I got banned from KiwiFarms for "Spam"

How is this even possible? Same username here and there

Important Introducing: MarseyHieroglyphics, the hot new firefox extension for Marsey :marseyunithecat: Alphabet :marseyiff: usage

Man, I sure love the Marsey :marseyunithecat: Alphabet, but it is sooooooo hard to use... If like only there :marseycheerup: was an extension that formatted my text for me!!!


Well, now there :marseycheerup: is: !!!


um I created :marseyspaceghost2: this addon to make the site usable while under :marseyhole: the hieroglyphs award :marseygold: (which is effectively a ban award :marseyklennywinner: otherwise), and It auto formats your post when you click the comment :marseysoypointdubz: button, and It lets you post normal :marseyregular: Marseys and images as well while under :marseyhole: the hieroglyphs award

omg! It does not support pings or links, but you can get around that by putting them in brackets: [Content, ping link] (this does not work while under :marseyhandsup: hieroglyphs award)

The source :marseymissing2: code is here: if you want to laugh :marseyawesomeface: at my shitty :marseybadlydrawn: code, want to improve it, or if you dont trust the addons.mozilla version for whatever :marseyjerkoffsmile: reason

Best China causes unreal seethe among christoids



Lmao the irony of an abrahamic saying this

Now go pray to their dead jew on a stick. Totally not an idol :marseywink:

Why is the abrahamic mind so unable to comprehend non abrahamic faiths aren't mutually exclusive?





I wish we had a sea god :marseysad: Would have made for very aesthetic themed temples. Imagine a conch shaped dome and the door guard statues being mermen :marseyexcited:

Based :chadjew:s


Poll at the bottom :marseyexcited:

Couldn't find this here. As usual our superior !redscarepod Gods got to it before us :marseymanysuchcases:

They (whether it was him or her or both) left a very obvious trail of their activity on various wiki pages. Now her sponsor Lululemon has dropped her :marseyxd:

September 24, Conor Holt, the husband and coach of American ultrarunner Camille Herron, admitted to altering the biographies of Herron, Courtney Dauwalter, Kilian Jornet, and other prominent runners on the website Wikipedia. Holt's edits boosted his wife's accolades but also downgraded those of the other prominent ultrarunners.

"Camille had nothing to do with this," Holt wrote in an email sent to Outside and several running media websites. "I'm 100 percent responsible and apologize [to] any athletes affected by this and the wrong I did."


The person had erased the accomplishments of a Danish runner named Stine Rex, who in 2024 broke two long-distance running records—the six-day and 48-hour marks—which were previously held by Herron. At the time, the sport's governing body, the International Association of Ultrarunners, was deciding whether or not to honor Rex's six-day record of 567 miles.

"The person making the edits said the IAU had made a decision on the record, even though they hadn't yet," Peepeeinson told me. "Whoever was doing it really wanted to get Rex's run off of Wikipedia."

The editor in question used the name "Rundbowie," and Peepeeinson saw that the account had also made numerous changes to Herron's biography. Most of these edits were to insert glowing comments into the text. "I thought whoever this person is, they are a big fan of Camille Herron," Peepeeinson said.

Rundbowie was prolific on Wikipedia, and made frequent tweaks and updates to other biographies. The account had removed language from the pages of Jornet and Dauwalter—specifically deleting the text "widely regarded as one of the greatest ultramarathon runners of all time." Rundbowie had then attempted to add this exact language to Herron's page. Both attempts were eventually denied by Wikipedians.


A final Internet deep dive convinced Peepeeinson that he was on the right track. The IP address—a string of characters associated with a given computer—placed Temporun73 in Oklahoma, which is where Herron and Holt live. Then, on a forum page for Oregon State University, which is where Herron attended graduate school, Peepeeinson found an old Yahoo email address used by Herron. The email name: Temporun73.

:marseydisagree: Like the black Nazi in North Carolina using the same username. When are people gonna stop doing this?

Herron has also spoken and written about her own mental health. Earlier this year, she began writing and giving interviews about her recent diagnosis with Autism and ADHD.

"Although I knew little about autism before seeking out a diagnosis, my husband, who observed my daily quirks and often reminded me to eat, drink, and go to bed, would jokingly speculate that I might be neurodivergent," she told writer Sandra Rose Salathe on the website FloSpace in July.

Foidmoment! " :marseywomanmoment2: I forgot to eat lunch :soycry: I have autism." Then again, running 600 miles a week is some neurodivergent shit lmbo. Like that elite climbing moid Alex Honnold, clearly some tism. So maybe she's a certified real neurodivergent.

