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Weekly "What are you playing thread?" #38

What a week, right?

So we had the GTA 6 announcement for an announcement, BG3 had another massive patch (so much for a finished game on release lol) that addresses issues in the endgame and finally fixes the epilogue, elden ring had leaks or something for a new DLC, there's peter griffin in fortnite and cs2 had a patch that made the game go from a 3/10 to a 3.5/10 and Faker got the title for the best esport player of the year. Also, World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery released which added tons of new content (LOL) for a 20 year old game. If you find Retail too mechanically taxing but at the same time too easy, and you're desperate to relive the glory days of 2012 when you first played Vanilla on shitty private servers, or if you're just looking for an excuse to play the same game again and again, this is the best time to jump in. I heard SoD was the baby mode of an already easy game, but you have to keep everything in perspective as Classic Andys are a sensitive bunch and 2004-2006 was a different time. Please do not cope in the replies.

What are you playing currently? !g*mers

Previous Iterations:

I'm aware there are previous weekly or so megathreads and I'll eventually add them ( green = official, red = fake, yellow = misc, blue = losercel)

#0 - [22 Jan 2023] - some1 should make weekly vidya threads marseytf2spy

#1 - [28 Jan 2023] - Weekly "Whatcha Been Playing" Thread #1

#2 - [4 Feb 2023] - Weekly "Whatcha Been Playing" thread #2

#3 - [11 Feb 2023] - Weekly Gaming Thread #3

#3.5 - [13 Feb 2023] - [Weekly Gaming Thread 2] You will own no NFTs of video game microtransactions and you will be happy edition-- dramamine

#4 - [18 Feb 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing?' thread #4

#4.5 - [20 Feb 2023] - Welcome to the new weekly vidya thread! Week 1 - 2/20/23 -- robotron2084

#5 - [25 Feb 2023] - Weekly “What're You Playing” Community Thread #5

#5.5 - [2 Mar 2023] - So, what do you dipshits play all day? -- horned waifu shill

#6 - [4 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing' Thread #6

#7 - [11 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' thread #7

#8 - [18 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #8

#9 - [25 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing?' thread #9

#10 - [1 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What are you playing?' Thread: #10: Whooaaaa Those are some HILARIOUS patch notes edition

#11 - [8 Apr 2023] - Weekly 'What are you playing' Thread #11

#12 - [15 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What are you playing' thread #12

#13 - [23 Apr 2023] - What're you playing thread #idk

#14 - [29 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What Are You Playing' thread #14

#15(1) - [6 May 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' thread #15

#15(1).5 - [10 May 2023] - marseyg*mer Gaming Thread - What are you playing this week? -- cynic

#15(2) - [13 May 2023] - Weekend ‘What've you been playing?' Thread #15 -- he fricked up the ordering here I'll just go with it

#16 - [20 May 2023] - Weekly "What Are You Playing?" Thread #16

#16.5 - [28 May 2023] - Weekly “What are you playing” thread -- carp

#17 - [3 Jun 2023] - Weekly “What have you been playing?” Thread #new one

#18 - [10 Jun 2023] - Weekly “What are you playing” thread #18

#19 - [17 Jun 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing' thread #19!

#20(1) - [24 Jun 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are you Playing?' Thread #20: Modern Warfare III

#20(2) - [1 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #20: Summer Salestice -- same reason as above

#21 - [10 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #21: loli_esports forgot got chudded edition -- basad

#23 - [15 Jul 2023] - Weekly 'What Games Are You Playing?' thread #I think it's actually 23 -- should be 22 but I'll go with his ordering

#24 - [22 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing?' thread #24: Lot of stuff coming out all of a sudden, feels like

#25 - [29 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What games have you been playing' thread #25

