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Weekly "What are you playing?" thread #62 (#20 in 2024)

What are you playing currently?


Previous Iterations:


I'm aware the dates aren't exactly right but I like to keep things refered to their planned date. They are still weekly after all.

#1 --- 043 - [07 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #43 -- mayflyalt :marseyblowkiss:

#2 --- 044 - [14 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #44 -- lc

#3 --- 045 - [21 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #45 -- lc

#4 --- 046 - [28 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #46 -- lc

#5 --- 047 - [04 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #47 -- lc

#6 --- 048 - [11 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #48 -- lc

#7 --- 049 - [18 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #49 -- lc

#8 --- 050 - [25 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #50 -- lc

#9 --- 051 - [03 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #51 -- lc

#10 --- 052 - [10 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #52 -- lc

#11 --- 053 - [17 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #53 -- Ninjjer :marseyloveyou:

#12 --- 054 - [25 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #54 -- lc

#13 --- 055 - [7 Apr 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #55 -- Ninjjer

#14 --- 056 - [14 Apr 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #56 -- Ninjjer

#15 --- 057 - [21 Apr 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #57 -- Ninjjer

#16 --- 058 - [28 Apr 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #58 -- Ninjjer

#17 --- 059 - [5 May 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #59 -- RWBY

#18 --- 060 - [12 May 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #60 -- Ninjjer

#19 --- 061 - [12 May 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #60 -- Ninjjer


I'm aware there are previous weekly or so megathreads and I'll eventually add them ( green = official, red = fake, yellow = misc, blue = losercel)

#0 - [22 Jan 2023] - some1 should make weekly vidya threads marseytf2spy

#1 - [28 Jan 2023] - Weekly "Whatcha Been Playing" Thread #1

#2 - [4 Feb 2023] - Weekly "Whatcha Been Playing" thread #2

#3 - [11 Feb 2023] - Weekly Gaming Thread #3

#3.5 - [13 Feb 2023] - [Weekly Gaming Thread 2] You will own no NFTs of video game microtransactions and you will be happy edition-- dramamine

#4 - [18 Feb 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing?' thread #4

#4.5 - [20 Feb 2023] - Welcome to the new weekly vidya thread! Week 1 - 2/20/23 -- robotron2084

#5 - [25 Feb 2023] - Weekly “What're You Playing” Community Thread #5

#5.5 - [2 Mar 2023] - So, what do you dipshits play all day? -- horned waifu shill

#6 - [4 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing' Thread #6

#7 - [11 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' thread #7

#8 - [18 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #8

#9 - [25 Mar 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing?' thread #9

#10 - [1 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What are you playing?' Thread: #10: Whooaaaa Those are some HILARIOUS patch notes edition

#11 - [8 Apr 2023] - Weekly 'What are you playing' Thread #11

#12 - [15 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What are you playing' thread #12

#13 - [23 Apr 2023] - What're you playing thread #idk

#14 - [29 Apr 2023] - Weekly ‘What Are You Playing' thread #14

#15(1) - [6 May 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' thread #15

#15(1).5 - [10 May 2023] - marseyg*mer Gaming Thread - What are you playing this week? -- cynic

#15(2) - [13 May 2023] - Weekend ‘What've you been playing?' Thread #15 -- he fricked up the ordering here I'll just go with it

#16 - [20 May 2023] - Weekly "What Are You Playing?" Thread #16

#16.5 - [28 May 2023] - Weekly “What are you playing” thread -- carp

#17 - [3 Jun 2023] - Weekly “What have you been playing?” Thread #new one

#18 - [10 Jun 2023] - Weekly “What are you playing” thread #18

#19 - [17 Jun 2023] - Weekly ‘What're You Playing' thread #19!

