
How Freedesktop/RedHat harass other projects into submission

Freedesktop/RedHat's CoC team is worse than you thought

Strags respond


So here's the link to her video. Basically she says became a physicist back in the 90s filled with idealism, says she's against female only scholarships as she got one and :marseypikachu2: her colleagues doubted her suitability due to that. Then she talks about how most of her job (and that of academic physicists in general) is limited to writing useless papers or using PhD and post Doc students to write said papers with your name in order to get more grants while being dissuaded from doing research in the fields you're interested at.

The reddit threads :#soysnoo2:

She's already done some sketchy vids in hot topics beyond her expertise.

Her vids about Trans people for example, in which she speaks about ROGD as though it's a real medical phenomenon.

TERFdom is a massive canary in the coalmine for influencers/commentators

At this point it's a great litmus test of guru-dom, whether or not they have an strong opinion on trans issues. It's like a pound shop version of the gurometer.


I predict that in the future she will 1.Talk worse about academia and academics 2.Talk more about american politics (fox news stuff) 3.At some point she will start simping for some capitalist

:#marseypearlclutch: :#soycry:

Sabine rapidly descending down the grifter pipeline


As long as she's talking about real science and doing it accurately, how is she a grifter? Because she accepts money from sponsors?

Aye, this one not so much! More the ones where she talks about… capitalism? And other topics she doesn't have expertise in

Yeah the capitalism video was quite stupid

:#soyreddit: :#marseycomradecry:

!anticommunists !neolibs

Bonus on her capitalism video

Breadtubers DEBOOOONKING :#soyjakfat:

Reported by:
  • Sphereserf3232 : Why is Bongland the only English speaking country where β€œclassism” is considered a major problem?
HAHAHAHAHA :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: - Scots will need their uber Indian overlords to save them from their own wokeness and cuckyness :marseytunaktunak: :chadindianheadset: :marseypajeet: :chadsikh: :chadsikh: :chadsikh:


why we should :marseynorm: imprison everyone :marseynorm: who sapports Fakestine: a thread :marseystitch:
Reported by:
  • ticktocktrain : its just more unscientific lazy propaganda, yawn.
:marseytrain2: drama: Michael Shellenberger releases "WPATH files"

It's also here

and on Shellenbergers substack

RDrama's Official Programmer Socks Reading Group

The Official RDrama Computer Science Reading Group

My dear !codecels, hello and welcome to the first meeting of RDrama's Computer Science Reading Group! Here's the idea - we (read: I) pick a computer science textbook, then post a list of sections and exercises from that textbook each week. In the thread, feel free ask questions, post solutions, and bully people for asking stupid questions or posting stupid solutions. If you don't want to read along, I'll post the complete exercises in the OP, so you can solve them without needing to read the book.


The book I'm starting with is 'the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs' (abbreviated SICP). It's a software engineering textbook written by Gerald Jay Sussman and Hal Abelson from MIT. The book builds programming from the ground up: starting with a very simple dialect of Scheme and growing it into a language with lazy evaluation, object-orientation and a self-hosting compiler. It's a fun book: the exercises are hands-on and interesting, the writing is informative without being droll, and both the book itself and a corresponding lecture series (complete with a 80s synth rendition of 'Also Sprach Zarathustra') are available for free online.


The book uses (a small subset of) Scheme as its primary language, but feel free to try using a different language. The book's dialect of scheme is available through Racket, but most lisps will work with only minor changes. Other dynamically-typed, garbage-collected languages with higher-order functions will also not require much hacking: there is an edition written in JavaScript :marseywebshit:, as well as a partial adaptation to python :marseysnek:. High-level, statically typed languages might also work: Java/Kotlin/C# :marseytunaktunak: seem doable, but I don't know those languages well. Strongly typed languages like Haskell will require some real hacks, and I'd avoid doing it in C, C++ or Rust.