#26 - [5 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #26

#27 - [12 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #27

#28 - [19 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #28

#29 - [26 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #29

#30 - [2 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #30

#31 - [9 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #31

#32 - [16 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #32

#33 - [23 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #33

#34 - [30 Sep 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread # 34

#35 - [7 Oct 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread #35

#36 - [27 Oct 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread #36 -- tulpa

#37 - [26 Nov 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #37 -- losercel

Other rDrama vidya content

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Dwarf Fortress Saga

Last week's game: Hades

  • Final Score: (55+44+35+02+1*1)/(5+4+5+1)= 3.8 (not bad considering I fuecked up the survey :marseyteehee: )

Game of the Week to discuss:

Honestly I wanted to pick another comment but in the previos thread the user @Bum wrote a heartful essay about what he and his friends played and it convinced me to change the game. Much more important, however, is the fact that these few sentences radiate something that doesn't really exist on rdrama, sincerity and joy. I think it was @Impassionata who once said that genuineness on the internet is the best compliment you can receive and we should all say thank you to @Bum. That's why I picked Rimworld for today's discussion. Anyway, here's his text:

Yay! These threads are back.

I'm still playing RimWorld! I'm starting to consider the endgame since I have all of the spaceship parts researched now, but my colony is massive. So far I've got 70+ colonists and about 400 animals. Food is getting a bit tricky to balance at this stage; I'm having to put my colonists on vegan diets because the majority of my meat production is going towards feeding my carnivorous animals. I have 20 cougars, 50 wargs, 50 wolves and 30 cats, so it doesn't leave much room - especially since my chickens were almost wiped out by a brutal cold snap with temperatures reaching like -30 centigrade.

Other than that, I'm still playing Grounded with my friend. I kinda just want it to be over, despite how good the game is compared to other entries in the genre.

We also played Crab Champions recently - very fun game, but I feel like we basically saw all it had to offer in a single session.

I also played a little of The Binding of Isaac after getting whatever the most recent DLC was, but bounced off it quickly. I'm too rusty to handle the difficulty level of the save I have and couldn't get past the second set of levels after like 4 attempts.

Been playing SimCity 4 and Star Valor on my laptop. SimCity 4 continues to be a masterpiece and I've been experimenting with weird city layouts, with some degree of success. I'm unsure about Star Valor. I played a few hours and it felt like I'd already seen everything. It seemed like a less interesting Starsector, and if I just wanted a space-themed ARPG I'd play Drox Operative.

I also need to go finish the Spyro Reignited Trilogy. I'm up to the last boss in the last game so really just need to bang that out. I cannot recommend this collection enough. The visuals, audio and just the vibes in general are impeccable.

I also bought Forza Horizon 5 and Anno 1800 in the Steam sale. Excited to play these with my friend. Does anybody have some co-op tips for either of those?

Thinking about buying Songs of Syx, Dwarf Fortress, Kenshin and maybe also SimCity 3000 soon. I also recently uncovered my trove of Skyrim mods and save files, so I might get back into a run I've been playing since 2018.

This week's entry will be Rimworld

A sci-fi colony sim driven by an intelligent AI storyteller. Generates stories by simulating psychology, ecology, gunplay, melee combat, climate, biomes, diplomacy, interpersonal relationships, art, medicine, trade, and more.

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Outlast 1, two ugly dudes keep wanting to r*pe me and this one douchebag docter cut off my wank fingers

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Permadeath file is only about 77 hours old but I trivialized the entire game around the 60-hour mark and already have a god tier maxed out ship and multitool (a staff) and near-perfect X-class tech modules for most of the shit that matters. Collecting a frigate armada of 100% organics, the Normandy and a raider which is very time consuming but I'm enjoying it.

Will begin ship hunting later so I have something to spend my money on + I want a full fleet of maxed interceptors and squids like on my main.

I didn't expect PD to be fun but apparently more than half a decade of NMS autism means that instead of it being a tedious struggle it's actually a fricking cakewalk and I'm having a great time speedrunning an absurd perfect file in less time than the main content alone takes disgusting casuals.

