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Weekly "What are you playing" thread #46 (2024 #4)

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Massive Lay Offs Have Hit The Industry


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What are you playing currently? !g*mers

Previous Iterations:


#1 --- 043 - [07 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #43 -- mayflyalt :marseyblowkiss:

#2 --- 044 - [14 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #44 -- lc

#3 --- 045 - [21 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #45 -- lc


I'm aware there are previous weekly or so megathreads and I'll eventually add them ( green = official, red = fake, yellow = misc, blue = losercel)

#0 - [22 Jan 2023] - some1 should make weekly vidya threads marseytf2spy

#1 - [28 Jan 2023] - Weekly "Whatcha Been Playing" Thread #1

#2 - [4 Feb 2023] - Weekly "Whatcha Been Playing" thread #2

#3 - [11 Feb 2023] - Weekly Gaming Thread #3

#3.5 - [13 Feb 2023] - [Weekly Gaming Thread 2] You will own no NFTs of video game microtransactions and you will be happy edition-- dramamine

#4 - [18 Feb 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing?' thread #4

#4.5 - [20 Feb 2023] - Welcome to the new weekly vidya thread! Week 1 - 2/20/23 -- robotron2084

#5 - [25 Feb 2023] - Weekly “What're You Playing” Community Thread #5

#5.5 - [2 Mar 2023] - So, what do you dipshits play all day? -- horned waifu shill

#6 - [4 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing' Thread #6

#7 - [11 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' thread #7

#8 - [18 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #8

#9 - [25 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing?' thread #9

#10 - [1 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What are you playing?' Thread: #10: Whooaaaa Those are some HILARIOUS patch notes edition

#11 - [8 Apr 2023] - Weekly 'What are you playing' Thread #11

#12 - [15 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What are you playing' thread #12

#13 - [23 Apr 2023] - What're you playing thread #idk

#14 - [29 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What Are You Playing' thread #14

#15(1) - [6 May 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' thread #15

#15(1).5 - [10 May 2023] - marseyg*mer Gaming Thread - What are you playing this week? -- cynic

#15(2) - [13 May 2023] - Weekend ‘What've you been playing?' Thread #15 -- he fricked up the ordering here I'll just go with it

#16 - [20 May 2023] - Weekly "What Are You Playing?" Thread #16

#16.5 - [28 May 2023] - Weekly “What are you playing” thread -- carp

#17 - [3 Jun 2023] - Weekly “What have you been playing?” Thread #new one

#18 - [10 Jun 2023] - Weekly “What are you playing” thread #18

#19 - [17 Jun 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing' thread #19!

#20(1) - [24 Jun 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are you Playing?' Thread #20: Modern Warfare III

#20(2) - [1 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #20: Summer Salestice -- same reason as above

#21 - [10 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #21: loli_esports forgot got chudded edition -- basad

#23 - [15 Jul 2023] - Weekly 'What Games Are You Playing?' thread #I think it's actually 23 -- should be 22 but I'll go with his ordering

#24 - [22 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing?' thread #24: Lot of stuff coming out all of a sudden, feels like

#25 - [29 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What games have you been playing' thread #25

#26 - [5 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #26

#27 - [12 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #27

#28 - [19 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #28

#29 - [26 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #29

#30 - [2 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #30

#31 - [9 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #31

#32 - [16 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #32

#33 - [23 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #33

#34 - [30 Sep 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread # 34

#35 - [7 Oct 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread #35

#36 - [27 Oct 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread #36 -- tulpa

#37 - [26 Nov 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #37 -- losercel

#38 - [3 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #38 -- losercel

#39 - [10 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #39 -- losercel

#40 - [17 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #40 -- losercel

#41 - [24 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #40 -- losercel

#42 - [31 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #40 -- losercel

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Last week's game: Cuphead

Final Score: (10*4+9*6+8*12+7*7+6*2+5*3+2*1+1*4)/(4+6+12+7+2+3+1+4) = 6.97 :marseydisgust:

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Game to Discuss?

Let's go with Celeste! I love this game! No, I won't transition - but this is some truly great stuff (if you skip all dialogue).

This week's entry will be Celeste

Help Madeline survive her inner demons on her journey to the top of Celeste Mountain, in this super-tight platformer from the creators of TowerFall. Brave hundreds of hand-crafted challenges, uncover devious secrets, and piece together the mystery of the mountain.

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moon schizo geto soren X (formerly chiobu) carp capy pin please :marseybegging:

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:marseytrain: game.

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Train game is le bad.


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It mid. Literally, 90% of it's fanbase exists because it's the heckin :marseytrain: game.

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90% of it's fanbase exists because it's the heckin :marseytrain: game.

I thought it was because of the speedrunners... Wait, that's the same shit.

