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Thanks everyone for your patience! I have sacrificed my place amongst my fellow entrants to judge and along with assistance fellow volunteer judges @HeyMoon and @Ninjjer, we have finally finished what the fish could not and we're pleased to announce the winners of the rDrama Fanfiction Contest!


1st place $15000mb - @Pibbles - Bardy's House of Horrors

2nd place $10000mb - @JoyceCarolOates - Garry's Anatomy

3rd place $5000mb - @SexyFartMan69 - C.A.R.P.

Honorable mentions $2000mb:

+ Funniest - @911roofer - 911ROOFER'S SUBMISSION

+ Most Erotic - @StarSix - A night with Marsey

+ Most Violent - @sealkey_kong - The Black Swan of Garland

+ Best Writing - @Lappland - Lappland's Submission

+ Best Unfinished - @Bruhfunny_Thrall - The Tyranny of King Antichud

+ Best Audio Version - @DWHITE___________DYNAMITE - Dwhite Dynamite's Submission

Thank you to everyone who participated! It was a pain in the butt to track down all the entries outside of the main thread so if I somehow missed yours and you failed to get a badge, DM me!


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He says he is 6'4 and 220lbs

Here are picture of men that are 6'4 and 220 lbs

6'3 and 220 lbs

6'2 and 230 lbs ( for 220 lbs they for some equality reason put foid)

6'0 and 230 lbs

Now this looks more like pizashill

And going to 157 lbs even for 6' guy would be very hard. He must have 0 muscles to reach it as 30+ year old man

Reported by:
  • Healthy : Cool, rationalist drama *checks previous usernames* nvm
EFFORTPOST "Shiri's Slippers" | How One Essay Bricked the Political Minds of the SFBA Rationalist Cult

Evening all.

I don't know how I feel about inhabiting this place. But I do know I can use it to draft.

Shiri's Slippers

Long time readers will know of my grudge with Scott Alexander, high priest of the SFBA Rationalist Cult. Previously it was suggested that we begin a bombing run of their spaces but I called a 'hold.' Honestly there's no time like the present.

Ultimately my problem with these people is that the demand the status of seriousness without being willing to do the work to be serious. In forums like /r/theschism or themotte, the topics of the day have been, bizarrely, subtracted out of the conversation.

The most important political conversation happening today is about the Supreme Court ruling on the immunity which a President enjoys.

You won't see this talked about.

See I used to think that Scott Alexander's "You Are Still Calling Wolf" was the most damaging piece Scott ever wrote. For his own reputation. For the political damage it did to the brains of his followers.

Scott Alexander doesn't think of himself as a cult leader of course, even though his followers do, and have regular struggle sessions about this fact. See this hilarious exchange in which a twitter thread praises Scott Alexander for not being a prophet.

Now I can't assume everyone has familiarity with the spiritual mechanisms Scott Alexander has engaged with. To recap: Scott Alexander self-consciously wrote Unsong to imitate schizophrenic individuals attempting to write a holy text. Scott Alexander copied the prophet motion without, apparently, understanding what it meant that he did this for his followers.

Then his followers didn't do this either.

The other very very funny recurrence at work here is the SFBA Rationalist Cult's founder, whose work included a number of overtly spiritual calls, led to an early incident in the cult history where they linked hands and sang "We are not a cult." To this day SFBA Rationalist Cultists, when they gather, engage in praise of the founder under an ambiguous amount of irony. And as you all know at this point: in a post-ironic world, all expression is genuine. (I'm referring here to the Valentine's Day musical that some postrats put on as a dating show.)

So these people all have this habitual denial of their spiritual connection. They Think They're Atheists, and atheists can't be in a cult. And if it is a cult, they think it's a benign one, a harmless one, if they're pressed. But secretly, they believe they are an elevated specimen of human thinker, and this was accomplished with Shiri's Slippers.

I thought they were a harmless cult when I first encountered them. The most devastating review of the founder's work was always: what's novel in it isn't good, and what's good in it isn't novel. The SFBA Rationalist Cult literally bricked a bunch of minds in the 2010s and we're only still figuring this out.

Because the consequences of Scott Alexander's foray into politics were that he was one of the foremost beacons of fascism denialism. These people all had a grudge against the academy. They think they're better than schooling. But then they create their own forms and fall down dead wrong.

It turns out that the fools at the academy are better equipped.

There's this crackpot tinge of resentment against the fools at the academy for rejecting their founder's bad writing as bad writing. This is one of the things that make them less a harmless cult and more a destructive torment nexus of incompetence. It's not a coincidence that these people developed idiot confidence and SBF is now under arrest for Big Fraud. They're all frauds. They can't even function as a cult because of their bizarre denial complex around their cultishness.

The consequentialist argument against the utility of the SFBA Rationalist Cult goes something like:

The consequences of Scott Alexander's writing is an island of people separated from mainstream intellectual politics. They're really alone out there.


At this point I think it's more important than ever to drag Scott Alexander's flock kicking and screaming into accepting that they were wrong about the fascism. That doesn't mean that I need them to immediately endorse the use of the term 'fascism.'

