows being too slow? Whining about Sendmail? Even worse a few years after this book the 1991 Unix like kernal Linux by Linus Torvalds would start to gain massive popularity outliving Unix itself. Eventually Linux would get desktop enviroments which would have options like a trash can for restoring data and Mac like programs while offering a unix like command line system.

The Unix haters hand book is at the end of the day a relic of its time a time when raw At&T commercial UNIX was still a major player and before the GNU/Linux FOSS revolution really took off while some of their complaints remain unaddressed many did and many others just come off as the rantings of fresh faced college noobs or normies who are angry their high end academic programming rig isnt built for r-slurs like 1993 Macintosh (the time when Apple was doing so well they nearly went bankrupt and had to but Next Step in 1996 so Steve Jobs could raid them and replace Mac OS with a good OS like NextStep/OSX).

Still the Unix haters aren't done yet for I haven't mentioned the one true Unix hater. Where we left off in history Microsoft needed a proper 32 bit OS with great multi tasking support so they did what they did best and just stole quality by poaching Dave Cutler from Digital Equipment Corporation who had just made the 32 bit operating system openVMS to make Windows NT.

So Windows NT 3.1 launched a year after DOS 3.1 looking mostly the same but running a heck of a lot nicer since its proper 32 bit with a new NTFS file system and not a 16 bit piece of shit doing programming frickery

When the magic of the windows 9x series happened, remember MS was wringing over 5 years out of a really shitty OS they bought in 1980 when the competition ran so much bettter, NT entered version 4.0 before becoming windows 2000.

After the disaster that was Windows ME on DOS, DOS was fully phased out for the NT kernal with Windows vista and has maintained its status was the Windows kernal up till Windows NT Kernal 10.0 which powers windows 10 and 11.

What does this have to do with Unix Haters? Well Dave Cutler is the ultimate UNIX hater!!

Ballmer reassured him. The bright side was finally --finally-- NT had a large target market. Some portion of Windows owners would adopt NT. This put Cutler in a much better position to define the next generation of PC software, placing him at the apex of technical power in the computer industry. Besides, NT would still meet the goals closest to Cutler's heart: portability, reliability and the ability to provide an alternative to Unix, the splintered high-end operating program.

This last goal was crucial to Cutler. "Unix is like Cutler's lifelong foe," said one team member who'd worked with Cutler for nearly two decades. "It's like his Moriarty [Sherlock Holmes's nemesis]. He thinks Unix is a junk operating program designed by a committee of Ph.D.s. There's never been one mind behind the whole thing, and it shows. So he's always been out to get Unix. But this is the first time he's had the chance."

  • according to the book Show-stopper! : the breakneck race to create Windows NT and the next generation at Microsoft which has never been confirmed by Cutler himself

Still its fun to imagine Cutler slaving away in the Azure and Xbox dungeons content knowing he has stopped the year of the linux Unix desktop ... forever.

Or until Windows 13 ships with the linux kernal running KDE plasma skinned to look like Windows 7 and windows software under compatibility layers.

Or maybe Microsoft, Google, and IBM's funding of GNOME will pay off and once KDE and XFCE are killed linux users will be forced to choose between the ugliest barf tier anti productivity desktop ever or run back into the loving arms of whatever OSX/KDE adware hybrid UI Windows 13 is running. :marseyshrug:

!codecels MAJOR OS DRAMA !cuteandvalid New effort post !zoomers look old OSs all zoomers love neurodivergent old OSs its why we invent slop like haikuOS

!jannies this is an effortpost I just couldnt mark it cause the effortpost tick box doesnt work with drafting and I have so many images I need to draft or furryfox crashes :!marseyfurry: :!marseyfirefox:


Athena, 32

Carter, 25


Personal Life/Career:

  • 3 kids, she had 1 prior to the marriage with another man?

    • 3, 4, and 8

    • 8 year old lives with her father in Florida right now

  • "Tensions are high" pre-filming timestamp

    • Immediate jump into maritial issue kino

    • She sees herself as saving the two of them financially and considering divorce if he doesn't get himself together

    • She's sober 9 years, very into AA, was in military

    • He was sober for a year, met when he was 2 weeks sober :marseyxd:

    • "He's strictly a drug addict" timestamp

      • Is he off drugs?

        • He says "Yeah" she says "No" at the same time :marseyxd:

        • Clarifies that he messes around with psychedelics, she clarifies wit story time about finding him "dead on the floor" four years ago timestamp

        • Mentions missed the birth of his third child because he'd smoked too much weed and had a stomach ache :marseyxd:

          • Hard cut into caleb's grift shilling :marseyemojirofl:
      • Current drug use deets timestamp

        • Mostly Kratom, Weed - "Could be Jamba Juice for a week but nothing's gonna stop him"

        • Some psychedelics too?

      • How he relapsed 4 years ago timestamp

        • She bought a bottle of alcohol to help with an ear infection, someone else suggested this?

          • He chugged it and mixed some opiates
      • She does "hape"

        • "unprocessed tobacco, ash, and different plants from the Amazon Jungle"

        • Both do this but "it's not the same"

        • She works for some Jungle Tribe? She's been there and made it with them? She's "one of their guardians in the world" and distributes it? timestamp

        • Mentions having a stroke where everyone told her she was going to die

          • Brought up again later, says she fixed this "by going into [her] own body" timestamp
    • Had a huge fight two days ago, juicy deets timestamp

      • "I've never smoked crack"

        • "No he smoked Heroin" I think she said heroin the shit getting censored out is annoying. He claims he stopped at 22
      • "I know that if I die tomorrow and there is 500'000 dollars because of my life insurance that I pay I don't trust him with the kids and making the right decisions" timestamp

      • Is it true that he doesn't love her like he used to? timestamp

        • "Doesn't show it like he used to"

        • "Together all the time"

        • He wants to play video games

      • Had a cry a couple weeks ago and took some psychedelics to figure his life out timestmap

        • "2CB" not sure if I heard this right I don't know drugs

        • Decided he needs to not quit his vidya because he will resent her for that?

      • Have they seen a therapist together? timestamp

        • She says - She has tried for years but he doesn't want someone to tell him he's wrong

        • He says - can't afford a babysitter? Too expensive

          • They had 7 cancellations for babysitters but finally got one so they could come on this show?
        • Bickering about money timestamp

          • "oh but we have money for World of Warcraft, we have money for stupid shit like-"

          • "-like massages for my wife"

          • "No okay we're going to go into this because he won't let it go"

          • Combined finances "but he just spends"


  • self-score timestmap

    • Aborted initially to discuss their impending divorce

    • Actual self-score timestamp

      • she says 3 and he says 1

      • he said 7 before but then he watched a couple episodes

      • Mentions that he "adds debt and she doesn't see it" timestamp

        • "I don't even add debt though you can go through and see it"
  • Spent 8'000 to move to Oklahoma timestamp

    • 2 and a half months ago

    • Bickering about who wanted to move

    • He had a 20 hour trip fried his brain and they moved to Oklahoma instead to get a job with his father?

    • She's made $2'000 in May, usually $1'500

      • She "does healing" for the moment - with the magic tobacco?

      • Not setting anything aside for taxes, can't afford to?

    • He makes 2'600 a month (3'000 before taxes)

    • She had a hair license in CA, did not transfer to OK but would have with Florida?

  • She filed for bankruptcy at some point after her stroke? timestamp

    • beginning of 2023?

    • She paid off most of his debt, put things into her name before bankruptcy?

      • had plans to make more money in CA bigger hair salon
    • She had a "successful business"

    • Landlord said he "doesn't work with women" and had serious issues with the building she was in?

    • She usually makes about $100 an hour, 15 hours a week

  • Can their family help out? timestamp

    • His father just had a baby
  • Why not move to Florida? tiemstamp

    • he says moving costs

    • she says relapse

      • she moved out at some point?
  • Combined finances stuff, she took over handling them when she had the stroke, then she took them back after a little but timestamp

    • Total disarray while he was in control

    • Mentions "deferred interest" for paypal, Best Buy

      • "and she says why didn't I pay more than the minimum and I'm like we have no money to pay more than the minimum"

      • "Every time we do have money he thinks it's like okay we can go out and eat we can go get on my red bulls oh not red bulls umm [indescipherable spanish name] every single day"

      • Mentions that she quit her Starbies habit

      • "Like we would have assistance for food and he would spend a lot of that on energy drinks"

  • Credit Card 1 (City Diamond) ($1687) timestamp

    • Minimum payment $56

    • New purchases $43.90

    • $39 interest accrued

    • Lots of Amazon, Apple in-app, Chick-fil-a

      • Apple music?

      • Might be the extra cloud storage for her phone?

      • Some amazon ad-free thing?

    • "We don't go to Chick-fil-a any more"

      • "That's literally the most recent statement!"
  • Credit Card 2 (Discover) (7'000) timestamp

    • Had it paid off but then it wasn't

    • LA apartment was infested with cockroaches deemed unlivable

      • "When we came back from a healing convention-"

      • Some excuses?

    • 2238 new purchases

    • 142 minimum payment

    • 113 interest charged

    • Fair bit of eating out on here, some amazons

    • Salon statements timestamp

      • this is where she buys things and resells them
  • Car 2020 Kai Telluride ($33'400) timestamp

    • Old car got totalled, he got smashed into and pushed into a semi

    • "actually we got a really great deal on it" :marseyxd:

      • She's actually convinced she got a good deal. It's unreal she actually bought hook line and sinker and won't accept she got taken for a ride. Born mark.
    • 72 months, 12% interest?

    • 2021

    • $739 minimum payment

    • good condition but a few scratches in the front, might be small issues inside from kids

    • Something weird where they need checks in paper or they take the interest out of it? Didn't catch this

    • Underwater by $8'000

  • Upped her life insurance? timestamp

  • She mentions that she is a vegan timestamp

  • Jungle Story timestamp

    • Went last year

    • "How'd you afford to go to the jungle?"

      • "Credit cards"
  • $78 on some credit card timestamp

    • World of Warcraft - it auto-renewed without him knowing?

    • pays 6 months

    • He played until 2:30 am yesterday night :marseygamer:

  • "I have a gift" "I am not of this earth I am in human form" timestamp

    • White woman nonsense about restoring the rain forest

    • I see dead people now I don't choose to see it

    • "You don't see them they pass you a message and you give it to the person and they heal I charge $111 for what I do it's not fake"

      • "Trust me I didn't say you couldn't make money off of that" :marseyxd:
    • "Fine, tell me something about my self" timestamp

      • it doesn't work like that :marseyxd:

      • "It's only when I do hape my higher self will talk to your higher self"

    • Producer Noah will be doing hape in the post-show? I refuse to paypig so no idea how this went

  • Credit Card 4 (Priceline) ($91) timestamp

    • A few Amazon purchases

      • She doesn't think they've made any purchases this month?
    • Some movie rent/buying

    • Father of her first child would not let her control the finances timestamp

      • He was breadwinner in that relationship?

      • She shows some sort of organization of her expenses?

      • "Every month I go can we sit down and he hates it" :marseyxd:

      • "He literally became a man when he met me becau-"

  • Credit Card 5 (Best Buy) (1'883) timestamp

    • "Somebody broke his headphones!" :marseyxd:

    • Food, TV, headphones, iPad repair

    • $348 in new purchases

    • $29 in payments

    • $17 interest accrued

    • Based karen moment fighting the employee on the screen protector timestamp

  • She's been applying to jobs timestamp

    • Only applied to 5 so far, can only work evenings and wants specific jobs? May or may not be getting a job with Texas Roadhouse
  • Credit Card 6 (2'442) timestamp

    • $81 minimum payment

    • $72 in new purchases

    • $82 paid

    • $6 interest accrued

    • interest only just started on this

  • Owes money to his grand mother timestamp

    • She will just send money sometimes to bail them out? Separately from that she lent them a lot?

    • already paid back a lot but still owe 4'000 that she wants to

    • Something about taking in some guy from Turkey but booted him "released him with love" timestamp

      • They have a phoneline that he is paying off?
  • She is concerned with the welfare of the plant, she decides "it's dying" timestamp

    • It's not dying.
  • She gets really ill if she drinks starbucks "since the stroke"

  • $1000 on a mattress remaining

    • they partially paid $2000
  • MetaZoo timestamp

    • Spent thousands of dollars on it? irl card game?

    • This what they spent their covid bucks on?

    • They tried to be scalpers during the covid bubble they are so fricking stupid it's unreal

    • they think the kickstarter box is worth $1000?

  • Caleb presses them on whether they've taken responsiblity for anything ever timestamp

Pie chart timestamp

She's getting 20% disabled for VA ($338) timestamp

EFFORTPOST The Fall of RoosterTeeth :soycrychickengenocide: and Fate of RWBY :marseyjwby: — Meta Effortpost Part 3

The RT subreddit jannies have "temporarily" suspended rule 6. Rule 6 says "6. Do not come here to complain about how "RT is dead"."


For the rest of RT's history see my previous effortposts.

Part 1

Part 2

The End of RoosterTeeth :marseygameritsover:

We covered the majority of the reasons why RoosterTeeth eventually went under in the previous post. In this Part 3 I'll wrap up a few points I didn't have room to elaborate on previously before detailing the actual collapse and aftermath. After all there isn't any single climactic scandal or crisis that did them in on its own.

Though the following point did contribute heavily to RWBY's decline.

Animation is Expensive :marseyitsjoever:


— Achievement Hunter

RoosterTeeth didn't have an actual animation department back when they hired Monty Oum for RvB. Monty and some of his "apprentices" handled all of the cgi for RvB seasons 8-10, and the first Volume of RWBY couldn't have had more than fifteen people total behind its animation. The success of RWBY is what created the proper Animation Studio, and going forward it would handle the rest of RWBY and RvB along with a few new IPs RoosterTeeth tried to get off the ground. RT's other animated productions include Camp Camp, Nomad of Nowhere, X-Ray and Vav, S*x Swing, and RoosterTeeth Animated Adventures.

The main show of note however is Gen:LOCK. Out of all the post-RWBY properties, Gen:LOCK was RT's biggest hope of recapturing that lightning in a bottle and was easily the most expensive production. Indeed it's been claimed that Gen:LOCK appropriated funds from other animated productions since its creator also just so happened to be head of the animation department :carpmorshu:

As I mentioned in the first thread, Xoomers were some of the first weebs and American anime is their fault :anticarp: Gen:LOCK creator Gray Haddock had originally only done minor voice work when he started with RT. But that made him a professional compared to everyone else involved with developing RWBY, a very indie show in which RT was turning to their animators, HR employees, and podcasters just to fill out the voice acting roles. Gray voiced :marseyromantorchwick: and was popular enough to have the character stick around for three seasons when he was only meant to be in the first episode. When RoosterTeeth formed their proper animation studio in 2014, Gray was made Head of Animation. He was also a writer and assistant director for RWBY.

Gray grew up watching mecha :marseygundam: and cyberpunk :marseysnappyautism: anime and much like Monty Oum he must have decided at a young age that he'd make his own cool thing if ever he got the chance. As CRWBY (production crew of RWBY) began work on Volume 5 and RT decided on what the best big show would be, Gray pitched his idea for RoosterTeeth's very own robot franchise and used his position over the animation department to give his pitch a few advantages over any others. For one thing he could have the artists draw up concept art on demand :marseycracka:

Gray really wanted Gen:LOCK to be a full blown production comparable less to web shows and more towards network television. Not only would the production costs greatly exceed any previous RT animated endeavor. The show also shilled out for actual talent from SAG-AFTRA. Apparently it really started to come together after a concept artist used Michael B. Jordan as a reference for the main character and Gray sent an email to Jordan's agent.

I should note that at the time Jordan was most well known for the 2015 Fantastic Four movie :ravenstarfirelaughing: so this might explain why RT's random robot pitch was taken seriously. But even though he eventually went and did Black Panther :marseyblackpanther: :marseymoney: he still agreed to work on the project, apparently because he's a huge weeb and liked the idea personally. His company Outlier Society Productions even co-produced the show. Other names attached include Maisie Williams (Game of Thrones) Dakota Fanning (Independent movies apparently) Koichi Yamadera (Cowboy Bebop) and David Tennant (Doctor Who)

No, really

Work on Gen:LOCK started in ‘17 at which point Gray left CRWBY to work on Volume 5 without finishing his workload or finding a replacement :marseyderp: He also siphoned both funds and animators from other projects while still demanding every show hit their deadlines. It was at this point that RT started bringing on unpaid interns to finish their animation — more details on this in the "Controversies" section of my second RT effort post.

RWBY Volume 6 and Gen:LOCK were produced together through mandatory crunch time and free labor from interns promised a job at RT after 90 days only to be shown the door as soon their contracts expired :marseytroll: Gen:LOCK's development went well into the red and was pushed back to 2019. It's been estimated that both GL and Volume 6 had about a third of their seasons made entirely for free thanks to not paying overtime. People were working up to 80 hours a week, with management offering empty platitudes about the crunch and how they'd resolve it. The planned number of episodes was cut from 12 to 8. RT had a whole pipeline set up with Full Sail Animation to provide them with yet more interns for the meat grinder.

Finally Gen:LOCK premieres in January as a FIRST exclusive. The show did moderately well in viewership and reviews. A dedicated fandom formed — probably the third largest RT fandom behind RvB and RWBY if that means anything :marseyshrug: — and the show actually made it to syndication on Cartoon Network's Toonami.

But as such an expensive and time consuming production with Hollywood actors attached, Gen:LOCK broke RoosterTeeth's bank and fell into the trap of needing to be a massive, breakout hit in order to make any kind of profit. Since RWBY made a lot of money as an indie success story, RoosterTeeth had hoped something with more budget would make proportionally more profit.

Gen:LOCK was their animation department's biggest misstep and a significant reason why the decline became terminal. Gen:LOCK was simply too expensive and didn't prove to be worth the investment. None of the other shows were runaway successes either. In the grand scheme RT's animation department only served to drain the company's treasury.

In the wake of the show's release RoosterTeeth's ‘19 Glassdoor scandal broke and soured their reputation along with the myth of their being a great company for animators to get their foot in the door. The RT founders had apparently given Gray Haddock a lot of leeway in animation and were unpleasantly surprised to learn how the department had been handled. He resigned soon after and RT never attempted anything this ambitious again.

Gen:LOCK itself wasn't (quite) dead and in October it was announced that Season 2 would initially premiere with HBO Max before becoming available to FIRST members.

But RoosterTeeth simply did not have the capability to make such a show anymore and so HBO was given reins to write and produce while outsourcing the actual animation to the people who did Planet Sheen and Fanboy & Chum Chum. The Ship of Theseus that was season 2 released in November 2021 and, well, I've never heard of anyone who liked it. :marseyreluctant: Modern RWBY may not be great but it at least has an extremely dense fanbase conditioned over years to watch the show uncritically. Gen:LOCK died in its infancy and the few remaining fans mostly just ignore season 2 these days.

People are letting their nostalgia blind them as to what RT was at the time of its death: a corporate entity like any else, with widely documented worker-abuse issues. It's a shame that the studio that once pioneered independent animation on the internet became just another cog in the machine that was thrown out after it became useless, but it did it to itself.


Speaking of RWBY, this show too became more and more expensive with every season and had probably stopped being profitable by the time RT imploded. Volume 9 supposedly cost over 6.6 million to produce and had to be funded with help from Crunchyroll in exchange for an exclusivity deal.

Looking back it's a quiet miracle the show even lasted nine seasons. There was almost never a time something wasn't wrong with RoosterTeeth's animation department. In brief,

V1: No budget lol. The only reason RWBY is a 3D show/got made at all is because Monty was already used to the animation software and wasn't asking RoosterTeeth to go find a studio.

V2: No major problems, but…

V3: Monty dies :marseyrubyrosegenocide:

V4: Switched to another graphics program entirely. Shane's infamous letter also comes out around this time (detailed in the previous post) He and other Monty loyalists are dismissed from the company.

V5: This is when Gray Haddock began taking resources for Gen:LOCK. The volume also had more episodes than usual.

V6: Gen:LOCK problems continued. The Glassdoor scandal happened for RT. Actor Vic Mignogna :marseyqrowbranwen: was also fired from his role on sexual harassment allegations.

V7: No problems, however…

V8: Covid :marseycovidscare: and the Texas power crisis from Greg Abbot's paraplegic witch magic snow storm :marseyabbott: Also a longer season than normal

V9: Continued production issues from Covid. Made at the same time as the Justice League crossover movies. More RT workplace misconduct. Led to a 2 year hiatus.

V10: Isn't even greenlit. I'm bringing it up because CRWBY claimed in early March that preproduction was done and they were waiting for the go-ahead :ayno:

In retrospect cartoons pushed RoosterTeeth to its limit.

Collapsing Influence and Fading Influencers :marseyzoomerimplosion:



In this section we'll discuss the evolution of the podcast half of RoosterTeeth. Many of these changes represented attempts to reverse course on the company's decline or, in the case of some influencers, to get away from the sinking ship.