I've also decided that the worm lord cape looks cooler than the Aeron jetpack and I've spent probably going on three hours over the space of this file just admiring the cape physics and walk animation while I hold the joystick slightly tilted to pace around the Anomaly and tall grasses




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You've convinced me, not particularly from this post, but from all your recent NMS evangelism in general. When my vacation starts in a couple weeks I am going to get this game.

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Heck yeah motherlover :headbang:


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No Man's Sky is so neat, but they keep adding so much to it that every time I come back to it I have to learn everything again. :P As far as criticisms go, not a bad one!

What's the fastest way to get around planet surfaces these days? I never bothered much with vehicles because of the ol' melee attack + jetpack combo.

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I had to relearn beginner shit I haven't needed since 2017 when I started the permadeath file lol, it's an absurdly meaty game and forever-neurodivergent lifers take the thousands of hours of experience for granted and you forget all the early game stuff because you're used to having unlimited and maxed out everything. It's been a lot of fun and I really wish I could come into the game now knowing nothing and experience all this shit for the first time. It blew me away years ago when it was a fraction of this.

Planetary traversal depends! You can install rocket boots now which make the melee boost utterly worthless and they're far and away the best for local traversal and completely change the way you'll move on foot once you get a feel for maximizing their potential. Rocket boots everywhere.

You can mount almost any tamed fauna/pet now and that is sometimes the easiest way to get around. It's the most fun in some situations, especially flying shit. Rocket boots are gonna be faster in most terrain but sometimes you just want to fly around on a giant dragonfly or a sandworm or a disembodied autophage head you know?

Exocraft have been a viable short/mid-range traversal method for awhile now! You can research and build an exocraft summoning station in your freighter (the freighter overhaul last summer is my favorite update of all time besides NEXT) and just summon your freighter into any system, either while in space or on any planet, and then you have all your exocraft available immediately at all times. Supercharged tech slots have made exocraft really viable and fun too. Plus the mech can now have an AI pilot installed and explore with you and he goes ham in combat. And the mech no longer handles like a drunk tank and is great for longer distances than a ship would needed for but are too far to traverse on foot without a headache. The jetpack on it, when modified decently, recharges in a fraction of a second and each jump will cover a few hundred meters.

Ships are, of course, still the go-to for any sppreciable distance.


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Yes! You get very overpowered in that game but to begin with everything is super dangerous. I remember in my main playthrough it mostly involved a lot of hiding in a hole to avoid the dangerous weather until I could cobble enough resources together to get my ship running.

Have you been playing since it launched? I remember the resource nodes being big ol' phallic shaped things jutting out of the landscape. Also wasn't there a soundtrack by a relatively well known musician? I'm not sure what happened to that.

I think animal taming was in the game when I last played, but I never really engaged with it. Rocket boots sound cool though!

Do you happen to know if there's a way you can transfer the layout of your freighter to another one? I always wanted to upgrade from what I had but in the end, it was my main base and rebuilding it from scratch sounded unpleasant. I wish I could change the race of my deck crew as well to the adorable little Gek dudes.

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Jesse what the frick are you talking about??

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I've got about 18 hours on my save so far and my only death :marseydead: was to some rolling sphere enemy that had a 0 second cooldown between hits. :marseydarkxd: I got demolished by a fricking bubble.

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I have been too busy moving to play any real games but I'm having fun with the newest Kairosoft release.

It's been 30 or so years since they've released Game Dev Story which is by far their most famous game. It's so famous a western company basically plagiarized the entire game. If you've played Game Dev Tycoon, that game is literally a total rip off of Game Dev Story.

Anyways they've gone back to the well on that formula with TV Studio Story just adding some much needed complexity that the original lacked. It's fun, not their best release of this year but I can see myself playing through this game fully every year or so.

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!metashit groomcord :marseybacktodiscord: user deplatformed

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y do u hate drama?