The book is split into five chapters:

  • Building Abstractions with Procedures
  • Building Abstractions with Data
  • Modularity, Objects and State
  • Metalinguistic Abstraction
  • Computing with Register Machines

This week, I'll be posting exercises from the first chapter. The chapter is pretty easy for those familiar with programming already, so I just want to get it out of the way. Here are the selected exercises:

Exercise 1.8

Newton's method for cube roots is based on the fact that if y is an approximation to the cube root of x, then a better approximation is given by the value (x/yΒ² + 2y) / 3. Use this formula to implement a cube-root procedure which is wrong by at most 0.01.

Exercise 1.12

The following pattern of numbers is called Pascal's Triangle.

   1 1
  1 2 1
 1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1

The numbers at the edge of the triangle are all 1, and each number inside the triangle is the sum of the two numbers above it. Write a procedure that computes elements of Pascal's triangle.

Exercise 1.18

Devise a procedure generates an iterative process for multiplying two integers in terms of adding, doubling, and halving and uses a logarithmic number of steps.

Exercise 1.31

Write a procedure called product that returns the product of the values of a function at points over a given range (product(l, r,step,f) = f(l) * f(l+step) * f(l + 2 * step) * ... * f(r)). Show how to define factorial in terms of product. Also use product to compute approximations to using the formula Ο€/4 = (2 * 4 * 4 * 6 * 6 * 8 ...) / (3 * 3 * 5 * 5 * 7 * 7 ...)

Exercise 1.43

If f is a numerical function and n is a positive integer, then we can form the nth repeated application of f, which is defined to be the function whose value at x is f(f(...(f(x))...)). For example, if f is the function x β†’ x + 1, then the nth repeated application of f is the function x β†’ x + n. If f is the operation of squaring a number, then the nth repeated application of f is the function that raises its argument to the 2 * nth power. Write a procedure that takes as inputs a procedure that computes f and a positive integer n and returns the procedure that computes the nth repeated application of f. Your procedure should be able to be used as follows: repeated(square,2)(5) = 625

Have fun! :marseytype:

What are some indisputable facts that get wingcucks angry (US edition)

I really only give a shit about leafland most of the time (and even then not really all that deep into politics lol) but I've come to the conclusion that to get people angry online I need to say undeniable truths instead of my usual make shit up approach

Post undeniable truths that'd get wingcucks of either side angry :marseyexcited:


I have been into stoicism for a while and have been using it to cope with life but learning this info has made me second guess the entire philosophy. Now whenever I try to be stoic I think about Marcus sitting in the corner writing meditations while his wife gets brutalized by a gigachad gladiator. Now whenever I think about stoicism it seems like a cuck philosophy. Was Marcus really the adam22 of his time? How can I get over this?

:#marseyxd: :#marseyxd:

Beautiful bait


Wait a christcuck destroyer was a cuck?


I feel like OP rn bros.

Only if they happen to my people



OK that is one way to purge the stain of being cucked.


Because women are wonderful chud


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Tag yourself. I'm the commune's little diapered up tardling

I'm a pig, and I smell bad. Mr. Smuther is my God, and that's what he says. He's always right. I kiss his butt. I suck everything down into my guts. I never shit. My body's greedy, there's nothing I can do about it. I'm bloated. I'm soft. I weigh 349 pounds. I'm fat scum. I despise myself. I'm sitting here in the pink pajama bottoms my mom gave me when I was fifteen. They still fit. I hate them, but I wear them. They're caked up around the crotch with various foods that I dripped and old sperm that I never wiped up. My sperm's sweet.

A lot of that sperm's there now because of Mr. Smuther, so I like it. I like to break it off in chunks and grind it between my fingers thinking about him. Then I feel disgusted with myself, but I like feeling that way for him. I'd like him to take a shit on my face while I lay on the sidewalk and people crowded around and laughed. He'd point down at my face and tell them how I deserved it, and they'd laugh again in agreement with him. I'd feel good, I like to feel good. I like to touch myself, especially when I pretend I'm someone else.

