Nobody posted this today so I'm posting it
@Ninjjer I hope you don't mind the view source copy paste but you have a thing going so I wanted to preserve it
What are you playing currently?
Previous Iterations:
I'm aware the dates aren't exactly right but I like to keep things refered to their planned date. They are still weekly after all.
#1 --- 043 - [07 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #43 -- mayflyalt
#2 --- 044 - [14 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #44 -- lc
#3 --- 045 - [21 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #45 -- lc
#4 --- 046 - [28 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #46 -- lc
#5 --- 047 - [04 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #47 -- lc
#6 --- 048 - [11 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #48 -- lc
#7 --- 049 - [18 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #49 -- lc
#8 --- 050 - [25 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #50 -- lc
#9 --- 051 - [03 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #51 -- lc
#10 --- 052 - [10 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #52 -- lc
#11 --- 053 - [17 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #53 -- Ninjjer
#12 --- 054 - [25 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #54 -- lc
#13 --- 055 - [7 Apr 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #55 -- Ninjjer
#14 --- 056 - [14 Apr 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #56 -- Ninjjer
#15 --- 057 - [21 Apr 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #57 -- Ninjjer
#16 - - - 058 - [28 Apr 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #58 -- Ninjjer
I'm aware there are previous weekly or so megathreads and I'll eventually add them ( green = official, red = fake, yellow = misc, blue = losercel)
#0 - [22 Jan 2023] - some1 should make weekly vidya threads marseytf2spy
#1 - [28 Jan 2023] - Weekly "Whatcha Been Playing" Thread #1
#2 - [4 Feb 2023] - Weekly "Whatcha Been Playing" thread #2
#3 - [11 Feb 2023] - Weekly Gaming Thread #3
#3.5 - [13 Feb 2023] - [Weekly Gaming Thread 2] You will own no NFTs of video game microtransactions and you will be happy edition-- dramamine
#4 - [18 Feb 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing?' thread #4
#4.5 - [20 Feb 2023] - Welcome to the new weekly vidya thread! Week 1 - 2/20/23 -- robotron2084
#5 - [25 Feb 2023] - Weekly “What're You Playing” Community Thread #5
#5.5 - [2 Mar 2023] - So, what do you dipshits play all day? -- horned waifu shill
#6 - [4 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing' Thread #6
#7 - [11 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' thread #7
#8 - [18 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #8
#9 - [25 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing?' thread #9
#10 - [1 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What are you playing?' Thread: #10: Whooaaaa Those are some HILARIOUS patch notes edition
#11 - [8 Apr 2023] - Weekly 'What are you playing' Thread #11
#12 - [15 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What are you playing' thread #12
#13 - [23 Apr 2023] - What're you playing thread #idk
#14 - [29 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What Are You Playing' thread #14
#15(1) - [6 May 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' thread #15
#15(1).5 - [10 May 2023] - marseyg*mer Gaming Thread - What are you playing this week? -- cynic
#15(2) - [13 May 2023] - Weekend ‘What've you been playing?' Thread #15 -- he fricked up the ordering here I'll just go with it
#16 - [20 May 2023] - Weekly "What Are You Playing?" Thread #16
#16.5 - [28 May 2023] - Weekly “What are you playing” thread -- carp
#17 - [3 Jun 2023] - Weekly “What have you been playing?” Thread #new one
#18 - [10 Jun 2023] - Weekly “What are you playing” thread #18
#19 - [17 Jun 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing' thread #19!
#20(1) - [24 Jun 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are you Playing?' Thread #20: Modern Warfare III
#20(2) - [1 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #20: Summer Salestice -- same reason as above
#21 - [10 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #21: loli_esports forgot got chudded edition -- basad
#23 - [15 Jul 2023] - Weekly 'What Games Are You Playing?' thread #I think it's actually 23 -- should be 22 but I'll go with his ordering
#24 - [22 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing?' thread #24: Lot of stuff coming out all of a sudden, feels like
#25 - [29 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What games have you been playing' thread #25
#26 - [5 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #26
#27 - [12 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #27
#28 - [19 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #28
#29 - [26 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #29
#30 - [2 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #30
#31 - [9 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #31
#32 - [16 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #32
#33 - [23 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #33
#34 - [30 Sep 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread # 34
#35 - [7 Oct 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread #35
#36 - [27 Oct 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread #36 -- tulpa
#37 - [26 Nov 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #37 -- losercel
#38 - [03 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #38 -- losercel
#39 - [10 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #39 -- losercel
#40 - [17 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #40 -- losercel
#41 - [24 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #41 -- losercel
#42 - [31 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #42 -- losercel
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[26. Nov 2023] Hades = 7.60
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[17 Dec 2023] Age of Empires 2 = 8.59
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[04 Feb 2024] Planescape Torment = 9.33
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[18 Feb 2024] Nier Automata = 5.80
[24 Feb 2024] Might and Magic 6 = 5.33
[04 Mar 2024] Balatro = 9
[11 Mar 2024] Helldivers 2 = 7.3
[17 Mar 2024] Heroes of the Storm = 6.79
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Game to Discuss 
This week's game will be Will Wright's Spore, the greatest sim game ever made. !zoomers get the frick in here
carp, capy, geto, donger pin please
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Dishonored 2. I just beat prey like a week ago and loved it so I decided to revisit dishonored 2.
