:redlight: !nicotine IN IN IN :redlight:


Reported by:
  • whyareyou : it's bad to have your donors give your family money actually :marseyshitforbrains:
Loser pays his own wife to campaign for him
Reported by:
  • whyareyou : it's not forbidden we're just better than this
Too good for h/art too! :soyjaktantrum: :marseyhmmhips: Forbidden sidebar art

I'm very proud of it but I was told no so I'm sharing it here instead

This is 100% my original work, using stable diffusion and photoshop


@Count_Sprpr aka Count C is hypocrite and he loved the personalized marsey I made of him with AI + photoshop



Someone ping chuds

Several students were attending an informal gathering of the swim team at an on-campus residence on September 6 when one of them used a box cutter to scratch the n-word on another student's chest, according to statements made by the college and the family who says their son was the victim.

"The reprehensible act was committed by a fellow student-athlete, someone he considered his friend, someone whom he trusted," the family said in an anonymous statement published last week by the college's student newspaper, The Gettysburgian.

>Assault with a deadly weapon

>BIPOC word


"Campus Safety advised that the victim was 'encouraged' (by the college) to contact law enforcement, the victim had chosen not to and to let the college disciplinary process handle this matter," Glenny Jr. said.

>Doesn't want the 5-0 to get involved

Now on to the comments!

Moving up from scratched to etched. With a box cutter. Why does MSM have to kittyfoot around EVERYTHING when it comes to white aggressors?

Because even they realize this smells like horse shit

Why is the media going through such lengths to protect the racist who committed a hate crime that could permanently affect the victim??

See above

There's a lot being left out of this article. The rest of the story is pretty horrendous and according to the other sources the victim is being shunned by other students and was kicked off the team immediately after it happened and before they even began investigating the perpetrator.

On this was 100% some ethnic special looking for attention

The "victim" proudly went around showing off the word to other students. It was his idea and when other swim students reported him for showing it around, he began claiming he was attacked.

What in the frick are you talking about? Who is your source for this?

Me being on campus and knowing the folks involved, and seeing the guy showing it off

this is cirno

mom accused me of being bdd hsts and told me to wear a bra today :marseybeanpensive:


Full story here:

Kind of interesting but basically just amounts to an elaborate social engineering scam to gain access to a whale's Gemini account

This is the mastermind Malone Iam

He was in part caught because he was flaunting an incredibly lavish lifestyle with homes in LA and Miami, throwing hundreds of thousands of $$$ around out clubbing and giving luxury gifts to foids. This part is the worst:

:marsey#itsover: :marseyitnev#erbegan: :chu#ditsover: :marseyit#saover: :marseyitneverb#egan: :mars#eygameritsover:

!truecels !incels !fincels

ALARM :marseyindependentthought: ALARM: NEW TRUMP :marseyredcheck: ASSASINATION ATTEMP JUST DROPPED!
Reported by:
  • BWC : Rangiku is BVILT for the darkest vantablack BIPOCcoal Sub-Saharan African BIPOC BBC

Seriously, they had some of the best action scenes, well developed characters, gripping storylines. Nothing nowadays goes anywhere or really grabs you like the Big Three :marseyshrug:

!anime !kino discuss :marseyreportercnn:

r/neoliberal :marseysoylentgrin: officially rebrands to r/Peronism :marseymileigenocide:


@nuclearshill, ping the macacos plz.

Reported by:
TW: PWNY Horse fact of the day #7

Horse fact:

Some horses are smaller than tires



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

You're free to leave the United States. Staying implies consent. (-5)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Listen here, bud! If you don't like giving half of your income to Israel, then you can get out of America any time. (20)

Listen here, bud! If you don't like giving up your daughter for s*x work, then you can get out of my street any time. (-6)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