If there's one thing that I wish they understood, it's that whatever it is that Trumpism represented, the people who were warning of the danger Trump faced were not overreacting. The wolf was real. This incompetence and waste of energy in our politics is an authoritarian bound now by legal processes. They seemed to think that Trump could never succeed at instituting a fascistic purge, and that therefore the people who were warning of Trump's desire to implement a fascist purge were overreacting.

Whether or not the wolf can succeed is somewhat independent of whether or not the wolf exists.

But the real bad wrong turn that Scott Alexander took was writing "Shiri's Scissors."

Shiri's Scissors

Scott postulated a class of controversial statement that caused irrational behavior in people, dividing them from one another. And I was confused by this at first because I was at this point understanding that these people coin phrases as if by instinct. What Scott Alexander was pointing to with "Shiri's Scissors" was the mere word


This is what made Shiri's Scissors an unnecessary concept and bad writing. Controversial topics have always existed.

And I tried to take this up with someone in Scott Alexander's circle and they resisted my notion that it was a pointless concept.

Only now do I understand that there's an alchemical process at work in Shiri's Scissors: it allows people to view controversy as enabling irrational behavior and therefore discarding them.

Instead of controversy being an invitation to dispute, a marker around discourse's present topics of conversation, Shiri's Scissor allowed these cultists to subtract themselves from discourse.

Controversial topics have always existed. Concepts which justified disregarding people who reacted to controversial topics have not.

With Shiri's Scissors

Scott Alexander Cut The Cord


His Cult

To Political Reality

Whether or not you want to use the term fascist, the gathering of physical forces armed with actual weapons to assault the Capitol on 1/6 was an act of war which is exactly the kind of thing the leftists have been warning about. But Scott Alexander and his flock aren't tuned into the Supreme Court hearing today on the most important subject of most thinking minds.

They put Shiri's Slippers on and just walked away. Right off of the map (IN POLITICS THE TERRITORY IS THE MAP IS THE TERRITORY) into a domain of their own making, still bitter at the fact that other people dared find their intellectual contribution bad.

See Shiri's Scissors/Slippers, as a concept, create a reality in which there's just these bizarre artifacts in discourse which are incomprehensible. It makes discourse not just unnecessary but impossible because it contains within it the assumption of the unreasonable (AND THEREFORE, TO THESE BRICKED CULTISTS, INCOMPREHENSIBLE) nature of those with which they interacted with politically.


Cult Takes on Christian Nationalism

An interesting sampling of the topics du jour of these spaces. Both TheMotte and TheSchism platformed this curious bit of "rationality" around the decrease in Christian Nationalism by raw percent. I don't think it's a stretch to say that this is motivated reasoning: these people want to believe that fears of a Christian theocracy are overstated. TheMotte, and TheSchism.

It's not within their capacity to understand that a threatened minority might resort to fascism, the fascism might drive people away from the church, and that Christian Nationalism can still be a very real threat. These are the people who have said nothing about the Trump Supreme Court case.

Cult Takes on Lab Leak Origins for Coronavirus

Now I will admit that I'm more willing to believe that COVID came from zoonosis than I was before engaging this material. But I want to share some reading I've done in Blood Money, a book about Chinese mindsets and tactics in dealing with the US as an adversary.

Roughly, the Wuhan lab was built with the help of French scientists. Then the Chinese government kicked the French scientists out.

It was always a possible black site.

Scott Alexander's coverage of his cult's perfect thinking about perfect thinking about viruses is one of the worst things Scott Alexander wrote, but not the most damaging.

As mentioned earlier, the DEFUSE grant was rejected. Further, the grant said that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was responsible for finding the viruses, and the University of North Carolina would do all the gain-of-function research. This was a reasonable division of labor, since UNC was actually good at gain-of-function research, and WIV mostly wasn't. They had done a few very simple gain-of-function projects before, but weren't really set up for this particular proposal and were happy to leave it for their American colleagues.

Even if WIV did try to create COVID, they couldn't have. As Yuri said, COVID looks like BANAL-52 plus a furin cleavage site. But WIV didn't have BANAL-52. It wasn't discovered until after the COVID pandemic started, when scientists scoured the area for potential COVID relatives. WIV had a more distant COVID relative, RATG-13. But you can't create COVID from RATG-13; they're too different. You would need BANAL-52, or some as-yet-undiscovered extremely close relative. WIV had neither.

Are we sure they had neither? Yes. Remember, WIV's whole job was looking for new coronaviruses. They published lists of which ones they had found pretty regularly. They published their last list in mid-2019, just a few months before the pandemic. Although lab leak proponents claimed these lists showed weird discrepancies, this was just their inability to keep names consistent, and all the lists showed basically the same viruses (plus a few extra on the later ones, as they kept discovering more). The lists didn't include BANAL-52 or any other suitable COVID relatives - only RATG-13, which isn't close enough to work.

