VOTE in THIS THREAD if you want to opt-into receiving a Platysfield or Sorensfield NFT on Platysmas! :platyanime:

If you are on the Platyslist, you will get a Platy NFT! :#platydinosaur: If you are on the SORENSLIST... you will get a SOREN NFT

Which way, Plavatars? :#thinkingstatue:

Subscribe to the thread for when Capy Claus delivers the art! :#steamhappy: your spot on the list MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE... so beware of committing a mass chuddery :#carpagreefast:

!anime !2dgooners !art !coolpeople Merry Platysmas everyone! :#carpchudcarpsweater:


Low effort post, I'm sort of annoyed by this shit for the reason I'll put at the end. I'm sure there is some more context to dig but eh.

Some indie dev adds marriage to this game and asked "Where are all the cute twinks" he replies with this

This causes a mild shitstorm as per usual, with a homo indie dev then posting a callout post

Our other indie dev then responds

Suprise suprise, the reddit jannies are against OUR GUY game dev, not that it matters since he's laughing to the bank with new chud dollars.

I'm not going to lie, it's sort of embarrassing how easily you can market to chuds as long as you create a twitter shitstorm. Guess at least they buy games to "own teh wokes"

I totally buy these game devs doing this fake beef shit hoping to go viral to shill their own games.

Reported by:
  • timmy_blueballs : game with tagline," War. War never changes." about the inevitability of war and not about capitalism
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Pls pls no more

U guys are such bullies. Please i will cry and commit die :( no more.


Here is the cipher. The question :marseyconfuseddead: has been scrambled from its original form.

>oewph spws nhit ircthe en npeatsiiad rsnhetd otne otnhsentseuclh ls etwts een inemeyh,locieut s tkeiyu raclum kootn etetf hosi?

Here is the key:

>rdmhaetyu opliwns gbfkrecv xzjuql

The first :marseywinner: to give me the answer :marseyconfuseddead: to the question :marseybeanblack: will get 10k MB and a unique badge. The only hint I will give is that I started with the Caesar :marseyburnedman: cypher method. Badge :marseymajorgeneral3: should :marseynorm: be ready :marseyexcited: in the next few days or so. The next 4 will get 10k mb.

!ghosts would :marseywood: someone in badgemaxxers mind pinging them please?

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Stupid Shit on Wikipedia Megathread

So, it would appear that there wasn't already a thread about this on here, so I'm getting one started. This is a general megathread for posting stupid shit that you found on Wikipedia, including stupid misinformation and stupid drama.

I'll get the thread started with a few examples. For one, this recent "Did you know..." box could almost pass for a parody:

The article about Jex Blackmore appears to have been fully created about a month ago. March 29th when was when it stopped being a redirect, and was mostly what it is today. This is clearly an astroturfed-in art project from someone who has no talent, no skill, and is likely mentally ill. In other words, perfect for Wikipedo. With that said, you can tell that even the :marseytrain2:s who wrote the article know that this person is batfrick insane.

Here's some more recent :marseytrain2: drama, in which self-professed neurodivergent anarcho-communist Dronebogus calls a columnist a "transphobic wackadoodle" (in blatant violation of Wikipedia's so-called rules against personal attacks), then gets another user permanently banned for making very light anti-:marseytrain2: comments:

Much like Le Rebbit, Wikipedia has been completely overtaken by mentally ill :marseytrain2: activists in recent years.

Wikipedia is primarily edited by the same kind of people who post on Reddit (i.e. porn-addicted neckbeards/:marseytrain2:s), and this screenshot of Wikipedia's examples of "multiracial people" speaks for itself:

There is always drama surrounding Wikipedia articles about internet trolls, whether it's regarding G*merGate, Kiwi Farms, imageboards, or anything else. Recently, Wikipedia purged all references to Kiwi Farms "targeting" far-right users. The Wikipedo jannies - many of whom, again, self-identify as communists - declared that catboy/Nick Fuentes criticism from Kiwi Farms users is only "infighting" because the trolls are all, of course, far-right themselves.





