
!g*mers !fightclub

!macacos o Sifudeu tá de graça


Sick of people using these awful arguments


Wait wtf, /h/cowtown is dead? Mooooo I don't have the coins to bring it back.


Men have officially been replaced

It took me two sentences to teach it.

I need anal s*x, but my BF doesn't want it anymore


So, this might be a little unconventional, but I recently asked my BF John (not his real name) to give me anal s*x to help me clear out my bowels. Every month around my period I start to get seriously constipated and I have been using butt plugs to help make passing the stool easier when it finally starts to move. I figured since I am already loosened up around that time, I might as well enjoy the situation while it lasts, and maybe it would actually help too. Well, it did help!

Anal s*x helped move everything along! The rhythmic motion of my BF's peepee inside my rectum helped loosen it up more and made me feeling like I needed to evacuate. Combined with the copious amount of lube that we used as well as the semen when he finished inside of me, anal s*x got me some relief from my constipation. I tried everything before that except for laxatives, which I did not want to use because of all of the icky chemicals. Fiber worked a lot slower than anal s*x too, but I still continue to use it. It helps. Just not as much as rubbing around inside my bowel for extended periods of time, which I don't think I could have really done as well with a finger or a dildo and it definitely wouldn't have been as fun!

Now, I'll have to admit that my BF did not want to have anal s*x at first, he said he hated that he had to put his peepee where I pooped from. John waits an hour to enter a bathroom after someone poops because he hates the smell. But he learned to like it especially because he knew it helped me, and I used scented lube anyways so it smelled pretty good. After the first few months of clearing myself out this way, it just became routine for us.

After he became a little more comfortable with it, he became a little more rough too. So, we were grinding pretty hard and both enjoying it quite a bit. He was pounding me really hard and fast, and then it happened... quick as a flash flood I could feel my stool moving through my canyon and heading for his rider cowboy. I know how much he hates the smell and I didn't know what to do when I felt it coming, and it wasn't like I had much time to react anyways. A very solid log started to push his peepee out of my butt as I involuntarily made grunting noises from the strain. Some of the poo was softer (probably because of the lube), and from what he told me later on, it formed a pretty thick layer on his peepee. As john was running to the bathroom to vomit, I was also trying to get to the bathroom to see if I could finish in the potty. Unfortunately, we only have one bathroom, so while he is using the potty, I had to use the bathtub to push out the rest of the poop. Oh my god! I was so ashamed of what I had done that I just stayed behind the shower curtain until John stopped puking and left the bathroom. The smell was pretty bad too, and I didn't have any potty paper to wipe myself so my butt was burning for a good 10 minutes. I heard the front door slam and when I got out the scene was pretty messy. There were bits of poop everywhere and the bed had more poop than the bathtub. I spent several hours cleaning the place by myself...

Contacting John afterwards took several days, and when I finally got a hold of him he told me that after his peepee was covered with my feces, he didn't think he could look me in the eye again and that he felt physically ill thinking about it. I asked him why he didn't help clean the place and he started cursing and saying that he was shaking from being covered in my "rancid waste". He is being dramatic and telling me that he can still smell it too...

Now John has given me an ultimatum and says that we can no longer have a relationship unless we stop having anal s*x permanently. That makes me sad because now I know he doesn't accept something about me that I learned to love, and I kind of need it too as I know my constipation will come back in a few weeks. I'm not sure what I should do at this point. Should I dump him and find someone who will be willing to have anal s*x with me even if it means they might get a little bit dirty?

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The lizard is deathly afraid of a blueberry, covers in black spots in defence.

This is how the lizard reacts to normal wiggly food offered to it:

This is how she snipes crickets from above (bonus lounging cat):

This is how she reacts to an innocent blueberry. Note how she hyperventilates and gets covered by black dots in defense:

@Aevann this is the best post ever in this hole.




:marseypetergriffin: "hey lois, this reminds me of that one time I fell asleep while jacking off in middle school and ended up butt-texting /h/pokeporn to half of my classmates and also my parents!" :marseylois: "the worst part is that you did it again literally the next night with /r/traphentai!" :marseypetergriffin: "hehehehe that's why they sent me to gay conversion camp and I've been really weird with my sexuality ever since, I'm not even an incel I'm just a gay furry whose buried too deep in the closet and is desperately trying to repress it even further!" ___________________________________________

▶︎ Thread Theme: 
ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧

___________________________________________ For those of you who aren't D&D nerds, for a bunch of D&D nerds to get together and do D&D, they need one of them to take the role of the "Dungeon Master" (no not that dungeon :marseykink: ) or "Game Master" if you play a hipster non-D&D game to come up with a setting and plot and adventures for the other D&D nerds to play with. This job is tedious as hell so the only reason anybody actually does it is to fulfill some fetish of theirs. That's why I like GMing Vampire: the Masquerade because vampires make my dick hard. :marseyheart: :marseyelisabeth: Anyway, one heroic anon on /tg/ has been actually running D&D for his friends out of the kindness of his heart! Just kidding, he likes monster :rape:.