Normally I'd say wiki autism is moid coded, but if she's actual neurodivergent, it could have been her and now the moid is covering for her? :marseyshrug:

Also, someone on reddit said she shit her pants once to finish a race quicker.


Any pics? :marseyworried:

Runners roast the Queen


She's on reddit :bigsmilesoyjak: /u/ runcamille

Before this wiki autism story broke, the running community was already calling her a weirdo. Post 3 weeks ago

Recently, Stine Rex of Denmark ran 913 km in a 6-day event and thus beat Camille Herron's world record.

But apparently Camille Herron went out and said Stine Rex was a cheater in her 6 day record because she had illegal shoes and used illegal pacing, both of which are pretty weird claims. The whole race was broadcast live on TV so it shouldn't be controversial and the race organiser claims that everything has followed the rules and has been discussed with IAU. After stirring all this up, Camille apparently decided to make her facebook profile private "to get away from the trolls"...?

Pretty weird controversy I guess, but not the first time either. At the 48 hour world championships earlier this year, Stine Rex beat another one of Camille Herron's world records, and then Camille found some technicalities regarding the paperwork of the race and in the end the record wasn't ratified. (Also mentioned in the article above). This is really odd to me, that the result at the GOMU world championship can somehow not be ratified by GOMU themselves. Also if the GOMU president of all people calls Camille's behaviour unsportsmanlike (as quoted in the article), that's quite something.


Commenters agreed

Camille is a strange fish. I gave her a listen on a podcast recently and she has a massive ego that is in stark contrast to the generally humble relaxed vibe of the mountain trail ultra stuff I usually enjoy.

She feels persecuted and rejected by the community but in all honesty after 40 minutes of listening to her bang on about how incredible she is I am not surprised.

Lots of reasons as to why she expresses herself the way she does, autism diagnosis included but that doesn't make it any less vexing to listen to.

Even the tag line on her website is "worlds greatest ultra runner"...

She also straight up accused Ashley Paulson of cheating at Badwater 135 two years ago, going as far as pulling up pace charts, making the weirdest and wildest claims about essentially a body-double who wore the same clothes and swapped watches. It unleashed a massive witch hunt until Paulson released her Garmin data. Camille is so out of pocket about being questioned as an ultra runner and it's weird vibes.


More posts

And some video essays :marseyitsallsotiresome:

So was it the foid or the moid?

Diddy do it? Memez

I diddy a fool



:!marseygambling: It's time for an intervention :marseywtf2:

!metashit !friendsofspiderman @Spiderman @Spiderman_2 :marseymindblown: :spiderman: You're Peter Parker not Bruce Wayne :marseybatmangenocide:


This clip had me in stitches :marseyxd:

same clip but with the Chat of the black guy not taking hasan's propaganda shit

related threads

:marseyjanny:ed and :removed on LSF


Then he comes to his house to show the black guy how yemeni houthies are lovable taylor switfs

I thought he was being ironic here but apparently not, FRICK ME :laugh:

Related thread

!anticommunists !chuds !jidf

Cap 🧢

The Atlantic article- didn't read/don't care/probably not funny

He was smart enough to bet 10k not on the Democrat ticket but Biden specifically winning in November

Whomp whomp. :marseyspecial:

This genius can also navigate shady russian grey-market gambling sites, but is somehow unable to use a vpn to just use a legit sports gambling site

!goomblers remember that my NFL thread still has 15 games open!

Here's where our gambling hero jumps the shark, after eating a 10k loss Ridin' with Bidin, he might put some more money on Trump because he likes the odds UH HE STILL WANTS KAMALA. PLEASE HAVE MERCY JANNIES

Also fun haters, don't worry, you can still get banned for calling him an r-slur for gambling on politics

There's nothing more certain than death and a ResetERA ban



Mr McMahon is a new Netflix documentary series about former WWE chairman Vince McMahon. It includes interviews with his entire family and many top wrestling figures, and was mostly filmed in 2021 before any criminal charges were filed.

My thoughts:

  • Every interview is re-scoped in light of the allegations by putting creepy music in the background. It comes off as really obvious and amateurish.

  • It tries to paint him as an evil ruthless businessman because he expanded the WWF into a national product which involved disrupting the old boys network of regional wrestling federations.

  • There's a dumb outspoken dude called Tony Atlas who is just there to constantly shit on Vince even though he doesn't seem to have been that close to anything.