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@Merryvann ban for having groomercord in flair wtf

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done king

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Don't forget to give @Gruench the snitch badge :marsey:


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that was a fricking one-time event

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Certified Cool Guy? :meow:

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Motesolo. It's a live action game about being an incel.


Also avatar frontier of pandora :marseywink:

Formerly Chuck's.

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Lol that guy looks like this fricking guy I accidentally pushed down like halfway down the flight of stairs in Itaewon during the Winter Olympics.


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Any of my fellow autismos want to set up a PBEM game of the above? !g*mers

Been fiendin but there's only one friend :marseychinchilla2: I know that is :marseyautism: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to enjoy it

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Absolutely, this week is busy as heck for me because I'm helping my sister move, but the week after I'm down to start a game. I'm an overly online degen, so I can go through multiple turns a day. I love the whole series of games he makes. The recent Ardennes one is my favorite in the series.

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Sick, that's 3 people! (Still have to ask my friend :marseychinchilla2: if they're interested)

his week is busy

That's why I like this since it can be played over weeks :marseysal: without having to organize and exact date like playing CK3. It is just hard to convince people since it's so expensive and for how simple :marseysmug4: it is

I might start a groomercord :marseyhearnoevil: to coordinate this (especially if more people join)

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who once said that genuineness on the internet is the best compliment you can receive

In all seriousness, this has me glowing a little bit.

I will have to make a post about St. Francis. The saying "Convince people. If necessary, use words" is attributed to him.

He didn't have to say it. And I don't know that I have ever said this specific thing about genuineness on the Internet as a compliment, I've said similar, but the thing that I believe I have done is perform it.

Having a quote technically misattributed to me even if it's a correct attribution in spirit is a success I never could imagine, or dared achieve on purpose.

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I just got my girlfriend into Kirby Air Ride, so we've been playing that a lot.

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Heck yeah :boomermonster:

The City Trial mode is goated

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Graphics card RMA finally came through, so I'm now playing Starfield since I can actually run it again.

So far, it's not nearly as terrible as all the whiners were make it out to be. The game's not great, but it's far from the awful mess claimed.

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The game itself is great. It just becomes impossible to return to it after playing other games because you realise how dated everything is. It's pretty much a ps4 game masquerading as current-gen title.

Formerly Chuck's.

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So i installed the Black ice mod for hoi4 for the true :marseyautism: experience.

Its good and scratches that itch but holy frick the soviets just dont die

>colab governments only reduce surrender limit by 1%

>they seem to never run out of divisions. Ive killed over 13 million of them, pushed past the A-A line, they still keep pooping out more troops.

Ive got over 40 hours into this one campaign alone.

Overall 10/10 mod

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Best way to experience hoi 4 is an Equitorial Guinea world conquest

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So an historically accurate soviet experience?

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Ive killed :marseyconfuseddead: over 13 million

It was 27-30 irl

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Pikmin 4

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got slept on but it's one of the best Nintendo game this year

Formerly Chuck's.

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I impulse bought Islanders on Steam sale. I read it's a city builder, turns out its more of a puzzle game.

After my initial disappointment (caused by me buying a game based on screenshot), it turned out to be actually fun. Got 80% of the achievements, had fun. Will probably not play again in the next 5 years.

I also played more Northgard. I think I got a better grip on the mechanics, and played it actually to an unhealthy extent this week. Had an extremely frustrating loss in a mission where you have to defend a brain-dead AI on the other side of the map. So it was not all fun.

I need to finish it before Steam stops working on Win7.

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I need to finish it before Steam stops working on Win7.

I knew you were a real one :marseyheart:

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Islanders is really fun. I should play it again.

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Dusted off my old copy of star wars rebellion cause the bag with my good laptop got rerouted back to the northeast https://i.rdrama.net/images/17016258096941342.webp

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Played a bunch of Undernauts: Labyrinth of the Yomi (Horror themed dungeon crawler) the last couple weeks because I needed something mindless for the train/plane while traveling. Now that I'm home I wanted to try Quasimorph after seeing the Sseth video of it. Quasimorph when it was new looked like a ripoff of Jupiter Heck but actually looks kinda interesting now.