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All precision platformers are :marseytrain: games. It's a genre for neurodivergents who have no hobbies except obsessively replaying the same things endlessly to see smaller and smaller improvements.

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How so?

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I've heard good things about it but the whole "IT'S ALL LE ALLEGORY FOR MENTAL HEALTH" :marseysoylentgrin: is really putting me off. I'll probably reluctantly play it at some point but that fact by itself caps its maximum rating at 6/10

Also I'll definitely be pirating it cause :marseytrain: dev

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the gameplay is fine. the :quote: community :quote: completely ruins it.

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Gameplay is ok, it's a fun challenge but it suffers from "too tight syndrome": since you die if you deviate even the slightest from the pre-established "path" it's more about learning the "level moves" in each level than becoming gud at movement and then reacting to stuff. It's ok.

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yeah, it might be more puzzle than platformer. you gotta work out the one way to get through each screen.

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Coining it: "autism action puzzle".

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submit it as a steam tag IT'S PERFECT

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Yea I'm familiar with games like that.

Ultrakill is very fun, too bad the people making it had to be complete degens

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1/10 because it's WOKE!!!!! :hysterical:

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I actually liked this one

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>what if tumblrcore was a vidya

>cursed fake retro combo of low res indie pixelshit + hi res UI/font, makes it look like a mobile game

>cheat menu is called 'accessibility options'

>Super Meat Boy inspired gameplay

:marseyno: You can do better


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I'm waiting for the Soulja Boy review like with Braid

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Celeste was enjoyable, I gave it a 9. I've heard whisperings about the devs being r-slurred, but I try my utmost to separate the art from the artist.

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Good, but Garlic is better

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has there been a rain world one of these? kind of the best game

rain world, don't starve, factorio, terraria

league of legends :marseypuke:

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Been playing terraria on my phone :marseygossip: but the controls aren't the best. Fun game but difficult to actually :marseynerd3: get my character :marseyrustyventure: to do what I want

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Why on your phone?

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I just play when I'm traveling for a few days

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terraria might be the BEST GAME EVER MADE.

i've bought this game on like 6 different platforms and have probably played 1,000 hours over the years. :go:

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Hate agreeing with you but yeah it's insane how much content Terraria has

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Started this indie game called Tunic. I find the environment and lack of storytelling very boring, but the gameplay and sense of discovery pull me back in. I play it for like 30 minutes and then say "okay this game is mediocre, I'm quitting it" and later I feel likw playing it again. I've done this 3 times so far.

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is that the zelda-like game

i think i have it on my wishlist on steam or switch or xbox or something

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is that the zelda-like game


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Any game where :marseydrama: you get to play as this little :marseyunicorn: fella must be ok...


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>textureless low poly indie aesthetic


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That's also my complaint

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Yeah, I've put a few hours into it and quit it twice over the years. I generally don't pay attention to stories in games so that's not my problem here, but it's definitely missing something besides that. It's just bland. A well polished bland.

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Palworld, eu4 mp

@Communist_spez love sucking peepee

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Palworld :marseypepe2:

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I full completed Wo Long so now I'm playing Lies of P which is pretty darn fun. So far it's not as hard as everyone says it is and I've gotten to the point where every boss has two health bars. Maybe I've finally gotten good at Souls games. :marseyhappytears:

I tried out Palworld but it seems janky. Open world crafting games aren't generally my thing but I'll keep playing for now.

I'm also playing RWBY Arrowfell. I don't know anything about the characters and I'm confused.


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They nerfed a bunch of bosses in LoP

If you have the disk, uninstall the updates and disconnect your console from the internet

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Wo Long uses 3K characters so I need to play this one day!!

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If you like over the top Japanese takes on Three Kingdoms then it should work for you.

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!ss13 kiwifarms hosts its own server again

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REALLY? That's fricking awesome.

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Whats the address?

How many people online

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1 lol

They just launched

look up kf

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Is it the one some guy is hosting


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Talos principle :#marseybigbrain:

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TLOU2 :marseydepressed:

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Shit game (I didn't play it) watched the story on YouTube

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Chuds can't seem to get over the story but the gameplay is solid, fights can be gritty and dramatic as frick.

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The gameplay is not solid, it's a snoozefest "loot every pixel in the map for 20 minutes before anything happens" with some of the blandest gunplay/shootouts ever. It's ok if you like it bro, but the gameplay was obsolete 3 years before the game came out.

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What gameplay? :marseyconfused:

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you pooping on my zombie game again? :wolfsfear:

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Looked like mashing attack and dodging occasionally. :marseyshrug: Yeah it looks and sounds great but it's ankle-deep.

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Me too. I love the atmosphere. It's rainy, miserable, and depressing. The perfect January game.