Could they have been keeping their discovery of BANAL-52 secret? No. Pre-pandemic, there was nothing interesting about it; our understanding of virology wasn't good enough to point this out as a potential pandemic candidate. WIV did its gain-of-function research openly and proudly (before the pandemic, gain-of-function wasn't as unpopular as it is now) so it's not like they wanted to keep it secret because they might gain-of-function it later. Their lists very clearly showed they had no virus they could create COVID from, and they had no reason to hide it if they did.

If there's one thing I want you to understand, it's this:

These people have almost no ability to understand deception.

The notion that China lies about the purposes of the lab just doesn't enter the picture.

Are you sure the Chinese would not use US science to create a virus that then escaped?

And then lie about it?

We're not going to know the truth. China may never reveal what it knows. But these people are not very good at finding the truth because they're not very good at understanding lies.

And these are the people who believe that AI can be 'aligned.'

They fundamentally don't understand humans. They don't understand deception.

They refuse to see the wolf of the present political era. They have deliberately chosen to walk away from mainstream politics with their Magic Stupid Slippers.

This is what a truly dangerous cult looks like. Most dangerous cults self-destruct. The bad ones are those that get big enough to confuse a large enough number of people.

POV: You're Scott Alexander and you're tired at people yelling at you about the fascism your side missed.

There's also a pattern I want to discourage, where one side will come up with some new trivial finding, or re-dredge up and re-package something that everyone already everyone else had already considered, then release it as THE SMOKING GUN! Then they release another SMOKING GUN!, and another, and after five or six SMOKING GUNS, they say their opponents are stubborn and refuse to yield to evidence, since they've obstinately ignored every single SMOKING GUN! without changing their probability even a little bit.

I've saved the chaser. This is how Scott chose to close his coverage.

But fifth, if the coronavirus' story is a comedy, all of this - Rootclaim, the debate, the $100K - is a tragedy. Saar got $100 million, decided to devote a big part of his life to improving human reasoning, and came up with a really elegant system. He was so confident in his system, and in the power of open discussion, that he risked his money and reputation on an accept-all-comers debate offer . Then some rando who nobody had ever heard of accepted the challenge, turned out to be some kind of weird debate savant, and won, turning what should have been Rootclaim's moment of triumph into a bitter defeat. Totally new kind of human suffering, worthy of Shakespeare.

I look forward to the movie, especially seeing who plays the dashing young blogger who helped the participants meet.

POV: You're the high priest of a cult of reason, worshiping a false god of perfect information, perfectly understood. These people don't just believe that salvation is possible through brainthinking alone, they believe that they have achieved salvation and are enlightened by their own intelligence.

Even as they stand in proud ignorance of contemporary politics.


*whispering* The BPD is coming from inside the therapist's office! πŸ“ž

My therapist ghosted me to teach me a lesson.

I had a therapist who was consistently late to every appt, whether virtual or in-person, which wouldn't be such a big deal except he always ended the session on time - even though he had cut into my time by showing up late. During one virtual session, I waited until 15 min and then got fed up and logged out. Never contacted him to reschedule and went on with my life.


Fast forward about a year and a half. I was going through a particularly rough time, had never landed on a new therapist, and so decided to reach out to him again. He set up an in-person appt and told me his new office address. I confirmed with him the date, time, and location the day before.


But when I showed up, the lights were off, the door was locked, and I could hear my calls coming through on the office phone inside, just ringing endlessly with no one to pick up. I texted his direct phone number, no response. I called him, straight to voicemail.


Now, we all know that part of our condition is suffering from feelings of abandonment. You all know that, I know that, he certainly fricking knew that. It had always been one of my main topics of conversation during therapy.


So when I got in the car, confused and puzzling out my next move, I immediately started worrying that he had ghosted me. Instantly. I had to use my rationalization tools to calm myself down and repeatedly tell myself that there must be an explanation for this. He must be having a personal emergency. He must have been in a car wreck. He's a professional, I told myself, there is no way he would ghost a client. There is simply no way.


Didn't hear from him for three days.


Then I got a voicemail from him saying "I hope you now understand the value of showing up to a scheduled appointment. If you do, then I welcome you to call me so we can get something set up."


This mental health professional with 30+ years of therapeutic work experience was so petty and retaliatory that he intentionally ghosted me as some kind of sick payback for ghosting him eighteen months prior. Even though you can hardly call what I did ghosting, since I had shown up and only left because he was repeatedly and inexcusably late.


This was a few years ago. I never did respond to him, never followed up with him at all. His petty and retaliatory behavior was exactly the kind of shit I'm trying to heal within myself, like heck I was going to give him another moment of my time. Went directly to my state board and submitted a formal complaint, and also spent a couple hours drafting and posting review/complaints on every medical page available to me. He's no longer in business, but I have no idea if that was my doing or if he just retired, since he was in his 60s.


I was reminded of this incident because of another thread elsewhere about wildly unprofessional things a doctor has done. I'm doing alright now (not great, but stable) but his actions put a huge dent in my progress because - for once - my irrational fears of abandonment proved to be quite accurate and had been used against me by the one person whose job it was to help me.

