New Girlboss in Rangs :derpinasnickering: of Power

new kino dropped
Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : fake news. he's a good kid. see how there isn't any actualy proof?

!groyperethnostate !chasers !cuteandvalid !lgbt in in in

If die hard white nats can get that sweet trussy and bussy why cant you?

Bonus older stuff:





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  • Assy-McGee : This should also be in /h/peakpoors

Remember this thread from few days ago?

BIPOC samurai onthe verge of becoming diplomatic incident as Nips are fed up :marseyscream:

Well here is the long awaited update

Responding, the Japanese foreign ministry said it simply wasn't their concern

But lets read up more. Who was the supposed big shot who will smite down Ubislop's Magnum Opus using the support of billion angry nips?

Sankei reports that NHK Party representative Satoshi Hamada formally asked Japanese government ministries to comment on Assassin's Creed Shadows.

A gov party?! :marseywtf2: Surely this must be a big deal!

So youre telling me all the KIAcels and dramachuds smuggly talking about how the Nips are waking up turn out to be in fact a fringe 1% far right party, and most japs in fact do not care :marseyemojirofl#:

Anyways heres a reddit thread discussing this occurence:

KIA subhumans seething:

Some xitter threads:

!nonchuds who coulda seen that coming

Btw this is the japachud "politician" who made the report:

Reminds you of someone?

:marseyxd: Joke writes itself

I shit myself at yoga today

It happened, I have officially shit myself in public for the first time at 34. I trusted a fart and next thing you know, hot sludge is soaking my underpants and slowly spreading down my thigh. Luckily, it was silent. I wore black leggings and the lighting was dim so I don't think anyone saw, but the smell was unmistakable and I definitely packed up immediately and left about 20 minutes in 😭 my only saving grace is that I didn't even like that studio anyway and was going only because I bought a month-long pass.

Guess I'm never going there again.

Please regale me with your poop stories so I feel better about myself.

Edit: oh my goodness I came back to my phone after binging some anime and eating my feelings and I have so much to read! Thank you all so much for being so vulnerable and sharing your poop-tastic stories!!


women are not doing ok, the entire thread is filled with stories of women pooping themselves


They fail to realize these peoples audience aren't redditors or are sponsored by huge companies so you can't cancel them lol.

Thoughts on this A24 film? :marseyking: :marseychudindian: :marseyvampirecrusader:

!kino !antibharatiya

An adaptation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight starring Dev Patel :marseytunaktunak:

Here's a scene

This was also on the film for some strange reason :#marseyhmmm:


Christian fundamentalists and child exploiters Britney and JD Lott (instagram: @/americanfamilyroadtrip) are finally under investigation for endangering the health of their 8 kids after forcing them to live in JD's version of "Noah's Ark": a 217 sq ft old Air Force transport bus with one bathroom, 6 cramped, twin-sized bunk beds squished in the back of the bus and a drop-down queen-sized bed where their 3 most recent kids were conceived.)

Link to a tour of the bus (it hasn't changed since this was posted)

A short background:

Britney and JD met in 2008 on deployment in Iraq :marseysaluteusa:and got married in 2009. JD has a hard-on for getting rich :marseycapitalistmanlet: quick, so they bought into a gym franchise in 2011 while they simultaneously started procreating (kid 1 - 2011; kid 2 - 2013; kid 3- 2015; kid 4 - 2016). During this time, they were living in their 5800 sq ft house, and Britney pulled their oldest out of Christian private school and started homeschooling their army as they didn't agree with the school's "secular approach"???

In 2017, JD got a vision from god, and god told him he needed to build an ark in the form of a bus. He told Britney and within a week, MotherBus and FatherBus were well on their way to living la vida loca. They had their 5th kid in August 2018 and started their bus bullshit in October 2018. The 3 youngest bus kids were conceived in 2020, 2022, and 2024. As of today, their kids' ages are 13, 11 (only girl), 9, 7, 6, 4, 2, and 3 months old. All kids share the 6 bunk beds together (the 13 year old shares a twin bed with the 2 year old), and all kids go to bed at 7:30 PM so that Britney and JD can have "date night" from 8-9 PM.

Abuse allegations

Britney and JD love swinging their newborns around for the internet. The earliest documented occurrence of this was in 2022 with a pic of Britney not supporting her newborn's (now 2 years old) neck.