Also got a modded gamecube. Put off playing it until I got a hdmi adapter for it which arrived wednesday. So I been playing some gamecube shit too.
Also pinball fx3 and demon's tilt.
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It's funny that everyone loved Dishonored when it came out. Then came 2 and the other one and the series died. Were the games that bad? Was 2 good and then the third one was bad enough to kill it?
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The type of games that Arkane used to make were always a bit niche. Publishers always had a hard time selling their immersive sims to the wider audience. Dishonored 1 was that rare occasion of the critics and reviewers making it sound more successful than it actually was sales-wise. The actual players weren't raving about it, while it got a BAFTA and a GOTY from most publications.
Dishonored 2 tried to ride on the coattails of that manufactured success and failed, as the broader audience for these types of games didn't grow in the mere 4 years between both of the Dishonoreds being released. Death of the Outsider was funny, as normal g*mers once again didn't care about it, while all the fans of the series hated it (because of the lore, though, the level design is still pretty good).
Prey was originally called “Neuroshock” by Arkane themselves, but Zenimax forced them to use the Prey branding, as they had to justify purchasing the IP a few years ago. In the end, oldstrag fans of the original Prey (linear fps) hated the new game just for being a skinwaker and a different genre, and once the regular player saw how small the enemy variety was in the first two hours and dropped the game before most of it opened up.
Then the creative lead for all of Arkane's past projects left and all the studio could push out was Deathloop, notorious for practically being a valiant attempt of repurposing whatever concepts and groundwork they had for Dishonored 3 into a new game. They still managed to set it in the same universe, which is something I seethe about till this day.
Redfall is the unfortunate end-product of squeezing a studio dry and being clueless about its strengths and weaknesses. The last thing you need to give Arkane to develop is a coop shooter. These guys made Arx Fatalis at some point, you know. They were one of the few contenders to make Half Life 3, in case Vavle sacks it off. The way that studio was mismanaged by the industry is a disgrace.
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Wdym deathloop is in the same universe as dishonored? I don't remember anything like that
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Yes, it is, although they were sneaky about it. Blackreef is supposed to be one of the many islands we see north of Tyvia in Dishonored maps. The “Motherland” from Deathloop is Tyvia, which somewhat explains the slavic names around. The first ever release had more obvious signs, like old vintage plaques outright name dropping Tyvia and mentioning purely Dishonored lore stuff, like some notes bringing up the Month of Nets. All these references were patched out fairly quickly, I suspect not to anger the Dishonored community any further after Death of the Outsider.
Found the lead dev for Deathloop confirming this during an interview at about 46:48
Extremely weird choice, especially if the art style of the game is heavily based on ‘70s blaxploitation films, as they would require a few more historic events to happen to justify looking like that. It is easier to imagine an alternate society reaching the industrial era and making it look like Victorian Britain, than to imagine the same alternate society experience the counterculture movement of the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, which informed the design and art that Deathloop pays homage to.
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I thought it was meant to be during the cold war. They even say Colt was trapped in the loop in the 60's. Pretty bizarre they tried to connect it to dishonored
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2 was good, it improved a lot on the mechanics, but also kinda dumbed it down but I liked it it was as much fun as og dishonoured
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I haven't played Death of the Outsider yet, and although dishonored 2 is a very competent successor to the original, apparently it underperformed.
I hope arkane goes back to making dishonored/prey clones. I quite liked them.
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Arkane later made deathloop, which had similar gameplay. Two Dushonored games was enough. It didn't need to be Assassin's Creeded
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What's the point of a modded gamecube?
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It came loaded with 150 games and has lights and shell that I like
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Prey is maybe my favorite game ever. Like, to the point where it's ruined other games for me cause they aren't prey
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It's a good game and every other game that does what that game does does it worse
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I did a playthrough in '17 or '18 and got filtered.
Decided to pick it up again and I'm soooo glad I did.
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How'd you get filtered?
I'm on my thirdish playthrough. Doing a no neuromods run on nightmare with all the survival shit turned on. It's great. I really don't understand how they designed a game that is still fun and engaging with half of the mechanics taken out. Dishonored 2 is really fun too. Unfortunately, I played it before the first one so the first one feels like a bit of a slog. I don't get why people were so down on the second one
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I got to a point where there was a technopath and some other typhon blocking my path and got frustrated after dying too much at that point so I just gave up.
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