Needless to say, it's hard to keep the "internet trolls are all Nazis" illusion around if they mention facts to the contrary. Having the fact that Kiwi Farms keeps threads on the likes of Nick Fuentes and Richard Spencer be public knowledge opens people up to asking "but why would they be fighting other far-right people if they're far-right themselves?" and we definitely can't have that!

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Weekly "Drawing prompt" Thread #19

Last thread


Last week's prompt:


Submissions from last thread:







This week's prompt:


As always if you have any feedback on these threads I am all ears.

Finally decided to check out one of the recent MCU movies... ahaha what is this shit?

I always assumed that these movies were trash, based on watching short excerpts online but today I was like, ok I feel like giving one a chance. I saw Iron Man ages ago and I thought it was ok but completely forgettable, hadn't seen any other MCU movie.Went online and searched for what people thought were the best Marvel movies. Saw some people saying Infinity War. Ok, I put on Infinity War. Ahahaha what is this shit? I'd say this is for children, but there were children's cartoons being made 30 years ago with 1/100th of the budget that are better.

Terrible acting (good actors but obviously they're not allowed to actually use their talents). Terrible visual effects that look like a low-budget videogame cutscene. Constant melodramatic music. Why does anyone like this shit? I'm not even against capeshit in general, there's some capeshit I enjoy. But this is just moronic tier slop.

Weekly "Drawing prompt" Thread #18

Last thread


Last weeks prompt:

Raccoons, Birds and Pizzas

Submissions from last thread:







This weeks prompt:


Thanks to @King_K_Rool for the prompt!


As always if you have any feedback on these threads I am all ears.

Clocking in for a night of drunk posting

Left work early due to being sick (lol)

Creator of Bloodborne Kart seethes after being traumatised by nonconsensual award giving

So some chuds recently made a game awards show called "The Real Game Awards" as an ostensible competitor to the woke and cringe game awards shows run by games journos. The intent I guess is that real g*mers will give awards to games that are good instead of just giving the award to the gayest person with the pinkest hair even if their games were shit

Iconic celebrities such as the angry video game nerd even hosted it

This cost 30,000 dollars by the way

Anyway, one of the awards went to Bloodborne Kart/Nightmare Kart, an homage to PS1 kart games with a Bloodborne theme made by a :marseytrain:, b0tster

The :marseytrain: thinks that this is somehow an epic own because they gave the award to a trans person which surely must be a mistake because le chuds obviously only care about white supremacy or whatever

Twitter responds by pointing out that they gave the award because they liked their game and they don't care if someone is trans so long as they're not a weird freak about it

b0tster responds by hiding all the comments about how they just wanted to give an award to a good game, but keeping all the harsher comments so they look like more of a victim

when that isn't working and they're still getting called out they decide it was illegal to give them an award

finally they just melt down and lock their account completely

twitter is still full of people dunking on theythem. as is ever the case, trans people can't just take a win and have to be weird about it. also the trans woman indie game dev obsessed with ps1 graphics calls themselves lilith btw

This is legit the most funny and hilarious thing that Ubisoft has ever done. I am going to die laughing.
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is hating foids even worth it?

I've been thinking a lot recently about the logic and purpose of hating foids - is it even worth it? What exactly is the endgame of foid hate, and what do we have to show for the last 20 years of foid hate?

Foids are, like it or not, always going to exist. Foids are, like it or not, always going to be favored over men even by other men as men naturally tend to protect foids even if the foids are vicious monsters that hate them.

Either foid hating is pointless and we give up now or we need radical new solutions to the foid question, as foids have only grown in power over the last 20 years (even during a large spike in anti-foid views.)