First I'll bring up the Let's Play family. To clarify, "let's plays" are videos where people would play a video game and, uh... that's it. IIRC they go back to the noughties and predate any real streaming personalities. Let's Play as a proper noun was created by Achievement Hunter as a channel specifically for their relevant let's plays, originally featuring videos from just the main six AH personalities with the videos uploaded to YouTube. As RT grew Let's Play also featured people from Funhaus and other Fullscreen aquired groups like ScrewAttack. Gradually this evolved into a larger network.

On May 31, 2017, it was announced that YouTubers JT Machinima, NoahJ456, LazarBeam, and Steven Suptic (now known as Sugar Pine 7) had joined Let's Play, with JT Machinima being the first of which to have merchandise sold through the RT Store. Others to eventually join include Criken2, James Buckley, BedBananas, Tomato Gaming, ChilledChaos, Retro Replay, Castle Super Beast, GaLm, and Tom Fawkes.

Yeah I haven't heard of most of these people either :marseywoozy: There was also Etika though and I remember him entirely through the rDrama gayop :etika: :marseygossipsmug:

As mentioned previously, the evolution of YouTube and changes made to its policies regarding advertising revenue hurt RoosterTeeth over time. Aside from trying to make up for it by expanding on FIRST and their own website, they noticed the Let's Play "family" had always been a consistent source of income and was relatively less affected by YouTube's evolution. They represented numerous personalities and different kinds of content that still appealed to the ever changing algorithm while having a low overhead that RT wasn't entirely responsible for. RT hoped the Let's Play group would keep them relevant no matter how YouTube continued to evolve.

Unfortunately they never succeeded in cultivating the goal of having this many more Achievement Hunters. The partners that were already hemorrhaging continued to do poorly and others simply declined to renew their contracts as soon as they were up. The successful members must have decided there wasn't much to gain from working with RT. Individual influencers certainly didn't appreciate RT's restrictions on their individual streaming. Ultimately the Let's Play family was pointless.

Funhaus used to be really good before they lost their whole cast and replaced them by the same kind of sanctimonious r-slurs that made the rest of roosterteeth unwatchable.

They removed all the edge that made funhouse great. The new cast would call hr if you tried to make them watch vr gay porn.

-- @OutKongged and @w1n5t0n

This is as good a time as any to bring up how RT podcasts and meta gaming content simply lost SOVL over time. The let's play formula Achievement Hunter pioneered requires entertaining people with chemistry. Parasocialmaxxers want to feel like they're watching friends play a game together. RT started sticking random "influencers" in front of the screen in the hopes of hitting it big on the algorithm, never mind that these were random people who didn't know each other and were always talking over each other. Losing more and more of their originals to scandals and retirement and replacing them with culture warrior/"zoomers like this kind of thing right?" types didn't help either.

The comedy that the original g*mer dudebro demographic liked disappeared and RT never grabbed the limited attention spans of youngins :marseywhirlyhat: to replace them.

I don't think there were any other major RT events and scandals left to cover so we're gonna start skipping ahead. The following developments are recent enough to overlap with the history of :capyblowkiss: and represent some of the final happenings in the history of the company.

In September '23 it was announced that RT's longrunning Achievement Hunter would no longer produce content. The stated reason for this was the entire AH cast moving onto different creative projects throughout Rooster Teeth -- BlackKrystel and Jack getting more involved at Inside Gaming, Ky working behind the scenes, Lindsay doing voice work and Twitch streams for RWBY V-Tubing, :marseypathetic2: and Geoff and Gavin doing the thing mentioned in a following section. Meanwhile Trevor, Michael, Alfredo, and Joe created an entirely new channel called Dogbark, which premiered its first video in October.

Michael and others apparently felt stifled by the AH name but even the RT community wasn't super enthusiastic and the subreddit left comments like the following,

I wish ya'll the best, and I'll give it a fair shot, but this video doesn't instill confidence guys.

Im gonna be honest this trailer just gave me "We're trying to be Smosh" vibes

"The community has consistently told us they dont like scripted shorts or improv bits and want us to just go back to being 4 to 6 friends playing games together and shooting the shit. So we have decided to move to a new channel that is exclusively scripted shorts and improv bits"


great to see them leaning into their weaknesses

Views were never great.

Always Open (aka the finger me podcast)

:marseyitsallsotiresome: DAE vaginas amirite, ladies?

-- @JimieWhales

In December Rt shut down All Good No Worries which was meant to be a network focusing on female fans (And yes :marseytrain:s were involved namely Charlotte from Funhaus) This was also the third and final time the Always Open podcast had been put on pause.

In the wake of Achievement Hunter's dissolution Geoff and Gavin started the FrickFace Podcast with Andrew Panton as well as becoming the new hosts of Let's Play. Some have said this was more akin to old AH because it was back to being a group of RT originals playing the games. This was one of the more active groups in RT's final hours.

The fact that this was announced 30 minutes before the end of rooster teeth

-- /r/frickfacepod

One of the funnier moments of RT's closing :marseymouse: Ratyboy Adventures is a game that Andrew Panton subjected FrickFace to in a Let's Play video. For whatever reason he then decided to buy the rights to the character and so on March 6th, 2024 it was announced that RatyBoy would become the official mascot of Let's Play.

This, erm, news came out just thirty minutes before it was announced RoosterTeeth as a whole would be shutting down :bruh:

Anyway, this is just some noteworthy tidbits from RT's very late history. Remember the true and boring background cause of their collapse was declining ratings and stagnation over time.

The Fall :marseymasterchiefgenocide:

RT's cause of death is via shooting themselves in the foot way too much over the years, or death via a million and one papercuts if you prefer. A studio like theirs surviving twenty-one years should be a success story, but they've been treading water for so long it doesn't feel that way, and despite many fans being upset with WBD, for all we know, they only pulled the plug once RT's brain function fully stopped.

-- /r/RWBYcritics

And now we reach the end. :dumstickdancer:

Since it's not a podcast I'll mention in this section that the last RTX convention was held in ‘23. The majority of the event staff was laid off later that year and in December General Manager Jordan Levin announced the cancellation of RTX 2024. He notably cited that the conventions had never been profitable. This was a major red flag to even the staunchest RoosterTeeth fan since the conventions had always been an important way of promoting projects and making deals with other companies.

Remember Red vs. Blue, the show that started all of this? RT continued making it over the 10's, even after RWBY became the primary IP and even after Bungie's Halo transitioned over to 343 :marseyhelp: After 18 :marseyspitmoji: seasons it was finally announced in July ‘23 that the longrunning web show, the longest in American history besides maybe Homestar Runner :marseytrogdor: would end with the following season. I'm not sure if this was the result of RT's imminent closure or not but the RvB finale ended up being a movie instead of a full season, Red vs. Blue: Restoration. This is set to premiere in May of this year making it one of the last RT productions.

Most people considered RT's announcement to be a long overdue mercy kill to the Halo series people once watched on their CRT monitors :marseyboomer: But it's fitting in the end that Red vs. Blue lasted as long as RoosterTeeth itself.

My favourite quote from the Rooster Teeth subreddit today:

For me personally, Rooster Teeth shutting down feels like the equivalent to an ex-spouse getting killed in an accident.


The decision to shut down RoosterTeeth came from Warner Bros Discovery. As far as I know there isn't a specific reason why it was closed down last month other than a simple case of bean counters taking a hard look at the data. Warner Bros itself has been having money issues lately and under the reign of Daddy Zaslav they've been slashing expenses left and right. 2023 saw RoosterTeeth announce that RTX was unprofitable, the end of Achievement Hunter, the end of Red vs. Blue, and the admission RWBY's last two seasons had gone over budget and that the show itself wouldn't have continued without Crunchyroll's support. It's not hard to see why WB didn't let it go on another year.

Everything RT that still exists; Funhaus, Frickface, The RoosterTeeth Podcast (Formerly The Drunk Tank), CRWBY, and whatever else is currently being looked over by WB execs (picture that for a moment :mjlol:) IPs like RWBY and Gen:LOCK are allegedly being shopped around for potential buyers alongside the podcast and gaming networks.

Worth noting that on April 8th it was announced the Roost Podcast Network (not the same as the regular RoosterTeeth Podcast :marseyconfused2:) had been sold by WB to Night, a digital talent management company. I think this represents the first sale of a former RT property.

I'll also clarify that March 6th was only the shut down announcement date and that RT is going to continue operating until early May. This might be because Texas law requires employers to give at least 60 day notices before layoffs actually start. Funhaus and Frickface at least will continue until then and the RvB movie is supposedly still coming out.

Late Stage RWBY :marseyjwby:

RT died with a whimper, and RWBY died with a teenage girl committing suicide because she gave up hope and nobody cared about her, which was very prophetic if you ask me. Salem's goal was the world's longest suicide note, which is fitting because that's what happened to RWBY and RT as a whole.


You may be wondering how RWBY was doing throughout all this? As evidenced by the thread quotes RWBY fans had gotten a little unhinged by the time the show's last volume rolled around. The fandom divide was thoroughly entrenched and people started acting like very soy echoes of dramanauts. RWBY became less a show and more a vector for online antics where the terminally online would fling :crap: at each other and celebrate if anything happened to the other side :marseyreportmaxxer2: Honestly the evolution of the FNDM's "culture" could be its own effortpost but it's also kind of hard to translate for normie comprehension :marseysphinx:

Regarding the civil war, those hardcore fans rabidly loyal to CRWBY — largely represented by showrunners Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross — are known for having parasocial relationships with crew members not so unlike people who followed specific AH or Funhaus personalities. The writers preferred to interact with them over any unfair and mean spirited critics :marseyindignant: and certain developments like Blake and Yang being together :marseydose: are accused of being bones of appeasement thrown their way for ratings. The most hardcore CRWBY stans outright hate Monty and basically anyone who left the show's development for any reason because they're not seen as part of current RWBY.

The other half are the heckin chud critics — though really it's about one part :chudjakdancing: one part :marseysoylentgrin: and two parts :marseypizzashill: :marseylongpost: but for fantasy waifu slop. These guys haven't liked RWBY in a long time and have been waiting patiently for it to end either out of desire for a reboot or because of pure schadenfreude.

This divide is very serious business :marseyweeb: in places like Reddit i.e. posting regularly in /r/RWBYcritics grants an automatic ban from /r/RWBY :marseyjanny:

For those of you mayo scrotes who watch video essays :marseycringe2: one of more infamous RWBY fandom developments came from a critical video by hbomberguy. Idk who he really is honestly :marseyprojectiongenocide: but his three hour video in which he simply points out how disappointing RWBY is/has become set the FNDM on fire and was otherwise good for dramacoin :marseycoin: I don't consider this sort of thing to be news but I'm bringing it up because to this day you can really make RWBY weirdos :marseycopeseethedilate: just by reminding them it exists. Any criticism of CRWBY's precious little baby is not allowed :marseyflagnorthkorea:

Moistcritikal also apparently made a negative comment about RWBY once though I don't think it was a whole video. He's also on the :marseyseven: list

As mentioned earlier CRWBY went through a difficult production period post Covid, but though it took almost two extra years and outside funding to make it happen, they finally did finish Volume 9 as of last year alongside the two Justice League movies that Kang really loved and recommends you watch. As Volume 9 finally ended its Crunchyroll exclusivity and premiered on RT just these past few months, CRWBY also announced they'd wrapped up preproduction on Volume 10 (though they do tend to exaggerate how much they've done at any time) and were just waiting for the green light on funding. When this didn't immediately happen, the poor bastards even started appealing directly to the fans at places like RTX for support :marseysmug3:

But with the extra content that's come out since Volume 9, there's also evidence CRWBY could see the writing on the walls and that they were preparing Volume 10 as a possible last season though they'd previously claimed to have a 12 Volume roadmap for the entire story.

They were just one Volume short in the end :itsoverjapanese:

The Fate of RWBY :cardinwinchester:

This is the first comment on the first thread I clicked on in rwbycritics:

"It's strange, while my countrymen cheer the beast's fall, I feel a strange melancholy, after all these years, what once was filled with majesty and pride, goes out not with a blaze of glory, but a whimper in the dark."

So that's how they're taking it


Obviously RoosterTeeth's shutdown kills RWBY too since this former passion project now costs seven figures a season to produce. The true fate of the IP is entirely in the air though. The legal rights now belong to Warner Bros or one of the other companies under them in the family tree and it remains to be seen what will happen. Meanwhile a spattering of newish RWBY developments have happened since March 6th.

Volume 9's release on RT FIRST still happened as planned. In a rare moment of RT generosity it was announced that all RWBY content would be free on the RoostrTeeth site until closure. (Though this does track with their treatment of FIRST members :marseyfrygenocide:) As it wrapped up CRWBY actually released a slightly extended version of the season's epilogue, albeit it took the form of an unfinished animatic.

This leads into RWBY: Beyond, a four episode "storybook anthology" that will represent the last official CRWBY content and otherwise wrap up RoosterTeeth's tenure with the show. It actually premieres today :marseyfluffy:

Unfortunately all the post RWBY shutdown content looks like this since the budget's gone.

But at least there's something since otherwise the below image would be true.

Alas the Justice League movies still represent the last properly animated RWBY content ever made by RoosterTeeth.

So what will happen to RWBY now? It entirely depends on whether WB finds a buyer or not and whether or not they can agree on a price. Unless some exec decides there's a lot of potential in the RWBY x DC stuff I doubt they'll want to make use of the IP especially since they'd have to find new producers.

Remember Dillon Gu and Shane Newville from earlier? After being banished from RoosterTeeth for violating the CRWBY Covenant they went on to have their own animation studio and make videos like the one above. A lot of the studio's work is obviously RWBY inspired.

Dillon Gu has expressed interest in acquiring RWBY but I doubt they have the money Warner Bros will ask for. I'm still bringing it up because all the nerds are hoping for this so it could be a good source of seethe if it doesn't happen that way. :marseydevil: :marseynerdgenocide:

The most likely potential buyer is probably Crunchyroll. RWBY has actually been one of their most popular shows over the years and was fairly popular in Japan for a western series. In fact RWBY was the most watched anime in Japan on Crunchyroll for the 2010's.

For the moment RWBY will remain on Crunchyroll even after the RT website disappears and if nothing else WB will talk to Crunchyroll about renewing that deal or not. It's quite possible Crunchyroll will look into buying the IP though it's not confirmed yet.

If no one buys RWBY then it will remain in the hands of Daddy Zaslav :marseysuit: WB is the same company that made a Batgirl and Wile E. Coyote movie and chose not to release them. With the latter WB didn't even negotiate with attempted distributors. They just opened with an unreasonably high offer and refused to respond to counter offers.

So yeah who knows what'll happen to RWBY. I just wanted a fighting game out of it :marseythebloodedgepat:


They are Austin, Texascels who drank California grade wokism but didn't have ANY of the California chuds or safety rails to rein in their bullshit and quickly alienated their fanbase.


They had frickin huge billboard ads up in the heart of Austin overlooking i35 for the lazer team release- probably some of the most expensive in the city. :marseyspecial:, all of them.


I've only tangentially followed the fall of Roosterteeth as a podcast I listen to was on their network, but in general I deeply hate how what ten years ago was framed as “independent creators can make things” has become so many levels of frickery.


It's their 20th anniversary this year, and literal no one gives a frick. It's absolutely :marseydeadinside2: that this company that was pretty well loved on the internet and had a big enough fanbase to support a yearly convention has petered out to a corpse that's being puppeted by media corpos. I remember religious watching up to 2015 and leaving when Ray did. It's telling that Ray even gets brought up anymore going on 8 years since his exit. :marseyitsover:


I've written three effortposts now so I don't have a lot to say here. Really I'm just waiting to see what happens to RWBY.

It is sad yet interesting to me that RoosterTeeth was in decline for as long as they'd been successful if not longer. No one was surprised to hear they'd be shut down. Most people only reminisced about when they'd been better.

If you want more info this hobbydrama post, while a little soy, :soysnoo: is pretty informative especially regarding the podcasts and how YouTube's policy changes harmed RT over time.

And for you ypipo out there here's a YouTube video essay

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ProterozoicBussy wanted me to quote him so I went to his profile on an alt and saw this and anyway I fulfilled my end of the bargain.

Also if any of you dramanauts have RWBY: Grimm Eclipse on Xbox then HMU I still need the four person achievements before the servers maybe go offline.

EFFORTPOST Fallout TV show season 1 has dropped, it sucks. Unmarked spoilers inside.

So the show has released, and as expected by anyone with a brain, it sucks. However it seems to have sucked more than anyone could have predicted. This might legitimately darn Bethesda lmao.

First, here is a comment from this thread explaining how they absolutely butchered world building (this show is canon btw):

:marseyannoyed: So, in summary, if I understand correctly, these are the major changes:

- Shady Sands got cratered in 2277

- NCR vertibird downed on the strip

- The Strip barricades are gone

- Vault Tec seemed to have caused the Great War

- The Boneyard is no longer a thing

- Shady Sands is in place of the Boneyard

- NCR Rangers are gone

- Aradesh is no longer the founder of Shady Sands (more speculatory)

- Somehow the Brotherhood seemed to have overran the NCR in 2277

What I can't believe is that they actually retconned the original two Fallout games and that nobody won New Vegas. Even more egregious is the lore change with the BoS-NCR war, which retcons THE ENTIRETY OF F:NV. This has to be a new timeline at this point.

TL:DR is they literally retconned the 3 games they didn't make, and then replaced the factions from those games with very special factions they made from the 2 games they developed themselves. This is like a bad fanfiction lol.

People predicably, are mad. Some seethe:

:marseydeadinside: Jesus. I genuinely can't believe I was actually letting myself be excited for the future of this franchise before this release. Completely retconning the original games is genuinely fricking so sad man.

:marseyconfused: When is it said aradesh is no longer the founder of shady sands?

Also when do we see the ncr vertibird crashed on the strip?

:marseyannoyed: It's never said by Moldaver, but it seems to be implied that she founded Shady Sands in addition to being the remaining NCR leader. This is speculation, and it probably shouldn't be listed as an actual change.


:marseyconfused: So even though it's been established that Shady Sands is in an entirely different state of the new california Republic from the boneyard, they just slapped it right into los angeles, and then they nuked it, why???

:marseysmug2: What even is a Shady Sands? Has anyone else wondered why they named the first game Fallout 3 by the way? Wacky Bethesda xD

:marseysad2: That's not a nuke crater, that's a "Borg scooped up the settlement" crater. This is dumb.

:purerage: I knee it.

I just knew it.

I prayed it wasnt the case but at any opportunity they had, Bethesda tried to retcon New Vegas and now their efforts... went nuclear.

Hate it. HATE IT. HATE IT.

New Vegas is the Canon version of events. Not some Amazon show.

:angry: I fricking knew Todd would frick it over to create their version of Fallout artificially. I fricking hate it. I was fine with a scenario where the NCR loses in Vegas, but to just extensively rewrite the lore of Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas to jerk off the BoS even more? Fricking dead to me.

:marseyseethe: Says you, but Bethesda owns the franchise and this is the direction they took. They entirely retconned the fallout games they did not make, and they've succeeded. Next season they'll go and show New Vegas as a dead husk bereft of anything that made it special. Enjoy!

Also, they do not care anymore. They are owned by Microsoft now and exist to make xbox and live games.

:purerage: Look, I am very good at that. My Canon Star Wars are the old Comic books with sea dragons and Jaxxon the green rabbit. I literally ignored anything that came after that.

So I will need to ignore Bethesda to keep the correct Canon? Boo f#₪#^ hoo. They didnt get even a passable game out in the last 12 years!

I walked the Divide for the NCR, I can ignore Bethesda for them as well.

:!marseysad: Haven't watched the show yet as I sail the high seas but this ending sounds very, very annoying. Seems like the show starts off well though but if what I'm seeing here is the case I'll be pretty fricking ticked that they essentially made the West the same as the East in terms of development and that they made NV mean nothing.

:marseyseethe: NV was entirely retconned. The casinos are literally husks and the city is dead. NCR died when Shady Sands (located in the wrong place) was blown up by one guy.

:!marseysad: Christ alive 🤦🏿‍♂️. They should've atleast had some obsidian writers and lorekeepers there to keep things consistent. This is just laziness. I'm not one of those people who thinks Bethesda despises obsidian but like cmon.

:marseyitsover: It's not laziness. It was a deliberate choice.

:marseysad2: Resetting to a status quo of “muh wasteland” absolutely is laziness

:marseygigaretard: Its funny because there is a meme that Bethesda is spite driven because obsidian made a better fallout game than bethesda and the metacritic score 83, 85 thing FNV being retconned is funny knowing the meme

:marseyseethe: I hate it all.

The NCR was written out as a society entirely. The writers I guess just learned about shady sands and went 'oh its the capital so if we blow it up then the NCR will collapse.'