Sometimes in a restaurant I lose myself, I forget I exist. I sneak my hand up under my shirt and rub it, along the hair that collects around my bellybutton. The hair is soft, like the hair on a baby's head. I get hot and I can smell myself. I'm being smothered in my own armpit, then I c*m, but I don't feel anything. I discover a puddle of sperm in my crotch. I hurry and pay, then I leave, afraid they'll notice.

Quick update on the man who made the Taylor swift memes

This was his last post before going dark:

Public enemy number 1

RIP my friend. I never even knew you, but you were a heck of a shit poster.

Reported by:
  • AnalKong : Wtf I thought they were supposed to be the master race
Infamous Jews :chadjew: in NYC Dig :marseyhole: Tunnel Across Street, Get Caught :marseycop:, and Chimp Out(On Camera :marseyneat:)

Because the original OP sucked due to lack of details and because most people on rdrama are low effort posters, here is an updated post.

This is incomprehensible so I looked into it. Since it's religious Jew drama in the US, only local/jew news outlets cover it and jew news outlets use jew terms.


Who are the Jews of New York and New Jersey?

I'm glad you noticed! :marseynoooticer: There are many Jews in New York but there are a few groups hated even by other Jews! Shocked? You'll never guess why!

The Hasids and Chabad

The Hasids are known for such bangers as B&H Photo and Video, getting killed by blacks, getting killed by the local blacks(again!), a cold case murder that was probably an inside job but no one will talk, taking over their local governments via organized voting and diverting funds to their interests(it's difficult finding links to this. Search just shows antisemitism articles :!marseydepressed:).

But why would so many people, including secular-ish Jews have hate in their hearts? Well... these Jews typically isolate themselves from society, take over local areas/governments, have disdain for local/state/federal laws, and treat you like a lesser person. (You are! Just read the Torah!) Naturally, if you lived near them, you'd get tired of them:chadjewrentfree: disobeying traffic law, siphoning taxpayer dollars via welfare, and making the government direct resources to them via block voting for their candidates :marseymerchant:.

But who are they, really? They're usually the funny hat and long sideburn people who spend their days obsessing over ancient...ish Jewish rules and following them to the letter. Imagine the worst strict christian living rent free :marseyrentfree: in a redditor's head and make it real and many times worse.

What happened

A faction of the local synagogue used their incels(trust me :marseywink:) :littlestchuddyjew:, called bochur(plural: bochurim), to dig a tunnel from one of their buildings to another across the street.

the tunnel, burrowed from the Mikvah on the corner of Union Street and Kingston Ave. The tunnel allegedly extended from the Mikvah under the Kingston Ave women's section of 770, where it exited into the building.

Working at night for an extended period of time, the bochurim began digging from the Mikvah building and hollowed out a tunnel

A mikvah is a ritual cleaning bath.

The tunnel would be about 300 feet long. :wow:

The Antisemites Find Out

construction work was underway placing new plumbing near 770. As the work neared completion, a trench was dug to lay a waterline and the surprised workers were shocked to find what appeared to be a tunnel underground

Details are scarce and I'm not going to spend another 30 minutes on this post but it looks like the government decided to pour concrete into the tunnel to close it off and prevent instability.

Friendly dramatards have discerned there is a property ownership dispute between two sects of this extreme Judaism for this "770" building. The owners of the building discovered the tunnel and got the police involved. Want to know partially why? You'll find out after the videos. :marseyexcited:

How did our friendly local Jews react to this pogrom? Well.... Their bochurim tore down part of a wall so they could get into the tunnel to prevent the antisemites from filling it in.

Courtesty of Twitter:

This one is a real banger. :marseypunching:

But Why the Jew on Jew Fighting?

Because the Jews are the rightful owners of the Jewish building, of course, not the other Jews!

Remember the building being called 770? No? Well it's probably somewhere in this post. It's the former home of the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of course! Don't know who he is? :marseypearlclutch: I'll tell you who he is!

the students who tried to stop the filling of the tunnel were mostly from Israel and associated with Chabad Messianism β€” whose adherents believe that Schneerson, the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, was the Messiah. The Chabad-Lubavitch movement publicly disavows those beliefs.