  • Hulk Hogan comes across really well. I assumed he'd be a barely-sentient blob by now but he's well-spoken and seems surprisingly normal.

  • It's very Netflix-y; there's a shoehorned section about how Americans hated foreigners in the 80s. Another section talks about how the wrestlers should have had a union, and another talks about how it's not OK to shit on Iraq.

  • Six episodes is too many.

Reported by:
  • GoFyourself : Harassment, remove my username immediately

Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

You sunk low on this one. 1. You forgave your cheating husband 2. Took in the child of his affair. 3. Instead of getting therapy for them you threatened and Invalidated their feelings after springing on them what sounded like your a pathetic loser. 4. You showed them that she is more important than they are. The child is not to blame and their behaviour is misdirected but YTA (167)

I told them they're allowed to feel whatever. Being upset is no excuse to treat me and their sister like shit. (-132)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

You should have been sharing this information as age appropriate years ago. You stole those years of processing from your kids and made this so much harder on them.Some family therapy, stat.EDIT: YTA as per your replies. You lied to your children, and you're acting like you didn't do anything wrong. You are the victim of your husband's affair, but that doesn't mean you can't ever do any wrong. You are wrong for lying to your children and then not giving them the room to process and be hurt and angry over this. You didn't give them any time or help processing this, and then you very suddenly sprang it on them after years of lying to them. That comes with consequences, and while they don't have a right to treat your daughter with disrespect, they absolutely have a right to be confused and angry at your own choices/behavior here. (339)

We never planned on telling them about my husband's affair because it wasn't something they needed to know. (-93)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

YTA You are going scorched earth with your three boys. Why are you allowing the AP to have acting to do with your daughter in a closed adoption? I can't wait to see the "we've moved in the AP and her kids...and are a blended family. My boys won't speak to any of us and moved in with my parents who also think I'm an butthole. But I get my daughter! Who I share with her other mother. Who I share with my husband" I really hope this is fake bc you're boys will need so much therapy to deal with your little house of cards (162)

My daughter deserves to know where she comes from. We are allowing bio mom 1 hour at the park supervised by both me and my husband. Then we will determine if she will be involved in our daughter's life and how much. (-85)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

YTAWow, you are a real piece of shit, aren't you?The girl has no fault in all of this, that much is clear. But instead of talking it out with your sons and getting them therapy and counselling, you threaten to abandon them and choose, what they see as an affair baby, over them.You are the adult here. You should have been the cooler mind, and getting them all the help they need so that they could understand that being angry at the sister is futile. Only their dad and you deserve their anger. Not the sister.They are teenagers. Teenagers are goddarn reactionary, hormonal idiots. They are NOT supposed to know better, especially in a fricked up situation like this.Instead, you idiot, you threatened to abandon them.They have every right to be upset. At your piece of shit husband who is a fricking cheater, and at you, a liar. Who is also a piece of shit.You are going to lose your sons at this rate, and you are going to deserve it. (5)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

YTA. I don't know how they are actually treating the girl child, so maybe they are aholes too. But you and your husband need to realise that your decisions are not just "marital." They affect your children way more. Not in a single decision have you included them. For you, your husband cheated 6 years ago and you got a daughter. For them, their father destroyed their family unit a few weeks ago and they see the poor kid as a living embodiment of their father's deceit and your acceptance. They are human and will lash out. Yes, it does not give them any right to bully their sister. But if they want to keep a distance from her, let them. If they can't "adore" her, it's natural. It's human. Get off your high horse though. You went to therapy - put them in therapy. Stop invalidating their feelings. Stop punishing them for being emotional human beings. Their feelings towards cheating and their anger towards your husband AND YOU are valid. Cheating destroys families, not just marriages. Yo... (5)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

YTAI have never commented on anything before, I normally just read and move on, but I have to put my two cents in here.You absolutely shattered your sons' worlds and are mad at/punishing them? You and your husband lied to them for years and expected everything to be copasetic when you pulled the rug out from under them? Of course they're angry! Of course they're mad at not only the adults but also their sister! They just found out that their father cheated on their mother, produced a child, and that their mother was so okay with it that she adopted the product of his affair. Unless you as a child have witnessed/been made aware of your parent's infidelity, you will never understand the level of hurt and anger your sons are going through at the moment. How dare you try to make them out to be the bad guys. Is the little girl innocent in all of this? Of course! However, expecting your own biological children (who are still actually children) to behave with a rational and calmness that n... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Snoo7263

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🔘🔘

Number of comments: 23

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

CSS and sidebar will be restored soon

Trust the plan

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : GTKRWN
  • collectijism : If you want an honest in depth opinion on curr events unban me
  • eva_isaKONG : october 7th was obviously an inside job lmao, this has made it even more apparent
Now that the muzzies are finally in the "find out" stage whats next?

