
They released like 20 games on PlayStations and only like 2 weren't garbage (the last and water gun one) so devs were just milking soft porn. I could understand bitching about dead or alive extreme volleyball since it got some quality behind and they didn't stripped underaged girls.

If their game had some serious quality behind they still could had released their games or do as stellar blade

Release the pervert stuff after the release so normies ignore the game. Yesterday patch added tan lines and 2 new bikini

State of the Race Pt 2.

Thread theme

In my last State of the Race post, I discussed how tight the race was. Biden, despite the majority of Americans think he's old and r-slurred, had a very narrow lead over Donald Trump. I called it to close to call. Then the debates happened, and it became quite easy to call. Sleepy Joe was so bad that after some humming and hawing, he gave up and put Kamala in charge of the race. Any dreams of a 1968 Democratic shitshow were quashed as Harris extremely swiftly united the vast majority of the Democrats behind her candidacy immediately, with the ambitious types like Newsom and Pritzker instead bickering for second place as her running mate.

So, what does this mean?

Donald Trump (Crips - NY)

The facts for Teflon Don remain mostly unchanged. Here you have a tremendously unpopular man tied to tremendously unpopular Roe v Wade repeal (because America loves killing babies :marseybabykiller:) who can only win when he's facing off against people somehow less popular. There has been one major change - his running mate was announced

This eyeliner wearing cute twink :marseyhomofascist: has been the campaign's biggest weakness since announced. He is Trump's worst traits made manifest - while Trump has said he won't sign federal abortion bans, Vance has called for a total abortion ban without a r*pe or incest exception. While Trump's attitude towards women offends the median voter, Vance has said women in abusive marriages shouldn't leave. When Trump is left reeling trying to adapt to a new, much stronger opponent, J.D Vance has a minor media cycle about fricking a couch. (He probably didn't) (Probably). :marseyturnedon:

Picking Vance was a double down to bring out his core base, despite the fact he had the r-slurred edgelord vote locked up, based on the idea that Trump would slap around Sleepy Joe. Up against someone that can form coherent sentences, he's suddenly a piece of dogshit.

Is Drumpf in an unwinnable situation? Not necessarily. His opponent is deeply flawed. She was given the thankless job of Border Czar, and that's an issue Trump has a massive leg up on. She can speak full sentences without sounding like she's about to die, but she's still tied to the unpopular Biden administration. There's already been a few decent ads attacking Kamala as a radical liberal, which could be effective. But will these ads generate more disccusion when Vance gets involved in another scandal about how people without kids shouldn't vote or whatever? Trump in the cycle has been strongest as an abstraction - the idea of Trump, this butthole who made the economy strong and preceded over a peaceful world, was someone the voter's could hold their nose for and vote. Trump, the butthole lunatic that hates women, does not get the same treatment.

And I'll address this now - plenty of people here will say "um who cares about Vance lole". Median voters do. The people who don't follow politics and like it to be nice and boring will care that the Vice-President would be a particularly r-slurred 4chan /pol/ user.

Kamala Harris (Alzheimer's Association - CA)

The above post makes it sound like Kamala's got this locked up, like the guys she got locked up for weed as DA in California, but that's not exactly true. Trump's net favourability averages out at -9.6%, while Cackling Kamala averages out at -13.6% according to the most recent gallup poll. The popular vote for Trump vs Harris ends with Trump leading by 1% - when Hillary Clinton won the PV with 2%, this seems dire for Kamala. So why was I pooping on J.D Vance so much? :marseypridepearlclutch:

Besides the fact he deserves it for robbing Burgum, there are only 2 issues with Kamala. 1. She's a terrible speaker 2. She's tied to Biden's administration.

Both of these problems are easily countered by her strength - she's not an old, old, old Catholic. :marseypope:

She is ready to make abortion, the Democrat's strongest issue, front and centre. And frankly, her likeability issues are overstated. It's not 2020 anymore, she doesn't sound like a high wine aunt anymore, she sounds fine. She's not good, she's not exactly Reagan or Bill Clinton, but she is entirely adequte. With just some modest rebranding, she can work on being more likeable in a away Trump can't work on his likeability issues (since being an butthole is his brand) and Biden's age issues (because he was dying). With months until November 4th and a massive cash advantage over Trump, it's my belief that she will win this race. And don't take my word for it - Trump is scared of her too, kittying out of the debates they had agreed on, since he cannot win against someone coherent and not dying.

Also I want to get this off my chest - I've seen people say online say "erm why are Republicans making fun of her laughing a lot lol they are weird" the laughing is bad!! It's annoying and fake and she should cut that shit out!! Don't you dare call her a Happy Warrior!! She is no Hubert Humphrey!!