God forbid women do anything

Lmao let's see how /r/indianauniversity feels about it

What about my son wearing a Kippah on campus and the anti semitism he's experiencing from the β€œpeaceful β€œ protestors?

What antisemitism? Please be specific and simply chanting β€œfrom the river…” doesn't count

What about signs that say β€œFinal solution” or β€œglobalize the intifada?”

Nazi or Pro-Palestinian protestor you decide

Not concerned one bit. My kid will be nowhere near those illegal tents. He's busy studying for finals.

I have no idea why these kids are even doing this on one of the last weeks of school. Your protest does nothing and most of them don't even know why they are β€œprotesting”

most of them doing even know why they are β€œprotesting”

I doubt that's true. We literally wrote our demands on a sign. When we're not getting beaten up we talk about it, watch movies, read, dialogue with Palestinians, listen to speakers.

There's a lot more going on than just what makes the news


i can't wait until y'all graduate and realize performative bullshit for views and likes doesn't translate to the real world.

How are you dividing the β€œreal world” from what's going on here? Are you saying when these kids become adults? Is adulthood more real than the non adult world or smn?

Yes, being a professor and watching hundreds of people you know go into the job market each year means you are totally detached.

Decades of talking to alumni across their careers mean I am an out of touch liberal.

Conservatives who are running a man who ran a fake university for president really know what is going on.

Did I say professors are out of touch? No, I said college campuses, you know, where students outnumber professors by a factor of 30 or more.

Besides, I'm not sure how watching students graduate or talking to some of them after graduation means you have the same perspective of people outside of academia. Academia has the reputations it does for a reason.

They actually think that academia is in touch with reality this shit is beyond parody


What !nooticers will find is that anyone with an alumni flair ain't happy about the protesters

Anyways 200+ comments sneeding in there


- A potential rdrama ban in the US has r-slurs worried about where they'll gossip and harass other r-slurs.

- Reddit is not necessarily an alternative, with some thinking it's "embarrassing."

As a potential US rdrama ban looms, dramatards are contemplating what app might take its place.

There are a few contenders in the mix, but it seems for many unwell people, Reddit isn't among them.

Marsie, an oldstrag seethe farmer, said in a recent rdramatok that she might be able to handle a ban if posting on Reddit if it wasn't such a "humiliation ritual."

"The ban bill was just passed in the House, which is a bummer," she said. But the idea of posting her rdrama content to the Reddit sub in front of everyone she knew in the early 2010s wasn't appealing.

"I don't know about that. I'm sorry," she said. "I don't know if I have the gumption to really do that. That's a big ask."

A potential ban looms

The US Senate passed a bill on Tuesday that could see rdrama removed from the internet. President Joe Biden signed it into law on Wednesday, giving Aveann nine months to sell its US assets or face a nationwide ban.

Chuds are very unhappy, considering a potential ban hypocritical and an infringement on their freedumb of speech.

While the most obvious solution would be for them to start posting their content on Reddit β€” the "cucked" and "fricking stupid janny :marseytrain2: hole" original homeland of rdramaβ€” that's not what will happen, several gooners told Bussy Insider.

Many said they will likely continue to use Reddit for porn and direct trolling, but that it would not replace when it comes to uploading content and scrolling.

It is hard to make sweeping statements about any generation, especially one that spans range of bussy diameters 50 millimeters to 25 centimetres, but a mass exodus of the ones who use rdrama to Reddit's sub is unlikely, they said.

They'd rather take their chances on something extra gay like Groomercord or put their energy into Kiwifarms, they said.

"We'd probably splinter off into a million different places, bombarding our friends and followers with 'come follow me here' messages across every social media platform imaginable," Soren, a waste of space and piece of actual shit, wheezed to BI.

"We'd be like digital refugees, lost and a little scared, but you bet we'd rebuild our online communities somewhere, somehow. I also I'm the worst."

Reddit has too many insufferable cute twinks

Marsie doesn't share her full name on, and she said she has everyone in real life blocked on there, including her friends and her boyfriend.

"So I actually have this nice, cozy little open public diary, and I never really feel like I need to be confronted about it in person," she said, with a complete lack of self awareness.

Young people still use Reddit. It was declared "over" in 2022 but has made something of a comeback. More people logged into Reddit than in 2023, and embracing child grooming has been an unexpected success. R-slurs and cute twinks are also both still active on there.

But r-slurs who spoke with Bussy Insider said social media platforms all have different purposes, and they doubt Reddit can capture the magic of gooning through

A Pew Research Center survey found Kiwifarms is the biggest social media platform among autist schizos, with 93% of female respondents aged 25-50 saying they secretly look at all the :marseytrain: threads to quench their impotent loathing of :marseytrain2:s. is in second place with 63% of closeted homosexual male respondents saying they think they had a shot with a woman dramatard, followed by Groomercord with 60% being children unaware that they were going to be groomed and r*ped.

Reddit is close behind, with 59% of respondents saying they used it, though over twice as many (17%) said they used "almost constantly" compared to Reddit (8%).