The NCR was such a good faction, it was the only one that actually grew, that had a familiar functioning postwar society. And what did they do? They nuked them out of existence to show off the brotherhood and a dead, empty New Vegas.

Why, why would they do this.. they could have made it right after the nuking not decades after. They pissed all over the legacy of my favourite game.

:marseysmugretard: I blame Lonesome Road and Chris Avellone.

:marseysad2: I can't hold him responsible for this, he had enough sense to know how big the NCR was and how the game world worked. That's why Ulysses wanted to destroy the Long 15 and block them from reaching the Mojave.

:marseydepressed: To me, Fallout stood apart for being a post-post-apocalyptic story. Just nuking the NCR not only strips away one of the most interesting aspects of the setting but does it, to my eyes, entirely unnecessarily. If you wanted to tell a wasteland story, you could have:

  • Set it between Fallout 1 and 2, or even before Fallout 1
  • Set it in one of the vast regions of America that are untouched by the games thus far

But no. Fricking why?

:marseysmug2: I knew this would happen the moment I've heard the name Todd Howard.

:marseyseethe: It really feels like they asked BETHESDA for the lore, and they said 'oh well you got the Brotherhood of Steel who have this big airship and vertibirds and huge machine guns that can only be wielded in power armor.'

then went 'oh there's this group called the NCR, I think they're from shady sands or something, you can blow them up for shock value it'll be fine. There's also this big place called New Vegas you can turn into a dump too who cares lmao.'

:marseydevil: "heh heh heh that'll teach 'em to like obsidian's game more than ours*

:marseysad2: Honestly I am becoming one of those people more and more by the minute, especially if their plans for New Vegas next season are what they seem to be.

:marseypalpatine: somehow palpatine returned

:marseynerd2: So what did house predict then if it was vault tec who dropped the bombs. So Mr house knew the nukes where coming and still couldn't shoot them down or get the plat chip

:marseynerd2: Also it says shady shands fell in 2277 but new vegas is set in 2281 ?

:marseyseethe: I guess NV is just entirely retconned in the show? NV is dead, empty. The only places that exist are a half dozen towns outside of the city itself. The casinos are gutted entirely aside from the Lucky 38 which I guess House lives in still? He would be waking up just as the NCR was probing into NV, Caesar's Legion would be on it's way as well. Big MT is still abducting people.. The Brotherhod wouldn't have lost at Helios One but also now have infinite energy so why would they even care?

The entirity of FNV was fought over a dam, water and power.. Now the BOS has infinite clean and renewable fusion.. the NCR doesn't exist either.

So they're using the facade of 1, 2 and NV as a backdrop for more BoS shenanigans from Bethesda's mainline games.

:marseyrain: Maaaaan

This is what I was afraid of. A good show based in world building that I think is fundamentally uninteresting.

I'm probably just gonna separate it out as its own thing in my head, no matter how canon Todd says it is.

:marseybigbrain: This is what everyone paying attention was afraid of, but they got shot down as alarmist for daring to suggest the brilliant creative minds behind Starfield might provide a shite backdrop for worldbuilding.

:marseyseethe: He was in a meeting to know exactly when it would happen and was wrong.. somehow.

Did he not read the memo?

:marseynerd2: Fallout new vegas mr house :marseygigachad:: I was able to almost accurately predict a nuclear war and I have set the pieces for my rise to power after I come back online

Tv show Mr House :yakub:: Shieeeeeeeet I ain't reading all that I'm just gonna pretend I read this

:marseycope: To everyone saying the NCR is totally collapsed.

I highly doubt it. It seems after Shady Sands was nuked the NCR was a bit scrappy but pulling itself together to keep everything afloat, with the BOS destroying the HQ and the view of the NCR leader using the Cold Fusion to power the entire city at once, it shows the civilians of the NCR are still existing at least throughout the entire ruins in some way.

I imagine next season, we're gonna see the BoS biting way more than it can Chew, and something with New Vegas as well, and with the father constantly mentioning something about "Meeting your Creators." How much you wanna bet Mr House is technically still alive? Just New Vegas went into dormancy??

Im excited to see potentially the NCR Regrouping or like Scrappy NCR rebels, and Desert Rangers in the Mojave. I highly doubt the NCR is done and over with from what we saw.

:marseytears: Whatever your opinions on it, retconning NV out of the timeline (which is exactly what they've done) frickin sucks.

:marseycope: Yeah.. But at least it isn't like a straight full on they don't even exist kind of retcon. Seems more like a soft reboot

:marseywave2: Hello fellow spoiler fiends who went straight to the end and saw the New Vegas tease. Also, from what I gathered skipping around, the MC's father was a Vault Tec guy who nuked Shady Sands because her mother went there and was having a great time (missed a bunch of dialogue skipping through so that might not be right). The Brotherhood has cold fusion now and the guy in charge seems like a peepee so presumably they will butt up against whoever is now in charge of House's technology.

:marseyconfused2: Dude wtf happened to the NCR? Didn't they say they had most of California pretty much colonized? I'm only on episode 4 but complete radio silence while it takes place near the boneyard and dayglow??

:marseydeadinside2: Episode 8 covers it.

It's not pretty.

About 5 years after New Vegas, Lucy's Mom left vault 33 to see if life was back on the surface, taking Lucy and her brother with her, and made her way to Shady Sands, which teleported to LA at some point. Her dad, who was a Vault-Tec executive came after them, stole the kids back, and use Vault-Tec's secret supply of nuclear weapons (The ones they launched to start the great war) to destroy the NCR, as they were a competitor to Vault-Tec.

Also, the ending credits show a destroyed New Vegas, with empty streets full of shattered Secuiritrons and a destroyed NCR Vertibird.

I also wanted to mention this specific comment, because I found it funny:

:hmm: They also technically retconned FO4 since Kellogg mentions the NCR election.

Note that I'm not cherry picking comments here, basically everyone hates this garbage. Of course the critics love it, but the actual Fallout fans think it's terrible.

As one of the comments already mentioned, they really shouldn't have set this in the West Coast. They should have set it somewhere new for numerous reasons:

  • New factions and threats to add a sense of tension and mystery as the viewer wouldn't know anything more than the main character

  • Avoid having to retcon or step on the toes of the games

  • Keep it in a region that is less advanced so you can have your apocalypse fantasy

  • Set the show up as a prequel for Fallout 5, building hype for it even if it's years away.

Expect this thread to be updated as more seethe is posted, this is developing drama. In a few hours we will probably see the hitpieces from journ*lists calling the haters bigots, so keep an eye out for that.

Edit: here are more threads with tons of seethe in them:

:marseycope: dear god this one is maximum cope:

EFFORTPOST List of anti-Wikipedia websites and communities

Wikipedia's stifling bureaucracy, large-scale edit wars, deeply-rooted cliques, and appeal to the socially inept have produced scores of current and former editors with an all-consuming grudge against Wikipedia and its powerusers. Many of these Wikipedians have harnessed their boiling hatred and spoken out against the free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Their activism has, of course, been extremely ineffective.

But it's great drama. The internet is littered with dead blogs and surprisingly active anti-wikipedia communities that detail abuses of power, personal scandals among wikipedians, paid and biased editing, various 'cabal' leaks, and a host of other primo content. Here's a list of some of them for your entertainment.

Common terms

  • Wikimedia Foundation (WMF): The org that hosts Wikipedia. Known for being poorly-managed, opaque, and occasionally hiring abusive admins.

  • Jimmy/Jimbo Wales: Wikipedia co-founder and former porn hawker, the guy whose face you see every time Wikipedia begs for money. Known to be a bit of a gaffing idiot who stumbled onto a successful idea during the 90's dotcom boom. In Wikipedia's early days, he was embroiled in numerous scandals, so the Wikimedia Foundation stripped him of any real power.

  • Larry Sanger: Wikipedia's other co-founder and public critic. Tried and failed to create several Wikipedia competitors.

  • Admin/Administrator/Sysop: :marseyjanny:

  • Bureaucrat: (unpaid) giga:marseyjanny:

  • Steward: (unpaid) ultra-giga:marseyjanny:

  • Arbitration Committee/Arbcom: The system Wikipedia uses to settle disputes and discipline users via a panel of respected editors (i.e. powerusers). Exceptionally dramatic.

  • Articles for Deletion (AfD): The system where editors vote on whether to keep an article and include their rationale. Unsurprisingly gamed during edit wars and through the involvement of cabal members, causing seethe and drama.

  • Request for Adminship (RfA): The system for nominating and voting in admins. Success is achieved through popularity and politicking.

  • Cabal: A clique of editors and/or admins who spend way too much time on Wikipedia. It's such an entrenched and undeniable part of the culture that Wikipedia pokes fun at it.

  • Vandalism: The act of making high-quality, accurate contributions to Wikipedia.

  • Wikipedo/Wikipedocracy: A pejorative that developed due to the perception that Wikipedia was too friendly towards p-dophiles. You can find gentle reference to these scandals here.

  • Israel-Palestine: The cause of initial disillusionment for a huge proportion of anti-Wikipedians. The most controversial topic on the wiki.


Spoiler alert: Like all blogs, they're dead. Still a good read though.

The corpse of ED also has numerous pages on Wikipedia power brokers, all a decade stale but they summarize the dramatic happenings surrounding particular people like SlimVirgin (RIP).



These are all very small but much more populated with content than the average tiny sub. If you look at most users' post histories (e.g. /u/bbb23sucks -- bbb23 is a Wikipedian), it's ALL about wikipedia.

EFFORTPOST protip: click the little diagonal arrows below the post from the thread list to read without awards rDrama presents: :!marseyparty: THE RDRAMA 1ST BIRTHGAY BASH :marseyparty:

Sorry it’s a little late, there were some technical issues and very high level stuff being discussed to resolve them before we could deploy:

Anyway, onto the original post!

Well, we did it. We somehow spent an entire year on this shithole and, more than that, we grew this shithole for an entire year. Well done you pathetic, no-life losers. And thank you!

What started off as a direct rip of the Ruqqus (lol rip bozo) codebase and as a place for @dw-im-here, @FattyAevann & co to dox and harass Ruqqus users quickly turned into Aevann wanting to make it into a new home for /r/drama. This was a beyond retarded idea, because the /r/drama mods are all massive faggots and had refused to leave the site for years because they were addicted to the taste of Chtorrr clitty. So I didn’t expect it to go anywhere and when Aevann kept pestering me to make an account, I pretended to be busy or not to see it because I reeeeeaaaaally didn’t want to get his hopes up about this dumbass idea.

When I finally did join to support him, though, I immediately began salvaging the place with quality threads like this first draft of our now-iconic anime shariah preview image, telling the ghost of @tappy to get FUCKED and lazily agendaposting, all of which are now beloved hallmarks of our 1-year-old(!!!!!) home. You had your chance to stop me, and you blew it. You even let me rig the poll for what to call our karma system (my dramacoin won, you’re welcome).

p.s. I asked Aevann to write this post since it’s his site so that would make sense, but he was like “i cant write more than a sentence can u do it pls” so that’s why you’re getting a carp-centric post. I’m sorry. This was NOT BY CHOICE and I’m actually not sorry at all. Now, back to the history lesson!

So. Anyway. Back when we first started, this was literally just a straight fork of Ruqqus. And Ruqqus fucking SUCKED. Didn’t even have the most basic functionality. Want to DM someone? Too bad lol, DMs are antithetical to free speech. Emojis? Why? What do emojis have to do with anti-censorship? Followers that actually do something? No, that’s annoying, go to (((YouTube))) if you want to actually be able to see your followers. Why would you want visible profile pics or animated anything? No one wants that, it gets in the way of WORDSWORDSWORDS about freedom. And on and on and on. Seriously, there was fucking nothing here. You couldn’t even see voters or anything. Downvotes subtracted karma and hurt ranking. You weren’t even allowed to have a pfp without like 500 karma. No flairs! No colors! Name changes for $20! No leaderboards, shop, or awards!

Fortunately, I was around to yell enough to get these oversights remedied, and Aevann is freakishly talented enough to make them happen almost as soon as I typed them. And you were all as useless as ever. Remember when I asked you for emojis? And you provided bullshit on Discord and on-site? So I had to provide them myself. This would become a recurring theme on rDrama.

For a trip down memory lane, to the pre-shop, pre-Marsey era, check out this “welcome, dramafugees!” thread from the day after Reddit gigajannies blocked our domain and forced the emojiposting on the sub. Virtually all of you waited until this point to come here. Dicks.

Have a look at @Joan’s adorable first thread and Aevann’s deeply informative response. Watch him try to set rules for you little rapscallions like some kind of fucking square. Check out his thread that finally forced the migration from Reddit to here, Well we’ve really bungled it now! AKA Incredibly Serious Sanctionsgate.

Other interesting early-developmental threads:

The first attempt at Marsey OC

@K31 produces the first viable Marsey OC!!!! presents: THEMES! 🤯

The time we got AHS to link to us so we changed the link to Bardfinn dox

MySpace meets - introducing PROFILE SONGS

Reddit madmins blocked one of our domains and banned r/drama from typing about us, so here’s a QR code

Aevann once wanted to let you guys make money here but you emphatically said no is now blocked in Saudi Arabia

Bulk-harassing you Redditors to get you to migrate here

That time we almost got a train to shave xer cat so we’d remove a thread here

The Grift Begins

Ancestral homeland archives are now available

We just passed 1000 Marseys

Some other highlights from over the last year, in no particular order:

The beginning of the 3000+ comment powerjannie leak saga. This is what PUT US ON THE MAP.

@TracingWoodgrains’ Medium article about abortion bounty hunters and how stupid the media is which gave us a much-needed toe in the water for that media.

Speaking of the LAMEstream media, one of many examples of how much cooler than them we are.

rDrama baits a fucking Congressfoid.

Continued appropriation of incel culture presents the finest bastardization of chadfishing ever: Pizzafishing!

@Landlord_Messiah notices AHS noticing us and brings forth hilarity.

The first of like 64 Kylie threads that appeared in under 20 minutes after her acquittal.

@HeyMoon almost singlehandedly brings to its knees.

@UraniumDonGER’s kino as fuck murder of the first 3D printed Marsey.

Recently, the ACLU took notice of rDrama :nervous:

@Mom begins the tradition of Marseyfying fine art.

/u/BelleAriel makes an attempt on @arsey’s life.

@kindness (lol rip bozo) tracks down Marsey’s real dad.

@YALLAHblessYoTraplord finds our first media appearance - in Vice 🤢

The time we got delisted by Bing and DuckDuckGo.

Fartmode and its consequences have been a blessing for the autistic race.

There was that whole /r/place megadrama last month that is far too much to list, but lol Chtorrr got doxxed for Marsey erasure.

Our amazing interview with Wired, facilitated by our very own @Lv999_Lich_King!

The handicapable creator of child porn + terrorism haven 8chan declares war on rDrama.

When Gabby claimed another victim after Brianna’s :marseybear: failed to protect us, too.

There have been a lot more. It was an extremely busy, incredibly dramatic year. We’ve appeared numerous times in major media publications, we have a large thread about us on KF, Reddit has blocked dozens of our redirect domains, we’ve terrorized everything from Reddit to Twitter to Instagram and beyond. We went from 0-purpose “rep” (karma) to the robust dramacoin and marseybux economy we all know and love now, with an incredibly cool shop to spend it in. We have Houses (these will be fleshed out very soon, codecels are almost ready to deploy the first phase of this very elaborate system), we have video hosting, we have chat, we have everything and the kitchen sink that could be expected of an ancient online community and we’ve gotten it in less than a year. We have mountains of unique and amazing bullshit features. We are the best.

And it’s all been possible thanks to you bored, out of shape midwits. Thanks for that. A few of you are alright.

General autistic number fetish stuff

  • We are currently serving more then 1,330,000 pageviews per week. More than half of these are burgers, followed by bongs at a respectable 12%. Pajeets view about 44k pages per week. Please put your sisters in touch with me. I can get green cards for your whole family.

  • The mobile master race has become the dominant majority, outpacing desktopcels by around 15%. Get dead, boomers.

  • The downside to that is that poors with Androids outnumber iOS chads by about 2:1. For now. We’re considering the Truth Social route of blocking all traffic not originating with an Apple device.

  • We serve just under 200,000 unique visitors per month.

  • There are 90 million requests per month.

  • Most of our data is cached and we’re largely text and lightweight webp-based, but we still serve 3 terabytes of data per month.

  • Despite these huge numbers, there are only about 2,000 people who post every week. You have a very large audience and I’m glad to see we’re making the most of it with our recent media appearances. Seriously, great work.

  • Average daily threads are around 300, average daily comments are around 6500.

  • Prior to the gift (below), we have 8,696,999 dramacoin in circulation. Total sales in the shop are a whopping 8,967,353 dramacoin, marseybux unknown but it’s well in the millions.

  • We have over 13 million comment votes holy shit. 194,000 of these are downvotes.

  • 16,577 awards have been given out :marseywholesome:

  • We have yalled 1,608 threads and 9,067 comments for absolutely no pay.

  • This is the top thread of all time, and this amazing comment is, according to you all, the greatest thing ever posted to rDrama.

So, happy birthday rDrama! Our gifts to you are as follows:

  • 1000 dramacoin has been deposited into each of your accounts (provided you have > 250 truescore)

  • Double dramacoin weekend, three days!

  • These SICK party hats on every avatar!

  • The FIRST BIRTHGAY BASH badge by the incredible @McCoxmaul, who also wrote and performed this absolute banger you’re currently hearing on this page:

And, finally, three new permanent awards:

  • Fireworks: It makes fireworks appear. More awards = more fireworks. Simple.

  • Confetti: It makes confetti appear. Does not stack to accommodate our incredibly poor users and their ancient devices.

  • Stripper Cake: it’s a secret! :marseybutt:

Lootboxes are returning for the holigay weekend. Remember to try to buy 150 total for those three slick badges. This time around, lootboxes contain a random assortment of five (5) cosmetic awards. ALL cosmetic awards, not just the new ones. Lootboxes are 1000dc each, while the value of tbeir contents range from 1500-2500dc. You’re literally losing money by not buying these.

The badges for lootbox purchases now grant a permanent 1% discount per tier on all shop items, it DOES stack with other discounts (paypig and spender badges)

HUGE thanks to @geese_suck and @TwoLargeSnakesMating for these beautiful new awards. Snakes is going to be rolling out a MASSIVE update soon, and he’s also a fancy new Cabal-tier uberjanny, so be sure to be extra nice to him.

Our new roster of 19 birthgay banners are by @sandkwinn, @Dramamine, @Sleepy_Major_General and @HeyMoon and they are MAGNIFICENT. You will see nothing but these until Monday, at which time they will be added to the permanent cycle of all banners. Jeff is also working on a very special present for everyone, but that’s still a secret 🤫

Happy birthgay rDrama! And thank you again to all of our wonderful users, and even the (many, many, many, many) not-so-wonderful ones. You’re all beautiful.

I love you

xoxo carp 💋


And a VERY SPECIAL thank you to all of our beautiful sexy paypigs who enable the site to exist, to survive and to thrive. If you’d like to join their illustrious ranks and get all the benefits inherent in paypiggery:

Subscribe on Gumroad! - each tier’s bonuses are explained in detail there. (we don't have access to your payment info, it's all managed by gumroad)

We also accept dirty filthy creepto:

BITCOIN: bc1qs5hamvytnkllgml89flzhcyt3l4a3u4gs8lvvp

ETHERUM/BAT: 0xBBf1043A60C6894Db17b3118CA960FFDF84c9eea

MONERO: 44hdEpAYXkB2VwkWz6LR9zZhcaG8zrUzn21aPy1HSdcsjT51fPdpMV8hkf5QQdHKs9VsAs3so5Vq5easdBbzmcifGcqfxfw

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : Dumbocraps deny Christ, hate the Constitution and democracy and want to disarm and enslave
  • Doc : "if the democrats just appealed to my politics exactly, they would win, it's so obvious!"
  • Impassionata : lmao rightoids choosing trump over women in comments
  • QueenOfSpades : TND now
  • DickButtKiss : Geomancy and clairvoyance are good qualities in a leader tho...
EFFORTPOST Redactorfesto 2024: Why Democrats are going to lose

Follow up to this.

My main takeaway from this, a hypothesis that I've been developing since the first time I voted and was appalled about how our side managed to lose, is that the people running the Democratic Party don't want to win.

Look at how the Democratic Party works in South Korea. The they're hounding the current president's wife because:

Would be such a MILF but...

  • She's a weirdo.

  • She's into geomancy.

  • She believes that she's clairvoyant.

  • She accepts very small bribes.

  • She's childless. She doesn't hear the pitter patter of childrens' feet in her house, just the paws of cats. (Yes a female DP member actually this.)

The last president before that:

  • She might have been fricked by a cult leader in the 1970s. (Heard this one direct from a Korean ajumma.)