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Darkest Dungeon: every couple of years I start a new save and play a while before losing interest, so we'll see how far along this one gets. Good game, love the aesthetic but I don't know I have it in me to go full grind and ever truly finish it.

Lethal company: me and some friends have been playing the newest zoomzoom FOTM. Only been able to get 2 or 3 quotas in so far.

Dragon's crown pro: fired up the PS4 for the first time in ages, checked the PSN store and this was on sale. I had seen the sorceress's design :marseybooba: before but didn't know every female design is D&D through an anime coomer lens :marseycoomer2:

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I'm just screening through FC Southern Storm. Frickin none of the SOP's change anything

Wtf is this update



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Started playing Grandia. Wanted to do an old school RPG and its included with my membership so may as well play it in my down time.

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Touhou 17 (Wily Beast and Weakest Creature) fun game and do like the hyper system but the music is forgettable as frick, like Zun is skinwalking undertale.

Also holy shit put the games on sale i want to easily play them on my steam deck and im not gonna drop 15/game you alchoholic r-slur

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Honestly, this is as good as it gets and if it wasn't for Dwarf Fortress this would easily be the best game in its genre. There's tons of content, tons of mods, tons of spicy mods and lots of fun. It does kinda drag on and compared to DF it seems a lot more gamey although that isn't really a minus but a different gamedesign decision. Strong 9.

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Honestly my problem with rimworld is all the mods are bloated to all heck so you wind up with too much furniture than can be reasonably expected to be used. Sylvester gave us a solution to that problem with the ideology styles, but I haven't actually seen any mod actually make use of that. In addition my problem with rimworld is it leans too hard into the game aspect, and not enough into the sim part like dwarf fortress, so it ends up inevitably becoming a strange kind of tower defense game....

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Bro just one more vanilla extended bro just one more oskarware bro believe me it'll fix the game bro

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There's a goddarn mod called 'clean vanilla expanded' that had to be made JUST to deal with that and even then all the other oskarware it doesn't cover's filled with random shit no one asked for.

It's actually kinda funny to me how he made a 'pirates' expanded thing that no one cares about EXCEPT for the space marine armour it adds, lmao.

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I so badly need to play Dwarf Fortress. I bought the Now With Graphics! edition on Steam recently and it's just sitting on my disk, beckoning me.

I'm tempted to see how it runs on my laptop as opposed to my gaming PC.

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DF, contrary to all popular opinions, is one of the easiest games ever made. It runs like shit in the late game (even on good machines) so I wouldn't recommend running it on a laptop. Give it a try, play for an hour or so and decide for yourrself.

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That's interesting to hear! What makes it so easy?

I played a little of it when it was just ASCII graphics but for whatever reason I stopped playing after a few hours. I think I had built a very basic settlement. This was probably like 15 years ago so my memory is pretty much nonexistent, aside from remembering that cats are represented as @ symbols

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I love RimWorld! I don't think a game has sucked me in so completely for so long since Crusader Kings 2 did years ago.

Funnily enough, both kind of scratch the same social sim itch for me that the lack of good The Sims games has left - but within the framework of another genre that I also really enjoy: strategy for CK2 and city-building (well, kind of) for RimWorld.

My main criticism is that it can really start to chug at the very late game if you build an enormous colony, no matter what hardware you have. I have an i9 12900k and I can get well under 30fps for sustained periods when my livestock headcount is at its maximum extent during the summer and autumn months, before I slaughter lots of them for winter.

All this and I've barely scratched the surface of the mods on offer, other than really basic stuff.