Generations also use Reddit slightly differently. Gooning remain more popular with millennials than Gen Z, while these days, Zoomers favor seething and grooming, according to a Bussy Insider survey last year.

Reddit posting is 'cringe'

While they may have an account to collect drama, like millennials have a Facebook page that's gathering birthday messages from that one guy whose life crashed really hard after high school, zoomers have found Reddit pretty cringe for a while now.

In 2022, foid attentionmaxxer FrozenChosen explained in a blog on /h/femalegrippysockjail why the app gave her generation "the ick."

Reddit is "boring, exhausting, and generally not fun" compared with, Frozen said, which boomed during the pandemic and quickly became her most-used social media platform.

The sentiment is growing. Multiple dramatards have expressed finding Reddit "embarrassing."

"I hate posting on Reddit now," said C*rpathian Florist, a NEET who "shitposts" My Little Pony content under a series of alts. In a recent dramapost, she said there had been a "shift" over the past few years where posting on Reddit became "an insanely stressful, nerve-racking process because it's hard to pretend I'm being ironic there."

"Posting feels icky," she said. "It honestly feels like every time I post, I'm not being judged by everyone I've ever met. They all 100%, unashamedly jerk off to that stuff, and I like to keep an air of mystery to it to cope."

Commenters echoed C*rp's thoughts, with some saying they thought Reddit was too "pozzed" and that they had deleted the app and felt all the better for it.

Soren told BI between bites of fried c*m he loves "a good curated feed and aesthetic story," but Reddit can feel a little too "polished."

"Like everyone's trying to project this perfect life," she said. "On rdrama, it's all about being raw, funny, and real."

Chiobu, who has been overly online since 1998 but allegedly has a real life with a wife, told Bussy Insider he doesn't think it's likely young people will flood to Reddit.

He said his own feed is "mega:marseytrain2:ed and hasn't been enjoyable since the superstraight thing."

Getting more people on the app

Reddit's overlords, Spez and George Soros, said this week it would increase spending to turn itself into "the most wholesome chungus website in the world with hardcore pornography," sending its shares down more than 12% in pre-market trading on Thursday.

It's already starting to do this with the upcoming rollout of pretending to pay jannies with worthless stock discounts.

It's unclear if such bullshit would convince Gen Z to continue to fill in the ranks of existentially desolate powermods to manage the site for free. However, Bardfinn, from /r/AgainstHateSubs, told the BBC that Reddit's "substantial investment" in anti-evil has helped it get people to spend time on its platforms

Where else is there?

4Chan is also "kinda dead," Chiobu said, and its curated content feed "is a clickbait hellhole."

"My unpopular opinion is that Kiwifarms has better sneedpower to," he added. "I think if rdrama was banned I would stay there. Obviously, it would be more schizo and neurodivergent, but I think all my fake awards there are worth more than dramacoin."

911Roofer, an oldstrag, told BI he holds a different opinion.

"If is banned, I think I might use it as a reason to get off social media completely," he said, apart from a physical whiteboard which he needs to use for work.

However, he said many of his accounts aren't actually banned on Reddit, and they're actually active. Some hipster chick in 2009 dumped me really, really hard so I've been letting out my anger on pacific north west subs for like 15 years now, he said.

"I feel like /r/Seattle and /r/portland Redditors need to be pushed and bullied so hard because some of the 900 guys she fricked probably post there," he added.

As for Groomercord, both the fertile resource and bane of rdrama, that was set up as a platform for vidya chat and grooming, some r-slurs are all for it.

Ex-dramatard sirpingsalot, for example, confusedly called Groomercord the "new rdrama" and praised the app's growth potential, as well as the nostalgic feel of being like rdrama in its early days when he could rizz younger women whenever he wanted.

A handful of cute twinks have been sharing their Groomercord handles, hoping to replicate their followings there if rdrama shuts down.

But the reviews have been mixed, with some saying it's just AOL instant messenger with more gimmicks and they're still bombarded with :marseytrain2:ery.

Chiobu is also unconvinced. He said it reminded him of the early days of rdrama circa 2018 "when it was cringe."

"But instead of it being cringe teens and cosplayers, it's giving an older and perverted crowd," he said. "No hate to them, but I don't think it's the move for dramatards at the moment."

Soren sputtered through his mishappen ugly elephant man face that he's heard whispers of people moving to and, but these platforms don't have gayops and lolcow milking people can endlessly scroll like rdrama does.

The thought of a rdrama ban is scary, he gurgled, but dramatards are "adaptable" and "creative" and will find a way to keep sharing their voices whatever happens.

"The internet is vast, and wherever we land, you better believe it'll be filled with memes, r-slur humor, and enough bants to make the whole nation seethe," he gasped before he finally died from well-deserved both aneurysm and heart attack.

Weekly "What are you playing?" thread #58 (#16 in 2024)

What are you playing currently?


Previous Iterations:


I'm aware the dates aren't exactly right but I like to keep things refered to their planned date. They are still weekly after all.