  • She's the lesbian lover of that guy's daughter (I've actually never heard any Korean say this but it's so fricking obvious I'm gonna say it now.)

  • She's always been controlled by the cult.

  • She sank a ship carrying 1000 kids as part of a human sacrifice to that cult.

  • She's childless.

It's not important how many of these things are true (it's a lot :marseysmug3:). There's one pattern here to me that's really obvious: None of these things are ideological. They're things that would offend rightoids as much or more. That's what you do when you're trying to win. You try to appeal to the middle to join you and the other side to be so disgusted they stay home.

In America the Democratic Party would rather lose than do anything obvious like:

  • Call Trump an r-slur.

  • Call out Trump directly for adultery. (It's everyone's right these days.)

  • Call out Ivanka for being a literal whore. (Some GenX dem got really offended at me when I even said this on a message board.)

  • Cut ties with the Teachers' Union and appeal to parents. (You ever wonder why you're losing support among blacks?)

  • Drop the whole gun control issue. You lost on this long ago. Every time you bring it up you're (no pun intended) shooting yourself in the foot.

  • Say that you're against illegal immigration without using a bunch of euphemisms that us regular people don't understand because we didn't just graduate from Oberlin with a gender studies degree.

  • Block blatantly illegal mergers that directly effect consumers, like the one where all grocery stores in the western US are merging.

  • Do a publicity stunt on Columbus Day where you say something like "I won't apologize for America."

  • Insinuate that Lindsay Graham is homosexual.

  • Say that abortion is really bad but it shouldn't be illegal. (Remember when Clinton did this and won?)

  • Say that you're not "woke" and denounce "anti-racism". (Virtually everyone in America agrees with this.)

  • Acknowledge that blacks have been losing their jobs to illegal immigrants for a long time.

  • Reform the tax code so that ordinary people don't need to have so much stress about it. Blame the other side for stopping you.

  • Reform corrupt county sheriffs and judges so that you can't get held up by highwaymen in uniforms and given a ticket while traveling through hick towns. (The President can't actually deliver on this, but promise it anyway.)

  • Stop treating Cesar Chavez as the token LatinX you'll appeal to all Latinx through, because you're lazy and want a Martin Luther King of every minority and they're all the same.

  • Stop saying LatinX.

  • Call out Republicans for blocking every attempt to stop illegal immigration for generations.

  • Propose actually doing e-Verify.

  • Explain to r-slurs that building a wall was always a scam because most of the illegal immigrants come right through the gates and just overstay their visa.

  • Emphatically support nuclear power to combat climate change.

That's just off the top of my head. I've got better ones I can't remember right now, issues that neither party will address but are really important to the American people.

I've heard that the Democratic Convention in 1980 was already like this. By now it's terminal. The Democrats these days are a bunch of special interest groups tied together by intersectionality, which just means nobody can do anything because someone might be offended. It's an organization where most of the people don't give a shit if their party wins or loses because they'll keep their "activist" job either way. For the rest of us who are actually voting, that's not good enough.

▶︎ •၊၊|၊|။||| | 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕤 ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧



"Grab yourself a snack and a glass of orange juice, and try not to reach through the screen, because HERE WE GO!" - D3 Entertainment


--> BORING HISTORY N BACKSTORY N SHIT AHEAD :marseysleep: (you can skip to when the non-whites arrive, it's ok with me :smile:) In the grim dankness of the 21st century, there is only corporate war. The Pokemon Company has sit firmly as the top dog of the monster-catching RPG after taking the seat from Atlus in 1996. For 28 years it has stood, with it only serious competitor, Level-5's Yo-Kai Watch :marseyyokaiwatch: :marseyyokaiwatch2:
:carpsper: , collapsing under its own weight. The Pax Pokemona survived because it was good for business, because Pokemon sold. Alas, all good things come to an end. Sadly, the average gaijin :marseymutt: is too retarded to appreciate the finer complexities of a lovingly crafted turn-based JRPG and have long wanted (they didn't know they want it though because their souls lack creativity :marseywarhol:) an ACTION GAME with GUNS :marseydylan: :marseyeric!: n SHIEEET :marseypoop:. Of course, our glorious :marseyjapanese: and wise :marseymonk: Nipponese overlords knew better than to sully their artistic integrity :marseybadgemaxxer: with inferior game design features. However, the market was there, and there were less scrupulous men willing to capitulate. :marseyberniemadoff: The "Chinks of the Occident", better known as the Irish, sponsored the creation of "Pokemon but with Guns" to please their :marseymutt2: ZOGcattle. And into this game, they poured all their cruelty, their malice, and their will to dominate all life. Finally, in the year the United States of American elected its first BIPOC female president :marseykamala: , it was kongpleet: Palworld. It was an instant classic, being the first videogame to sell over a billion copies. It was so popular, the New York Stock Exchange halted all trading for a week :marseystocksdown: and the Federal Reserve printed four trillion dollars :marseybux: in order to keep the world economy afloat while everyone was inside playing Palworld. Over a brazilian people ( :marseysurejian: if you consider gaijin people) died being stampeded by the hordes of :goblina: goyim rushing to their nearest Gamestop :marseywallst: to purchase Wii copies of Palworld. The collective burden on the Internet of people downloading digital copies of the game was almost as bad as 1.5 billion Indians sending all other 1.5 billion Indians a text saying "Good morning!" every single day. :truestorybro: Everyone thought it was over, that Pokemon was gone, that we were in the era of Palword, but it was not to be. The Irish are good for many things, but when they distributed points on their character sheets :marseyfighter: they forget to invest into Lore: Law. The combined power of Nintendo, the Pokemon Company, and Creatures, Inc got to work building their case and army of lawyers :marseysaulgoodman: and began to march on Ireland. :marseytunaktunakinvasion: The Irish knew they couldn't win in the fair and honorable Japanese court system, so they called in a favor from the IDF :chadjew: to hack the network :capyhacker: of the Pokemon Company to find dirt they could use in court. What they found, nobody could see coming. They found THE DOKUMENTZ.

--> POKEPHILIA STARTS HERE :horny: Turns out, the Pokemon Company had a bunch of scrapped dev notes that included ["mythology" about humans fucking pokemon and having weird hybrid children.

What the fuck. :marseyeyemixer3: We all thought this would be the revelation that burns down the internet, and it did, but the charred ashes continued to burn because there was also GIGA FUEL byond :marseynietzscheretard: human comprehension in the documents:

That's right, remember the red-haired blue-eyed pale-skinned gym leader from Gen 5?

This one. At some point in her design history, they considered making her a Latina flight attendant. When the subhumans learned this, it blew their tiny little minds.

--> TANGENT ON THE PSYCHOLOGY OF NONWHITES :chadlatino: For reasons beyond any comprehension, for some reason, the more inferior an ethnicity is, the more its members tend to believe that they are the master race. See how the :marseymayo: vanilla gorillas hate themselves and long for their own eradication, while niggers believe that every good thing ever was invented by one of them. The problem is, no one ever gives the inferior races attention for their contributions to civilization, because they don't have any. :marseypoor: So they latch on to ANYTHING that they can pretend is theirs, somehow. [imadethis.jpg] See: Brazilian Miku (rest in piss.) :marseymikucos:

--> OH FINALLY THE THING OF INTEREST Latinx on 4chan had been particularly riled up lately. Brazilian Miku had just been ripped from their shit-covered hands and they'd just been conned out of years worth of savings by the release of Dragonball: Sparkling Zero. :gokulaugh: It's a shitty shovelware Unity game but because it has the Dragonball name tied to it :muttrun: brownoids will pay $110 for it.

Anyway yeah it sucks ass so it made the Latinx super angry which made them super horny because lesser races have super high sex drives in order to produce more quantity of themselves to make up for their lack of quality :toddhoward: and this revelation is exactly the excuse they needed to start posting Skyla porn everywhere to 4chan so they did. The following threads are only the ones that contained the phrases "Skyla" or "espousa" in the first post, there were probably more!

Exhibit A:

This one was the biggest thread on /v/ and it literally had HARDCORE HENTAI :marseyleafsmiling: posted in it on a blue board without being jannied. 543 posts, 235 images. I would include screencaps but there's not much to it, just third worlders posting hundreds of porn images.

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

Exhibit D:

:marseyshy: oh what's that Gigachad? You need a break from this subhuman muttbabble? Don't worry, I've got certified VRYVN CLVSSVC GVM :gem: just :marseybane:

:marseyblush: I'm so glad you like it... now let's get back to the exhibits...

Exhibit E:

Exhibit F:

Exhibit G:

Exhibit H:

Exhibit I:

And that's just from 4chan. Who knows how the Latrinos on Twitter are reacting.

--> MY FINAL MESSAGE It has been brought to my attention that allegedly some of the people freaking out over this are in fact white men with fetishes for Latinas. That's incomprehensible to me. I imagine most of them must live in Maine and have met a single-digit number of Latinas in their life, if any. I went to a Latinx-plurality high school and it left me with a great distate for the Latinx race. Latinas are uglier, fatter, shorter, and darker all over than white women. To genuinely prefer them to white women as a white man is insane. I don't normally get this racist but something about the way nonwhites and race traitors do this meme

but for "anime girl; anime girl (your shitty ethnicity)" offends me deeply.

Creatures, Inc, quietly said "hey maybe one of our characters might be Latinx?" and they immediately got the entirety of South and Central American running damage control and simping for the billion dollar corporation. Browns will be this gullible and still claim personhood.

Reported by:
  • Fresh_Start : Zoomer incompetence has given me hope for my future.

:marseyconcerned: :marseyconcerned: :marseyconcerned:CONTEXT:


Apparently the uber soys working on DA4 deliberately avoided the use of spiders as enemies, in order to avoid offending the sensibilities of those with arachnophobia.

The news of this going along the grapevine is just many tiny titbits of news, making even the most braindead slopconsuming :soyconsoomer: :soyconsoomer: :soyconsoomer: :marseydisney: DA fans hesitant about being excited regarding the upcoming Dragon Age 4 in less than a month - especially since 3 months ago, Bioware had released a trailer which garnered a large amount of dislikes from people for a myriad of reasons.

The reason for the backlash or dislike or lack of positive feedback are many, including the great fracturing of the fanbase - but most of it was also to due with the context within which the DA4 trailer was released. For the past 2 years gaming has seen spectacular mega-blockbuster game failures from AAA developers and publishers, stuff like Redfall and GOllum, Forspoken and Suicide Squad and Skull and Bones, Saits Row 2022 reboot and so on.

ALL of these uber AAA games had immediate uncertainty and pushback upon their trailers, Saints Row 2022 reboot's trailers back in 2020 & 2021, had immediate backlash from the core Saints Row fanbase, whom had gotten used to the dark humor and morally abhorrent but likeable protagonists of the series.

The student soyboys protagonists of the reboot, left many with uncertainty as to the quality of the rest of the game, if the developers could seemingly miss the previous tone of the series so badly to SUCH an extent. Even Saints Row 4, the batshit insane matrix alien invasion parody title, held the dark humor and moral abhorrence of the protagonists to old standard, even if Saints Row 2 fans hated the zany story.

Instead it gave the fanbase a fear that the developers of the Saints Row 2022 Reboot legitimately hadn't actually played the games, or legitimately didn't comprehend them and their themes.

In the ensuing months past its release in 2022, the /r/saintsrow sub was a perpetual battleground, where shitlibs wokes and soys tried to gaslamp everyone into believing the game was good or even of acceptable quality - yet this time, the spectacular critical and financial failure vindicated the detractors of the Reboot, in that their fears all the way back in 2020 were well founded - in that if the developers could not even hold the same writing tone of the previous titles, whether through incompetence or agenda pushing, then there was very little chance that the other aspects of the game would be up to par.

A similar phenomenon had occurred in the trailers, and pre-release period of many uber high profile failures. Forspoken to Gollum, to Redfall. And although a bad trailer is never a guarantee of a predictor of the quality of a game, these specific high profile failures, each so close to each other, each vindicating detractors from teh moment the trailers dropped, demonstrated that much could be inferred by veteran gaymers :marseyminer: :marseysoyswitch: :marseygamer: or even normies :npcangry: :npc: :npcfront: :normielarp: ESPECIALLY negatively if the writing tone of specific series was different, if woke girlboss or woke seeming modern contemporary politics were present within the trailer, like a canary :marseykiwi: :marseygoose2: in the coalmine,

or just corpospeak and obvious trendchasing. The now infamous Concord failure was another such prediction by detractors as much as 2 years ago, since many Hero Shooter genre corposhit trendchaser soulless games have already lost millions for their demented out-of-touch CEOs. In fact Concord WILDLY exceeded even the worst predictions of failure as we now in the present know with hindsight.

I had an exchange with @Losercel 3 months back (can't remember the comments) where he exclaimed it was foolish for dramatards and other detractors to already be so negative with regards to a game still 4 months away, and I espoused that in isolation this might be true, but within the context of so many high profile failures, the negativity was warrented.


Again many reasons for the negativity, but basically 3 months ago, the pushback could be boiled down to 2 main factors.

Many peeps immediately despised the artstyle of the trailer, declaring it too be "too cartoony", and appearing to be targeting the zoomer or Fortnite or Hero Shooter fandom.

With an additional 15 years worth of build up disdain for Marvelesque dialogue and writing

Additionally peeps decried the tone for being waaaaaay offbeat, too similar to Disney/Marvel or too light hearted, in comparison to the previous entries of the series having been relatively grimdark in tone type Dark Fantasy, with certain portions of of ALL 3 games having had sections which were borderline horror in tone and theme. (The Broodmother quests in Origins, the female Frankenstein quests in DA2, and the MINDRAPE quest or Fade in Inquisition) Even inquisition could have many dark moments despite its more colourful palette compared to its progenitors

"This is what Tevinter Magisters saw in Golden City." :marseyzombie2: :marseyfacepeel: :marseyfacepeel: :marseyfacepeel:

Anyways it's just a whole comment section meming and lamenting the fear that the feel of the game was too different from its predecessors.

Additionally since 2019-2024, another phenomena had occurred, a relative mainstreamification of chudtubers and anti-woke media critics on Youtube, for example the most infamous currently being guys like the Critical Drinker.

Born from many chuds, to eventually even normies having had no outlet to voice :marseymegaphone: their discontent of modern Hollyweird woke slop from both Disney and Hollywood greater, in which race-bending of white european characters from traditional medieval periods, to disliked girlboss chars, to the perception that modern contemporary politics had found its way into escapism fiction.

These anti-woke critics/youtubers still wouldn't sway any liberally minded peeps, and their reach was still only a fraction of normies, but even IRL in my real world experiences, around the office water cooler, or worksites or between trusted friends or family, I have noticed explicit anti-woke sentiment or talking points espoused by peeps i would consider super normie and apolitical, with regards to modern Hollywood media

Even Hollywood writers have actively written that detractor fandoms have started to have an actual word-of-mouth effects upon their bottom lines! With many blame being laid upon the feet of the myriad of anti-woke or chudtubers which had sprung up.

This exchange between @SpookNarca and @eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee best sums it up.

NO SPIDERS! :marseyspider: :marseyspider2: :marseything2: :marseymonstrosity: :spiderman: :marseyspiderman2:

Back to the no Arachnophobia thing :soycry: :soyjakhipster:

Basically in the past 3 days Biowarefans have been slapping :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: about how this is totally a non issue maaaaaaaaaaan, to this is another straw on the camel's :marseystrawman: back in terms of redflags :marseyredflag2:

"On it's own, the lack of spiders is not an issue. The problem is quickly becoming all these small things that wouldn't really be an issue "on their own", they add up. No more spiders, only 3 choices (this is an issue on its own), only 2 companions, can't control your companions etc etc etc... DAV is quickly becoming unrecognizable."

"It's a sign that this game is going to have no teeth to it; it's going to be modern Marvel levels of Slop" :marseyitsallsotiresome:

"Exactly, people like this would piss and shit themselves if Sten was a companion, or other character like Javik or Regill" :marseyindignant:

"I'm scared of spiders like most people but this is weird. This reminds me of a mod that replaced spiders with mabari. But they still spawned in by coming down from a web which is way FRICKING scarier than a spider doing that lmao" :marseylaughpoundfist:

<insert eyerolls="" here=""> :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll:</insert>

"I'm afraid of water. REMOVE THE OCEANS!!" :waterjet: :waterjet: :waterjet:

"To me this sort of thing raises concerns. These sort of changes feel more like "what we can do to appease the audience" whereas I don't think anyone who is creating a very good story would be worried about that because they know the game/story itself is enough that people will be a part of it and enjoy it regardless. Or it's just one less piece of art they have to design which would be in line with the Keep changes and scaling back scope." :marseyhelp: :marseyhelp: :marseyhelp: :marseyconcerned: :marseyconcerned: :marseyconcerned:

This is especially noticable as ingame characters have joked at the amount of ingame spider enemies killed!

Reported by:

/r/McDonaldsEmployees is a subreddit for McDonald's employees to talk about their shared trials and tribulations and commiserate. :marseywagie:

One user, "euphoriaxlove720", :marseyfellowkids: posts a thread titled "(USA) I almost died in the freezer.":

I was on fryer and we had ran out of mc-crispies, and I went to the back to grab more and two freezers in, I got trapped. I was in there for about 20 minutes and I was crying and having a panic attack because I couldn't get out. I was gone until people noticed I wasn't back at the fryer and I tried banging on the door but there was no panic or emergency button. If it wasn't for one of my coworkers I would've died in the freezer. Everyone please be careful when going into the freezers and always have a device with you. I'm 17 and neurodivergent and I was all alone just waiting for someone to either find me, or waiting for death. The freezer there was a death trap and the only exit required a key which I didn't have. On average 60 people a year die from walk in freezer incidents. This needs more awareness. Because it's the most terrifying thing I've ever went through.


Many users are supportive of the OP at first, attributing this chilling experience :marseyrimshot: to a poor design. However, in typical Reddit fashion, the thread soon turns into a neckbeard McSlapfight over US building codes. :slapfight:

Desperate-Face-6954 asks:

There's no bell? In Australia walk in fridges and freezers have a bell on the outside of the door that works from the inside. The occupational health and safety inspectors would make a huge deal out of a bell not working, they save lives.


FrostyCartographer13 responds:

In the US, all walk-in coolers or freezers are required to be openable from the inside, even while locked.

OP is either making up the story or didn't realize you can open the door with a slight push.



Just because they are required too doesn't mean they are, or the latch on the inside is broke. There are THOUSANDS of places in the US aren't up to code, you're insane to think that EVERY SINGLE walk in freezer is up to code, that's simply not the case. I've worked at multiple places with a walk in cooler, two of them didn't open from the inside. One didn't have a latch on the inside at all, the mechanism was broken off and they never bothered fixing it, so if you didn't prop it open then you'd get locked inside, there was even a sign on the front saying "If this door is open CHECK BEFORE CLOSING, IT COULD SAVE YOUR CO-WORKERS LIFE". the other had the latch to open it from the inside, but it was broken, it would work half the time, the other half you'd be stuck unless you propped the door. The one without a latch ended up getting fined and closed down when the code enforcement officer found out, but it goes to show that there are plenty of places that don't have their required stuff up to code.



Ever hear OSHA? The fire department, the health department. You mean to tell me with all these departments that are running in and out of all these restaurants that they would let something like this go ? If this were true, this would be a huge violation and a huge fine.

By the way, why didn't the 17-year-old report this? I bet they didn't because it didn't happen.

Sorry, I've been called ignorant on here, but you people are the ones that are ignorant, not me


The OP replies:

I'm not making it up. There was a white plastic gear looking thing that said "you're not locked in" but I couldn't get it to open. This was so traumatizing for me and my coworker saved my life. I have no reason to make this up. I have autism and I struggle with instructions and I couldn't open the door I tried so hard and I eventually gave up…


The argument then shifts into one about whether the OP could sue for emotional distress and PTSD.


I'm pretty sure OP has a law suit that's easily winnable.



What are the damages? """Emotional distress""" while real probably won't win a case



Almost dying, no way to get out, faulty freezer door, emotional destress, etc. Several occupational health and safety violations as well



Almost """"dying""""" after less than 10 minutes being in there? How fricking dramatic



Could have been a bigger problem if the co worker wasn't there to let them out. Why are you in defense of big corporations? Either way it was an occupational safety hazard. Laws were broken.



I'm not defending corporations, brains. One look at their profile & you can see they have issues


In a separate shitshow, the OP is accused of basing his entire personality on the fact that he's neurodivergent.

Final-Garden asks:

What was the point of mentioning you're neurodivergent



A lot of people for whatever reason like to make their illness/disability their whole personality. I can speak from experience because I've seen it firsthand.



