

No Argentine child, you may not use words I don't like in your popular Spanish language vidya publication! You will rebrand or enjoy prison!




Warhammer is a sci-fi/fantasy tabletop war game franchise developed by Games Workshop (GSW). The lore features different alien (called xeno) factions and a dozen human factions with deep lore set in a hopeless and dark universe. For a very long time the lore has been dominated by male characters.

In the lore, the Adeptus Custodes is an elite human faction of super-soldiers genetically engineered and trained by the Emperor of Mankind himself to serve as his personal guard. Until recently, this faction has only ever been seen as male in the lore, however the recently released Codex from GWS confirmed the presence of women among the ranks of the Adeptus Custodes. This development has caused a rift in the Warhammer community. These tensions and arguments seem to have broken out into full war between /r/HorusGalaxy and /r/AdeptusCustodes.

Inciting Incident

GWS released a new animation called Tithes which prominently features a female Custode. Users of /r/HorusGalaxy lost their shit and immediately started brigading in /r/AdeptusCustodes. What started as mouth-breathers crying over "wokeness in muh MAN hobby!" soon became targeted harassment of a trans mod on /r/AdeptusCustodes. The mod has since quit the subreddit due to the harassment and claims of threats made against her. Users of /r/HorusGalaxy are unsatisfied, demanding evidence of the threats and doubling down on the harassment. The drama is spread out over multiple posts and between both subreddits so I have selected a few pieces of popcorn to share.


Both sides guys! Both siiiiiiides!

Woman in my hobby is Neo-Marxism!

Just some casual transphobia sprinkled in there

Adding female custodes to the human factions makes as much sense as adding orcs to the human factions. Cause, you know, females are a different, inferior species to hu-MANS.

I've only included a small sampling of the available popcorn. /r/HorusGalaxy is basically /r/TheDonald but for Warhammer, and I'd rather keep my time there brief lest I catch the cringe. I invite any who can stomach it to dig in, there's plenty of popcorn to share.

Rangz of Powah, a Brief Review of Season 2 Episodes 1,2, and 3 :marseythegrey:

!kino !bookworms !ringbearers

Season 2 begins with a flashback. After Morgoth's defeat Sauron is running for President and delivers a low energy speech to the orcs. Adar starts an insurrection by stabbing the Dark Lord with his crown followed by the orcs killing him. Years later Sauron becomes a symbiote like goo feeding from maggots and mice until he crawls outside the Mountain, kills a woman and becomes "Halbrand". Then Halbrand boards a ship with an old man, a big fish destroys the ship and Saubrand steals the man's sigil, later he finds Galadriel and season 1 events ensue.

Now Saubrand goes back to Mordor where Adar tortures him, and later lets him go because he promises Adar to find Sauron. I hace no idea of what was the point of Saubrand in Mordor. Then he goes to Eregion to meet Celebrimbor and convinces him he's a messenger of the Valar, finally we have an Annatar reveal.

This should have been in season 2 and is probably the only scene so far I thought it was kind of cool, but is sad they casted an old man as Celebrimbor, the elves are ageless god Darnit! After that they resume their work.

The moronic and gullible she-elf Galadriel tells Gil-Galad and Elrond that Halbrand is Sauron. There's a ridiculous scene with Elrond stealing the 3 elvish rings. He takes to them to Cirdan but it turns out Cirdan doesn't want to destroy them, he puts the rings and gives the other two to Gil-Galad and Galadriel which leaves Elrond pissed.

The dwarves of Khazad Dum are worried about the mountain not responding to the dwarven kween's singing so Durin and Disa go to Eregion where Celebrimbor and Annatar begin forging the 7 rings.

There's the totally not-Gandalf wizard and fem-Frodo along fem-Sam wandering through the desert where they meet Tusken raiders sent by totally not-Saruman (I swear if the Dark Wizard is Saruman than they will outdumb every other dumb change made before)

Not-Gandalf has visions with a staff, he's looking for it. The Tusken Raiders attack him and he summons a dust-devil with a provisory staff, it doesn't work well as the Hobbits as taken away like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.

