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Weekly "What are you playing thread?" thread #63 (#21 in 2024)

Ninjer was busy so here's another one of these threads from me :marsey57:

What are you playing currently?


@kaamrev it's here! @kaamrev @kaamrev @kaamrev @kaamrev

Previous Iterations:


I'm aware the dates aren't exactly right but I like to keep things refered to their planned date. They are still weekly after all.

#1 --- 043 - [07 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #43 -- mayflyalt :marseyblowkiss:

#2 --- 044 - [14 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #44 -- lc

#3 --- 045 - [21 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #45 -- lc

#4 --- 046 - [28 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #46 -- lc

#5 --- 047 - [04 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #47 -- lc

#6 --- 048 - [11 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #48 -- lc

#7 --- 049 - [18 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #49 -- lc

#8 --- 050 - [25 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #50 -- lc

#9 --- 051 - [03 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #51 -- lc

#10 --- 052 - [10 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #52 -- lc

#11 --- 053 - [17 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #53 -- Ninjjer :marseyloveyou:

#12 --- 054 - [25 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #54 -- lc

#13 --- 055 - [7 Apr 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #55 -- Ninjjer

#14 --- 056 - [14 Apr 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #56 -- Ninjjer

#15 --- 057 - [21 Apr 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #57 -- Ninjjer

#16 --- 058 - [28 Apr 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #58 -- Ninjjer

#17 --- 059 - [5 May 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #59 -- RWBY

#18 --- 060 - [12 May 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #60 -- Ninjjer

#19 --- 061 - [12 May 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #60 -- Ninjjer

#20 --- 062 - [26 May 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #62 -- Ninjjer


I'm aware there are previous weekly or so megathreads and I'll eventually add them ( green = official, red = fake, yellow = misc, blue = losercel)

#0 - [22 Jan 2023] - some1 should make weekly vidya threads marseytf2spy

#1 - [28 Jan 2023] - Weekly "Whatcha Been Playing" Thread #1

#2 - [4 Feb 2023] - Weekly "Whatcha Been Playing" thread #2

#3 - [11 Feb 2023] - Weekly Gaming Thread #3

#3.5 - [13 Feb 2023] - [Weekly Gaming Thread 2] You will own no NFTs of video game microtransactions and you will be happy edition-- dramamine

#4 - [18 Feb 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing?' thread #4

#4.5 - [20 Feb 2023] - Welcome to the new weekly vidya thread! Week 1 - 2/20/23 -- robotron2084

#5 - [25 Feb 2023] - Weekly “What're You Playing” Community Thread #5

#5.5 - [2 Mar 2023] - So, what do you dipshits play all day? -- horned waifu shill

#6 - [4 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing' Thread #6

#7 - [11 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' thread #7

#8 - [18 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #8

#9 - [25 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing?' thread #9

#10 - [1 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What are you playing?' Thread: #10: Whooaaaa Those are some HILARIOUS patch notes edition

#11 - [8 Apr 2023] - Weekly 'What are you playing' Thread #11

#12 - [15 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What are you playing' thread #12

#13 - [23 Apr 2023] - What're you playing thread #idk

#14 - [29 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What Are You Playing' thread #14

#15(1) - [6 May 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' thread #15

#15(1).5 - [10 May 2023] - marseyg*mer Gaming Thread - What are you playing this week? -- cynic

#15(2) - [13 May 2023] - Weekend ‘What've you been playing?' Thread #15 -- he fricked up the ordering here I'll just go with it

#16 - [20 May 2023] - Weekly "What Are You Playing?" Thread #16

#16.5 - [28 May 2023] - Weekly “What are you playing” thread -- carp

#17 - [3 Jun 2023] - Weekly “What have you been playing?” Thread #new one

#18 - [10 Jun 2023] - Weekly “What are you playing” thread #18

#19 - [17 Jun 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing' thread #19!