There's gonna be some /d/ shit in here, word of warning. I've been running various campaigns in this group for about 6 years, mostly doing a single homebrew West Marches-style campaign. I've more or less kept the same group of players for this time, which is surprising given I've mostly gone for a pretty edgy setting and campaign style, which is what they've come to expect.

Some translations into normalspeak: "Magical Realm" is /tg/ lingo for "fetish." "Homebrew" means the rules have been modified from the core rulebook. "West Marches" is a meaningless buzzword meaning open world but not open world but open world, it's dumb.

Here's where I fucked up. See, a good chunk of my setting I like to attribute to being inspired by stuff like Aliens, Berserk, Event Horizon, etc. In truth, I just really like monster :rape:. A good chunk of my setting involves monster :rape:, I just somehow managed to hide it by a combination of saying "oh it's like Goblin Slayer", by painting it in a horror lens, and by not focusing on it that much. Which seemed to be working out for me until just now, where I called one of them over to fix up my phone (he's a technician) and he accidentally found my emergency stash of monster porn/bestiality hentai/real /d/ shit in the process. I tried to play it off as "actually the horse was just a black guy at a weird angle" but I don't think he bought it. I know he's gonna tell everyone else and even if they don't doubt me they won't look at my campaign the same way again and they'll see it for the magical realm that it is.

:marseydetective!: Apparently this guy was able to sneak fetish shit past normies by saying "oh it's like Goblin Slayer." Have I mentioned yet that I hate anime so much it's unreal? Anime fans are such fucking :brainletpit: they'll put up with anything if you compare it to anime.
Now, we can also see here that our narrator is a scrote. He thinks he can get away with monster :rape: "by painting it in a horror lens." Any true erotica enjoyers know that foids LOVE their horror porn. I guess I do too but I self-insert as the monster. :marseygrimm: :marseyjeanne:

"Actually the horse was just a black guy at a weird angle." :marseywtf3:

Sincerely what the fuck do I do, /tg/?

Personally, I'd say to just :rape: your players IRL and call it LARPing, but let's see if /tg/ agrees with me or not.


:thinkingstatue: OP never actually specified if he wants to be a :rape: monster or be :rape:d by monsters, so we don't know how well this solution would work!



Subplot A- "Why do you goon?

Between these two responses, we see the two types of 4chan users: :gigachadautist:s who cannot possibly conceive masturbation, and """self-aware""" porn addicts. :marseynerd3: "Erm they're both saying the same thing, there's no reason to have an emergency goon stash!" :ragestrangle!: SHUT UP! Clearly the first poster has no idea why anyone would have an emergency goon stash, while the second knows exactly why one would have an emergency goon stash, and knows that "why" is a bad reason. "It wasn't right he got subjected to it" is a pussy take lmao, did people learn nothing from Hunter? If you don't want to see a man at his freakiest, maybe don't go snooping around his files? "I'm also a porn addict" lol it's literally November you just need to stop touching your dick. "The best thing you can do is get rid of it" :marseyderpthumbsup: I agree.

>Why do you have porn saved to your phone like a fucking idiot?

Did you learn nothing from Tumblr and Imgur?! Big Brother :marseyobey: can and WILL take your porn away at any time without warning. :feellikeaninja:

This anon is on to something but he fails to realize the power OP now has. He can innocuously bring in a big scary monster, knowing full well this player will be utterly terrified of being :rape:d by it.

:marseynut: I love mpreg so much it's unreal. Not fond of Jujutsu Kaisen, however.

:marseysephiroth: :shadowrage: spoken like a true edgelord :marseyheavymetal: one day I'm going to purify those who wish to mock me by fumigating them with my rancid farts from my plant-free diet :marseybrap:


:marseysick: I don't want to imagine what OP and his group most likely look like, then imagine them all jacking off under the table. Also consent takes all the fun out of monster sex. Have I told the story yet of how back in college when I ran D&D one of my players was a gay guy who really wanted to fuck my ass? I didn't let him, for the record, which took as me playing hard to get and ultimately started stalking me to try and learn where I lived.

:marseyserioushatfact: goddamn normies with their normie ass monster :rape: fetishes, why can't we go back to the good old days of /tg/ where we were all into getting concrete shat into our rectums from the nipples of daemonettes? (this but unironically)

>Most people masturbate.