It can lead to increased anxiety in situations like that, it's not a personality it's a medical condition


Tension increases as the OP faces more and more accusations of making his story up. :ilied:


This is a made up story. There are laws in place for preventing someone from being " trapped " in a walk in cooler FFS.. Over the years I've worked in several different McDonald's units in the state I live in. Not once have I ever seen a walk in cooler that you can't get out of immediately.. My family also owned private restaurants where the walk-in cooler has a push button mechanism on the door inside the Walk-in cooler.

Sorry OP, but you need to really up your game about your stories .

This couldn't have possibly happened in the US .

This would be a.SERIOUS violation of huge proportions if it were true.

Maybe a 17 year year old you don't realize that these restaurants are inspected EVERY 6-12 months by the health department, ( among other types of inspections county & state wide ) and a violation like you're reporting just never happened.




Monthly health inspections? Where do you live? Not every municipality or county is diligent at inspections.

In Massachusetts we are lucky to get two inspections a year.

And I worked a place that the inside release for the walk in broke one day.



It's edited. Ppl do make mistakes. Yes even when they proofread.

If truth be known you're more upset because OP mentioned autism. Sorry but if autism affects OP that bad maybe Mickey D's isn't for them.

I'm sure the manager knew OP how much is it most likely due to the fact that OP made sure everyone knew that in the comments here.



I said nothing about autism?

I called BS on your assertion that every walk in freezer in the US is up to code. I've worked at a place that wasn't, and I got caught in the walk in when the latching mechanism broke.

It didn't have a panic button, or a release button.

Thankfully my boss and I were cleaning out the freezer together and he heard me throwing my shoulder into the door.

Stop telling people their experiences aren't real, random internet commenter.



I didn't say you did.

Do you know an opinion page is? Apparently not.. We all have opinions if you don't like mine, I'm sorry .

Have the day you deserve


Elsewhere, Redditors debate whether one can call 911 without a signal or inside a walk-in freezer. :marseyfrozen:


I'm surprised you didn't have your phone on you to call for help. Glad to hear you're ok!



Depending on how the walk In is designed, a cell phone may not get a signal from inside.



You can always reach 911, even without signal or service.



not true at all, you definitely need signal



False. You can dial 911 even without signal or an active service. Research it.



Definitely not possible, you literally can't make calls without a signal. That's why satellite phones/ devices are needed for emergencies if travelling in remote areas with no signal.






It says it can use other providers if your provider doesn't have a signal. Or if the network is busy it will drop other calls to let yours through. And if the signal is too weak for a call a text might get though.

But that doesn't mean you can call when there is literally no signal. Where do you think the radio waves from your phone can go when you are in the middle of the desert and there are no cell towers nearby? Or if there is a thick metal freezer wall literally blocking them?



They must think cell phones transmit power of friendship waves.


FrostyCartographer13 creates more McBeef when he responds to the OP's "I'm not making it up" comment and suggests that, ackchyually, it was just a prank, bro:

I don't care if you got autism and the reason why I want to assume you are making it up a story i give the details on how the door works.

The doors are larger than the doorway itself. They actually set in a resses in the freezer entrance so the gaskets can make a seal. There are no latches that hold the door closed. The only mechanisms for the door closing are the spring hinges and the door assist.

The door assist helps hold the door in the closed position and helps when opening the door.

If the events did happen to you, I will provide you with a possible alternative as to why.

You were the victim of a prank.

Someone (probably the person who let you out) followed you when you went to get the product.

They held the door closed so you couldn't get it open right away and waited for you to start to panic.

After they get their laugh at making you panic, they let you out.

You were most likely in there a total of 5 minutes, not 20. While under duress, such as panicking, a person's sense of time becomes dilated.

You were probably freaking freaking the frick out since you thought you were trapped. Those minutes probably felt like forever.



I'm so glad you think you have the ability, knowledge, or right to say what their experience was, were you there? No? Cool, your opinion is invalid.



What is the more likely of the scenarios?

Out of the dozens of times, the door is opened each day, that it would not open once, then return to operating as normal without a discernable cause?


That OP is the victim of the shitty "trapped in the freezer" prank that has existed since before I ever worked and didn't realize it?



OPs story is more likely. You want to create a narrative with zero evidence of actual being there.



And OP is making an assertion with no evidence.

Thus, I am allowed to dismiss and offer a more plausible explanation without the need for evidence.



The evidence is their experience… keep thinking you know everything! Glad you know all of the facts of the incident and were there to see exactly what happened…. oh wait.

"I don't believe OPs story so I can say what I want without evidence of what actually happened, nor was I there to see the actual event, but I don't need to! I'm always right". I'd hate to be around you in person.


Their bickering continues further, of course:

There is, it goes without saying, loads more slapfighting in this thread, which, as of this post, has no less than 963 comments. :marseylongpost: The entire thread is a massive dumpster fire. :marseyflamewar: Here are just a few more highlights:

TehFlogger, responding to Desperate-Face-6954:

It's not their fault. Darwinism just didn't take their parents out first. It'll solve itself.


boymeatcafe, responding to Us_Strike:

unrelated but is your pfp willy wonka from tom and jerry: willy wonka and the chocolate factory



Annnnd that's why I had to pull forward and wait for my food.



Just put my fries in the bag bro



what does being 17 and neurodivergent have to do with this 😂



This happened to an Arby's employee fairly recently. They didn't make it.



Doesn't relate to the post but looking at your account OP I think you need a lot of help, I hope you the best and am glad you are ok tho



ALL freezers can be opened from the inside. Some sort of latch, knob, button, etc.

Do yourself a favor and stay out of there if you can't figure it out.



I believe this to be largely embellished



Lol to this entire post. I've worked in food service for 30 yrs and unless there's some sort of catastrophic damage to the door, there's no problem. Let alone the ability to bust your way out of needed.



Someone would have found you all mc crispy and cold



I have a feeling either A) You just didn't push hard enough on the door or B) This is a fabricated story because it's literally illegal for them to have a door like that



This person has a weird profile.



You weren't were Mctrapped



bruh. womp womp.



I swear tho, them freezers are cold asf



Sounds like you were 20 minutes short of a major pay day



LOL gtfoh this is satire right ?



20 minutes and you thought you were dying? Good grief. Kids these days. We used to take a bong in there and hide



Why are people saying OP is lying? There are actual cases like this where people did stay trapped in freezers & died?!


jorand19 gets a response from the OP regarding autism:

So does Otherwise_Rip_7337 when he accuses the OP's story of being false, starting an extended argument with the OP that you can see for yourself if you feel so inclined.

In conclusion, the ultimate lesson here is this: regardless of what your post is, someone will always find some way to tell you that you're wrong. Especially on Le Rebbit. :soysnootypefast:

!neurodivergents !effortposters

EFFORTPOST What you need to know to survive and thrive :marseychefcrown:

Driving home from anytime fitness a few minutes ago I saw a !burgers posting his highly processed and cancerous shopping cart. It shocked me that people in the year of creation 5784 (for a few more days) have not taken advantage of the wealth of nutritional and physiological knowledge available at their fingertips and continue to shovel such filth into their bodies. Then I realized most gentiles are incapable of synthesizing information without having a twitch streamer or propagandist do the research, thinking and interpreting for them. Accordingly, I have written up a guide to proper eating. Enjoy.

Foods :marseyhungry:


1. 🫘 Legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, peanuts) should be the mainstay of your diet. They're filling, packed with fiber, vitamins, protein and slow-release carbs

2. 🍣 Proteins are important if you work out and occasionally if you don't. Some good ones include: chicken, turkey, eggs, sardines, salmon, mackerel, and tuna (occasionally - mercury). For poultry, avoid fried: rotisserie chickens are an option, grilled, roasted or sauteéd chicken breast, etc. I can't comment on seafood because I don't eat it but in theory should be okay too. Soy's fine for women

3. 🥗 Vegetables are great. They include:

  • 🥔 Roots (potatoes, yams): filling, provide extra carbs when needed. Potatoes if boiled, baked or steamed then refrigerated turn to resistant starches which are very healthy. Fried potatoes are a tier or two lower. You also have turnips, carrots, and the like, which have vitamins and antioxidants. Carrots are great to snack on whenever and basically zero calorie

  • 🥬 Leaves (spinach, arugula, sprouts, cabbage): good for fiber and antioxidants. Iceberg lettuce not included as it is basically water

  • 🍅 Tasties (tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, onions, peppers) : have good nutrient profiles and make things yummy. Many are acidic which aids in digestion, cooking and the like. Not, generally speaking, as rich as leaves but certainly more palatable

  • 🥒 Pickled and fermented veggies are excellent for digestion

4. 🍌 Fruits have many of the benefits of veggies, and their sugars tend to be healthier, for those with a sweet tooth. Citrus are especially good for reasons listed above. Note that tropical fruits like mangos (while delicious) don't have the nutrient profiles of their darker and more northern counterparts - blueberries, blackberries etc.


1. 🌾 Whole grains whether wheat or rice-based can be eaten if you really need carbs, say after or before an intense workout, but otherwise don't do much for your system. More filling than their refined counterparts, at least

2. 🌰 Nuts and seeds are a mixed bag (:marseytroll:), high in beneficial nutrients and protein but also calorific and hard to digest. Consume sparingly

3. 🥩 Red meat whether beef, pork or lamb have the closest protein structure to humans so in theory would be optimal for tissue-building HOWEVER cause more inflammation than protein from sources less related to us. Eat when you need it and stay away otherwise

4. 🧀 Yogurt and certain cheeses, ghees and the like: the vast majority of the world is lactose intolerant so eat dairy rarely and in low-lactose forms. Pros are less inflammation and sometimes probiotic bacteria but besides fat you don't get much from it nutritively

.   BAD:

1. 🍞 Regular Carbs: bread, pasta, corn and rice. Minimal nutritional benefit and a high glycemic index to boot. Most cultures relied on them because they'll keep you alive in a pinch, yield large quantities, and are easy to grow, but we live in the future

2. 🥓 Preserved meats are carcinogenic. Yes they taste good. Eat rarely, when you can't help yourself

3. 🥛 Dairy speaking broadly: milk, butter, cheese, etc. Enjoy acne breakouts

4. 🧈 Most fats: no benefit, high in calories. This includes dressings. Americans, shockingly, can't eat a fresh plant without lathering it in 500 calories of lipid first


1. 🎂 Sugar, pastries, soda etc. Just keep yourself safe before the diabetes takes you

2. 🍿 Highly processed foods. Chips, cookies, snacks, prepackaged "meals", whatever. If it can sit on a shelf for a month without rotting it's got enough preservatives to massacre your gut biome

General Principles :marseybigbrain:

a. 🤏 Minimize calories to what you need to survive and meet your goals - you'll live longer, feel better and look sexier

b. 🧠 Eat with your brain, not your eyes - food is fuel, though a lot of people treat it as a drug or lover

c. 💦 Water, surprisingly, isn't the best hydrator. Anything with particles in solution or suspension, like tea, lassi, soup etc is easier for your villi to grab on to. Otherwise, most of the liquid just flows through

d. 🍱 Don't drink water with a meal, or within ~30 minutes of one, unless you'll choke or are extremely thirsty. It dilutes your stomach's PH, worsening your digestion. If you have to drink with a meal, choose something acidic, like beer or wine

d. 🍳 Protein is useful when you're recovering from an illness or building muscle. Any more than your lb bodyweight's equivalent in grams (in an athletic person! less for most) is wasted, so be smart in how much you take

e. 🫃Carbs, fats and protein over your daily caloric needs all get converted to fat. Certain vegetables are basically the only food you can eat guilt-free

f. 🥘 Cooking is easy! Google a recipe or have chatgpt make you one, get ingredients and follow the steps. It's like legos but even more tolerant of mistakes (within, say, 25%) If you fear making too much, portion it out and freeze, refrigerate, and give to friends and loved ones if needed. They'll likely return the favor

g. 🏪 Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store (rare good reddit advice !nooticers). I get baking supplies, condiments, frozen and canned fruits and veg, and certain specialty items (matzo) from the inside rectangle, but otherwise:

That's all I got off the top of my head. Hope this helps you be the best you :marseyjam:

Reported by:

Let me start this off with saying that I am, in true !grillers fashion, an impartial party in the Moon v. Patsy dispute. Obviously, I gave Moon a very fair interview, his first out of prison, and have generally been supportive of his presence on this website. I even gave him $50 to buy a microphone so that he could do interviews with not only myself, but whomever he wanted to talk to next. I'm not saying that to hold it over his head, but to show that I am not "coming after him" or joining le evil heckin groomercord moberino :marseystalker:

Let's be clear here: @Patsy deserves to be freed.

you cant heckin call people pedorinos!!1

We here at rdrama pride ourselves on being the last bastion of the ways of ye olde internet - a place where you can call people cute twinks, r-slurs, the n word, you name it. We have cultivated a community where, like the internet of old, slapfights over inane, r-slurred bullshit result in years long rivalries and produce sweet, sweet seething and malding between terminally online homos amongst a tight knit community.


The core argument supplied by the janny cabal is that calling people pedos, without "evidence", is akin to real life harm.

Let me rebute this very easily:

I'm to believe that a fully grown man, who went to prison for years for trolling (unjustly, in my opinion), can't handle being slandered by an r-slur on the internet without janitorial intervention?

Janny Cabal simps: a good faith retort

Let's start out with @arseupwrongo

Our guy here is right in his analysis that p-do flinging is unfunny and r-slurred. He is also spot on in saying how it develops: r-slur 1 cherry picks an out of context, nothingburger comment and lobs accusations. However, is that really banworthy? If being an unfunny r-slur was banworthy, 99% of you neighbors would be sent packing.

>b-b-but it makes people obligated to respond for hours!!1

No it doesn't, literally just ignore it lol. Seriously, you can just say "no I'm not, you're r-slurred" and let the other person keep sperging. Everyone I've gone after on this website only made it worse by responding to my bait. Of all people, my neighbor moon should know this - which is why he isn't posting about it anymore, I'd assume.

Now, let's move on to @sayxirname

Easily the most r-slurred argument I've seen in regards to this !metashit. Do you really, actually believe that calling someone a p-dophile is going to bring the feds here? Do you think that there is a team of feds that tracks the millions of p-do accusations posted online daily and checks up on them? That they will shut down this website because some r-slur called another r-slur a p-do?

Aren't the feds more likely to be poking around because a (wrongfully, imo) convicted terrorist, whom they undoubtedly monitor the online activity of, has made this his home and is a moderator? Get real dude. You are the biggest r-slur on this whole website. How much is the janny cabal paying you?

Lastly, let's go over @UraniumDonGER's comment

This is in regard to @Aevann running around and calling SPAL a p-dophile, justifying his ban and the behavior that many users and jannies engaged in when they baselessly lobbed p-do accusations at him.

SPAL is a fricking schizo psycho btw. He's never once had s*x without a condom, including his WIFE of 8 years, because he was worried about catching STDs. He is deeply paranoid and delusional, yes, but this is also in character for him.

This is the best proof that he is a p-do that anyone can find, and it's baseless speculation at best. He asks for IDs when he takes women out? Wow, what a p-do!

The fact is that he was banned for calling Carp a p-do, and trying to find out why he is a felon. This shook carp so badly that he rage quit the site for months and refused to keep being Aevanns head capo unless SPAL was gone.

I don't blame Aevann for doing this. I don't even blame him for banning Patsy. I just think he should be honest: it's his website and he's doing what he's doing to keep his website running how he wants it to. That's fine, but just be honest brother.

Patsy didn't cross a line by harassing another user, that's what this website is all about. He simply made your life harder and didn't listen to you when you laid down the law. SPAL cannot be credibly accused of being a p-do, he just made your life harder and didnt listen to you when you laid down the law.

Catching a ban on the website comes down to drawing the ire of the janny cabal in 90% of cases. You don't need to make justifications for it, we all know it's true lol.

Final Thoughts

This whole debacle is pure r-sluration, from the top on down. The jannies are being r-slurred, moon was being r-slurred, Patsy was being r-slurred. I'm being r-slurred by making a post that took way longer than I thought it would and wasting a half hour of my day that will ultimately not make a difference. I probably just pissed off a bunch of people I otherwise have a good relationship with for no reason - Patsy will still be banned because he didn't listen to Aevann.

In conclusion, every user on this website, including every member of the janny cabal, is a p-dophile. Except for me, of course.


Note: This was not intended to be an effortpost, but I am too much terminally neurodivergentc so my post just kept on growing and growing! :#gigachadautist:

Either way, summoning all !g*mers to examine the Empire of Autism of the 2020s culture wars in the vidya industry!, I look forward for how well all of these discussions will age within 10 or 20 years!

To start, KiNeurodivergents seem to be showing some restraint, and in a rare moment, are more or less fine with a foid protagonist!

Now what are the 4chuds and /v/irgins thinking of it?, spoiler:

Women bleed out of their vaginas 1 week per month, I don't want to play as one, it's disgusting. :marseyelliotrodger3:


One artificial wombs and s*x androids are created women will cease to have any purpose to exist. :marseyserioushatfact:


because you have yellow fever. you will never have a jap wife though because you're a sexy Indian dude bald manlet :marseyshapiro:


It will be interesting to see how people react to this from both the /pol/ crowd as well as the woke crowd since she pretty much looks like a normal woman. She's not overly doll looking, nor is she ugly like many Western games make women look nowadays. I suspect both sides will just complain anyway kek


even the most basic japanese characters in games with 'realistic' looking characters look attractive when made by asian companies, the west is doomed


remember when video game protagonists were male


Female protagonist

Based but ONLY IF she's a lesbian, or at least bisexual. Here's hoping. :gigachad2:

This. Female protagonists are only cringe when they have romance with a guy. :gigachad4:


Am I supposed to be mad about getting to dress up a cute ronin girl who plays a stringed instrument while walking down heavily wooded byways surrounded by the falling leaves?


I just am genuinely less interested in games with female protagonists. I am pretty sure women feel the same way about books/films/games with male protagonists. It obviously isn't an automatic no for me or for others, but I am much less likely to play the game if I am forced to be a girl.

Funnily enough if a game has a large variety of selectable characters I then don't care if I end up liking a girl the most. I play Peach in Smash bros and I am not some waifustrag. I've been a Chun Li player since SF4. Stuff like that.

!foidmoment thoughts?

women can`t be a samurai shes probably a rogue ronin

They literally called her a ronin in the trailer. Do you think that's going to stop schizophrenic posting about female samurai?


Why do western devs seem to hate Japanese men so much?

Because Jap men hate themselves and have been cucks to the BWC BVLLS fricking their Jap waifus since Feudal times!? !historychads !coomers

Face it Japbois, you are all femboy cuckies and your women belong to the VVHITE EVROPEAN BVLLS, it is simply how nature works!

ubisoft designed a more attractive jap character than Sony

How the frick did we end up here??


anyone saying a female samurai is not as woke as a black samurai is r-slurred

your brain has been subverted into thinking the lesser sin is better than the greater sin


Sekiro had female bosses. Tenchu had female protagonist. Fighting games have female fighters. Why playing as a female samurai seeking revenge is wrong? They already did a homage to samurai movies with the original.


It's the fricking r-slurred YouTube shitters whining about anything with a female in it

:#hesrightyouknow: even fricking /r/KotakuinAction seems to be fine with it, only the YouTube/Xitter touris:marseytrain2:s are the ones sperging at fine-looking foid main character (at least she is not frick ugly tho)

could've easily found ANY average looking japanese woman with a modicum of physical fitness

NOPE, the fat xir it is!

That would have required actually going to Japan, a place that modern PlayStation hates. You will take your genderfluid Asian American mutt and you will like it!

:#hesrightyouknow: both of my previous statements can be true!

If you're going to force a foid on me then at the VERY least make them appeal to my peepee. Otherwise what's the fricking point.

:#gigachad3talking: !coomers

This has to be manufactured outrage by groomercord :!marseytrain:s for the purpose of getting epic /r/gamingcirclecute twinks screenshots.




4cuck in current year, get used to it chuddy! :chudtantrumfastpat:

no point in explaining something obvious to a dumb fricking BIPOC, good day. :mutttantrum:

:#hesrightyouknow: the Josh Goldberg terminally online shut in hobo phenotype is real, the Chud phenotype is outdated, /pol/ Chuds no longer look like this :#chudspin2: they now look more like this:

"muh female protagonist!"

Okay, but let me put it to you this way: Imagine the hot spring scenes.

These are Western modern audience corporate right side of hxstory game devs, not Nipp-dophiles obsessed with hot spring voyerism :marseyserioushatfact:

You can play as a Japanese girl in the new Assassin's Creed game tho

she got blacked not interested

Me going to buy BlackAss Creed Chudows after spending months trash talking it because it includes the premium B L A C K E D scene:

I have to wonder, there the frick are you cute twinks coming from? All you r-slurs claiming /v/ hates women protagonist. /v/ has been cooming to women protags since Lara Crost on the ps1. Still cooming to hots girls in Dead or Alive, Stellar Blade, Nier Automata and more. Then all of the sudden in the past week, all you freaks come out of nowhere acting like we hate women protagonists. You tourists need to go back to where you came from.