Since they literally fund their life through posting daily videos of their kids doing choreographed dances while Britney eye fucks the camera, a lot of their neglect of the most recent kid is all over their instagram:

β€’ Baby Boone was born in the bus bathtub unassisted

β€’ MotherBus brings newborn to have a chiropractic adjustment

β€’ FatherBus forcing Boone's leg straight to measure him as he screams in agony

β€’ BusTards take Boone to a local UPS to weigh him

β€’ Britney constantly leaves Boone on a piece of sheepskin rug on the floor all day while the 5 youngest kids constantly crowd him and walk all over the rug. Boone doesn't have a bed either; he sleeps on the sheepskin rug underneath the parent's drop-down queen bed.

β€’ Britney continually brings Boone onto the beach and into the sun without a hat, shade, or sunscreen (She's mentioned before that she doesn't believe in sunscreen and she puts beef tallow on her kids for "natural SPF")

β€’ Boone is literally jaundiced when he's not sunburnt

β€’ They treat him like a ragdoll

β€’ Boone is extremely lethargic, doesn't respond to voices, doesn't make eye contact, and won't unclench his hands. Any comments on developmental milestones or telling MotherBus to take Boone to the doctor are deleted and the user is blocked immediately.

This caught the attention of concerned family members who anonymously reported MotherBus to the Florida Department of Children and Families. The shitlords are convinced that the users of /r/FundieSnarkUncensored are anti-Christian "online trolls" who are weaponizing the government to attack and "defame" them. They are quoted online accusing FSU of geolocating their family from Instagram screenshots and calling the manager of the campground they were at to send CPS on a "nationwide manhunt" of the Lotts.

JD and Britney claim their kids were cleared at an undisclosed hospital where a doctor "took a look" at Boone and the other kids and determined the cops didn't need to take the kids at that time.


Through some digging, FSU reddit discovered that the initial call took place in April 2024, when Boone was 14 days old. It's July 24th, and the BusTards are just now going public with the story. Two weeks ago, FatherBus was seen at an express passport office getting a passport for BabyBus. One week ago, they posted that they bought plane tickets for their entire family and they plan on leaving the country. Now yesterday, they post an absolutely IRATE :marseyraging: :marseyraging:video about the CPS call.

Are MotherBus and FatherBus planning to run from CPS, or is the investigation still ongoing and critical to the point that CPS told them they aren't allowed to leave the country?

They're addicted to the clout, so I'm sure they'll post an update within a day or so.

It's :marseyreportercnn:Official: 'DEI' just a 'pseudonym' for racial slur: CNN expert :taylorlorenzcrying:



Trudeau is a tyrant like carp


!leafs I don't remember the details but I'm hoping one of you can enlighten me :marseylaying:

If only you knew how bad things really are

Remember when this guy had a meltdown over Larry David vs Elmo

Remember when he got dunked on by a reddit mod because of a whiny blog post about a Star Trek toy?

No. Where is it?

It was on /r/drama but the sub got nuked so you can't see it anymore, there might be screencaps or removeddits of it

masterlawlz, never forget

Reported by:
Canada has the solution against incels

Pokimane and Valkyrae are under fire and are ratio'd pretty hard for walking on eggshells around Kris. Twitter users are NOT happy.

They posted at the exact same time to kiss up to transvestites and refused to disavow Kris, but they went completely scorched earth on Doc on 𝕏 and on stream.

I want everyone to keep the same energy with Kris Tyson as they did with Dr Disrespect

Hasan chips in.

HasanAbi refuses to speak about Kris Tyson sending inappropriate messages to a minor

And as always: e-celeb is outed as being a groomer. Trans community most affected.

Kris Tyson has been outed as a p-dophile. The fact that she then went and deleted everything off her acc js proves it was true. She js set back the trans community 1000+ years and now MrBeast is going to have to deal with the backlash too. Frick Kris Tyson.


TW: transphobia

Most users were dunking on Elon and sympathised with his daughter. But it's /r/JoeRogan, peace and quiet were just not possible...

Is Elon bald?

"Elon has done 1 Billion times more for the human race than you have and you're calling him a deadbeat πŸ’€πŸ˜­"

Liberals love disowning their families!1!1

One user was confused about Elon calling his child dead. Another tries to explain strange word choice

User is flabbergasted that there's a lot of liberals on the sub

User invocates DMS


waa waaa waaaa where's the reddit thread

!transphobes in shambles

Transgender athletes swept the board in a 1-2-3 at a prestigious women's cycle race over the weekend, infuriating fans and leaving female competitors in the shade.

Every medalist in the elite women's Madison at Washington's Marymore Grand Prix on Friday had a trans athlete on the two–person team, marking the first time trans women are known to have had a place on every podium spot in a race.

Race venue the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome in Redmond warns it will not tolerate 'bullying or derogatory comments especially related to race, creed, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, physical or mental disability'.