So this Jewish area of NYC has a building where the Jewish messiah lived and now two groups of the same Jewish sect hated by everyone have been having a slow burn chimpout with one another. :marseypopcorntime:


@HoHoHotep 's Christmas wish came true today, he finally got this weird anime thing on the calendar! :marseychristmasparty:


Good luck today! Final calendar out tomorrow!


Reported by:
  • Corp : Impassionata Impersonata pls Banata






Esteemed colleagues,

Fellow citizens of the Vulgate,

Happy chewers of dewy sewers

And other neat stuff like that;



and some, in their desperation, turn to failed methods of the past in order to seek the






Thus do I bind a circle on those collected here,

The Registry of Impassionatas!


~ keep it light

because it's heavy ~











As presiding Impassionata, I hereby open the floor. Any citizen may submit their public comment to the body politic.

@Impassionata3 will please ring the gong. It is also appropriate at this time to thank @Impassionata4 for the image above.

Steam Deck must haves?

Just looking for something for the weekend. Preferably something short. These games have been good to me:

  • Bioshock Infinite

  • GTA 4

  • He Fricked The Girl Out Of Me

  • Jusant

  • Max Payne 2

  • Neverending Nightmares

  • Quantum Break

  • Shadow of the Tomb Raider

  • Tell Me Why

  • Goodbye Volcnao High

  • Mirror's Edge

Is Pentiment any good? It looks cool.

[MEGATHREAD] Emoji requests and commissions

Describe a site emoji you want to commission and how much you are willing to pay for it as a parent comment on this thread. It would help to include at least one reference image with your description.

Commissioners stand to gain the Patron of the Arts badge!

!marseyartists should subscribe to this thread to print DC

I was the one who put malware in Five Nights at Cobson's :soyjakcobsongenocide:

F.Y.I. Don't install it and if you did, uninstall it right meow unless you want me stealing all your paywalled patreon content :marsey4chan: :marseyanon:

TL;DR: I'm a game developer and I made it onto the team. What better way to strike back at the chuddies than to ruin their little game? Serves them right after they tried flooding here. :marseytroll:

This is in country club so it won't be visible to any plebs, especially shitty little soyteens! :marseyindignant:

TRANS. LIVES. FRICKING. MATTER. :#donkeykongchestbeat3:

EFFORTPOST List of anti-Wikipedia websites and communities

Wikipedia's stifling bureaucracy, large-scale edit wars, deeply-rooted cliques, and appeal to the socially inept have produced scores of current and former editors with an all-consuming grudge against Wikipedia and its powerusers. Many of these Wikipedians have harnessed their boiling hatred and spoken out against the free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Their activism has, of course, been extremely ineffective.

But it's great drama. The internet is littered with dead blogs and surprisingly active anti-wikipedia communities that detail abuses of power, personal scandals among wikipedians, paid and biased editing, various 'cabal' leaks, and a host of other primo content. Here's a list of some of them for your entertainment.

Common terms

  • Wikimedia Foundation (WMF): The org that hosts Wikipedia. Known for being poorly-managed, opaque, and occasionally hiring abusive admins.

  • Jimmy/Jimbo Wales: Wikipedia co-founder and former porn hawker, the guy whose face you see every time Wikipedia begs for money. Known to be a bit of a gaffing idiot who stumbled onto a successful idea during the 90's dotcom boom. In Wikipedia's early days, he was embroiled in numerous scandals, so the Wikimedia Foundation stripped him of any real power.

  • Larry Sanger: Wikipedia's other co-founder and public critic. Tried and failed to create several Wikipedia competitors.

  • Admin/Administrator/Sysop: :marseyjanny:

  • Bureaucrat: (unpaid) giga:marseyjanny:

  • Steward: (unpaid) ultra-giga:marseyjanny:

  • Arbitration Committee/Arbcom: The system Wikipedia uses to settle disputes and discipline users via a panel of respected editors (i.e. powerusers). Exceptionally dramatic.