*most people who use 4chan

>most people have at least some strange kinks

*most people who use 4chan

there's no less than 5 erp/porn threads on /tg/ at any given time now, there's even an erp general, 15 years ago 1d4chan joked that /tg/ was just blue /d/ but they had no idea just how bad things would get.

SUBPLOT A RESUMES! fuck bipox it's 2 am I'll finish this later

:trollolol: whoops it's been a week and I forgot about this and the thread died whoops :marseyteehee:

:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-12-29 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Help me understand this latest "Scandal" /r/GenZ (397K)55%646
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Am I wrong for saying my husband's kid can't stay the night with us?/r/amiwrong (432K)49%519
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I think monogamy is extinct /r/Vent (341K)59%594
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘The CDC has published the schedule for 2025 to poison your baby/r/conspiracy (3M)64%617
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Could I live (happily) in each state?/r/TravelMaps (40K)56%503
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Alberta's healthcare system/r/alberta (354K)49%237
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Imagine it. X is the most balanced. I am SHOCKED! Reddit, on the ot.../r/elonmusk (3M)54%258
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Don't blame insurers for what doctor and hospital cartels did to US.../r/austrian_economics (48K)51%242
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Biden reportedly regrets ending re-election campaign and says he'd .../r/politics (9M)46%205
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I hate the term 'picky eater'/r/PetPeeves (65K)52%217

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Democracy moment/r/neofeudalism (3K)51%61
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Canada post employees delivering after being forced back to work /r/CanadaPostCorp (7K)46%108
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Could I live (happily) in each state?/r/TravelMaps (40K)56%503
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Now choosing suppliers who don't ship using Canada Post/r/CanadaPost (34K)54%199
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Don't blame insurers for what doctor and hospital cartels did to US.../r/austrian_economics (48K)51%242
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘It Will Force You To Feel Hope/r/SnyderCut (20K)57%100
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘I had an abortion at 19 and I've never felt any regret over my deci.../r/AskMeAnythingIAnswer (39K)47%137
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Maga Troll At Collins & 1st/r/cedarrapids (25K)49%80
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘I hate the term 'picky eater'/r/PetPeeves (65K)52%217
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘I (59M) let her (30F) go and Ibelieve it's the worst mistake of my .../r/GuyCry (53K)52%169

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

You're not playing those extremist games are you anon? :toddhoward:

Yes, every single one. They are all shit and boring.

I do enjoy horror games though


As discussed in my last post [NO DRAMA] The Stack Overflow Movies and TV subforum is really dumb: "Is there a reason that the McCallister house has a doggie door?" answer: because a dog is mentioned in the film - rDrama - the Travel subforum of Stack Exchange is really dumb.

Today's hit question is: Can I get a list of famous movies that feature suitcases?

A user tries to answer and gets shit on:


Reported by:
"Is there a non-racist version of r/csMajors?" :derpwhy:


Probably not because CS dorks usually have a sense of superiority even though the field is full of incels and socially awkward misogynists who like to call themselves 'libertarians' to cover for it.

I'm a person of color and I agree with the racists. Lol there is a growing trend to either send work offshore or to hire foreign workers.

It's facts. And it is happening.

Ironically once you're in software you realize the minorities they're talking about are also racist so it's really a lose-lose situation.

See: blind

just get off reddit

This sub has become another version of blind

Except instead of pretentious buttholes it's just buttholes with no prospects, I can't tell which is worse.

This sub is infinitely worse.

The people on Blind are horrible, but there is at least some useful information on there, and some of the people are so extreme it becomes almost entertaining.

This sub is just whiny children that have seemingly never been told no a day in their lives and believe that since they graduated with a CS degree they're entitled to a software engineering job with no additional work on their part. It used to be funny but these days it's just sad.

Going really far into debt only to have some curry eater slide into your company because they know a guy who knows a guy and he's willing to work for suppressed wages IS A LITTLE ANNOYING JUST SAYING

this is worse. narcissists > jobcels

wow the -cel suffix is everywhere now

Stop:manulstop:the Steal: hundreds of uncounted ballots:ivoted:from 2024 election found in swing state:marseyobjection:

reminder that :marseykamakama: as President of the Senate has the power to certify or not certify the election.

Beings that she is a womxn of immense morale fortitude with a steadfast commitment to the United States Constitution and the Law of the Land, will she do what's right and prevent an unqualified candidate(who possibly won through a rigged or at least misinformed election) from taking power and instituting a fascist neocolonialist patriarchy via Project 2025?

