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Weekly "What are you playing?" Thread #53 (#11 in 2024)

!g*mers that lazy frick @Losercel didn't make this thread, so here it is.

Previous Iterations:


#1 --- 043 - [07 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #43 -- mayflyalt :marseyblowkiss:

#2 --- 044 - [14 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #44 -- lc

#3 --- 045 - [21 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #45 -- lc

#4 --- 046 - [28 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #46 -- lc

#5 --- 047 - [04 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #47 -- lc

#6 --- 048 - [11 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #48 -- lc

#7 --- 049 - [18 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #49 -- lc

#8 --- 050 - [25 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #50 -- lc

#9 --- 051 - [03 Marc 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #51 -- lc

#9 --- 052 - [03 Marc 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #52 -- lc


I'm aware there are previous weekly or so megathreads and I'll eventually add them ( green = official, red = fake, yellow = misc, blue = losercel)

#0 - [22 Jan 2023] - some1 should make weekly vidya threads marseytf2spy

#1 - [28 Jan 2023] - Weekly "Whatcha Been Playing" Thread #1

#2 - [4 Feb 2023] - Weekly "Whatcha Been Playing" thread #2

#3 - [11 Feb 2023] - Weekly Gaming Thread #3

#3.5 - [13 Feb 2023] - [Weekly Gaming Thread 2] You will own no NFTs of video game microtransactions and you will be happy edition-- dramamine

#4 - [18 Feb 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing?' thread #4

#4.5 - [20 Feb 2023] - Welcome to the new weekly vidya thread! Week 1 - 2/20/23 -- robotron2084

#5 - [25 Feb 2023] - Weekly “What're You Playing” Community Thread #5

#5.5 - [2 Mar 2023] - So, what do you dipshits play all day? -- horned waifu shill

#6 - [4 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing' Thread #6

#7 - [11 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' thread #7

#8 - [18 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #8

#9 - [25 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing?' thread #9

#10 - [1 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What are you playing?' Thread: #10: Whooaaaa Those are some HILARIOUS patch notes edition

#11 - [8 Apr 2023] - Weekly 'What are you playing' Thread #11

#12 - [15 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What are you playing' thread #12

#13 - [23 Apr 2023] - What're you playing thread #idk

#14 - [29 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What Are You Playing' thread #14

#15(1) - [6 May 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' thread #15

#15(1).5 - [10 May 2023] - marseyg*mer Gaming Thread - What are you playing this week? -- cynic

#15(2) - [13 May 2023] - Weekend ‘What've you been playing?' Thread #15 -- he fricked up the ordering here I'll just go with it

#16 - [20 May 2023] - Weekly "What Are You Playing?" Thread #16

#16.5 - [28 May 2023] - Weekly “What are you playing” thread -- carp

#17 - [3 Jun 2023] - Weekly “What have you been playing?” Thread #new one

#18 - [10 Jun 2023] - Weekly “What are you playing” thread #18

#19 - [17 Jun 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing' thread #19!

#20(1) - [24 Jun 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are you Playing?' Thread #20: Modern Warfare III

#20(2) - [1 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #20: Summer Salestice -- same reason as above

#21 - [10 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #21: loli_esports forgot got chudded edition -- basad

#23 - [15 Jul 2023] - Weekly 'What Games Are You Playing?' thread #I think it's actually 23 -- should be 22 but I'll go with his ordering

#24 - [22 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing?' thread #24: Lot of stuff coming out all of a sudden, feels like

#25 - [29 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What games have you been playing' thread #25

#26 - [5 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #26

#27 - [12 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #27

#28 - [19 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #28

#29 - [26 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #29

#30 - [2 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #30

#31 - [9 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #31

#32 - [16 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #32

#33 - [23 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #33

#34 - [30 Sep 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread # 34

#35 - [7 Oct 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread #35

#36 - [27 Oct 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread #36 -- tulpa

#37 - [26 Nov 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #37 -- losercel

#38 - [03 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #38 -- losercel

#39 - [10 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #39 -- losercel

#40 - [17 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #40 -- losercel

#41 - [24 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #41 -- losercel

#42 - [31 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #42 -- losercel

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Dwarf Fortress Saga

Last week's game: Helldivers 2

Final Score: (10*1+9*0+8*6+7*2+6*2+5*0+4*1+3*0+2*0+1*0)/(1+6+2+2+1) =7.3 :marseymid:

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Game to Discuss?

Being that there's no FOTW to discuss, let's go back to the "classics," insofar as "classic" means Heroes of the Storm - Blizzard's late entry into the ASSFAGGOTS MOBA genre, full of fanservice, designed to turn goodwill and nostalgia into sweet cash.

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carp, schizo, capy, geto, moon, grizzly, X (formerly chiobu), donger pin please :marseybegging:

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Heroes of the Storm

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HOTS was genuinely good, got rid of all the lame sweaty laning shit and let you get to the actual fun part (clicking on the enemy bad guy while dodging circles in the ground).

Too bad blizzard is incapable of not fricking up anything.

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I hate most of the maps.

Most of the maps revolve to: kill creeps faster, watch environment destroy enemy base.

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I loved playing vs bots with my friends. Wish there was a good pve moba.

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There was Evercore Heroes in development by a bunch of ex-LoL devs as just that, but the alpha test was rocky and instead of doubling down on refining the formula, they killed the idea and pivoted to be more like some sort of Diablo clone.

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Truthfully, I rather enjoyed this game, despite the single other blizz game I've played being overwatch. It did a lot of interesting stuff, but its aggressive monetization meant that once my friend :marseytrain: stopped playing it, I did as well. I wasn't as bothered as most people by the shared resources, and I wish more had survived its burning corpse besides the talents which were added to DOTA.

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It was nice change of style for a MOBA, for a while it felt far more casual, but not in the pleb way, the its friday lets unwind way. Some of the maps were doggshit and not fun after a while, but I enjoyed it until they really r*ped its corpse.

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HOTS was fine and enjoyable with the classic heroes and such, it almost made me feel like I was replaying the WC3 version. But then it got ruined when they introduced the Overwatch heroes where a lot of their functions were run and gun that a lot of the current and old heroes did not have that capacity to deal with until each got their own revisions in some way (if they even did).

I did like that most matches are 20something minutes. Everyone gains exp evenly so its not like you needed a sweaty jungler or laners or what have you that LoL needs. If you're struggling to push you can use map objectives to win or at least tip the scales. It added choices on what you wanted to do to contribute to the fight and I liked that.

But as usual Blizzard fricks it up.

I also miss being able to buy a skin for like 2$ directly but now you have to buy the gem pack and basically its now 9$ skins +. Fricking lame.

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I like the game. Really feels like a love letter for Blizzard fans.

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Played it a bit. It's a pretty bad MOBA imo.

A lot of games revolve around doing objectives and watching enemy base get destroyed. There's no strategy beyond "go to objectives and kill target mobs first"

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