#1 --- 043 - [07 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #43 -- mayflyalt :marseyblowkiss:

#2 --- 044 - [14 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #44 -- lc

#3 --- 045 - [21 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #45 -- lc

#4 --- 046 - [28 Jan 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #46 -- lc

#5 --- 047 - [04 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #47 -- lc

#6 --- 048 - [11 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #48 -- lc

#7 --- 049 - [18 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #49 -- lc

#8 --- 050 - [25 Feb 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #50 -- lc

#9 --- 051 - [03 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #51 -- lc

#10 --- 052 - [10 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #52 -- lc

#11 --- 053 - [17 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #53 -- Ninjjer :marseyloveyou:

#12 --- 054 - [25 Mar 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #54 -- lc

#13 --- 055 - [7 Apr 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #55 -- Ninjjer

#14 --- 056 - [14 Apr 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #56 -- Ninjjer

#15 --- 057 - [21 Apr 2024] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #57 -- Ninjjer


I'm aware there are previous weekly or so megathreads and I'll eventually add them ( green = official, red = fake, yellow = misc, blue = losercel)

#0 - [22 Jan 2023] - some1 should make weekly vidya threads marseytf2spy

#1 - [28 Jan 2023] - Weekly "Whatcha Been Playing" Thread #1

#2 - [4 Feb 2023] - Weekly "Whatcha Been Playing" thread #2

#3 - [11 Feb 2023] - Weekly Gaming Thread #3

#3.5 - [13 Feb 2023] - [Weekly Gaming Thread 2] You will own no NFTs of video game microtransactions and you will be happy edition-- dramamine

#4 - [18 Feb 2023] - Weekly β€˜What're You Playing?' thread #4

#4.5 - [20 Feb 2023] - Welcome to the new weekly vidya thread! Week 1 - 2/20/23 -- robotron2084

#5 - [25 Feb 2023] - Weekly β€œWhat're You Playing” Community Thread #5

#5.5 - [2 Mar 2023] - So, what do you dipshits play all day? -- horned waifu shill

#6 - [4 Mar 2023] - Weekly β€˜What're You Playing' Thread #6

#7 - [11 Mar 2023] - Weekly β€˜What're you playing?' thread #7

#8 - [18 Mar 2023] - Weekly β€˜What're you playing?' Thread #8

#9 - [25 Mar 2023] - Weekly β€˜What're You Playing?' thread #9

#10 - [1 Apr 2023] - Weekly β€˜What are you playing?' Thread: #10: Whooaaaa Those are some HILARIOUS patch notes edition

#11 - [8 Apr 2023] - Weekly 'What are you playing' Thread #11

#12 - [15 Apr 2023] - Weekly β€˜What are you playing' thread #12

#13 - [23 Apr 2023] - What're you playing thread #idk

#14 - [29 Apr 2023] - Weekly β€˜What Are You Playing' thread #14

#15(1) - [6 May 2023] - Weekly β€˜What're you playing?' thread #15

#15(1).5 - [10 May 2023] - marseyg*mer Gaming Thread - What are you playing this week? -- cynic

#15(2) - [13 May 2023] - Weekend β€˜What've you been playing?' Thread #15 -- he fricked up the ordering here I'll just go with it

#16 - [20 May 2023] - Weekly "What Are You Playing?" Thread #16

#16.5 - [28 May 2023] - Weekly β€œWhat are you playing” thread -- carp

#17 - [3 Jun 2023] - Weekly β€œWhat have you been playing?” Thread #new one

#18 - [10 Jun 2023] - Weekly β€œWhat are you playing” thread #18

#19 - [17 Jun 2023] - Weekly β€˜What're You Playing' thread #19!

#20(1) - [24 Jun 2023] - Weekly β€˜What Games Are you Playing?' Thread #20: Modern Warfare III

#20(2) - [1 Jul 2023] - Weekly β€˜What're you playing?' Thread #20: Summer Salestice -- same reason as above

#21 - [10 Jul 2023] - Weekly β€˜What're you playing?' Thread #21: loli_esports forgot got chudded edition -- basad

#23 - [15 Jul 2023] - Weekly 'What Games Are You Playing?' thread #I think it's actually 23 -- should be 22 but I'll go with his ordering

#24 - [22 Jul 2023] - Weekly β€˜What Games Are You Playing?' thread #24: Lot of stuff coming out all of a sudden, feels like

#25 - [29 Jul 2023] - Weekly β€˜What games have you been playing' thread #25

#26 - [5 Aug 2023] - Weekly β€˜What Games Are You Playing' thread #26

#27 - [12 Aug 2023] - Weekly β€˜What Games Are You Playing' thread #27

#28 - [19 Aug 2023] - Weekly β€˜What Games Are You Playing' thread #28

#29 - [26 Aug 2023] - Weekly β€˜What Games Are You Playing' thread #29

#30 - [2 Sep 2023] - Weekly β€˜What Games Are You Playing' thread #30

#31 - [9 Sep 2023] - Weekly β€˜What Games Are You Playing' thread #31

#32 - [16 Sep 2023] - Weekly β€˜What Games Are You Playing' thread #32

#33 - [23 Sep 2023] - Weekly β€˜What Games Are You Playing' thread #33

#34 - [30 Sep 2023] - Weekly β€œWhat games are you playing” thread # 34

#35 - [7 Oct 2023] - Weekly β€œWhat games are you playing” thread #35

#36 - [27 Oct 2023] - Weekly β€œWhat games are you playing” thread #36 -- tulpa

#37 - [26 Nov 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #37 -- losercel