The Numenor shit continues to be boring. Donald Trump Ar-Pharazon coups Kween Tar-Miriel by EXPOSING her as an elvish lover. Isildur's sister shows up at Miriel's coronation displaying the Palantir and calls out Miriel, then an Eagle shows up for a photo-op and Trump goes toward the Eagle and becomes King after the crowd shouts and goes bananas!

As a Tolkien adaptation this slop is 2/10, it is very loosely based on the Legendarium. As its own thing it's like 4/10, very mediocre show, boring with few interesting moments and dumb plotlines.

[SAD] :marseysad: Concord :marseytransattentionseeker: goes to gamestop :marseychartuptrend: to buy the game :concordgameoftheyear: and boast how they was in it

!transphobes dont gloat

!chuds and !g*mers keep silent

its hard for they, them didn't know

its this one

Based dwarf owns cute twink elf
No Man's Sky: Aquarius :carpseanmurraynomanssky: !nms




Ignorance at πŸ’―, the use of condoms should be teaching at school, having a responsible sexual life would reduce of costs of tax; medicines cost a lot and any kind of treatment too, so please wear a condom and help the economy and my pockets!

It is and has been for years. Of course they also teach that herpes is virtually unavoidable so :marseyshrug:

S*x Ed at school? Jesus says no

Frick off c*nt. Even the caths have been getting it for 20 plus years now

Also I'm nooticing that as s*x ed classes increased, condom use dropped and STI rates rose :marseynoooticer: someone ping nooticers

You know the youth not using condoms is because of demographic changes. Not religious reasons

Someone has the balls to say it.

I don't think the problem is s*x education. The problem is the glorification of s*x.

Many people just don't want to wrap it up and young girls aren't making guys wrap it up.

S*x is glorious. No one needs to glorify it. And yea condoms suck and everyone man or woman hates them.

In Canada? condom use and s*x ed is taught at Catholic schools. This isn't the bible belt

We weren't taught how to put on a condom in a regular public school in Alberta. Teachers also had to say abstinence is the best method and the only one they recommend.

If you need to be taught how to put on a condom you're an r-slur.

Our S*x Ed is horrible. Women don't even know what an intact peepee looks like if you go by illustrations in S*x Ed, porn and novelty store depictions. Foreskin is natural and should not be shamed.

Intact? Try erect. My s*x ed never showed a hard peepee once. And the clit was never once brought up either.

Friendly PSA. If you don't like condoms, measure yourself and get some properly fitting condoms. It's a night and day difference.

Kay, it still sucks and feels terrible.

Has anyone here actually tried a condom? They are horrible

This reddit, no they haven't.

Someone I know told me that now in highschool, guys will only date girls who are on birth control. If you're a girl not on birth control they won't want to date you. Girls are going on it so they meet a social status. This is very sad.


Anyone could've and should've seen this coming. The only people who ever gave a darn about condoms as std prevention were sailors, everyone else just wanted to avoid kids. Now they have a magic pill that lets them avoid kids and raw dog.

Zuckerberg says it's "frick janny summer" going forward; glowies can kick rocks

Yeah, they did suppress stuff about Covid-19 and the NYP story about Hunter's laptop. Admits it was a mistake.

Also no more Zuckbux for you leeches

Germoids are so subhuman that their police :marseycop3: tried to dox and arrest :marseyhandsup: some guy for calling a politician :marseykamalarentfree: fat

This is the hideous :marseymyeyes: pig of a politician :marseybuttigieg: (who could feed a village if she was spitroasted over a fire):


If we invade g*rmany I will unironically go to the front :marseyviewerstare: lines :marseystocksupdown: and crush :marseyironmaiden: some barbarian :marseyklennylegion: skulls.



not the heckin economically useless office jobberinos!

What Did He Mean By This?