If you want to earn your money in American dollars, then you are consenting to taxation.You can choose to leave and earn money in another country's currency, in which case you will consent to pay them taxes.Or you can choose to not earn any money, in which case you are opting out of taxation.Or you can choose to live your life through a barter system, only engaging in exchange through Craig's List swap ads, in which case you are also opting out of taxation. Taxes are simply the cost of using a stable form of currency for exchange. (-7)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Question. If Peasants were allowed to live and were provided shelter during the Middle Ages in exchange for labor. How much different is that from today when Homelessness is criminalized, and people are mostly only making enough to meet rent/bank payments and other bills that go with living as a human? Is Peasants refused work. They were kicked out of the shelter they had and were imprisoned or branded. The same thing happens today. The shape changed but the end result is the same. If you refuse work, you lose shelter. You then get "branded" with a bad credit score, and are sent to Prison "which is slavery". "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, ((except as a punishment for a crime)), where the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction"Things considered a crime......Sleeping or camping in public spacesEating in public spacesSitting in public spacesAsking for money or resources in public spacesLoiterin... (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Governments mandate comes from the electorate. Therefore consent has infact been given unless you dont agree with democracy (1)

I don't agree with democracy. Other people don't get to make decisions for me, and I don't get to make decisions for other people.Even if somehow people did have the authority to make decisions for me, the majority have certainly not given consent for the government to do what it has done. If for example you can vote for a politician who will kill a million people in a war, or a different politician who will only kill 100,000, and you vote for the guy who will kill 100,000, that does not mean you consent to what that politician is going to do. It just means you have chosen the lessor of two evils upon being forced into a bad situation (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Not to be a peepee but having s*x with a consenting drunk person can be r*pe, people willingly sold themselves into slavery, and price gouging in emergency situations is robbery. If you don't want to pay taxes don't perform activities or own property that are taxed. If you decide to do those things then you are consenting to being taxed. (0)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/RandJitsu

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🔘

Number of comments: 15

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:



Not an important post, it's just funny whenever I see middle easterns shoot towards the sky like that :marseygiggle:

Burgers why don't you have more cool vids like this one? :pepeduck2:

Reported by:

Wow what a surprise the chick who doesn't get the point of videogames is also a giga shitlib. @MarkRippetoe wonder if she's also going too frick a guy for a good review like a certain other game developer.

This is surely how all successful Jewish lives matter games earn money right

Because sweetie it's made by women who don't play videogames so it's Mongolian Barbie for horse girls not an actual videogame


!incels me pooping after a large :marseykilldozer: McDs order


Bro got the face of an emaciated 40 year old crack enthusiast

Imagine your parents doing this to you for money and clout



im out of the loop. why is israel attacking lesbians?



Marcellus Williams

explained well here

You can read the final court decision here.

Williams was a violent, habitual criminal who had broken into other homes and businesses in the area where the murder/robbery occurred, he pawned the victim's laptop a day after the savage murder, and the victim's belongings were found in the trunk of his car.

An initial witness (H.C.) eventually came forward to police about Williams.

H.C. knew things that only the killer could know. H.C. knew the knife was jammed into F.G.'s neck, that the knife was twisted, and that the knife was left in F.G.'s neck when the murderer left the scene, details which were not public knowledge.

His report led them to interview the second witness (L.A.), Williams' girlfriend at the time who also provided details not publicly known.

She led police to where Williams pawned the computer taken from the residence of the murder scene, and that the person there identified Williams as the person who pawned it. L.A. also led police to items stolen in the burglary in the car Williams was driving at the time of the murder.

The man who purchased the laptop confirmed Williams sold it to him; and Williams, himself, admitted to pawning the laptop a day after the murder.

I oppose the death penalty, but there's no evidence supporting his actual innocence is this case.

despite all of this, people are claiming "no DNA evidence" exists.

go ahead an search is name, he's a perfect example of how the innocence project is now trying to let out guilty people for some reason.


I was found :marseymimic: guilty. I can't say I'm surprised :marseyfoongus: with the verdict. The judge :marseyaisha: didn't watch :marseysal2: the video, and both of the prosecution witnesses lied, so now I have to go to the appeals court. It's infuriating to have to fight :marseyevilgrin: for everything, every step of the way.


!codecels he's one of us


Cinnamon, the capybara missing in Telford, has been caught, zoo officials say.

The giant rodent escaped from her enclosure at Hoo Zoo and Dinosaur World on Friday 13 September, into nearby woodland.

She was found safe and well on Friday afternoon in a pond within the zoo's woodland conservation area, and is now back in her enclosure at the zoo.

"We're absolutely delighted to have Cinnamon back at the zoo," said owner, Will Dorrell

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