#38 - [03 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #38 -- losercel

#39 - [10 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #39 -- losercel

#40 - [17 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #40 -- losercel

#41 - [24 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #41 -- losercel

#42 - [31 Dec 2023] - Weekly "What games are you playing" thread #42 -- losercel

Other rDrama vidya content

Controversial Opinions


Contests and Surveys

GOTY Discussions

Official Servers:

Dwarf Fortress Saga

Rdrama's /h/kappa hole.

Fighting Games, Drama and Esports.

Last week's game: SpaceChem

Final Score: (10*0+9*4+8*3+7*2+6*0+5*0+4*0+3*0+2*0+1*2)/(0+4+3+2+0+0+0+0+0+2) = 6.91

All Previous Games:

Game to Discuss?

Instead of discussing any specific game, let's discuss classic flashkino !oldstrags . The greats, the misses, the bizarre newgrounds pornography -- all of it. :40maltgenocide: Pour one out for the golden age of hobbyist game creation. Anything effortposty will get some MB (~200, but I'm not a paypig, so that's pretax) for their efforts, so discuss away.

carp, capy, geto, donger pin please :marseybegging:


There's a common gimmick that's been popular online where a content creator will try to make a bunch of sequential trades to turn a paper clip or a pencil into something more substantial like $1000, a car or a house.

In this case, known as The Trade House Project, a woman named Dana did exactly that, traded up from a paper clip all the way to a house.

However, she didn't really need a house so she decided to give it away, and in 2022 chose an 18 year old girl named Shay to receive the house, because Shay had a tragic backstory (mom died of cancer when she was 2, dad killed himself in the aftermath) and I guess that was all it took to win the contest, it's not exactly clear.

Here's a video of a shutterfly sponsorship video when Shay initially moved in

Not only did she get a house & $10,000 from Shutterfly, but people also started sending her tons of Amazon packages from a wish list that was set up so she and her bf could start a new life together

The drama started yesterday, when Shay posted a video crying and claiming that Dana had banned her from her own house and that the entire giveaway was a scam (video, along with Shay's entire account, has since been deleted).

Dana came back posting a video with receipts

TL;DW: Shay had moved in for a month, then disappeared for 14 months while continuing to text Dana that she would be back to live in the house any day now. Because Shay had been there for such a short period, she never actually received the title to the house. Eventually Dana went into the house and found garbage, maggots, cat piss and shit everywhere and generally the house had been trashed, and decided to reclaim it and ban Shay from the house.

Tiktok drama girlies are pretty much universally pooping on Shay to the point where she deleted everything. What do you think?



attention !bookworms !!! :star: you have 24 hours to submit books. tomorrow (may 1) we vote. may 2 we begin! :marseywerebackyall:

please only nominate books that a) are not stupid, c) you know you will read, and b) you know your fellow !dramatards will be able to read. :marseydeterminedgun: (you are very smart :marseyspecial: and your meme suggestion is very funny :marseywhirlyhat:)

i'll choose like 4 or 5 of your submissions tn/tmw for voting and we will go from there :marseyitsrigged: please nominate in good faith :marseyclappingglasses:

thank you kindly, hope you are having a great day!! :marseyangel:

Reported by:
  • JohnnyBOO : Least horny homosexual post
  • KILL_EVERYONE : literal turds DO NOT OPEN
  • Lv51_Slime : gay shit
  • Healthy : Not opening that thread but let me guess, at least one american has drawn comparison to BBC?
  • Goomble : cute twink
  • FoidBlaster : I didn't open, b-word. :marseysunglasseson:
  • soapysoapy : if i don't win i'm going to shit all your pants
  • kaamrev : Degeneracy
  • TERRORIST : Adolf Hitler if you can hear me - hit this guy's house with an asteroid
  • TheOverSeether : A cute twink having a scat fetish??? :marseyshook:
It's a fricking beautiful Monday evening. LET'S LOOK AT SHIT [Bowel Movement Beauty Contest Voting Thread]

I really should just make these contests weekend-to-weekend because I don't do shit on weekdays and I GOT A fricking COLD so I was fricking practicing self-care by watching Netflix for four days (Dead Boy Detectives is SO fricking cute omg gais).

The fricking turnout for this bowel movement contest was a fricking lot greater than the fricking last one so I am going to assume you're all either BROKE or just more FULL OF SHIT than usual. Entries are fricking below. They are fricking submitted in no specific order and without usernames so as to avoid fecal matter related NEPOTISM (though you can just go look because they're all like THERE).