!blackjack !bookworms !fitness !friendsofbussy-boy !friendsofpizzashill !gaystapo !germs !jinxthinkers !lgbt !mayomoment !metashit !sophistry !soren


The news article to the incident by Apollo News just released. !germs !chuds IN IN IN

Rechter Streamer β€žVulgΓ€re Analyse" wegen Volksverhetzung inhaftiert


Shlomo Finkelstein aka Aaron Pielka is a German uberchud and part of the original German anti SJW movement with now more well known cucks like Kraut, who disavowed the rightoids to turn into not just a Neoliberal but THE neoliberal. <- THIS R-SLUR <- Shlomo Finkelstein before his YouTube channels were nuked, here with his Avatar shown to shit into Mecca Roblox cube while wiping his butt with the Quran.

Shlomo was known for causing controversies, like burning the Quran on camera, pissing on the Quran and using the Quran in a BBQ to grill pork. Shown here.

He has his own, very biased, Wikipedia article (unlike CWC lmao) for anyone curious give it a read. Shlomo describes by Wikipedia:

"Shlomo Finkelstein, pseudonym of Aron Pielka[1][2] (born May 4, 1996 in Krefeld[3][4]), is a German right-wing extremist[5] online activist. He spread racist, Islamophobic and anti-feminist content. One of Pielka's most popular formats published as Shlomo Finkelstein is the video series Die VulgΓ€re Analyse, which is now considered a "established authority in the right-wing radical online world".[6]"

His other notorious controvrsies/accomplishments include the "Stolz-Monat" a hijacking of the pride month to show Stolz (Pride) for Germany instead of the LGBT community. This set off the political establishment and journ*lists as expected and was broadly supported by the AFD (German literal Nazis) and their youth wing the "Junge Alternative"(HΓΆckejugend). Again Wikipedia:

"In 2023, Pielka was a co-initiator of the social media campaign "#Stolzmonat", in which he called for social media to be flooded with nationalist and anti-queer postings during Pride Month. Instead of the rainbow flag, the postings showed a German flag in seven colors. At the same time, the campaign was intended to spread a counter-narrative that Germans were oppressed by LGBT actors. In addition to "Shlomo Finkelstein's" supporters, the AfD also participated in spreading the campaign.[1][17]"

This blew up so much the #Stolzmonat overtook Pride hashtags on Twitter/X for the entire pride month and even caused the "Verfassungsschutz" (GlowBIPOC SS Wing of Globohomo Abteil Germany) to release Videos denouncing the Stolzmonat, which obviously completely backfired and caused even more media and mainstream attention alla Streisand.

He had multiple Youtube channels that were all banned due to wrongthink and up until last week his internet presence amounted to twitter and a podcast called "Honigwabe", livestreamed on the Honigwabe YouTube channel. Link to the channel for anyone curious, beware the content is on German. Up until last week because the Bullerei got German YouTubes most notorious Chuddie and now he is serving a one year sentence in prison. Quoted from Apollo News:

"Right-wing streamer "Vulgar Analysis" imprisoned for incitement"

The right-wing streamer Aron P., alias "Shlomo Finkelstein", has begun a prison sentence, as the Cologne public prosecutor's office explained to Apollo News. The reason is the execution of a one-year prison sentence, which was initially suspended.

The right-wing streamer and YouTuber Aron P., known by his pseudonyms "Shlomo Finkelstein" and "Vulgar Analysis", was arrested last week. This was explained by the Cologne public prosecutor's office to Apollo News. The reason for the arrest was the "execution of a final prison sentence of one year from the judgment of the Cologne District Court of December 11, 2020, which has been legally binding since June 29, 2021," according to the public prosecutor's office.

In December 2020, according to the public prosecutor's office, he was legally sentenced to a prison sentence of one year - suspended - for "incitement to hatred, dissemination of symbols of unconstitutional organizations and insulting religious denominations and communities". Specifically, as the Cologne District Court explained to Apollo News, there are ten cases, but they did not want to give any further details.