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Sekiros ng+ and beyond was not balanced one bit. Fighting even 2 enemies in a 2v1 is a mess, the bosses are so much simpler. Things I do to platinum the game, sigh

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I did it in 4 ngs lol

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4 endings, 4 ngs ik. The okami warriors become so unbalanced in ng+2 and beyond, impossible to fight with even 2 aggroed on you. Then again demon bell and charmless are probably the cause so lol.

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Been playing starsector again, modded it for the star wars campaign. Finished Sands of Destruction on the 3DS. Still need to finish Infinite Space. Taking my time with it. Sands of Destruction had a kino ost.

Star wars mod for those interest btw


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I've been completely swamped at multiple jobs lately so no time for gaming until yesterday. Wrapped Ys VI a few weeks ago and probably going to start Ys VII soon but decided to give Farcry 4 another chance after getting annoyed by it. Also started playing Crusader of Centy on Genesis, but after seeing it get compared to Link To The Past for so long, it's a bit of a letdown. Pretty mid so far.

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Noita. Best game but incredibly frustrating at times. Good run, good wand, setting up shit, and then you go in water and there's a pixel of chaotic polymorphine that transforms you into a mob that gets gibbed by water, ending your run instantly.

RimWorld is based.

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I started the Nonary Games :marseyweeb:

It's my first time ever trying out a visual novel, idk if they are all like this but this one actually has a lot of actual gameplay where you're basically doing like an escape room :soyjak:

Honestly, I have really enjoyed it so far :marseyshy3: the only thing I haven't liked is that the "romantic interest" character is immediately painfully, cringely obvious with their attraction to the MC :marseyfacepalm: Like we are literally talking that his long-lost childhood (female) friend is also kidnapped to participate in this SAW game, they don't even recognize eachother at first, and then within an hour this b-word is making EVERYTHING about s*x :hump:

Investigate a bed for clues? "Oh good, there's a big frame, that way we won't fall off :marseyblush:"

Investigating a shower curtain? "[MC name], let's take a shower together :marseyflirt:"

And of course, these incredibly forward advances are not even comprehended by the MC :marseygigaretard:

Like come on man, let me suspend disbelief a little bit :marseycry:

But really, other than that, it has been great, I originally got turned onto it because I saw somewhere that the English dub of the Nonary Games is really well done, specifically with the use of curse words :marseyflushzoom:

We'll see how bad the romance part gets I guess, I wish they would have at least built it up a bit before the girl is straight up talking about fricking on a bed while you have 8 hours left to figure out how to escape a SAW game before everyone literally dies :marseyindignant:

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Oh to have the opportunity to play the nonary games for the first time again. I really liked 999 and Virtue's Last Reward but I've heard the consensus is mixed on the third one. The writer of these games manages to write pretty interesting stories despite obviously having a raging boner during the entire writing process.

If you end up liking the nonary games I'd suggest Ai: The Sominium Files. Written by the same dude and it pulls off some really good sleight of hand story-telling wise to surprise you. The second game is my favorite of his.

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Try playing CLANNAD when you get a chance, that VN is really tragic :marseytears: but in a good way lol.

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That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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I dumped a lot of time into Against The Storm. Such a cleverly designed game. Also got Risk Of Rain 2, which is leagues ahead of the first game.

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AtS is great. Such a cool concept and setting.

Also, the developers are really hard at work at it. Every time I return to it, there have been 27 changes. It stands in contrast to all the other studios pooping 1 update per year.

Too bad I haven't had time for it recently.

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Nick All Stars Brawl 2

Been playing it with friends and it's a legit contender. Yhey really nailed the impact and feel of the moves.

Darkest Dungeon

Really powering through through the first one. It's such a bad game they fricked up so bad. It's really fun being rnged to death and having to grind 3 hours back.

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I'm actually playing Rimworld for the first time. My peeps keep dying because I don't know what I'm doing, but that's ok because most of them are unlikeable anyway

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Hakita Violence when

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I forgot it was even supposed to come out soon

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Sega Saturn. Daytona Championship Edition. Xmen Children of the Atom. Virtua Fighter 2. Virtua Cop 2 as well. Plan to do a Hexen playthrough too. Best $200 spent.