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IDK if anyone here plays path of exile BUT

in SSF i have a foil mageblood and a foil progenesis, so last week i had to uninstall to stop myself :marseycyanide: from playing and try to study :marseyweeb: for my exams lmao

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a true perandus league 2.0, enjoy magblod hedhuntor spam

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:marseyno: i refuse :marseyredflag2: to do that insane :marseyvibe: magic :marseytzeentch: find, this was all from the 3 valdo's boxes i got, pure genuine luck

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Awww you remembered me :#marseyxoxo:

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It's a good league. I'm 40/40 on a str + int stacker.


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Playing a monster hunter game for the first time. I'm dying a lot. For some reason this harder then eldenring for me

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Played a crapload of Tekken 8 :marseyexcited:

Dragunov has been very fun :marseyrussian: Love his frick-you, in-your-face playstyle :marseypunching:

Could definitely see myself playing this more than SF6, I think SF6 is great but I got kinda burnt out after the first month, gonna try to take it easy and play casually/learn a new little thing every day :marseyteehee:

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^this neighbor played 14 hours in 2 days

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There's so much to do and learn and it's a blast the whole time too :marseyteehee:

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:marseyaquagrunt:FOTM Palworld baby, friend set up a server and its pretty friggin great janky fun :marseygulpin: :marseymewtwo:

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my :marseychingchong: friend set up some kind of modded tarkov private server. i tried playing the normal game once and kept dying horribly to sweaty nerds :marseysoyhype: so getting to play the vidya at my own pace against bots only is nice :marseyembrace:

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Played Palworld Friday.

Very buggy. Very fun. Get to catch :marseypokeball2: pokemon :marseymagmarsey: and shoot :marseygoodmap: stuff. What's not to like?

Continuing my FO4 vanilla survival from last weekend. Got vertibird grenades finally and that is a game changer. I need to level my charisma to get local leader :marseyputin:

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Neighbor are you me?

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You doing a survival playthrough too? I fricked up and did 1 endurance to max int and agility

Terrible mistake :marseysuffragette: lmao

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I always do survival with max luck/int and 1 Endurance.


Those first levels are fricking brutal.

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I got off to a rough start with several hard crashes, with the final one leading to my save getting deleted (could only recover my world, not my character).

Did some testing and I think I'm ready to start a new run since I didn't get really far in my first playthrough anyway.

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Tekken 8, learning Drag bc I can finally do iWRs

Still kinda iffy about all the new stuff added, I'm dreading facing Kings. We'll see how it shakes out though

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but this is some truly great stuff (if you skip all dialogue).

Just play Deadcell then.

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Deadcels be sneeding at RogueLegacychads

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Can't sneed if playing a better game :#marseybeachtowel:

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my cousin randomly bought me palworld. i've played a couple hours of it today. seems fun but i still haven't even left the starting area.

i got horizon zero dawn the other day cause it was on sale. haven't played it yet. also have days gone which i haven't beat.

i spent most of the week playing skyrim. :uhuh:

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Horizon's full of annoying libshit writing but the actual gameplay loop and overall story beats are really fun

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Megaman battle network 2.

Finished the first last week, and I payed for the collection, so I better finish them all

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I'm playing a horror co-op called Lethal Company with my group. It's really funny and kinda scary. Chat is all proximity and there's monsters and stuff that chase you around a dark building and kill you while you collect trash. :marseyeldritch:

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All my friends quit Palworld after a day so I'm playing Rogue Trader.

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Palworld and only palworld.

Set up a server for my foid and some friends and it's a blast. I wish it wasn't so jittery but beyond that I'm in love.

It completely halted my Last Train Home play through though. Which is sad cause I was enjoying that

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Looking forward to Kill the Justice League bombing hard

All the news of layoffs have been :marseysadge: but then I look at the twitter accounts of some people laid off and I lose all sympathy :marseytrollolol:

Wish I could get into fighting games

Legit dont think I'm looking forward to anything. Maybe Stellar Blade? LoP and Elden Ring DLCs?

Idk I bought Nier Replicant but haven't started

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Rumour is elden ring dlc announcement is mere days away.

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someone trolled the subreddit the other day by uninstalling and then reinstalling and posting a pic that said “random 30gb update? could this be DLC?” and people lost their minds lol

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i don't think that game is gonna bomb.

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They literally arent even giving out review codes lol

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that doesn't automatically mean bad game

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Sekiro. I've died a fair amount, but I'm not struggling as hard as I did with the early game of most Souls games.

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Crawl and wizard of something something

Both couch Co op dungeon crawling rogue likes

One is a vs type one is a straight Co op type

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I liked Celeste when I played it I guess but I kind of got bored of it at a point

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Playing through the Yakuza series. Everyone I've spoken to says Yakuza 3 is better than people give it credit for but it's hella mid.