The judgment became final in June 2021. The exact wording for which the streamer was convicted is not clear, as the verdict cannot be found in the database. As the district court explained to Apollo News, the suspension on probation was withdrawn in February 2022. Neither the public prosecutor's office nor the district court wanted to explain to Apollo News why it took more than two years for P. to go to prison. They also refused to provide any information about the circumstances of the imprisonment.

Since Monday, rumors have been circulating on X (formerly Twitter) about the video producer's disappearance. The rumors were fueled by KasparKast, Aron P.'s streaming partner. The two run the YouTube channel "KasparKast x HonigWabe" together. In the most recent episode, only KasparKast appeared. He explained that he would now have to stream alone for an indefinite period of time.

At the beginning of the livestream called "#freeshlomo", KasparKast explained that Aron P.'s "health was fine." He said he currently has no contact with P. However, he explained that P. would not be able to stream "in the next few months". He also explained: "As far as I understand, even the best lawyer in the world can only help to a limited extent at this point in time." This was followed by the rise of the hashtag "#freeshlomo" in German Twitter trends.

And thats all we know so far. His co-host Kasper (Vice-Chuddie) was live just recently talking about the article and the future of the Honigwabe. Link to the livestream.

So what now?

According to Kasper the Honigwabe will continue forward with guests from the German rightoid scene serving as co-hosts. Shlomos arrest is just another hit from a greater purge of rightoids ordered by German minister for internal affairs Nancy Faeser in preparation for the upcoming federal and state elections such in Thuringia and Saxony where total Chud victory is expected. Recently, Misses Faeser for example ordered the ban of one of Germanys largest alternative media news magazines "Compact" which was overturned for definetly 100% literally just being despotic and illegal. Twitter cute twinks will celebrate, Chuds will cope, Steiners counterattack will not commence and Shlomo will probably stay in prison for at least half a year. The west has fallen and millions, possibly even billions, will die.

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  • dramaqueen : frick drake the 6 has always been in atl :marseygucci:
lord miles (balding) goes to tha 6ix, immediately starts sperging about all the poos :marseypajeetitsover:

and this is coming from a scrote who lives in an Indian colony :teehee:

:marseytunaktunak: :marseychudgenocide:

a million terminally online losers who have never been to Toronto make the same reply

:quote: it's the poo's fault that women are disgusted by me :quote:

>I went somewhere known for being gross slop and it was gross slop :marseypikachu2:

>I can hear people existing while speaking another language omg :marseyscream:

and it turns out after all that that he was in Brapton :marseybrap: aka new punjab :rukiddingme: so literally just ""unknowingly"" went to a potty to complain about all the poos :marseyconfused2:

anyway as I type this I can hear bums arguing outside my house and neither sound indian so I guess that's a win :3

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A Latvian IM has been suspended by FIDE for 5 years because, for at least a decade, he has been sending letters to female chess players (including several who were underage at the time, containing porn and used condoms. It gets even weirder than it sounds (which is impressive because it already sounds pretty fricking weird because:

a)The Latvian and Russian (most of the women were from there) police both declined to do anything about this with the justification that this somehow wasn't a crime

b)It's been known for more than two and a half years that he was the culprit since a magazine investigated and outed him, but FIDE only just got round to dealing with it

c) His defense basically boiled down to telling FIDE it was none of their business

8.33 The Respondent contends that only the 2021 case can be subject to a complaint as the other letters "have nothing to do with the chess competitions…" or chess.

8.34 The Respondent further claims that the letters do not concern FIDE or the national chess federations and activities of those organisations. The Respondent even suggests in a hypothetical manner that the 'ordinary correspondence of private persons' is not related to chess.

8.35 Basically, the Respondent claims FIDE and the national chess federations lack jurisdiction.

8.36 The Respondent addresses the potential violations of the Old Code, and states that since he did not participate in the Grand Swiss Tournament in 2021, he could not break the norms of courtesy and chess etiquette during the tournament.