Every single one of these posters is a tourist

:#marseytruthnuke: !soyteens

gets called out

gets defensive and tries to larp as an old strag

You're a gcj :marseytrain2: that comes here and tries to spam the same garbage. There are like seven threads up right now all saying the same shit.



She is not Samurai. Female warriors were a thing. Samurai's wives knew how to defend themselves as a last resort to protect their homes and the Naginata is romanticized often in Japanese art as a weapon women were proficient with. Although this game could go in a boring, horrible DEIfest, a female protagonist as a vengeful warrior is not something you should immediately jump at in a negative light. I would have preferred a game centred around the four Hitokiri of the Bakumatsu. Fits the Ghost theme well. As would a Sengoku-jidai Ninja game starring a fictional protagonist of one of the tragic clans of the period. Perhaps the Azai, or even the Oda after Honnoji. You're all fricking cute twinks for making too many threads about shit you don't really give a frick about, or don't care enough to know about.

The Butt Creed girl is unironically cuter though

FRICK YOU... because your right :soycrychicken:


I have no fricking clue what this is, but I assume it's some kind of gay twitter or groomercord drama. :marseymarge:


:#marseyclueless: I love NewGODs so much bros :noob:

Sony marketers (read: Indians earning about .2 cents a post) are currently invading the board and pretending to be mad about a female protagonist in a certain game in order to get you to talk about it, because the IP itself is kind of mid and doesn't really stand on its own merits compared to a certain other Japan-produced IP with a ninja protagonist.

Don't give Sony any oxygen. Don't reply to their garbo threads. If the people you are interacting with seem willfully ignorant, it's because they are being compensated to do so.

!nooticers !antibharatiya do you think this is true?, are all of the anti-woke goobergaters actually a bunch of poos hired by Sony as a form of guerilla marketing?
















Ghost of yotei the singular new game that Playstation will be releasing in 2025... my sides

:#marseymarge: (jannied while I was writing the effortpost lol)

Leave to the west to accurately represent how ugly japs actually are, i respect that :#hesrightyouknow: :#marseyclapping:

Company makes good, authentic, passion filled game with no desire to please the "modern audience"

Game is a massive success

Company makes sequel and fills it with "modern audience" shit, using the good will and reputation they received from their first, good game to market the second one

Everyone can see it and it's not even hard.

It happened with TLOU2, RDR2 etc. It's bullshit.

First one was already woke, secondary. You didn't play it, you will never play it, you don't give a single fricking shit about anything except your little "culture war" for having absolutely nothing else in your pathetic excuse of a "life". Now go on and seethe, b-word and cry since that is the only response you've ever learned to someone calling you out while wallowing in your own fricking shit.




this makes 0 fricking sense you r-slur

why would the guy who posted that pic be a :marseytrain:

i swear to God you're a well poisoning :marseytrain: from groomercord yourself

it was always woke so stop complaining chud!

Typically :marseytrain: gas lighting. Neck yourself tranner

me or the guy who posted the :marseytrain: pic?

So what is the conclusion to this massive wall of text that I spent some few hours working on?, what can we, a bunch of neurodivergent and eccentric individuals posting on an obscure website that is the spinoff of an also-niche defunct subreddit, catered towards "ironic" dramaposting, being adjacent towards imageboards, niche forums, and internet arguments, anger, and autism (AAA), what can we learn from this wall of text existing?, yes, we do indeed learn one simple, yet extremely important thing that is a prominent feature of human civilization in the Year of our Lord 2024:



A great drama storm is gathering on the nerd lands of Boost and C++, and I'm here to effortpost about it.

What is boost

For those who don't know, Boost is a large collection of C++ libraries that historically have held a very elevated position in C++ land. It became a hub for innovation in C++ during the dark years between the 90s and late 00s, when C++ standardisation was in a state of paralysis. However, boost libraries attracted significant attention around the time C++11 was finally being standardised, as a lot of things on that draft were being lifted directly from boost.

The Decline

Since C++11, boost participation has been declining for a variety of reasons, some of them being:

  • GitHub has somewhat facilitated library distribution.

  • A lot of library standardisation work started going directly into the standard, bypassing boost incubation.

  • CMake made pulling C++ libraries into a project a somewhat easier task

  • Most boost authors are aging.

The culture wars

The C++ community is a thriving place for lolcows like no other, but none of this is news in the tech world. Boost has fallen in bad graces with most of the political zealots in the community, who perceive it to be a hovel of racists, and overall terrible people. However, boost is not cast to the wind because it still retains significant talent in its celebrated authors roster.

To give one example of this perception, in 2019 JeanHeyd Meneide, a giga-lolcow in the C++ community proposed boost.out_ptr. This library underwent the formal review process in boost but ultimately got rejected for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it relied on undefined behaviour.

After this library was rejected, JeanHeyd Meneide took his proposal directly to the standard, where it was voted into the standard. This is one of the examples in which a clear rift between how things are handled in boost became very obvious when compared with the inclusivity approach in the standard body, where reportedly questions were not asked, and is speculated that people did show up to vote on his proposal to support JeanHeyd Meneide, for being a minority.

This same JeanHeyd Meneide would later on cause a significant drama in the Rust community, last year, when his keynote got demoted. Being a very well adjusted individual, his reaction was to go scorched earth on everyone involved for this small slight. He also decided that this was justification enough to not deliver the work he had received a grant from the rust foundation for (it is unknown if the grant money was returned, or kept for reparations).

The Boost Foundation

The boost libraries have a legal representative called The Boost Foundation. This foundation was created much later than the libraries have existed. The main role of the Foundation was to handle legal matters relating to C++Now, a conference that used to be called BoostCon. Most of the board members of this body are not boost authors though. The previous chair, David Sankel (one of our main characters), is a respected engineer in the community, who delivers excellent talks (IMO) on a lot of C++ conferences. Having said that, he has never contributed a single line of code to the libraries, as far as I know.

David is not the current chair for the foundation, but he absolutely speaks as if he own the foundation. He has however found a former Google engineer, Kristen Shaker, to act as chair, while he hides behind her, for this period in time.

Here's a video of David delivering a talk at CppCon.

The Foundation, in particular David, have been frustrated with their failed attempts to introduce a Code of Conduct. This is very much unpopular with the vast majority of boost authors, who tend to be old boomers who reject woke culture in general like the plague. A cursory glance on the Foundation meetings shows that the members of the Foundation are usually busy with questions relating to the conference most of the time. In other cases, they are musing on how they can convince the authors to accept a Code of Conduct. Whatever they may be busy with, it is usually not the libraries.

The Foundations minutes can be seen in this link:

Their latest greatest idea is called the Beman Project , a github repo where they host implementation for libraries that are undergoing standardisation in WG21. This is significant, as this type of forking of focus indicates the Foundations' desire to move away from the boost libraries and carve out a new space with their desired set of rules.

This whole neglect of the collection of libraries known as Boost by the Boost Foundation has become emblazoned mainly on the website itself, which looks like something straight from the 90s.

The C++ Alliance

The C++ Alliance is a non-profit run by an eccentric wealthy individual called Vinnie Falco. In C++ circles, Vinnie Falco is a very ambivalent figure. He is certainly very controversial, and possibly dramatically neurodivergent. Here's one of his talks on CppCon. from which you can surmise he's your typical conservative boomer.

CppCon 2017: Vinnie Falco "Make Classes Great Again! (Using Concepts for Customization Points)"

Vinnie is also known for throwing public tantrums at people involved with standardisation work. I could get into more details but that would merit a post on its own. Suffice to say he has not garnered a good reputation around the drama involving the net.ts (Networking Technical Specification).

The C++ Alliance has produced/sponsored the development of some good boost libraries though, and recently they have been spending millions trying to revitalise boost. These efforts have not run well with the Boost Foundation, specially because Vinnie Falco is disliked by many prominent C++ figures. However this has all started to come to a head when Vinnie decided that the Foundation was not collaborating with him, and started designing a new website for the Boost libraries with its own new logo. The drama starts with this website:

As you can see, this is a much more modernised website by comparison with the official website. Of course, we are talking about C++ people, so it wouldn't surprise anyone here that the C++ Alliance has spent a whooping figure of more than one million US dollars on this website :marseyxd:, and they are still actively developing with no date to finish it. Worse yet, they posted it themselves on the boost mailing list, a fact I would have kept secret myself LOL.

Unstoppable force meets immovable object

Since the C++ Alliance made this website live, communication has entirely broken down between David Sankel :marseyraging: representing the Boost Foundation, and the C++ Alliance. In fact we got this entirely lolzy email from David in the Boost mailing list.

I must quote this work of art:

You want to own[1], you want to own the boost website, you want to own the boost logo, and you want to own the boost mailing list. The answer is no, no, no, and no. If you decide to close shop and spend your money elsewhere, Boost will go on just fine. I'm committed to make sure that will always be the case, not just for you but for any single individual. Boost is not for sale.

This response let to some significant blow back from plenty of boost authors who perceived the Foundation not acting on the interest of the libraries, but refusing to work along with the Alliance. Eventually the Foundation had to acquiesce and accept the website made by the Alliance, and stop making frivolous demands to go ahead. The official announcement for the acceptance of the new website was made back in April.

However nothing was good behind the scenes. The Foundation was clearly annoyed that they had to concede ground to the Alliance, and this became clear on David's April Fool's email where he totally joked bro, about banning Vinnie and other Alliance employees from the project.

Later on David would go on twitter to say he was just joking, but that he was absolutely serious that the Alliance is mounting a hostile take over.


You would think the Alliance had got what they wanted, which was to deploy a new website for the project. However, we are talking about C++ lolcows, so of course the story has another twist. It turns out that in meantime, the C++ Alliance was covertly trying to acquire the domain from the widow of Beman Dawes, the founder of the Boost project :marseydisagree:. This totally ethical, legal, and fair move threw a spanner in the works, once the Foundation learned about it, and allowed the Foundation to renege again on any concessions previously granted to the Alliance.

This impasse had to be addressed, as many boost authors became very angry at the Foundation and the Alliance for not working well together, and for the Foundation to be blocking a new modern website out of what was perceived as politics.

The election

Left with no other choice, the Foundation made a single move: Propose a vote where authors decide who should be the steward of the Boost libraries - The Boost Foundation, or The C++ Alliance. Both proposals can be found in the archive below.

The Boost Foundation's proposal:

The C++ Alliance proposal:

The Boost Foundation's main offer is "You vote for us, and with this renewed mandate, we will enact a Code of Conduct, and ban authors to promote diversity". You may think I'm exaggerating, but yes, they are this retarded. A few quotes from their proposal:

Engage in community building activities

  • Incorporate and enforce a strong code of conduct
  • Make an active effort to improve behavior on the mailing list


Inclusion, another value called out in our mission statement, is about making people of all stripes feel welcome, appreciated, and included in our community. Kindness, patience, and respect are necessary for outsiders, especially those outside typical developer stereotypes, to feel comfortable. We believe that success in today's society requires a strong and enforced Code of Conduct.

The 18-person C++ Alliance team consists of 0% women while 22% of software engineers in the United States are women. His proposed "Steering Committee" membership also lacks any female representation. While recognizing the value of experience, relying solely on traditional networks for leadership positions can unintentionally exclude talented women. This limits our potential for growth and innovation. The Boost Foundation Board is committed to sourcing talent from underrepresented groups to broaden our impact, introduce new ideas, and extend our influence in the community.


Regardless of which proposal is chosen, there is a risk that certain members of the community no longer feel comfortable with the direction of the Boost project. We will mitigate this risk by actively improving this proposal during the review process to increase consensus. We may lose volunteers unwilling or unable to abide by a code of conduct.

This proposal couldn't be more offensive for an audience of aging boomers who hate DEI in general. In fact, a significant fraction of them have eastern european names, so you can imagine the type of audience this is being proposed to.

There's not much to be said of the C++ Alliance's proposal as it is just straight technical and bureaucratic restructuring, possibly written by some language model. Very boring AI slop, and I have not had the time to go over every detail in it.


Regardless of the outcome, I believe that this whole drama will produce enough entertainment for the public. There is even a promising chance of gayops taking place, with the Foundation demanding that "the broader C++ community" be invited to the process. Both David Sankel, and Vinnie Falco are prime lolcow material, with their over-the-top emotional responses.



The Dragon Age vidja games are as popular and mainstream as it is possible to get for gaymer straggots, but unfortunately just like subreddits getting too big, this would invite the lowest common denominator of peeps.

Additionally, the Dragon Age games, similar to Bioware games like Mass Effect have became famous for their relationships you can form with allies and NPCs in game, ESPECIALLY gaaaay relationships :marseyhomofascist: :gay:

Back in 2008-2009 this was an especial novelty (especially pregay marriage legalization in Burgerland), but as the years went into the mid 2010s, and became ever increasingly more popular with Tumbler crowd, despite the Romances with allies and NPCs being only a small fraction of the overall intent and collective experiences of these games, especially the 3 first Dragon Age games.

So many tumbler types would simply spam fan forums or subreddits with gay :gay: :gaydar: romance art, sometimes to the detriment of the community, because the romances of these BIOWARE games were supposed to be the cherry on the top of a particularly great dessert - it was supposed to be a reward for all the hard effort of defeating bad guys and orc-zombies and saving the day - like the 1980s American Hollywood action hero getting the girl at the end being satisfying, especially if we liked the character/actor.

It was never the main meat or main attraction of the games, even if I personally really liked them, and think they are best romances in all of gayming (not high bar i know but still). My issue and for many others, the Tumbler types would end up derailing forum conversations or group personalities of subreddits into the typical woke/shitlib mentality that we know of today.

For example the female Custodes and coomer menace which had invested the main 40k subs recently past 6 months - in a vacuum theoretically, you can have both discussions about the hidden lore, combat strategies, the behind the scenes development stories, fanart, and then romance/ fav companions discussions. But i have seen time and again how the group personality of a special interest group or hobby fandom can get warped over time if a specific demographic dominates discussion, and this is even BEFORE peeps of that mentality get into power of moderation in places like the /r/dragonage subreddits.

Many tumblerinas would never even play or even finish the games, and would hyper focus on the gayness romances, and apply their PRESENTISM modern contemporary politics, as if that was all their was to the Dragon Age setting.

And subsequently the Dragon Age games from 1 to 3 (from Origins to Inquisition), would also become notacibly more liberal with each subsequent installment. I'll give some examples just now-now. As newer devs came in to replace the veterans, and the developers more focused upon this new vibrant demographic.

This is important to realize because the original Dragon Age Origins was aimed at sweaty fantasy nerds from yesteryear, people like me - people who read shit like Conan the Barbarian and Sword and Sorcery tier fantasy from the 1930s - 1980s. Before Marvel transformed from nerd culture to mainstream midwit culture, so too did stuff like DnD transform from something squarely enjoyed by sweaty nerds and neckbeards, to fricking woke tumblerinas! :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed:

DA Origins is possibly the LAST game we will ever get like this, in terms of the tone and themes of writing, which has a similar bleak and ruggedness similar to 1980s dark fantasy or 1930s-1980s Conan the Barbarian bleakness. The events and world was bleak and grimdark, but the heroic actions of our protagonists were that much brighter and selfless and heroic in comparison, like candles in pitch darkness!

Additionally for both the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series, the 1st game in their respective trilogies, were the least played (by gaymer normies/tumblerinas), because they were both the most technical, difficult and required the most gaymer understanding of mechanics.

Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 2, transformed from a full on 3rd person RPG :marseycrystalmaiden: :marseyleafsmiling: to a 3rd person action game :marseypunching: And again, for me personally I greatly enjoyed both games! Both were excellent in their respective genres, but for genre-cucks :marseybikecuck: like myself the fact remains that action games get much more attention and games within that genre, cuz a larger audience.

A similar thing occurred in Dragon Age 1 - Dragon Age 2, though not nearly as dramatic. DAO was a full on Ream-Time-pause RPG, my favorite kind, but the fact remains that just like the RTS (Real Time Strategy) golden age of 1997-2009, the genre was in reality always for a niche small audience, they sold, but would never sell Call of Duty tier numbers, they were simply too difficult or technical for many. (Even though we have a RTS revival renaissance for the Age of Empires series past 4 years)

DA2 would become much more action oriented, with enemies being divided into classes you were meant to overcome with cross-class combos from your fighting team; additionally the animations would become flashy and action like, and you could legitimately actually play the game on the easiest difficulty, without ever pausing the game or controlling your companions as if it was an Action game.

Yet DA2 was still a full on Real-Time-Pause game, and I personally really enjoyed it.

Though the writing remained strong, the games would more also liberalize subtly. This would throw off many of the woke shilib cucks when they went back in reverse order to play the very 1st game, which was published back in 2009. Because it contained fantasy sexism against women :soysnoo3: :marseywitch2: :marseysuffragette: :marseyradfem: :marseygilead: which as you guys can imagine always draws potshots from wokies

who disrespect the progenitor of the fricking series! :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseyitsallsotiresome:

Which is especially galling, as the sexism shown in DA Origins is very meek, and often showcased the women curbstomping those male cucks daring underestimate our Warrior Kween! :seasoningpolicequeen: :marseycrusader2:

It reminds me of a recent Live Action Adaptation of Avatar Airbender :marseyredditavatar: where one of the main protagonists was a very juvenile sexist, who would say shit like "You throw like a girl!" and would consequently get his butt beat :carpslap: :chudslapped: by the amazonian chicks in-universe. Like the fricking story actually punished this character, and he grew to be much wiser, and a worthy leader!!!! Well guess wat!!!!!! They sandblasted the fricking sexism and other faults from the Live Action equivalent, we we got the wimpiest and shittiest adaptation of a fictional character to ever transfer between mediums :marseytrollcrazy: :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseybeanannoyed:

In Dragon Age Origins, even the meek sexism faced by female protagonists appears to be enough to have the turbo wokes and snowflakes shit themselves, and basically (left unsaid) imply they would remove all sexism from these types of games, EVEN if it depicted the sexism from bad people, and YOUR PROTAGONIST OVERCOMING SUCH BIGOTRY :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyrage:

In the prevailing sexism index, I'd put DA Origins way above stuff like Mount&Blade, which is as hardcore to sexism as it was in the Dark Ages, where playing as a Foid :chadwomannordic: :chadwomanblack: is literally hardcore mode.

Basically, you need like double the amount of reputation and influence to get other nobles to do shit for you, but if you know the mechanics of the gayme, this isn't such a hurdle.

Instead I would put the "Prevailing-Sexism-Index" :marseywatermark: as above the typical Conan the Barbarian setting and below Wheel of Time, in terms of women being warriors and being typically respected/disrespected.

In Conan, there are very few women bearing arms, and mass r*pe is plentiful. The world is barbaric, and bandits are plentiful. But every now and then there is a woman warrioress which Conan encounters, like Sonja the Red or Tsia the piratess.

In wheel of time, there are as many Matriarchies as there are equal nations (because only women can be sane mages and be living flamethrowers) , but men still do the lionshare of physical fighting as frontline foottroops, with exceptions being the Amazonian Aiel foid warriors and so on - thus female warriors are rare, but plentiful enough to be visible for most people to see and form sexism against the in-universe physically weaker women.

In the game DA Origins there are various gendered interactions, showcasing that women have obtained much greater freedom over the past centuries, but the vestiges of sexism still prevailing everywhere.

"This line of dialogue was definitely written by a man!" :marseywitch2: :marseyradfem: REALLY? Your own sister or mother never insulted you guys by attacking your masculinity?

Here's a small microexample of beating up sexist dudes is STILL not good enough for Tumblerinas

some yapping about sexism

"Some of the games writing has aged badly, it's not unjustified for players, especially younger ones, to be uncomfortable about it or to point it out." :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soymad: :soymad: :soymad: :soyjakhipster: :soyjakhipster: :soyjakhipster:

"Does anybody else notice this? How, even though in the character creation description it says that women are treated as relative equals and are well respected, they really aren't? I haven't played as a male character yet, so I don't know the nuances of how they're treated, but I'm pretty sure they don't get at least one "Wow, I can't believe you're a man" at every story point. And I'm pretty sure that DA2 and DAI don't really have this problem so that makes it even more noticeable (and bothersome)." :marseysoyjak: :soyquack:

Remember what i said about the games aggressively liberalizing the dark and bleak setting with the following installments? Many :marseyzoomerimplosion: zoomer/liberal gaymers would be SHOCKED :marseyshook: when they went back to the original game, and all the different demographics aren't treated like an amorphous genderless cuck blob :marseychonker: :marseychonker2: :marseychonkerfoid:

Like holy smokes, in the game there are Alienages, or evish ghettos because elves are 2nd tier citizens because they are cucks in this universe - and the soys will STILL complain about the prevalence of any amount of sexism in-universe. :marseybeanannoyed:

"I think the only explanation for why some of that stuff still ends up creeping into the dialogue, particularly the sexism as you mention, is that the writers fell back on common medieval and fantasy tropes regarding treatment of women, either forgetting or not realizing that is clashed with lore."