As I grow older I find it harder and harder to get motivated when it comes to foid hating - I imagine this to be a little like when a Japanese ww2 vet meets an American ww2 vet.

fair warning: horse rape porn in the reddit embed the subreddit for underage trans redditors discusses why "gooner" is a slur and porn is good (4300 upgenders)


ourDrama cuts out the caption in the embed. Here it is:

See also: the prevalence of terms like gooner as derogatory terms for basic casual relationships with ones own sexuality. I don't care if you're using either term for weeb s*x pests or someone who owns the tamest porn game imaginable on steam, you're still contributing to, and popularizing, dangerous ideas of s*x negativity the right fricking LOVES for a darn good reason. Be better.

edit: I clicked OP's profile and his most recent thread is horse r*pe porn

John McAfee is alive
Goldberg (MoonMetropolis) unironically saves a child from a sextortion group

Related Goldberg article:

@BooMetropolis :carpclapping:

rDrama Presents: Community Quorum for new feature + YEAR OF THE CHUD ANNOUNCEMENT

Hecko hecko hecko everypony.

First things first: Ovarit has levels. rDrama is nothing if not an incoherent mishmash of the best (worst) parts of everywhere else on the internet so Aevann asked me how I feel about adding a leveling system to rDrama. I hated it at first and was dismissive of it because it's basically just truescore but with a "how do you fellow web 3.0 users look im gamified". On Ovarit, at least. But then I thought about it more and I got kind of excited. We can make it into something not shit here. Maybe? What would you like to see from a leveling system?

Badges, of course. Maybe shop discounts. Maybe gay little unlockable icons beside your name like for houses (and paypigs on WPD)? Titles in the style of Ruqqus? Loot (random awards/hats/coins/whatever) when you level up? Something else entirely? Brainstorm below, we'll go through them and see if any don't suck and then have more referendums if needed.

Second things second: It is the Year of the Chud. To make up for the decreased reach of /h/chudrama from homosexuals who won't unblock it, starting later today (probably, depends on Aevann's schedule), every thread in /h/chudrama will pay 8 coins per vote. Comments will pay 2 coins per vote. With the increased rate and overreach of chud purges, I am literally begging you to use /h/chudrama more. It's better there. Now it pays more. Seriously, unblock /h/chudrama and use it. You don't even need to chudpost there.

Third things third:

Reported by:
  • Arran : gf liked post
  • X : TIL Ariana is Pakistani
EFFORTPOST GOOD post :drafts: There is a theory that Ariana Grande broke up two marriages to be with Ethan Slater (UGLY!) because he looks just like her brother. Is this true? Let's look at the evidence :marseydetective:

In case you've been living under a rock, Ariana Grande, pop singer superstar and current actress in the movie Wicked, destroyed two marriages to be with this very ugly looking man named Ethan Slater:

She was married to this man, Dalton Gomez, when she had an affair with Ethan:

(There aren't a lot of pictures of Dolton, since he was pretty low key, but he's way better looking than Ethan)

Ethan was also married during this affair. Ethan's wife and him had been together since high school. His wife had just given birth, and it was a high risk pregnancy as well. The sick thing is that apparently Ari met Ethan's wife and even held their newborn baby while this affair was secretly happening and the wife had zero clue. Here's what Ethan's wife looked like:

We could talk about what huge piece of crap Ariana and Ethan are for being selfish and not thinking about how they were destroying two families. But I don't really care about that right now. Instead, I want to talk about why Ariana FREAKING Grande decided to be a homewrecker for such an ugly guy. I mean look at him:

:marseydisgust: :marseypuke: :marseypuke: :marseypuke: :marseypuke:

The thing is, even Ari's die hard fans do not like Ethan and don't understand why someone as hot as her would ruin her reputation for such an uggo. It would be one thing if he was mega rich or talented, but he's neither of those things, his biggest role before Wicked was playing freaking Sponge Bob in some musical. Ethan's wife was the breadwinner and making more money than Ethan. And if you're thinking "Well maybe he's super charismatic!", he isn't. You can look up interviews with him, he has zero charm or charisma.