Kamala is seriously considering four men for her running mate. Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky, Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona and Secretary of Transport Pete Buttigegig. For the most part, these are all excellent choices. Shapiro has a controversial stance on education but would ensure the key swing state of Pennsylvania, Beshear is popular enough to win as a social liberal in deep red Kentucky but the Kentucky Dems don't want to lose him, Kelly was a fricking astronaut but has a poor record on unions.

Then there's Mayor Pete. Shapiro and Kelly having glaring weaknesses, but they're dull policy weaknesses. They aren't campaign derailing frick ups like calling all single women "cat ladies" to just really piss off every woman into getting up and stopping you from winning. They aren't Vance. Mayor Pete is. He provides no strengths and plays into Kamala's worst weakness, her ties to Biden. With the other running mates, Kamala is an agent of modest change. With Mayor Pete, she becomes the Joe Biden second term. Trump is likely praying for her to pick to Joe Biden, so he can reuse as many attacks as possible on her. If Mayor Pete is her running mate, then I believe Donald Trump would win.

What did Ben Garrison mean by this

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Husband isn't voting (self.rant)

If there is one nazi in a room and the 9 other people in the same room don't speak out and make a stand to oppose him, there are 10 nazis in the room.

if your husband won't vote against fascism and project 2025 he is complicit, just as bad as the MAGA fascists who vote for the wannabe dictator and convicted felon Donald Trump

I made the mistake of saying that during our fight....I'm now sleeping in my car.

I'm on the same side as your husband.

He also doesn't understand why women choose bear and he watches conspiracy theory videos all the time.

Well if he can't understand something as simple as the woman vs bear thing then I probably wouldn't expect him to understand the finer details of presidential candidates; in that case I wouldn't stress myself trying to make him see any further.

My god, "educate myself", "educate him", you're a broken record of preachy insufferability

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I offend you by being too logical about a situation you're trying to flip to fit your narrative?

ShitLiberalsSay is MAD

It wouldn't be funny :marseybruh: except it is

Almost like the Odds are determined by Americans :marseyamericanpearlclutch: on EST.

(The Mods (@MAGAshill) is cheating gambling

Amazon Removes Books Critical Of Kamala Harris :marseyrave:

Cope, chuddie :marseyrave:


Reported by:
  • Soccercide_Enthusiast : Burger slander cannot go unchecked on the eve of the Olympics, it's a matter of national pride

/r/iamveryculinary believe there should be no barriers around food, that no food belongs to any one country, that recipes are gatekeeping... but also that American food is superior to all others. As such, they are not amused by this YouTube Short in which an Asian woman suggests that American food boils down to burgers, ketchup, fries and self-service cola machines.

Let's see what the commenters say:

Oh boy, my favorite subject that makes me become extremely patriotic.

America has some of the most diverse food in the world, and its culinary scene is among the best if not the best in the world (in terms of things like global impact, food diversity, world-renowned dishes, Michelin stars, etc)

The American culinary scene is so vast that it varies dramatically even by region, with each region having unique styles and recipes inspired by dishes around the world. Even excluding cultural fusion foods, America still has incredible food that was entirely originated in America.


Oklahoma puts onions in their burgers and New Yorkers don't use mustard on their hotdogs.

Number one burger defender.

America simultaneously has no authentic food and no unique food.

Where's the lie?

The same people that complain that American immigrant food isn't authentic because it's not exactly what they have back in their country also say it's not American, because it's a copy of what they have back in their country.

America is a young and diverse country of immigrants with many agricultural zones, so of course what "American food" is will challenge the concepts held by anyone who's country is old, mostly one ethnic group, and mostly one agricultural zone.

"Which agricultural zone should we dine in tonight? Corn Land or Potato World?"

And then 15 separate comments that boil down to "ummm your point is invalid because of cajun food".

The YouTube comments are also pretty good:

They're unironically right, American food is basically airport food.


American food is diverse because there's a panpipe cover of "My Heart Will Go On" in the background of this video pooping on American food.

@r-slur @Lappland @Dramamine defend your culture and try not to mention tater tots this time x


Olympics they will never forget since the journey is we took together and the friends we made in that journey is what matters

Here some Mexican skateboarders riding on street of Paris because the bus forgot to take them


Next time they will know Muhamed don't give a shit that it's Latinx tradition to be late

Legendary Parisian politeness. Not giving seat to Olympic athlete because frick him, he is healthy and can stand :marseykneel:

Parisian hospitality not only sell now one 333ml can of cola for 14 euro :marseykneel:

They also doubled the cost of transport for everyone because frick you

I was basically looking for the story when people bitched that the Olympic busses don't have AC but sadly didn't found it

Not too hot, not too cold: how can we maintain the right temperature for public transport?