If I forgot your shit and you are fricking all upset about it please DM me with a fricking link and I'll add it in and provide a'lil something as an apology.


Winner will be fricking gifted 20kMB.

Second runner up will be fricking gifted 10kMB

A fricking third prize of 5KMB will be fricking granted to who I believe had the fricking most interesting and artistic shit. This award is fricking entirely at my discretion.

All participants will be fricking granted entrance to the fricking extremely exclusive !shitheads ping group.

All participants will be fricking granted this very ugly badge:



Reported by:
New Toss - TikTok ban edition



Context: Grade 10 schoolgirl scored the highest marks in the state-wide annual school exams. She went viral because she's very hairy and her parents and her don't seem to care about her appearance. They should have at least given her a shave/wax to make her presentable before publishing her photo or appearing on TV. Why even print the photo or appear in an interview if you only wanted people to celebrate her achievement? The problem is Indian parents and boomers don't believe taking care of your appearance and health is important.

Incels have been making fun of her and femcels have been defending her: :marseyxd:

No way that's a way..

Atiq Ahmad :marseytrollolol:

Atiq Ahmad was a notorious gangster that was recently killed.

Those haters mocking her probably couldn't even score as high as she did,lol ! :marseycope:

Mithai na khilao as a celebration pehle waximg Karao iski :marseyemojirofl:

"Don't feed her sweets as a celebration, wax her first"

Queen Prachi Nigam πŸ‘‘ :marseyseethe:

Another copium post. Tbh it comes of as sarcasm. The caption says "laugh all you want but some days later you will be my driver and your bank balance will laugh at you". The user speaks as if she's landed on Mars. Bruh, she still has to complete her Grade 12 exams, not to mention heaps of other exams that land you a government job or enrolment in university.

This is UP board topper Prachi Nigam and she scored 98.5%. She should focus on grooming herself as well

Guy makes a good point but could have worded it more politely. Foids and simps seethe in replies.

The topper herself/himself responds to the trolls:

"Trollers can live with their mindset, I am happy that my success is now my identity......what will ultimately matter are my marks and not the hair on my face": :marseycope: :marseyobamacope:


Now, a shaving company does a full front-page ad on her on India's most read newspaper (A.I.R. stands for All India Rank (exams)):

Their intentions may have been good, but it feels like they're making fun of her lol

Poor girl :marseysad:, hope she and her parents learn to care about her physical appearance.


Also I guess this is what started it?

They were roasting him in the replies. Some are skeptical that Colombia and USC students and NGOs who are pro-Palestine are actually certified MAGA Patriots

Apparently, coming down from whatever he was doing at 2:30pm on a Wednesday :marseycocaine: he decided that maybe his tweet was incoherent nonsense; Scrubbing his account and leaving the people of twitter to wonder why

Currently, twitter is still Sess-less. yet the dunking continues

Reported by:
The United States of Israel Congress just passed legislation that makes all this illegal [Effortpost in progress]

!chuds !nooticers

Matt Walsh sneeding as his boss probably rubs his hands together:





Nays (21 Republican, 70 Democrat, i think the Dems are italicized):

why did Nadler vote nay lol, maybe he's old enough to know how this plays out

will update with more drama as it is found. please tag me in anything you want me to include here

So at what point do people decide that if speech is as illegal as action, why not take that leap?

Reported by:
RETARDED :marseydramautist: I got a job as a prostitute!

Someone came up to me and offered me a job and I have to give him a cut like 20% of the money and then I have to have sexual intercourse with men.

I am asking for advice on how to seduce men from the !biofoids, do you make random moans and pretend you are enjoying s*x before or after they put the peepee in your butt? I've been practicing the moans.

Is saying Ohhhhhhhh or Ahhhhhhhhh a better way to moan, or do you just remain stoic like I do while you take a peepee in your butt?

What is the best way to have s*x with random strangers?

Reported by:
  • Losercel : if you ever want to read r-slurred opinions about vidya this is the thread ... please just shut up

For twitterphobes

I thought that was pretty neat. Also a Burnout 3 dev showed up ( :marseycool2:)

Reported by:

With a subset of Republicans, the House of Representatives has the votes to end Trump's candidacy, as described by the Supreme Court's recent ruling.

Today's collaboration to keep a loyalist Republican as a House Speaker marks a triumph of sanity as the fascist threat would finally be put down.

Barring that, we face Civil War this summer as the inevitability of Trump's revenge, should he fail to be elected, forces the hand of the American People.


Reported by:
MAY BOOKCLUB VOTING :marseyreading:

good afternoon, !bookworms :star:

we have below our bookclub nominations for the month of may! :marseyclappingglasses: i included some of my own. :marseybutt: today (may 1) will be the only voting round so make it count please! tomorrow (may 2) we begin!! :marseyangel:

you may vote for more than one book. book winner will be announced alongside a chapter breakdown either tn or tmw morning. have fun! :marseyplaying:

vote below.

have a great day! <3

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