#20(1) - [24 Jun 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are you Playing?' Thread #20: Modern Warfare III

#20(2) - [1 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #20: Summer Salestice -- same reason as above

#21 - [10 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What're you playing?' Thread #21: loli_esports forgot got chudded edition -- basad

#23 - [15 Jul 2023] - Weekly 'What Games Are You Playing?' thread #I think it's actually 23 -- should be 22 but I'll go with his ordering

#24 - [22 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing?' thread #24: Lot of stuff coming out all of a sudden, feels like

#25 - [29 Jul 2023] - Weekly ‘What games have you been playing' thread #25

#26 - [5 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #26

#27 - [12 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #27

#28 - [19 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #28

#29 - [26 Aug 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #29

#30 - [2 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #30

#31 - [9 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #31

#32 - [16 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #32

#33 - [23 Sep 2023] - Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #33

#34 - [30 Sep 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread # 34

#35 - [7 Oct 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread #35

#36 - [27 Oct 2023] - Weekly “What games are you playing” thread #36 -- tulpa

#37 - [26 Nov 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #37 -- losercel

#38 - [03 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #38 -- losercel

#39 - [10 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #39 -- losercel

#40 - [17 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #40 -- losercel

#41 - [24 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #41 -- losercel

#42 - [31 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #42 -- losercel

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Last week's game: Disco Elysium

Final Score: (10*1+9*10+8*5+7*2+6*1+5*0+4*0+3*0+2*0+1*4)/(1+10+5+2+1+0+0+0+0+4) = 7.13 :bruh:

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Game to Discuss?

This week, let's discuss Crusader Kings 3, the sequel to the incredibly popular Crusader Kings 2 (duh). Following up on Crusader Kings 2 was never going to be easy, especially with the mass of DLC the original game had accumulated over its lifespan. Paradox certainly made a valiant attempt, but while some of their more recent fixations (custom religions and cultures) made it into the game, the breadth of neurodivergent obsessions available to players in CK2 was cut down significantly. Personally, I'd say I enjoyed it, but it never really grabbed me the same way CK2 did. Share your own thoughts in reply to the pinned comment.

carp, capy, geto, donger pin please :marseybegging:

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This is my third (fourth if you count a glitched randomizer run) character, twinked out for invasions and hunting

!g*mers https://i.rdrama.net/images/17168088567843745.webp

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Who can you invade at that level?

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Sweet spots are 25, 80, 125, 138, 150, and over 200

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I'm at 110 or 120, and I hate having to use a non-replaceable item to change my stats. I use that giant Guts sword, but I need to rearrange things to whip out something quicker for invaders or whatever they're called, but experimenting is going to cost more than those 3 or so "change your stats" items I found. Why won't those regards let me pay in fake money or XP to reset everything?

!g*mers, this is why I stopped playing Elden Rangz. :marseysigh: (And because it got a bit repetitive; haven't finished the Giants of the Cold Lands or Whatever level).

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but experimenting is going to cost more than those 3 or so "change your stats" items I found.

I think there are fifteen or seventeen of those total so 3 isn't so bad.

General advice:

Consider what strategy you're going for and grab an ash that supplements it, usually Flaming Srike/Lion's Claw, maybe Bloodhound's Step if you like the teleport.

Greatsword is perfectly viable for invader killing. The crouch+r1 gives you a quick poke like it's a rapier for some ungodly reason.

The mountain area is about the most boring in the game. It gets better after that.

Build advice

This is the first Souls game where a Str/Faith build has actual value as a hybrid since Clawmark Seal makes your incants scale with both Strength and Faith equally.

Try - https://eip.gg/elden-ring/build-planner/ for playing around with numbers.

Pump Vig to 50, End to your mid-roll point, and meet weapons minimums. Then decide how far you want to go with the rest. Faith at 25 gets you useful pre-fight buffs like "Flame, Grant me Strength" and "Golden Vow" plus utilities like "Frenzied Burst" for sniping at max lock-on range to pull enemies over and "Flame, Cleanse Me" to remove rot and poison.

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Yeah, I was considering a Faith build. I just wish I could change stats and play around with the 16 weapons I've got to get a real feel for their damage. It sucks coming from that big butt sword because everything else does such little damage.

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I've tried the little dinky weapons a few times but never really liked them.

I'd suggest giving up on them and using a Brick Hammer, Great Stars or Giant Crusher to just bash things to death.

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Yeah, but I want a build for both pvp and pve...


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Put Prelate's Charge on Great Stars then, should instantly make it horrifying.

I do think you're underestimating how good Greatsword is for invasions though. I've never had issues chewing through hosties and their fluffers with it since the devs really overtuned its moveset this game.

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I just don't deal with invaders because nothing can be balanced for both pvp and pve. If I want pvp I just hang out in the pvp spot with my pvp gear

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I hate having to use a non-replaceable item to change my stats

Just backup your save neighbor. Infinite respecs.

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