8.37 The Respondent reiterates his argument of private correspondence between persons during a chess event, which cannot be classified as unworthy behaviour, as it is of a private nature. As such, it could not affect the reputation of FIDE or any National Federation since it is of a 'private character between two private individuals and does not in itself become public'.

8.38 The Respondent's final argument was that receiving a letter every 6 months could not be considered harassment.

The person that stabbed little girl in UK is white, I repeat he is white :marseyglow: :gigachadglow: :chadagent:

The caught this dirty mayo with help of Abdulah

Another mayo stabbing people



Background: Harlem has a great concentration of junkie facilities: methadone clinics, injection sites, needle exchanges, and the clientele really do a number on the neighborhood. Even the liberal New York Times just wrote about it. The daycare has bulletproof glass now!

These researchers, clearly on the side of helping each junkie meet their full junkie potential, interview this guy whose group would like the junkie facilities at least spread out a little bit.

They are upset that he is against junkies pooping up the place and even more upset that he was calm and temperate in his phrasing soas to leave them no attack surface. They plan to look for future interviewees that will oppose the junkie facilities in less guarded terms to provide a foil for their virtue.

Screenshots since it's all just on the Harlem group's front page presumably temporarily:

Transcript (interviewee leaves and "researchers" start clowning themselves @ 1:05:28)


Researchers respond

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Who else loves Dumbledore posting? :dumbledoreagony:


Not the best version of these threads but still pretty :marseyglam: funny :marseybruh: nonetheless :marseyagree:.



Shooter was a THEY/THEM hasanmaxxer but honestly could just be a troll :marseygiveup:

But its the only acccount with a new non-public photo of the guy and a lot of the people they follow are randos from the same high school.

Account was created 4 yrs ago (with 10 username changes)

We did it Reddit! Redditors solve a drill rap murder

Lil Scoom is one of several drill rappers who've died over the past few days. The rapture for blacks.

22 dead in July so far

They contemplate moving

Anyways. His mom came out and blamed "someone" on the inside for his death

Then one of the murderers posts a txt of the girl setting up our boy, little Scoom

Redditors notice she types funny….

And find her Facebook



Some "fellas" dubiously taking the credit for the murder of the scoomster

Same lmaooo

Turns out that giving hobos free money (UBI) doesn't make them less homeless. This makes redditors big mad.

They organized the recipients in the following groups, "Eligible applicants were randomly assigned to one of three payment groups: A) $1,000 a month for 12 months, for a total of $12,000 in a year; B) $6,500 upon enrollment and $500 a month for the subsequent 11 months, for a total of $12,000 in a year, C) $50 a month for 12 months, for a total of $600 in a year."

This is odd, why don't they have a control group that received $0 per month? Could it be that they knew most of these people would find housing of their own volition regardless of the payment provided, and that by excluding an actual control group, they don't have to compare against the null results???

Maybe by providing $50/month to people that would find housing anyway, they could claim that participants showed these incredible improvements (ignoring the fact that the payments are not the reason why)?!?!? No, that would be disingenuous! Leftists wouldn't do such a thing!!!

Actually, that's exactly what's going on here. If you look at Figure 16 on page 27, it turns out that the $1000/mo payment is statistically no more likely to reduce the probability of a participant being unhoused as compared to the $50/mo payment. Does anyone actually believe that $50/mo is enough to solve homelessness? No, that's silly.

Leftists want to believe that UBI will work SO BADLY that they take taxpayer money, funnel it to a group of homeless people they know do not need it (they deliberately chose participants without disabilities and illness), construct a purposely deceptive "study" based on this scientifically unsound process, and then plaster the "promising results" all over the internet, using leftist propaganda accounts on X to trick people.




I'm on mobile so you get no linked comments :marseyantiwork:

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every mayofoid with a chanel purse who walks through the tenderloin to get her mocha chai latte is like a walking $200 donation to zombies in need of fancy jewelry.

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