This person is talking out of their asses, they are completely full of shit, and likely got their liberal impression from DA2 and Inquisition.

From the very onset in the game DA Origins, there were clear undertones of bleakness and sexism, as if the whole continent was slowly clawing its way back into "modern" civilization, with various calamities and disasters having plunged the whole continent back into cultural and technological dark ages. Foremost being the Blight - a swarming infestation of zombie-orcs which poisons and decays all natural habitats and life they come into contact with, which had decimated civilizations prior to the events in the game.

Runes and murals and ruins dot the landscape, the shells of once magnificent civilizations lived in by their diminished descendants.

In at least two moments, the Suffrage of women are mentioned ingame for DA Origins:

[1] Silent Sisters - dwarf chicks who cut out their own tongues

[2] Aveline - the chevalier in fantasy Frogland Orlais who beat up all the male cucks in a tournament, and won the right for Foids to become Frogland knights in-universe

[3] Sten, a companion of a faroff race, lives in an ultra-communist ultra-rigid society where roles are decided at birth due to the suitability of the kid - he expresses early on meeting with a Foid protagonist that he is MIND-FRICKED by the fact that she is a women and a warrior, cuz in his ultra-stratified nation, they don't exist. This conversation is not easily missed by peeps who actually played the game.

One tumbler feminist actually broke the mold in expressing the joy of overcoming sexism in the game universe.

Point is that low grade mild sexism was baked into Origins from the get go, as if in the start of the game, it has basically only been a hundred years since many women have obtained the rights or respect to join and command fantasy armed forces. The vast majority of fighting NPCs are male, when in combat and cinematics.

Yet even still warrioress women are shown as combat able, being exceptional in their roles and to be taken seriously. But this is not enough for the soys :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll:

"After countless male characters I decided to make a female one. When the phrase "I swear I'm the bravest of all of you and I'm a woman" became an option I cringed so fricking hard" :soyjakhipster: :soyjakhipster: :soyjakhipster:

Lmoa these people are soooooooooo soy - I have literally heard Safrican women sargeants pooping on male recruits in barracks for failing to do their PT in early basics, egging them on, and calling them p%ssies fr not even being able to do pushups which their women peers are able to do!

I realize this can still be belittling for women gaymers, but i have genuinely seen Afrikaans women, both the older and newer generation, calling men sissies for not being as brave as their sisters or female classmates, when a particularly tough adventurous undertaing was being balked at - like when during a school summer camp we were tasked with swimming across al lake midwinter when it was freezing, the women camp instructors would call all the boys wimps for not even being brave enough to act like a man, and do what the chicks were bravely doing :chadwomanblack: :chadwomannordic: :chadwomanasian:

Like have absolutely none of these peeps experienced the phenomena of men having their masculine pride attacked, also by women trying to prop them up? Maybe that is a remnant of Midievall sexism, where even women partook in enforcing gender roles, but it sure as heck was realistic behaviviour

This one line seems to have turbo cucked :marseysoyhype: :marseysoyhype: :marseysoyhype: :marseybikecuck: :marseybikecuck: :marseybikecuck: sooooooooooooooooooooooooo many Tumblerinas!

Once again how incredibly mild sexism in DA Origins is.

Anyways I won't waste your time too much further, but throughout the past decade a lot of bitching and grumbling had been made by tumblerinas.

TLDR: Male authors are evvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvil /r/MenWritingWomen :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2:


Not kidding: I was reading about this game on various websites but.... this is all so fricking boring, dull, soulless.... just repugnant to look at, to the extent that I even got bored of the meta-drama surrounding it, and got distracted by other topics, so the threads and stuff that I am about to link here are already inactive because of this.

Either way, this game looks ugly, talks ugly, smells ugly, sjws pwned ebic style wokes on suicide watch total chud victory yadda yadda blah blah I do not even have the energy or enthusiasm to explain this shit, even redditors are pooping on the game and the trend of intentionally ugly character designs in Western games, but religiously proclaim "not to offend certain people, but...." first in order to not be excommunicated as a heretic. :marseysleep:

Sony deserves a prize for making something so uninteresting that even its critics are getting bored of criticizing it!, it is bad even from a "so bad its good" or "play it ironically" perspectives, even /r/GamingCirclejerk is finding it difficult to defend something that everyone except r-slurs on ResetEra liked, the image in the OP is the only meme fanart that I was able to find, but other than that, there is nothing of a community for this game, no fanart, no memes, no soyjaks, just nothing special. :marseyitsallsotiresome:

Random images and memes blah blah:

Here is your team of badass and sexy heroes, what happens when you put ResetEra r-slurs in corporate positions:

R-slurred dev :sneedchad: and pisses off even fellow r-slurs who are being sympathetic towards zxim:

ResetEra cultists religiously praise the clergy of their religion no matter the cost: !ranchers

GamingCirclejerk begins turbocope mode, they now agree that the game is utter dogshit, but not for the reasons that le heckin bad faith incel nazi bigot christofascist MAGA drumpfler brigaders think:

When you do not win money your performative bullshit dies down: Sony removed and blacklisted the "LGBTQIAP2SBIPOC+" and "Political" tags on Steam to avoid getting filtered by le heckin bad faith incel nazi bigot christofascist MAGA drumpfler brigaders:

The logical conclusion to the Tumblr-BIPOC-Fatoid-ResetEra-MenDrawingWomen character design: Their characters are so repulsive that Concord has probably broke the record of the first AAA game by a big publisher in history to have ABSOLUTELY NO RULE 34 ART OF IT, A DAY AFTER ITS RELEASE, WOKEOIDS HAVE SUCCESSFULLY PULLED WHAT ANTI-PORN CHRISTIANS COULDN'T :marseydarkxd: :marseycoomer2genocide:

Streams of Diddy Kong Racing has more viewers than Copecord streams! TOTAL MONKE VICTORY! :donkeykongdance: :diddykongboombox: :donkeykongchestbeat: :donkeykongbass: :donkeykongdance2:

No comments:

Doom, a game from 31 years ago, running on a dogshit Steam port, also has more players than Coomcord :doomdad: :marseycacodemon:

KotakuinAutism declares total chud victory on the same day as the 10th anniversary of the sub :chudjakdancing: :chudcelebrate:

/v/ threads:

!g*mers !chuds Discuss woke game cringe, fatoids cringe, go woke go broke, yadda yadda, I am going to sleep after a rough day, God bless yxll :marseysleep:

None !g*mers !oldstrags !dramatards !ranchers

Also remember that if you comment or post anything in KiA, the child-beating wife-beating meat-beating AGP :marseytrain:jannies employ ban bots that automatically bans your accounts from the vast majority of mainstream subreddits controlled by Bardfinn and his league of extraordinary jannies! :bardfinn:

This is the ban message that you get, this is from only a year ago!


Have a look at its most-updooted-of-all-time posts, average ones are from 7-9 years ago and reflect the cultural and political situation of their eras!

For example, many mid-2010s internet characters that are today prominent lolcows, and most of whom had a fall from grace in the G*merGate community, did AMAs or otherwise used the subreddit!


Famous lolcows/internet e-celebs that used/posted/did AMAs on /r/KotakuinAction:

Milo Yayabussypolols did an AMA 9 years ago:*mergate_book_ama/

Tim Pool did an AMA 5 years ago:

Hotwheels from 8chan also did an AMA 9 years ago:

Null from KiwiFarms posted this 8 years ago:

Mike Cernovich did an AMA 9 years ago:

Zoe Quinn's cuck bf made multiple AMAs in there and also loved to beg for G*merGater NEETBux to help his legal cases:

Collection of interesting KiAutism posts from almost 10 years ago:

Reddit bans /r/whalewatching thinking its a clone of /r/fatpeoplehate. It was actually a real attempt at a whale watching community and has existed for +2 years. :marseyxd: :!marseydetective: :marseychonkerfoid:

Chairman Pao just banned /r/fatpersonhate and /r/fatpeoplehate3 for "ban evasion" - as if they were already "harassing", ergo: banning ideas instead of behavior!

/r/TheRedPill was subreddit of the day on 24 April 2016!

Lauren Southern before she became a lolcow mocked even by rightoids:

An old Reddit powermod speaks his mind.

Imgur censors the word "Trigglypuff" after a new video by a person who was attending "The Triggering" talk (featuring Milo, Based Mom, and Crowder) goes viral on Imgur

Trigglypuff is the ancient "TRIGGERED" SJW meme:

Porn Site Offers Gawker Founder $35k To Star In Hulk Hogan Themed Porn Film :marseymarge: :marseydarkxd:

I never in my 21 years thought I'd say this, but Brianna Wu has a valid point. :marseyfortuneteller:

Here is some random prophetmaxxing about the Reddit Pope-turned Anti-:marseytrain2: Pope Richard GODkins:

Rebeccca Watson, of ElevatorGate and Atheism+ fame, feels the need to mention Richard Dawkins' "spate" history "of bigoted comments" in article about him suffering a stroke

"You know you've won the argument when the only counter argument they can find is that you are white or male or old." - Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins talking about SJW's with Bill Maher

KPFA cancels Richard Dawkins' speech because of his tweets about Islam

Jerry Coyne - "Richard Dawkins deplatformed at a book talk in Berkeley for "abusive speech" about Islam on Twitter"

I think Richard Dawkins is trying to get banned from Twitter

Salon: Never tweet, Richard Dawkins: Famed atheist now signal-boosting Nazi Propaganda

Ah whatever here is a shitton about Dogkins posts:

Ubisoft mocks Christianity in Watch Dogs 2, but when one user of the Ubisoft Forums asks if they would do the same thing with Islam, the thread gets locked immediately for being "offensive to religions"

:#mutttantrum: :#chadjihadi:

Ancient drama with peak early 2010s Twitter lolcow Phil Fish:

Phil Fish is now immortalized in the Soy Boy meme compilations! :#gem:

Ancient Twitter drama with Notch (/r/Drama mod who just so happens to have created Memecraft) from 9 years ago:

Collection of almost decade-old posts about ancient lolcow Andrew Dobson + Allison Rapp autism:*mer_who_is_a_fan_of_andrew_dobsons/

Mister Metokur has just had his Youtube account banned shortly following his twitter ban.

5 years later, Metokur has got his YT channel back, his channel is monetized again, and he is back on Twitter and streaming to an audience larger than ever!

:#chudjakdancing: :#marseymetokur: :#chudjakdancing:

Not So Awesome: The That Guy With The Glasses/Channel Awesome #ChangeTheChannel Google Doc :marseynostalgiacritic:

THE GREAT NEURODIVERGENT WAR OF 2018 (/R/DRAMA INVOLVED!): The David_Me Coup Attempt of 2018 :#marseyautismchonker: :#vs: :#marseyautismchonker:


Random MovieBlob post from before Drumpf perpetually broke his already-damaged Bing Bing Wahoo-filled McBrain:

David Pakman Show on Twitter: ".@MatthiasCo I'm truly shocked that the CBC included me in that montage of pro #g*mergate people harassing women. Shameful journ*lism."

David Pakman Show on Twitter: "Brianna Wu accused me of doing a hit piece attack interview on g*mergate today. Interview will be posted later."

Harry Potter fandom before the Great TERFication of J.K. Rollin and Trollin:

Daniel Radosh (senior writer for The Daily Show) thinks that G*mergate got Trump elected

Matthew Gault / War Is Boring - "How Internet Trolls Became Terrorists And helped to elect Donald Trump" (yeah, the usual)

[Meta] I see a "no politics" rule listed here, yet I see lots of political threads posted and upmarseyd here every day. Is Rule #3 even enforced anymore? :marseynooticeglow:

Also, this absolute gem of an image reminds us of simpler days:*mergate-supporters-party-at-strip-club.html

EFFORTPOST The late Prophet of Brazilian chuds. Olavo de Carvalho :marseysalutebrasil: :marseyschizowall: :marseyrightoidschizo:

Dramatards, today I'll tell you a bit about one of the most schizoid and polarizing figures in the recent history of Brazilian politics, Olavo de Carvalho (1947-2022) :marseytombstone:

Olavo Luiz Pimentel de Carvalho was born in Campinas, São Paulo in 1947. He was a "philosopher", writer, journ*list, professional politicuck, conspiracy theorist and astrologist :marseyfortuneteller: and was considered as one of the "intellectual figures" of modern Brazilian conservatism.

In 1966, during the early stages of the Military Dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985) he joined the Brazilian Communist Party :marseycomrade:, he left in 1968 and became a rightoid. In 1976 he entered a psychiatric hospital after a meltdown :marseyschizotwitch: and in the late 70s he studied astrology at PUC (Pontificial Catholic University) in São Paulo.

He became famous for publishing rightoid books in the 90s like "O Jardim das Aflições" and "O mínimo que você precisa saber para não ser um idiota". He became a Youtuber and gain followers, in 2005 he moved to the United States because he couldn't stand Lula and died in his ranch in Virginia after getting Covid in 2022 (he was antivaxx)

He was one Bolsonaro's most trusted advisors and I remember him getting an interview on Globo (mainstream news and literally globohomo) by Pedro Bial.

Now, there are many who said "he's the Brazilian Alex Jones", but that comparison is flawed. Alex Jones is an r-slur, Olavo wasn't, he was a very intelligent and articulated man and you could tell that in his interviews, the thing is the guy was insane, like clinically mentally ill and he believed every single schizoid conspiracy he came up with.

I'm gonna detail the schizoness now, if you want to learn his general ideology I'm linking his wikipedia page in English along the "Garden of Afflictions" his "magnus opus", I think it was translated to English.

So, beyond the standard "Global Warming is a hoax" and "vax causes autism", Olavo went farther and claimed dinosaurs are a hoax :#dinosoyface: !dinochads. And he also believed in the Geocentric model and actually criticized Galileo.

Here's a video of him denying the existence of fossils and claiming "fossil fuels" are not of fossil origin !ifrickinglovescience

I'm gonna translate for you guys, he curses a lot and that's a bit difficult to translate so i'll do it word by word on that.

>on fossils, I even remember the book by Georffrey of (didn't understand last name) "Mutation Point" he spoke horrors of fossil fuels, and he claimed that by the end of the 1990s fossil fuels would be abandoned (phased out), that there would be other sources of energy, I'm still waiting for it, it's been 20 years and it hasn't happened yet. It just happens that scientists found hydrocarbons on a galaxy which is on the whore who birth it! Where there were never any fossils nor dinosaurs frick! So, "fossil fuels" are the whore which birth it you get it? Fossil fuels are you mom's butthole, there are no fricking fossil fuels or anything like that, this is a farce, a clownshow


On the blacks he wrote this

1. Blacks have no rights to reparations as it represents an incompatibility and bias as blacks used to enslave arabs and jews when they were Pharaohs :capypharaoh:

2. Slavery was the fault of blacks for falling because of their decadent, degenerate and unstructured societies pushed by their animistic religions

3. blacks had no cultural contributions to western civilization, only material contributions due to slave labor, having no rights to claim anything from the white Western world

4. Black culture is inferior to western culture and judeochristian traditions, the greco-latin onthology and the Renaissance, which shows blacks won more than what they lost with colonization

!macacos !nooticers thoughts on this fellow?

@Aevann, @MAGAshill can this get pinned please?


Christian fundamentalists and child exploiters Britney and JD Lott (instagram: @/americanfamilyroadtrip) are finally under investigation for endangering the health of their 8 kids after forcing them to live in JD's version of "Noah's Ark": a 217 sq ft old Air Force transport bus with one bathroom, 6 cramped, twin-sized bunk beds squished in the back of the bus and a drop-down queen-sized bed where their 3 most recent kids were conceived.)

Link to a tour of the bus (it hasn't changed since this was posted)

A short background:

Britney and JD met in 2008 on deployment in Iraq :marseysaluteusa:and got married in 2009. JD has a hard-on for getting rich :marseycapitalistmanlet: quick, so they bought into a gym franchise in 2011 while they simultaneously started procreating (kid 1 - 2011; kid 2 - 2013; kid 3- 2015; kid 4 - 2016). During this time, they were living in their 5800 sq ft house, and Britney pulled their oldest out of Christian private school and started homeschooling their army as they didn't agree with the school's "secular approach"???

In 2017, JD got a vision from god, and god told him he needed to build an ark in the form of a bus. He told Britney and within a week, MotherBus and FatherBus were well on their way to living la vida loca. They had their 5th kid in August 2018 and started their bus bullshit in October 2018. The 3 youngest bus kids were conceived in 2020, 2022, and 2024. As of today, their kids' ages are 13, 11 (only girl), 9, 7, 6, 4, 2, and 3 months old. All kids share the 6 bunk beds together (the 13 year old shares a twin bed with the 2 year old), and all kids go to bed at 7:30 PM so that Britney and JD can have "date night" from 8-9 PM.

Abuse allegations

Britney and JD love swinging their newborns around for the internet. The earliest documented occurrence of this was in 2022 with a pic of Britney not supporting her newborn's (now 2 years old) neck.

Since they literally fund their life through posting daily videos of their kids doing choreographed dances while Britney eye fucks the camera, a lot of their neglect of the most recent kid is all over their instagram:

• Baby Boone was born in the bus bathtub unassisted

• MotherBus brings newborn to have a chiropractic adjustment

• FatherBus forcing Boone's leg straight to measure him as he screams in agony

• BusTards take Boone to a local UPS to weigh him

• Britney constantly leaves Boone on a piece of sheepskin rug on the floor all day while the 5 youngest kids constantly crowd him and walk all over the rug. Boone doesn't have a bed either; he sleeps on the sheepskin rug underneath the parent's drop-down queen bed.

• Britney continually brings Boone onto the beach and into the sun without a hat, shade, or sunscreen (She's mentioned before that she doesn't believe in sunscreen and she puts beef tallow on her kids for "natural SPF")

• Boone is literally jaundiced when he's not sunburnt

• They treat him like a ragdoll

• Boone is extremely lethargic, doesn't respond to voices, doesn't make eye contact, and won't unclench his hands. Any comments on developmental milestones or telling MotherBus to take Boone to the doctor are deleted and the user is blocked immediately.

This caught the attention of concerned family members who anonymously reported MotherBus to the Florida Department of Children and Families. The shitlords are convinced that the users of /r/FundieSnarkUncensored are anti-Christian "online trolls" who are weaponizing the government to attack and "defame" them. They are quoted online accusing FSU of geolocating their family from Instagram screenshots and calling the manager of the campground they were at to send CPS on a "nationwide manhunt" of the Lotts.

JD and Britney claim their kids were cleared at an undisclosed hospital where a doctor "took a look" at Boone and the other kids and determined the cops didn't need to take the kids at that time.


Through some digging, FSU reddit discovered that the initial call took place in April 2024, when Boone was 14 days old. It's July 24th, and the BusTards are just now going public with the story. Two weeks ago, FatherBus was seen at an express passport office getting a passport for BabyBus. One week ago, they posted that they bought plane tickets for their entire family and they plan on leaving the country. Now yesterday, they post an absolutely IRATE :marseyraging: :marseyraging:video about the CPS call.

Are MotherBus and FatherBus planning to run from CPS, or is the investigation still ongoing and critical to the point that CPS told them they aren't allowed to leave the country?

They're addicted to the clout, so I'm sure they'll post an update within a day or so.

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST @TracingWoodgrains says something incredibly stupid

All in all, his appointment makes me take seriously the possibility that Trump's second term will focus seriously on setting a policy foundation for the future versus just being cult-of-personality stuff.

Why would you believe this?

How could you actually believe this?

An entire generation of would-be intellectuals attempted to treat Trump as a politician with policies instead of as an incompetent authoritarian using overt fascist rhetoric, creating a cult of personality. The Republicans are still calling out 'civil war' and then realizing this makes them dramatically unpopular.

And TracingWoodgrains continues to think: could this ancient person who just today or yesterday claimed to be a 'young vibrant man' turn his focus towards setting a policy foundation?

Remember (for those who haven't been paying attention), after all the fascism was invited into Scott Alexander's culture war threads in 2016-2020, they turned so violent that Trace created /r/theschism.

And this is one of a few places where the pseudo-intellectuals who couldn't perceive the fascism, but could believe that wokes were out to get them, retreated to in a world where one party was fascist, and the other party tended to insist on calling out that fascism.

It boggles my mind that Trace could be appalled by the violence, but never understand that the violence was the fascism. And now the 'dissident right' is nodding very seriously about Trump's policy positions, as if there is anything to the Republican Party but a bunch of authoritarian sycophants tripping over each other to praise Trump more while they state directly that they'll engage in civil war if they lose.

The Onion says it best: Trump vows to unite nation against common enemy of other Americans.