  • Articles for Deletion (AfD): The system where editors vote on whether to keep an article and include their rationale. Unsurprisingly gamed during edit wars and through the involvement of cabal members, causing seethe and drama.

  • Request for Adminship (RfA): The system for nominating and voting in admins. Success is achieved through popularity and politicking.

  • Cabal: A clique of editors and/or admins who spend way too much time on Wikipedia. It's such an entrenched and undeniable part of the culture that Wikipedia pokes fun at it.

  • Vandalism: The act of making high-quality, accurate contributions to Wikipedia.

  • Wikipedo/Wikipedocracy: A pejorative that developed due to the perception that Wikipedia was too friendly towards p-dophiles. You can find gentle reference to these scandals here.

  • Israel-Palestine: The cause of initial disillusionment for a huge proportion of anti-Wikipedians. The most controversial topic on the wiki.


Spoiler alert: Like all blogs, they're dead. Still a good read though.

The corpse of ED also has numerous pages on Wikipedia power brokers, all a decade stale but they summarize the dramatic happenings surrounding particular people like SlimVirgin (RIP).



These are all very small but much more populated with content than the average tiny sub. If you look at most users' post histories (e.g. /u/bbb23sucks -- bbb23 is a Wikipedian), it's ALL about wikipedia.

Reported by:
there's really only one way to address wealth inequality and it's simple

take the money away from the people who have too much.

don't listen to their whining, their excuses.

they look at this sort of talk as biting the hand that feeds them because by their ideology, they're the hand that feeds (even though if you notice, they're the hand that takes).

but by their own ideology, they're failing to feed people.

so since they've failed, it's straightforward. if you have assets valued at above a cool million, you lose those assets and they become distributed and a new round begins.

there really isn't any other way this ends that's legal to speak about.

Reported by:
  • PermaChudRanch : Is this gonna be an ambatukam tribute video? That would be cool



Potential sites to farm drama :marseytroublemaker:

Reported by:
[metadrama] Username/IP Leak

Hi guys, as you all might know I'm a !codecel. Recently I discovered a vulnerability in the site, which from what I can tell has existed for a while. In exchange for the countless hours of work I put into combing through the code and testing exploits, I'd like a little sum sum from @A (not monetary, just stupid shit/basic respect, see below) but he does not seem interested in cooperating with me.

Among the options presented to @A he had were reinstating HeyMoon or calling me on groomercord/snapchat, both of which he denied without explanation. I'm happy to help him out with his (arguably transphobic) website, but I'm not going to just spoonfeed him code while he gives me the cold shoulder. I would like to mention that HeyMoon (@CarpathianMoon) had utterly no knowledge or consent or anything to do with this, I just recently heard about the drama and thought that it's something nice that I could do as, from what I have heard, HeyMoon was unjustly removed.

For your information: I am NOT going to give this info out to anyone or use it nefariously. I INTEND to do good for the website; I have not stolen any IPs or anything, but I have verified that the exploit works and would give an attacker that ability. I would best describe my alignment as "Chaotic Good". I'm not intending to hold this over anyone or anything; I will NEVER release the exploit unless given explicit permission from @A after it's patched. But I would like to use my small bit of leverage that I've stumbled upon to improve the site, further my own (innocuous) goals, and maybe take @A down a peg.

Please note that an IP/username leak isn't the worst in the world either. Worst case scenario, people figure out what city you live in and your ISP. Note that large institutions might be their own ISP, so people might, by extension, be able to figure out where you work. (Of course, law enforcement would be able to find you too). But otherwise it's not that bad. If you are super concerned about this, you should be using TOR or a VPN anyways, as any website on the internet can see your IP. The real kicker here is that this exploit allows you to connect a username to an IP, which is perhaps a bit more information than many would be willing to give out.

TL;DR: There is an IP leak exploit. I would like to work with @A to remedy this on my own terms, but he is refusing. Use a VPN if you care, or don't idgaf.


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