The earth is perfect and knows what we need so no AC


I am sure we'll hear more amazing story from real life Disney land

Off topic googled Paris Disney land and first video is this soy


One of the stupidest vibe ruining tropes ever lmao. "Hmm it's been like 17 minutes since I used my story to virtue signal about current culture war... Oh I know! I'll have the bad guy do it this time!" Like, literally replacing the whole page with a "sonic sez" would be better lol

Having fun on the wrong side of history there bud?

Villains typically have respect for everything but the actual life of people or they don't genuinely care. Bigotry isn't evil it's an ideology.


I honestly find it funnier when a fanbase is somehow disappointed with a villain for being racist/sexist. Like, when Freddy Krueger's about to kill a black girl and says a racist one liner first, people were like wtf. As if Freddy fricking Krueger is some kind of role model lmao

Oh, or the recent Halloween movie where people were upset that Michael Myers killed a gay couple. Like, obviously? He's an indescriminate serial killer, what did you expect?


Honestly joker hating Nazis makes tons of sense, he's all about chaos and they're a dictatorship.

That might be the most reddit thing I've read.

the imperium of man in warhammer 40k, famously murders people for heresy and being mutants (which often is just humans who adapted to other planets), is incredibly accepting of trans and gay people. in one book (pariah nexus i think? i don't remember) the practice of "tactical pansexuality" is discussed

Keep yourself safe.


It's 6 and a half minutes of chatlogs so I'll post screenshots of good bits below



libs seething :marseycopeseethedilate: at Aimee :marseysipping:

New 'toss dropped
Reported by:
this is who calls you iToddler
Ugandan Kids re-enact the Trump Assassination Attempt

they wrapped a garbage bag around a stick to make a microphone

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Former Scottish first minister Humza Yousaf faces review over Β£250k Gaza funding - Remember this dude? :marsey57: :marseysmugsideeyes: :carpsmug:

!chuds journo moment :marseymanysuchcases:

Pulled AP article:

The Associated Press has deleted a report debunking a false claim that Ohio Sen.Β J.D. VanceΒ once wrote about having s*x with a couch.

Vance, the former Bay Area resident who wasΒ recently tappedΒ to be former President Donald Trump's running mate, is the subject of a viral online rumor spawned by aΒ July 15 post on X. The post, from user @rickrudescalves, said Vance admitted to "f---king an inside-out latex glove shoved between two couch cushions" in his bestselling 2016 memoir, "Hillbilly Elegy."

This reporterΒ has read "Hillbilly Elegy,"Β and no such passage exists. Regardless, the post quickly went viral, causingΒ several news outletsΒ to publish reports debunking the claim. Mysteriously, though, the APΒ deleted its report Thursday.

A statement from the AP, which other news outlets pay in order to run articles written by the wire service's journ*lists, didn't offer many details as to why its story debunking the claim was deleted.

"The story, which did not go out on the wire to our customers, didn't go through our standard editing process," an Associated Press spokesperson told SFGATE in an email. "We are looking into how that happened."

A representative for Vance did not immediately reply to a text from SFGATE.

The numerous articles fact-checking and debunking the couch claim have done little to stop the spread of memes. On Thursday, X was inundated with posts mocking Vance. OneΒ showed a manΒ trapped under a couch with the caption, "J.D. Vance when she wants to get on top."Β Another postΒ simply said, "JD Vance upsetting his wife on purpose so he has to sleep on the couch."

Vance, who was selected to be Trump's vice president just last week, has endured a rough start on the campaign trail. The couch claim started gaining traction just days after Vance had anΒ awkward momentΒ at a rally in Virginia after cracking a strange joke about Diet Mountain Dew.

"I had a Diet Mountain Dew yesterday and one today. I'm sure they're going to call that racist, too," he said, claiming that Democrats believe it's racist to do anything. "But, it's good."

One X user combined the couch claim with Vance's soda joke. The user, @travishelwig,Β posted a photo of himselfΒ holding a bottle of Diet Mountain Dew in front of a couch. The caption read, "had a couple hits of this and now im looking at this couch a little different."


Madam President's border is already paying dividends

Are any of you brainlet :marseybrainlet: :marseyshitforbrains: :marseyretard3: dramatards on THIS guy's level?! :marseyyakub: :marseyyakub: :marseyyakub:


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All credits due to the Kiwiggers! :marseynullautismpat: !comicshitters !nooticers

WES:marseytrain2:S LOST








idk some comicshitter site or something:

Edit: Lol I am late :chuditsover:


!kino !trekkies look at Star Trek: Discovery, why millennial writers do this? :#marseypicard:

The worst part is when adults behave like children while children are portrayed as mature and wise.

Compare with this

I'm taking it from Critical Drinker's video, yes he's a chud y*utuber but he's right

Actual egg drama

Original tweet (ratioed and deleted):

Boiling eggs is really hard you guys:

Cripples mad:

namecheap drops

soyteens are now forced to immigrate to


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