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New season in Destiny 2 so I'm dabbling. Got Icarus the other day and have been playing that a bunch.

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Awww, thank you for the shoutout! :marseyembrace:

It's cathartic to enthuse about things sometimes - it feels like opportunities to do that can be few and far between! This is what I've been up to this week:

Unsurprisingly I've been playing more RimWorld this weekend, although I've not had too much free time recently. I realized at hour gazillion that you can improve relations with other factions by sending drop pods to their settlements, so I've been making friends with the neanderthal tribe using diplomacy by way of t-shirt cannon! I really need to get round to building the spaceship, but I feel like what's more likely to happen is I'll just put it down to come back to later.

And speaking of coming back to things - I got back into playing Skyrim recently, after I found all my old saves and mods from my previous PC. I've been playing this same save off-and-on now since 2018. There's just something so comfy about that game that subsequent Bethesda games haven't even come close to replicating, even though it has its obvious issues. I could write so much about what I like and don't like about this game, but it's well-worn ground at this point... so instead, here's a picture of my very convincing chef disguise for a Dark Brotherhood quest:


Other than those two, I played another couple of games with my friend.

First was Forza Horizon 5 and between the annoying tutorials and the absolutely terrible connection problems we experienced, we really struggled with this one and it did not leave a good first impression, which was disappointing. I was kind of looking forward to something light and breezy to chill out to, but we had so many problems with convoys and game invites and the usual assortment of online nonsense that it just left a bad taste. On top of all that, my h-shifter decided it wanted to stop working properly so also throw hardware problems into the mix. ;_;

On a more positive note, we also played Anno 1800. I've played both 2077 and 2205 and bounced off them pretty quickly, but I feel like I found my groove with this one. I suppose in the past I was always put off by how they in some respects are more like a puzzle game than a straight city builder, but I've gotten over that hump. I do hope my friend wants to keep playing this one, but I wonder if it might be a bit too slow paced for them.

But that's about it for this week. I'm not sure if I'll get much time to play anything next week, in the midst of a bunch of different commitments I have in addition to a raging tire fire that's developing at work. :marseyitsover:

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Are you new to the Anno series in general? I remember when the futuristic ones released and people got really upset as they changed the entire theme and feeling of the games. By the way, Anno 1800 is definitely the best game in the series without a shadow of doubt and some boomers keep coping about it lol. Good luck at work, king.

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I guess I'm new insomuch as I didn't get very far into the ones I played previously, but 2070 is the earliest one I played. The futuristic setting was kind of neat, but I think at the time I was looking more for a more military-focused game which obviously Anno isn't. Plus I think there was some Ubisoft bullshit in both of those editions, and Anno 1404 straight up wasn't for sale at the time if I remember correctly.

I've never played any of the old school ones.

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you're fricking bananas if you think I'm reading all that, take my downmarsey and shut up idiot

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Gregtech and Tf2 :marseyboomer:

dude bussy lmao

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Playing through the Dishonored dlcs. Definitely a step down from the main game but at least it's fresh levels with similar gameplay.

I need suggestions about what to play. Haven't touched vidya since around 2015. I've got Sekiro, Dishonored 2, and Insurgency 2 already downloaded but I'm feeling a little lost with just how many titles there are. Elden Ring and DS3 are on my list to grab once they go on sale, Dragon's Dogma 2 as well once it comes out in March, but I'm not sure beyond that.

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I mean these six games should keep you occupied until spring next year lol.

In fact, there isn't really anything that someone needs to play.

I'm also the worst person to ask about latest releases. :marseyshrug:

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Overland still kicks butt all these years later. Soypocalypse Now meets small scale strategy

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Baldur's Gate III is the skyrim of Baldur's Gates

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