But the sight of the heavily-built winners towering over their rivals and teammates on the podium has dismayed fans of the sport.

'This is so egregious I can't imagine how people watched this happen and thought this was ok,' wrote one.

Leading the field was Jordan Lothrop who was achieving podium finishes against men in the Victoria Cycling League in her native Canada as recently as last year.

The sailing fan from British Columbia has worked as a Mechanical Engineering Technologist and was ranked 22nd in the men's Victoria Cycling League this time in 2023.

Second place went to Jenna Lingwood, 43, who raced as a man until 2017 and is now a member of the Oregon-based women's cyclocross squad Team S&M.

She is a physics graduate of the University of Washington who works in Portland for Intel as a Supply Chain R&D Engineer.

Californian Eva Lin, 28, used to race as Henry Lin for San Jose State University's men's team, but his placings have soared since he switched to its women's team in 2022.

Taking third spot was Californian Eva Lin, 28, who used to race as Henry Lin for San Jose State University's men's team, but whose placings have soared since she switched to its women's team in 2022.

The sport's governing body, the Union Cycliste Internationale, last year banned transgender athletes who have transitioned after male puberty from competing in international events.

USA Cycling introduced new rules in January requiring transgender athletes to undergo 'elite athlete fairness evaluations' by independent medical panels if they wish to compete in top events.

They must also prove that their testosterone levels have been below 2.5 nanomoles per liter for at least 24 months.

But those competing at amateur level need only compete a 'self-identity verification request', which will be reviewed by a USA Cycling Technical Director.

The rule change came amid outrage at two trans athletes taking first and second at the Illinois State Cyclocross Championships in October.

The debate over whether transgender women should be allowed to compete in female sports is one of the most contentious social issues of the moment.

Supporters say it is cruel to ban trans women from competing in something that they enjoy - and highlight how vulnerable the transgender community are to violence.

Critics say it is simply unfair to let athletes who have gone through male puberty compete against biological women. The science surrounding lowering testosterone levels is still being studied - but wins by some trans athletes would suggest they retain a considerable advantage over biological women.

Anti-trans campaigners say it is also unfair to let trans women athletes take scholarships and prize money intended for biological female athletes.

Tessa Johnson, 25, won gold and Evelyn Williamson, 30, silver, in the women's SingleSpeed, leaving bronze medal winner Allison Zmuda as the only biological female on the podium.

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas was hoping to represent the US at next month's Summer Olympics after winning an NCAA swimming championship in 2022.

But last month the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Switzerland upheld a World Aquatics ban on transgender women who have been through male puberty from competing in international events.

The NCAA allows trans athletes to compete in women's events if they have completed a year of testosterone suppression treatment and if they meet the testosterone level required by their sport's national or international governing body.

But it announced a review of its policy in May amid continued concerns that growing up as a man is enough to guarantee a permanent physical advantage.

And the debate was reignited earlier this month when Nikki Hiltz, a transgender non-binary runner qualified for US Olympic team after winning the Women's 1,500-meter race at trials over the weekend.

The Biden White House proposed last year to revise Title IX to bar schools from enforcing bans on transgender athletes.

It announced extended Title IX protections for LGBTQ students last month but was silent on the issue of trans athletes in schools, insisting its review is 'ongoing'.

Meanwhile at least 20 US states have approved some version of a ban on school school-aged transgender athletes.

But the Republican Governor of Utah, Spencer Cox vetoed a trans sports ban because his state had just four transgender athletes among 85,000 schoolchildren.

Lothrop, Lingwood and Lin were three of just four transgender cyclists competing at the Marymore Grand Prix over the weekend, but their domination in their chosen event did little to placate their critics.

'There was no Women's Madison at the Marymoor Grand Prix,' wrote one. 'If men are racing against women it's an Open event.'

The sight of the heavily-built winners towering over their rivals and teammates on the podium has dismayed fans of the sport

'Says so much about the male psyche to me! What empty 'wins'! Embarrassing for everyone concerned!' added another.

'Way to go men. Show them females who's the strongest.'

The venue, which has hosted eight US championships says that cyclists in Category three, four, and Novice races 'may self-select the field that best fits with their gender identity'.

'Athletes in categories one and two may participate in the gendered field which is most athletically appropriate, as determined by the USA Cycling Transgender Athlete Participation Policies on Elite Competition.

'We pride ourselves on being an inclusive track and are following the USACycling rules when it comes to transgender participation'.


!kino !anime

It won't flop but I'm hoping the audience reception is terrible enough for it to "underperform" :marseyagree:.

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