#20(1) - [24 Jun 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are you Playing?' Thread #20: Modern Warfare III

#20(2) - [1 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #20: Summer Salestice -- same reason as above

#21 - [10 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #21: loli_esports forgot got chudded edition -- basad

#23 - [15 Jul 2023] - Weekly 'What Games Are You Playing?' thread #I think it's actually 23 -- should be 22 but I'll go with his ordering

#24 - [22 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing?' thread #24: Lot of stuff coming out all of a sudden, feels like

#25 - [29 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What games have you been playing' thread #25

#26 - [5 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #26

#27 - [12 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #27

#28 - [19 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #28

#29 - [26 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #29

#30 - [2 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #30

#31 - [9 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #31

#32 - [16 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #32

#33 - [23 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #33

#34 - [30 Sep 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread # 34

#35 - [7 Oct 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread #35

#36 - [27 Oct 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread #36 -- tulpa

#37 - [26 Nov 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #37 -- losercel

#38 - [03 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #38 -- losercel

#39 - [10 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #39 -- losercel

#40 - [17 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #40 -- losercel

#41 - [24 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #41 -- losercel

#42 - [31 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #42 -- losercel

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This week let's do uhhh…


WAR THUNDER :marseyjetfighter:

I know some of you have to be WT neurodivergents. Zero chance that we don't have any.

carp, capy, geto, donger pin please :marseybegging: (I know you're here now Carp :marseydetective:)

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@Aevann please pin the thread :marseybegging:

!g*mers please share your thoughts on War Thunder :marseytankushanka: Scoring is out of ten because out-of-five-cels are oppressed :marseycrucified:

War Thunder

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this video is sponsored by war thunder

@Aevann say this as a feminist ally

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It's alright.

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>war thunder,

>It's alright.

>Found 41 Coins!


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I am a WT neurodivergent though I have not played much in the past year.

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It appears in youtube sponsorships which automatically makes it shit

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In honor of the triumphant return and subsequent re-exit of :carpitsoverwereback: I decided to play No Mens Sky for the first time since 2018 according to my cloud saves. Juuust a bit more complex now. :marseydizzy:

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You made it during midnight strag :marseybeanangry:

I'm playing Titanfall 2, swag 😎 campaign

As well as Need For Speed: Heat, where I spend an neurodivergent amount of time customizing every nook and cranny of all my Nissan cars and fat@ss Latinx racer waifu

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Tf2 was so good. I preferred the MP of 1 but :marseythumbsup: was a great moment

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I just wanted to make sure you saw it


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>back on the destiny 2 grind


I can't stop playing

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Timberborn - A city builder with the gimmick that there's actually flowing water in rivers that you can manipulate with dams, levees, canals, etc. Which turns out to be way more than just a gimmick, it actually adds a very interesting new layer to the game.

Shadow Empire - Planetary conquest simulator for those way way down the spectrum. I like it because it actually models logistics in a serious way. That may sound boring but it's not. It's way more interesting when you've got to hold key terrain to keep your supply lines open or threaten the enemy's. And it's pretty intuitive. Just don't do anything stupid like getting surrounded or going way out into the wilderness away from roads.

Thriving City Song - A Chinese city builder clearly inspired by the boomer era Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom but it seems to be better. They've ditched some of the weird annoying stuff in the Impressions games like the "walkers" who have to walk past a house to provide services.

The Farmer Was Replaced - A simple programming game. Get your robot to do what you want.

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I liked Timberborn and I really hope they expand further on the water mechanics, it's really nice but the rest of their gameplay is pretty mediocre, the vertical building they seem so proud of is especially :marseyshrug:

I've had Shadow Empire in my library forever and never got around to it.

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Yeah it still definitely needs to be fleshed out.

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Still got a lot of enjoyment from diverting rivers and building massive reservoirs so fingers crossed

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Back to elden ring doing meme runs to prepare for Shadow Of The Ermahgerd on the 21st

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im planning on going in on NG+1 and just hope im not gonna regret it. If im getting my peepee stomped i have good ole dung puppet to help me out, so i think it should be fine.

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Thanks @Aevann :#marseyxoxo:

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It was Valve week for me. Dota2 and TF2.

I went back TF2 after a long pause and was pleasantly surprised that after such a break, I suck as much as I did before.