The strategic geniuses of the Muslim world decided to paraglide over the border and murder a bunch of people on livestream.

Naturally they thought to themselves "there will be no response" and now they're all dead.

Whats the next move?



deleted the video off my phone, dark shit going on

You always recognize each other right. Something is going gown with rDrama jannies.


Look, I'm not saying that Aevaann necessarily has aliens from the outer planets patrolling his mind.


But there's been obvious symptoms. The lack of ska around here. It's insane that the whole site is not about music that was cool in 1996-1998. An alien invasion is the only possible explanation.

Reported by:
  • Impassionata : Rightoid seethe inside lmao I am reporting this before there are any comments
  • suggynutz : >politicalflare
rDrama Trump Meltdown Watch: Jack Smith Briefing has Triggered Trump on Truth Social

The easily triggered old man is especially triggered today, leading to speculation that the boomer, whose tantrum on January 6th continues to be termed a "LARP" by easily duped idiots, has read the Jack Smith briefing which summarizes the evidence of Trump's very bad stupid boomer tantrum on January 6th.

Something magical happens when facts enter a courtroom: they become state-approved facts.

A plain reading of what is known about the events of those days suggest that Trump attempted a coup against the will of the American people. Now, because the Republicans are stupid enough to run him again, because there are still some people here who (lmao) persist in their denial of the fact of the boomer fascism disaster president, we get to see that stupidity struggle ever more in the coming days.

This week is going to be busy week for rightoid despair. Will they face reality, or will they huff boomer farts unto ever more stupid plateaus of idiot bleating?

"His policies will keep us out of war"


Trump would be happy to get us in a war and you're an idiot if you think otherwise. He always took the most aggressive option available, always pursued greater tough guy aggression actions, he wanted to deploy the military on US soil and wants to put the military on US soil if he's elected. Idiots who were duped by the fact that he pulled the US out of Afghanistan believe that Trump forcing the Ukraine to give Putin territory is smart, instead of at the level of Neville Chamberlain declaring "peace in our time" I know that's a slight misquote don't at me.

Appeasement is STUPID. Ukraine is our ally, and our greatest strength is supporting our allies.

And anyway most of these :marseyairquotes: isolationists :marseyairquotes: are happy to give aid to Israel, keeping the US firmly involved in the Middle East.

"He will be good for the economy"


Trump printed money and caused inflation. Trump's tax cuts were gamesmanship with our finances. Trump is a stupid fricking boomer and everyone who worked with him says so.

"He will be good for immigration"


Trump killed the border bill and EVEN REPUBLICANS hate him for it.

And some of you think it's funny that you desecrated your own government with boomer incompetence. Maybe it was.

Maybe you've grown up a bit since then. Maybe you have kids. Maybe you have a better grasp of the serious nature of politics these days.

You made your world a clown world by tolerating, celebrating, or defending Trump.

Come back to reality.

Abandon your boomer.

If you're not following the case, or worse, if you believe that the boomer getting what's coming to him is "lawfare" (LMAO), prepare for some JUSTICE.


Each yellow mark is an impassable road that has been labeled so far. Lots of mudslides and roads being completely washed away.

Before and after of a place called Chimney Rock. This was their entire downtown.

Some other pictures.

As you can see this is in the mountains and complicates things quite a bit. Western NC has been deemed closed.

Asheville is inaccessible by road, they're all washed out. No electricity, gas, land lines, or even cell service because the floods took out the cell tower and the data center that handles the calls. The rivers reached 24.6ft(7.4 meters). A group of amateur pilots has set up a gofundme to airdrop supplies into the city. :marseyplanecrash: The Cajun Navy :marseysailor: has dispatched and rescue helicopters are buzzing about. :!#marseybooba:

There is a megathread here but it's very boring and mostly people trying to get in touch with loved ones. :marseyhope:

Some boomerbook group seems to be the only people getting any messages out of certain areas and I'm not sure if they're real.

Shout out to @BartholomewRoberts who had this to say about the hurricane yesterday.



So the hate from haters is always behind me. Thank you for giving me more hate, because without an enemy in life, i wouldnt be the hero. God is using you like a condom to try and frick me, you are not even life giving.

Spiderman-related deal of the century



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