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Seriously why can't I drive anywhere in frickin' SnowRunner? I've played these games before. Kinda drive off to the side of muddy paths, move your front tires back and forth to gain some traction, shift between L and AWD to see if one works better, try to avoid rocks, always keep a good winch spot in mind, etc. etc. But after doing the tutorial missions I can't seem to get anywhere in this game if it's not a main road. "That looks like a pretty mild path... oh wait, it's actually 4 fricking feet of fricking mud."

Tips for a :marseygigaretard:? I feel like I probably skimmed over something in the tutorial that I'm supposed to know.

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Oh yeah, because of covid I've been playing a lot of shit this week and also played a lot of Clone Drone in the Danger Zone. That game is sick. Looks silly and blocky but it's a pretty hardcore skilled sword and arrow fighter. So much to do, so many strategies, a workshop with a billion items, unlock new weapons. Simple but hard to git gud. Really worth the $6 or so when it's on sale. Also on gamepass.

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Sounds fun, get well soon. :marseyhearts:

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I started off playing butt creed odyssey and that game was garbage. I thought it was weird playing as the female protagonist that she had a choice to romance everyone she has dialogue with (everyone in ancient greece was bisexual) and I didn't choose any romance options at first because they all seemed forced and hamfisted. I eventually chose a romance option out of curiosity and it was weak as frick. I have no idea why this shit is even in the game, let alone with so many npc's. That and the subtle "make athens great again" political shoehorning :marseyfacepalm: really had me wondering why ubisoft is having money problems lately. Now I could forgive that if the game was fun, but it isnt. In the game there are legendary animals that you can hunt for special rewards (and a chance to romance another npc :soyjackwow:) and whilst hunting the legendary elk I was just doing the dodge+slash combo+heal when health gets low for around 5-10 minutes.

It was then when I had enough, so I decided to play an actual fun game, like okami. Still a great game, love everything about it.

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What the frick do you think we're on.

what the https://i.rdrama.net/images/17064688640534403.webp FRICK do you https://i.rdrama.net/images/17064688640938466.webp THINK we're on m8

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New Kairosoft game came out, idk if I like it that much but I'll put the hours in to max everything out. Been slowly playing through The Room games again. Very fun games once you forget the puzzles. Amazing atmosphere and just enough story to keep you interested. After 75 hours I finished the mafia otome and it's sequel. I thought both were very good at balancing an interesting albeit it fundamentally wacky storyline with some slow (or not slow in one case) romance culminating in some very fluffy nice endings if you play your cards right. Starting a new one, this one only came out like a few months ago and I know very little about it other than it is extremely edgy and grim dark. None of the guys really catch my interest off the bat but very rarely do I choose a favorite based off design alone.

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Honestly based.


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I really enjoyed The Room. Though I kind of wish there was a big picture plot (I only played the first 2 games tho)

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Didn't have much free time this week outside of work and personal projects but still working my way through Boltgun. I'm a little over halfway through and it feels like it's run out of steam a bit though. The last couple of levels have felt like padding to hit a number on howlongtobeat.com.

I was pretty disappointed to hear Graven kinda sucks. I was really looking forward to it but its shortcomings sound unforgivable. It was also in early access forever so it's baffling that the issues never came up at that stage. Hopefully it can get improved.

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Started playing Noita and beat it, not sure if I have the autism to really do everything but I really enjoyed what I got out of it

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Victoria 3 and Octopath Traveller 2

I want to play the new Yakuza but I have no time and the price with DLC is kinda insane (NG+ is behind a paywall wtf)

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I've been playing the same slop/kino as ever: Stellaris, Simcity 4, CS2, and BO3 zombies. Though me and my buddies have been finally making progress on the easter eggs in the latter, which is pretty fun.

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I've spent an evening reinstalling and updating all my mods for Bannerlord and I'm ready :marseyexcited: to actually :marseynerd3: play the game again next weekend.

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C&C 3. The game is as good as I remembered. Better than Red Alert 3 for sure.

I beat all 3 base campaigns on normal for the first time, and started the DLC campaing (also for the first time). Sadly I get frequent crashes on mission 3 and may be stuck until I upgrade me virus ridden, unstable, win 7, 2010 never formatted PC to something that actually works.

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Started playing Hellblade Sensua's Sacrifice. Not long in (maybe 1-2 hours) but currently it's quite fun.

And according to howlongtobeat it's only ~7-8 hours, so the perfect game for me. I rather have a sub 10 hour experience like this (if it holds) than unnecessary bloated open world games.

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Saw this on sale for a couple of euros but decided not to get it. Have fun, king.

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Yeah it was 3€, probably cause they want to release part 2 in May.

Gameplay wise it starts to get repetitive (combat & puzzles) at ~3 hours in. Atmosphere is still carrying strong though and it doesn't get boring when one of the voices you hear screams "Behind!" when an enemy behind you starts attacking you.

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