Dota with the new patch has people still trying to figure things out and plenty of newbies, so it's quite pleasant. I was mostly playing Turbo to grind the event badges.

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People are review bombing TF2 and I haven't bothered looking into why. Still worth getting into if there's no desire to interact with the RMT item selling crafting bullshit? Last time I got an item drop it prevented me from playing until I made inventory space. This isn't a fricking MMO goddammit

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The game is review bombed due to the bot problem. But unless a lobby gets overrun by bots they are kicked quite efficiently.

As for items, I have no idea what the limit is it was 50 still may be, but I don't really care about that I just run in with a flamer and burn things. Or I run in with a scout and die.

No need for items to do that.

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Still grinding some legendaries in sword/shield. Here's the shinies I've got so far in sword and shield specifically.


well this is now outdated :marseysmirk:

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That's in Home

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there's no magikarp in sword shield? WHY the FRICK would you buy that game then?

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I have all shiny Pokémon's. So I downloaded poke bank and downloaded an app that creates Pokémon, very good app you can make unbannable IV Pokémon's than drop those into poke bank and then downloaded those on my Pokémon sword game. It took me 15 minutes.

So how long it took you to get your shinies ?

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Personally I have been playing 360 games like a good noughties boomer :marseyboomer:

Web of Shadows is pretty cool :marseyspiderman: Also have you guys heard of this indie game called Girl Fight? It has girls and they fight :marseyshy3:

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They are ugly compared to dead or alive babes

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I actually have DOA Xtreme 2 lol

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I just reinstalled my Steam copy of the 1994 X-Com. Trying not to save scum this playthrough. It's tough, but the wins do feel a bit better.

I've been pretty lucky in that I brought down a single occupancy UFO with the interceptor's machine guns on my first day, raided two landed ufo's, and the terror attack on Perth at the end of the month was just floaters and reapers.

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Dragon Warrior II

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My computer is fixed :marseywereback: so I get to get back to FE: Awakening! I haven't had a ton of time to play so I've only done like 1 story chapter, the tiki recruitment paralogue, and I did the first rogues and redeemers. I want to do them all and get limit break* because a bunch of my unit's stats are capped but laziness...

*after I get the first one I am absolutely just save editing in all the ones I want, lmao. grinding is only fun up to a point

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It's a good game :marseyweeb:

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Astral Chain on switch but it runs like shit on emulation kinda regret it. Will beat crystal project probably next week.

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I'm actually playing Star Struck Vagabond. The game from the (in)famous game critic Ben Crowshaw.

It's unique, I'll give the game that. I'm actually enjoying it, but the game's definitely not for everyone. You really have to be picking up what the game is putting down, if I can put it that way.

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Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising but I want to take a break and clear my backlog

I need to play Fear and Hunger (+Termina), Andy & Leyley and a few VTuber games

Im also playing a bit of strive

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Slice and Dice is a fun rougelike I got into recently

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Cyberpunk 2077. A new play-through after abandoning it shortly after purchase at launch. I am very much enjoying it, it's well written, they really did pay attention and fix innumerable bugs. I had to do a bit of fiddling with the controls (it has a lot of controls) to get comfy, and redo the tutorials until I got good and it's all been worth it.

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Sea of Thieves. I kinda regret getting it :marseysulk:

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Are you not liking it or is it taking up too much of your time?

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Just seems like the grind is centred around aquiring money to buy cosmetics, which I find boring and after watching a few pvp vids I simply just don't have it in me to git as gud as necessary to become somewhat competent in pvp scenarios.

And I also neglected to consider how difficult this game is as a solo guy.


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I love hate the game lmao. There's lots to do and the game throws content at you in a good way. If you get tired of doing one thing then there's plenty of other activities.

But if you need to grind something in particular then it does get old. The pvp is neurodivergent plus a lot of it revolves around the game's janky physics.

I like to take long breaks to keep the game fresh :marseyantiwork2:

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I like it :marseypirate:

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Late but nine sols is absolute kino, will make a review post when I finish it

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candy crush

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Shit is leet

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