Everyone was confused, until someone pointed out something disturbing. Ethan Slater looks exactly like Ariana's brother, Frankie Grande. And I don't mean they kind of look alike, I mean they look like twins separated from birth. See for yourself:

Ethan on the left, Frankie on the right.

Frankie on the left, Ethan on the right

Someone decided to only photoshop Ethan's hair on Frankie. Ethan on the right, Frankie on the left.

For those who are unaware, Ariana and Frankie are super close. They are BFFs and Ari has made it no secret that she cares about Frankie more than just about anyone in her life. With that in mind, it kind of makes sense, in a sick sort of way. Ari can't frick her brother (He's literally gay so he's not interested in her even if they both wanted to act like they're from Alabama :marseyflagalabama:) so what does she do? She goes for someone who looks just like him, but isn't related!

Obviously we can't say for sure that this is why Ari went for Ethan. But it is the theory that makes the most sense, seeing as how Ethan has zero other redeeming qualities. This theory has gained so much popularity that people have started noticing that Frankie has recently changed up his hair and makeup, in a possible attempt to make himself look more different from Ethan:

Idk how well it's working, they both look related still lol

What does rDrama think? Is Ari subconsciously trying to get with her brother, or it just a coincidence? Either way, ever since Ari has been with him, her looks have downgraded:


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  • Ubie : >shelf stocker is mad about making $20 an hour
the median american is literally r-slurred

I spend a lot of time in grocery stores. Sometimes I listen to "normal Americans" talk about things.

there was a bird flu cull recently in oregon that caused the price of eggs to sky rocket. a 12 pack of eggs went from 2.99 or so to 12.99, it was insane.

I've overheard the following in 3 different stores while hanging out by the eggs:

boomer couple one: the eggs are so high because Joe Biden is trying to make Trump look bad.

boomer couple 2, with a "trump won 2020" t-shirt on: the elites are increasing the price of eggs to as a form of retalation against "real Americans" for voting wrong.

boomer couple 3: eggs are out of control because joe biden stopped producing oil.

Tell me America isn't the africa of the white world.

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The Nonstop Gay S*x Party on the Mexico City Subway

Since 2000, public male-male s*x has taken place in the último vagón almost constantly during its operating hours.

Most cities do not recognize public s*x as a human right; Amsterdam and Copenhagen are notable exceptions. While Mexico City does not explicitly protect the activities of the último vagón (Spanish for "last car"), it does not forbid them either.

My eyes darted back and forth between a middle-age man in dusty overalls, presumably a day laborer, and a preppy, college-age man in a polo. After a few moments, it became clear that he was masturbating the young man anally. Only a few meters away, an elderly woman sat with a basket of sunflowers in her lap. A man in a business suit was absorbed in his phone.

The first two cars of the trains are for women and children only, in order to protect women from sexual assault. But Rachel Swack, who is researching the Metro from a feminist perspective as a Fulbright public policy fellow, told me that this has turned the middle cars into "harassment cars" that seem to be full of predators. In the last car, I often see lesbian couples, trans women, and others from all stripes of the LGBTQ rainbow.

In 2011, the Metro announced that it would close the last car of certain train lines during evening hours.

The Human Rights Commission argued that the Metro had discriminated against gay people by specifically targeting them, and that the closure of the last car had violated their human rights. The commission recommended that the Metro reopen the last car at late hours and mount a publicity campaign to inform the public about LGBTQ rights. The commission's recommendations were followed, which gave a quasi-legal sanction to the último vagón.

!schizomaxxxers @Emersyn @grizzly @MarseyIsMyWaifu

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : Told ya he was a good kid - trans lives matter
  • Aba : Fake news: the man shot by police was unrelated case
  • usernaw : >makes women seethe >only men have the balls to do this men win again

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