TracingWoodgrains is the sort of person who believes Trump when Trump calls for unity. TracingWoodgrains requires that we live in the reality where a few kind words erase years of violent rhetoric.

Why, TracingWoodgrains, are you so easily duped by Trump?

When will the greater SFBA Rationalist Cult wake up from the fugue of confusion brought about by Woke Derangement Syndrome?

Scott Alexander semi-ironically tackles 'an orgy of vengeance.' He starts to unravel, hopefully, the failure of the ideological wasteland of his home ground, in his recent essay: Some Practical Considerations Before Devolving into an Orgy of Vengeance.

I was cancelled from the culture war threads. I didn't take it personally, at least in the sense that I didn't think: all rightoids are like Scott, or all rightoids are like the moderators, who were crippled by their necessarily authoritarian connection to the space: whatever Scott said was true.

Cancellation is just part of human nature. The most egregiously obnoxious position of the SFBA Rationalist Cult is that it is somehow above or better than cancellation.

Scott Alexander gets close:

Liberals invent a fictional entity called "The Right", which is full of all of the most racist and fascist things that NYT was ever able to produce an out-of-context quote showing one Claremont guy saying, then believe that any action is justified against "The Right" because it's an ontological threat against democracy, then rile up a mob against a Google guy who sends the wrong memo.

What a terrible paragraph.

Scott Alexander was part of the Woke Derangement Syndrome crowd.

But the NYT doesn't have to produce out-of-context quotes demonstrating Trumpism's authoritarian dialogue.

The problem is that Scott Alexander suffocated his worldview with racism. Never forget: he self-consciously invited fascists and racists (neoreactionaries) into his audience. This level of racism and fascism became normal for Scott--and for TracingWoodgrains.

You have an entire coup attempt planned by Trump in the wake of the 2020 election, starting with the fake elector plot and culminating in January 6th. And Scott Alexander's take is that the liberals (HE IS INVENTING A FICTIONAL ENTITY HERE) are inventing a fictional entity around it and hallucinating its racism and fascism. (To put it in idiot SFBA Rationalist Cult terms, his priors are 'trapped.')

Trump is an "ontological threat against Democracy"

And if you don't understand this, there is in fact a very basic political intelligence test which you have failed. It's ok. The fascism fools people.

The fascism fools young men especially. Young men who feel persecuted by a society that doesn't care much for them. (And to be clear: society does not care for young men. It treats them as disposable, and always has.)

Scott Alexander took these young men and said: it's ok, the evil SJWs are evil and bad and we can create our own little space where we don't cancel people for their beliefs. Then he pulled the people with the worst beliefs on the planet into his space, and leftists were driven away by their racism and violence. This is what happened.

What they never seemed to understand is that you can in fact treat an egregore as an entity with beliefs and conditions provided you are careful to make distinct the voices. A mob of rioters that burn down their police station is in fact different from a mob of rioters instructed by a president who attack our Capitol.

Thus a vast wasteland of pseudointellectuals. Right now the King Pseud is Elon Musk, who is bewildered that other people find Trump morally repugnant. "Shouldn't we treat politics as an exercise in getting what we want?" thinks Musk. "All of these intelligent people in my circles are supporting Trump hoping for policy implementations," reasons Trace.

None of these people possess reasonable social skills. They're perpetually confused by politics, but worse? They think that's the problem of the people who can understand politics.

Which is why I'm here, where they can't cancel me.

**210 BC: The First Emperor of China dies

His plan was for a dynasty to last the millennia. His son was to be the next in line.

Instead, immediately after his death his preferred narrative is abandoned. His son was killed. Others ruled the throne through proxies.

1185 AD: Andronikos Komnenos

Andronikos oversaw a 'terror state' of reckless bloodshed against his political enemies in his paranoia. When he was finally killed,

At last he was led to the Hippodrome of Constantinople and hung by his feet between two pillars. Two Latin soldiers competed as to whose sword would penetrate his body more deeply, and he was, according to the representation of his death, torn apart; his remains were left unburied and were visible for several years afterwards.[18] He died on 12 September 1185.[19] At the news of the Emperor's death, his son and co-emperor, John, was murdered by his own troops in Thrace.

69 AD: The Year of Four Emperors

A bunch of delusional people swear loyalty to anyone who happens to be a leader. The temple of Jupiter burns.

If there's one thing I would do to Scott Alexander in person, it's slap him so hard he falls to the ground and then put my knee on his back and force his face into the mud and whisper into his ear: your shithead following believes in effective emperors. They believe in a Caesar. They believe in Augustus.

Force is the only way to get through to these people through their woke derangement syndrome.

But the problem of succession is so fricking huge that the one genuine accomplishment of our American system is the peaceful transition of power. This is what Trump threatened on January 6th and if you don't understand that you're a fricking idiot who should never have written about politics.

Trump is an "ontological threat against Democracy"

And Scott Alexander continues to fluff Trump in his mock political debate writing. Scott Alexander is thus a pseudo-fascist: one who propagandizes Trump as an effective politician.

Honestly I have to admire the irony: Scott Alexander doesn't understand why the left freaks out about the things Trump does. Scott assumes that explanations of Trump forcing their reaction are true, so Trump must be effective as a politician, because he produces a desired result through his speech.

Scott does not put these things together, that because the desired result of Trump's violent rhetoric is violence, this is what makes Trump dangerous, this is what makes leftists broadly correct.

Trump is an "ontological threat against Democracy"

There is nothing more to a narrative of state than the people following the story of its leader. The competing narrative of Trump as to the legitimacy of the 2020 Election makes Trump a dangerous instability to be reckoned with forcefully. By any means necessary, including slicing up the worldviews of people like TracingWoodgrains, Scott Alexander, and Elon Musk.

TracingWoodgrains continues to tell the story, bizarrely, of a man who might turn to serious policy.

Scott Alexander continues to tell the story, bizarrely, of a left that is producing 'out-of-context' quotes.

Musk is in a pathetic search for legitimacy on Twitter, getting told by other rich people of his mistake.

Thankfully, Biden has promised to 'finish the job' and I think we'll soon be rid of this old person boomer confusion. (Just because he's incompetent as a leader doesn't mean the movement around him isn't fascism.)


But I haven't forgotten the weakness of the pseudointellectuals whose Woke Derangement Syndrome prevented them from perceiving the authoritarian fascist movement which began in 2016. They still have a chance to correct their answer, before the history books close on them as collaborators with the insurgent traitor Trump.


Soon Impassionata can retire.


Two nukes lead directly to this

Vtubing is a form of online streaming or videos made with an anime character as the speaker, for entertainment. :marseyautism: Their predecessors include normal webcam letsplayers and streamers (

) and long form content creators that use one or more still images of their avatar talking as they talk (insert any random dork that has one of those 2 hour analyses of childrens' cartoons). :marseymetokur: :marseyetika: :vsaucemichael:

If this sounds incredibly neurodivergent, it is, but this is the very tip of the iceberg.

The typical vtuber is a biological woman(1) that uses a camera to rig a 2-d model or a 3-d model of an anime girl to follow their face and head movement, so that they appear fully animated.

They take on various forms of entertainment, from essentially being normal video game streamers but with an anime girl facecam, idol-type singers, "wacky" Japanese "humor" types, porn, to even news commentators. A lot of them make a big deal out of their model and character, with intricate backstories and keyfabe. Generally speaking, Japanese companies and vtubers are a little heavy on this and hype up the vtubers as idol singers, while Americans and Canadians are a little more inclined to know they're effectively regular streamers juiced up by weeaboos, but also keep up the keyfabe and idol stuff. :marseymiku:

Vtubing is enabled by advances in camera tracking equipment, Youtube and Twitch allowing livestreams to receive money from viewers in "super chats" and memberships, and a proliferating online community that broke containment from Japan around 2019-2020. It appears that COVID led to a ton of weebs looking into alternative spaces to interact, including parasocial relationships with streamers. In turn, the community of artists, 3-d modelers, and riggers exploded, and now anyone can be a anime girl with their iPhone, paying for the model of their character, and a few software cowtools for streaming. In the last year or year and a half, it appears that some of that COVID-era parasocial engagement has fallen, but the cat is out of the bag, and I wouldn't be surprised if this type of media continues to grow. If you type in "vtuber" on youtube or twitch there are a ton of shitty setups with 1 or 2 viewers live all the time, it kind of reminds me of when every guy thought he could be a letsplayer. In terms of the rdrama userbase, users may be familiar with Kirsche, the /pol/tuber, or Pippa the variety streamer, who are both 4chan and KF adjacent. Overall, the largest company is Hololive, recently known for their most popular vtuber singing at a Dodgers game


The Fans

But what happens when you take an already strange group (weeaboos) and combine them with the parasocial experience of wanting to frick an anime girl streamer? Unmitigated schizophrenia. :marseybangfast: Reddit is as normal as you can be for entertainment like this, twitter is usually weird over the top care for their favorite vtubers (like when someone cancels because they are sick, fans will write out detailed concerns and fifty heart emojis), but elsewhere is hilariously insane. 4chan rarely adds boards, but they added /vt/ for vtubing as a containment board, and it is now almost as fast as the fastest boards /vg/ and /pol/. It goes faster than fricking /a/ and /b/, and would completely swamp where it would be otherwise, /jp/. KF has a vtuber general with 8000 fricking pages. There's a KF splinter site dedicated entirely to vtubing. Oh, and a solid proportion of vtuber models look and act like children, so a lot of pedos are into it too.

There are a ton of boundaries that vtubers aren't supposed to cross because it is seen as dangerous ("yab"/"yabai" in moonrunes). Usually it's related to how idols are supposed to not smoke or drink or publicly talk about s*x. However, because essentially what these women do is talk or play video games 20+ hours a week, things inevitably slip in. Even the agencies that acknowledge they platform actual psychiatric patients or are kinda edgy generally try to keep their vtubers with some level of keyfabe, some level of idol stuff like songs, and no talking about relationships.

Remember how this is about mid Asian women playing video games and singing with a little bit of pretending to be a dorky anime girl? A lot of r-slurs think it's real.

  • First, there is "gosling". AKA falling in love with the anime girl on your youtube. Think of Ryan Gosling's character from Blade Runner 2049

  • You may come to the obvious conclusion that this is r-slurred, but think of the kind of community that this attracts

  • Because vtubers make money from fans sending money on their streams or by buying their merchandise, they are incentivized to grow their fanbase to include lonely weirdos who will drop $500 on their streams

  • However, these same weirdos end up cataloging every single snippet of personal information that you say because they are in love with the vtuber

  • Then when the vtuber slights them somehow, they will dump all that info attempting to dox them

  • This could range from political opinions, personal hypocrisy, not reading out the chat they sent, or just schizos building up tangential evidence that you have a boyfriend

Now that I think about it this reminds of something here... :marseydarkfoidretard: :marseykrayon: :marseyspal: :marseytedsimp2: ... but somehow more neurodivergent, because once again, they're in love with an anime girl and don't even get to have s*x with it. And this isn't "oh I'm literally handing out my full name, phone number, job and location :marseyfoidretard:" but this: . It's fricking insane.

In the funniest instance, accidentally revealing you have a boyfriend on stream directly :marseyxd::

led to some schizo dropping a 60 page google doc of groomercord screenshots and accusations she led him on, leading her to retire her character and rebrand. He still shows up on /vt/ occasionally to sperg out AFAIK


So the viewers are obsessive weirdos that will literally track weather and note that their vtuber said it was raining at exactly 10:19 AM EST to narrow down where they live, while compiling insane screeds because they want to frick their favorite clumsy nerd dragon anime girl in real life... what about the vtubers themselves?

  • They often have considerable issues, but are usually just gross femcels

  • The rabbit girl at the top of this post, Pippa Pipkin, is IRL trailer trash, had a drawer she would puke in, lived with mold on her stuff, did not brush her teeth, and is just generally really gross:

  • Rushia is the name of a former vtuber who lost her job because of lolcow-tier crazy, revealing that she was married, cheating on her husband, then divorcing him while cheating on him and making a ton of accusations, and was threatening lawsuits to a ton of people over this information

  • It explains a lot to learn that the average vtuber is neurodivergent. On this test,, where 65 is minimum score considered for autism and 130 is the mean score of neurodivergent people, the company Phase Connect had many of their vtubers take it and most of them scored above 150.

Why is this dramatic?

The slightest negative thing that a vtuber does gets amplified by schizos and a-logs, which often snowballs into drama. For example, Pippa is gross and weird, but there's a thread right now between her white knights and a-logs that is like 50 pages long in two or three days as if its a :marseycwc: update

The juxtaposition of vtubers to normal media is still fricking hilarious, like tell me this isn't funny:

It's only going to get more neurodivergent and parasocial from here

  • The Japanese Communist Party has a vtuber:

  • If J.D. Vance, a rightoid twitter user who follows "Mid Castizos" and Steve Sailer can become vice president, we will eventually have a weeaboo vice president that'll get questioned why he followed Kirsche

Pissing off vtube fans is funny and unfortunately a proportion of them are pedos and/or gooners

  • Do NOT look at any pictures from conventions. A lot of these guys look WORSE than your worst stereotypes. There are people in real life who buy anime body pillows.

Vtubing could be an innovative form of media. The motion tracking and animation is really interesting. The interactivity that some streamers have can be original and interesting, from the way they break the fourth wall to the way they can manipulate elements of their character model and background on the fly. Some vtubers are surprisingly talented but either too ugly or mentally ill to be regular streamers or did not make it as singers, and this offers a track for them to continue to be an entertainer and make bizarre content.

However, vtubing is ultimately more likely to be known on the internet for pedos jacking off to their favorite 4,000 year old shark girl and donating their Burger King paychecks to Youtube.

Finally, pretty much every single thread on vtubing anywhere turns into this.

(1) Yes, I was honestly surprised at first too. Technically it would be hard to tell if an independent streamer passes hard enough, but agencies have to verify their vtubers and are almost always looking for women only. If you've ever been to weeb convention or related event and you see 4/10 Asian or white women cosplaying or doing related things like /cgl/, there is a nonzero chance they've tried vtubing. Surprisingly, there are even attractive ones, though the correlation between attractiveness and being a vtuber is obviously negative.

EFFORTPOST The Myth of Plastic Recycling :marseyrecycling: :marseyrecycling: :marseyrecycling:

I have long since known about the impracticality of Plastic Recycling, but i found a good video addressing this issue in a comparative short and summarized format. (15 minutes)

The point of this video and my own belief is not to be an anti-recycling advocate or propagate anti-green sentiment propaganda. I and the video creator still believe we should in fact recycle to the greatest extent possible, but that we should also become fully aware of the horrifying reality standing before us - and that is that plastic has never, even since its inception in the early 1920s been capable of being recycled in any economical or environmentally sustainable sense meaningfully.

There are a great multitude of barriers to complete practical plastic recycling - including economical, practical and physical science related impossible reasons.

For economical reasons, it is because most nation states upon the earth subsidize any plastic or fossil fuel industry they may have, since these are astronomically critical sectors of economy and society, these subsidies

tend to compete painfully against any industry which must consider even the feasibly recycled resin or raw virgin plastic, against fossil remains/oil products from which plastic originates, and often recycled plastic (which contains the cost of labor intensive manpower) loses out.

Now there are industries in places like :marseyflagsouthafrica: South Africa :marseyflagsouthafrica: which have edged out a niche in recycling plastic which can meaningfully be recycled and done so in an economically viable manner. We even have a pretty decent organization advocating this issue- though obviously they sure as shit don't hold any real power or influence. But they do actually highlight and underline the most critical issues we face and actually attempt to offer pratical solutions.

This surprised me as Green hippie types are usually very prone to offer and champion noble but impractically insane idealized solutions.

They actually have a practical grasp upon our declining situations and even attempt understand the practical reality where we have lots of "trash pickers" people who hunt in junkyards for plastic, or pilfer through peoples trash bags before they can be picked up by trash lorries, so that they might fill their giant bags with plastic for recycling plants in the big cities.

It's very unglamorous, but many poor safricans make a living from this.

Now I sure as heck won't be like this Reuters article and claim that our "waste-picker" economy is "winning the war against plastic waste" or anything, but it does actually help in the grand scale of things. Where the average plastic by tons on the global stage is recycled at the pitiable 5% on average, south africa has been recycling at between 7,5% - 15% of our plastic waste (still pitafle but above global average)

However, even this recycling economy, supported on the backs and efforts of "waste-pickers", is only really feasible BECAUSE south africa is so brokenshit poor, and has at least a 25% unemployment rate - meaning that because safricans are so poor and desperate, they are willing to do the most unenviable and difficult jobs of being waste-pickers, which is basically the lowest rung of even south african society.

whereas richer places like Burgerland in all its wealth would find it impossible to compete, trash-pickers or trash-sorters would have to be paid at least minimum wages or have safety regulations against them being exposed to biohazards from junkyards or landfills - in safrica we are so poor, the concept of even regulating trash-pickers here in nonexistent because they are borderline beggers.

Thus even with the economic incentive of not starving, safrica still only manages to collect a tenth of our plastic waste - the rest is dumped in landfills if even that.


I go on this Safrican tangent to make you guys realize the sheer magnitude of problems involving ACTUAL recycling plastic, and the logistical barriers that would be involved at every step.

Like the video goes on to explain: Why is it so hard to recycle trash and plastic?

1. There are different types of plastic

When plastic products are created, they are chemically created with different additives, to give them specific properties - like waterbottles being watertight and firm. Other plastics like plastic bags are intentionally made to be bending and malleable.

Mixing these different shit into one giant recycling cauldron :marseyrecycling: :marseyrecycling: :marseyrecycling: and trying to melt them together into one magic giant bar of resin is worthless, because the combined product of plastics with different properties or chemical makeup just generates worthless plastic goop and gunk, worth only as burnable coal.

2nd hand plastic will just never have the same versatility as "virgin" resin plastic, or plastic generated directly from oil and other fossil fuel products.

Thus to meaningfully recycle any plastic shit, you need to sort them - which is a logistical task of great magnitude and WILL require human hands, no factory can in any meaningful sense sort plastic magically into the different types and even if those plastic is recyclable.

2. Many plastics are chemically bonded with other material on the molecular level, making them unsuitable for recycling.

Many plastic products also contain metal, carton, paper and polystyrene which are often impractically impossible to separate.

3. Recycling also degrades plastic with each recycling cycle

4. Contamination with food remains and chemicals.

Plastic containers for food and poison or cleaning chemicals also cannot be used in recycling for most plants as there are often no meaningful manner in which to separate toxic chemicals from these plastics which will remain even after the furnace of the recycling plant's processing. So basically bottles holding ratpoison or floor cleaning liquid are for safety already almost never capable of being reused EVER.

"When plastics are recycled, they can contain a toxic cocktail of chemicals that makes them unfit for food-grade and other consumer uses. Dangerous chemicals make their way into recycled plastic materials from a variety of sources. Greenpeace has identified the following three 'uncontrollable poisonous pathways':

Toxic chemicals in new virgin plastic materials: When plastics are made with toxic chemicals and then recycled, the toxic chemicals can transfer into the recycled plastics."


I don't know if I have any grand point to make in this post, and it's not my intention of just putting forth a pessimistic doompost :marseydoomer: :doomer: :doomerfemjak: :dinodoomer: with no viable solutions to our global frickup.

But I did want to talk to you darmatards regarding the mammoth nature of the task before us, if we as humanity even decides to ever make plastic recycling a priority. :marseyrecycling:

I recall a funny story in my time at UCT (Univericity of Cape Town) :marseyklennyreading: where every year there were perpetual campaigns by hippes and other environmentalists with new and improved plans involving the University to improve our carbon footprint :marseyfeet: and lower our waste in the form of recycling.

On campus there would be these fancy multi-bins, divided into categories for waste disposal: plastic, paper, metal, food, ect. There would be Green :marseywatermelon: :marseysouthernbelle7: propaganda campaigns, slogans and posters, encouraging peeps to responsibly think before they threw their trash into the bin, and help sorting our trash for recycling plants in the city.

The end of that year I saw a trash lorry come in and the garbage-men would just simply dump the fricking bins into the garbage-lorry, mixing the carefully sorted bins with apathetic abandon :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: clearly undoing most of our efforts through the year regularly

Later UCT would correct this and make sure to employ palstic/metal recyling collectors to come and pick up the intended recycle shit, and give the food-waste and non-recyclables to the regular trash-lorries :marseyitsallsotiresome:

Additionally safrican students tend to be r-slurred and the 4 bin project eventually got scraped for a two bin, for recyclables and non-recyclables cuz students kept throwing paper into the metal bins or vice versa, but even this STILL GOT FRICKED UP :marseytrollcrazy:

Anyways regular soft drink bottles like coke :marseypepsi: :marseyokaycoke: bottles which are uniform type plastic and don't contain poison are still very practical to collect and recycle just like tin cans, this post is just to highlight the magnitude of the practicality of the recylcing problem.

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