I guess time will tell :fingerscrossed:



If Kamala wins, Joe stepping aside will go down in history as a selfless move to save our democracy. He will have a sterling legacy.

Biden saved us from a total economic collapse. Biden saved us from a total national emergency with covid. He fricking did and it's time to say it. I challenge people to imagine all the things that would have happened with a vaccine rollout under Trump. Yes Covid is still here but good lord we would have lost so many more lives under Trump for 4 more years.

I'm grateful for President Joe Biden💙🇺🇸

I hope he brings out Dark Brandon and has a plan when Trump & his MAGA buddies try to Steal the 2024 Election.

To see him elevate the first black man as president and now the first woman - this man is going to have an incredible legacy. We've got to finish the job next week.

This Harris-stan was close to doubting whether Biden was in perfect health. Don't worry, he still would have voted blue no matter who!

For the last two years I've had to live in my parents house, and they are both MAGA. My mom especially. This means Fox News is on 24/7 and nothing else. Although I'm a left wing liberal, having to listen to that propaganda nonstop has worked its way into my brain and recently I found myself wondering, "Is Joe Biden really a bumbling old fool near death? Is he actually one of the worst presidents of all time?" Not that it matters because I would have easily voted for whoever was running against Trump, but…

Seeing this thread reminds me of how awesome Joe Biden really was/is, and I wish I could've experienced the majority of his presidency without all that noise squawking in my ear the entire time


Literally advocating for banquet servers and housekeepers to be freely imported. How tf did she think that lined up with this movement?

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST Reviewing Concord: Tale of the Implacable (Prime Video g*mershow-slop)

Whoever chose the title was doing a bit of trolling :marseytroll:

Concord and implacability, name a more iconic duo

Episode opens with shitty pirate accent voice :marseywords: about Concord's lore. FTL travel exists but randomly kills people sometimes :marseyderp:

TFW traveling through the limitless reaches of space at hyperlight speeds but you get sniped by a screw :feelsbadman:

:marseymer#chant: :chadjewren#tfree:

Scene cuts to random woman(?) bound up


Dollar store Thanos confirms that the protag is a foid. Apparently she has some special chip that Thanos wants to extract.

We cut to a new character


He seems to be working with a grumpy :marseychingchong: :carpsnipe:

The two men spring into action, opening a door containing the Black lady. :blackwomanspeaking: , :marseyblack: , :carpsnipe: and a doctor all spring into action. They free the woman, smash a window, and try ziplining away. Thanos cuts the zipline :marseytrollolol: Lots of MCU-style quips

There was also this character distracting some guards in the background. Apparently another member of the crew

The teletubby starts blasting Thanos with its finger guns. Teletubby gets shot in the head, but is revealed to be a talking fish.


Some trash mobs swarm the crew, I guess they're looking to another crew member for backup. "They say Julius is amazing. Always on, always ready..."

:marseyem#ojirofl: He wasn't actually ready lmfao!!!! Typical worthless :marseymayo: :angryvatnik: tbh .

Sniper tells him they need to go so he closes the ramp and starts to leave :marseytroll: . The rest of the crew make it half a second before the ship launches. The Captain(?) isn't seen reaching the ship. They bicker for a while, until a scary guard enters the room holding them at gunpoint. Surprise, it's actually the Black woman captain!!! :marseypikachu2:

They :marseylongpost: for a bit about whether or not the captain has secured the valuable route through space. She did :blackwomanspeaking: . Apparently the chip she had in her arm grants access to every single guild navigation route.

Cuts to the guild attacking the ship. The ship loses all of its fins(??) that allow it to steer. Julius starts to :soycry: so :marseykween: takes back over on the ship.

Somehow, everyone randomly starts passing out

But wait! Julius is shown wearing a gas mask and walking away with a smug look. Is the blond white male a traitor? :marseypoggers: :troll2:

Cut to :marseykween: waking up from the knockout gas. Julius and Thanos are chatting on Zoom. Thanos wants the chip and :marseykween: and promises to leave the rest of the crew alone. Surprisingly, the crew seems cool with this and asks for a bounty. The bounty is large

12,500,000 MONEYS!?!?! :marseyspitmoj#i:

:marseykween: gets up and challenges Julius to tie her down :marseykink: . He gets nervous and unfastens :marseychingchong: to back him up. But SURPRISE! :marseychingchong: is still loyal to the captain! :marseyspit: He opens the airlock, killing Julius and nobody else.

:marseychingchong: gives :marseykween: a hand.


This gives :marseykween: an idea. She uploads the chip and its trade routes to the galactic internet :marseyarch:


Thanos rages, the crew accelerate forward with their ship, heading straight into the big scary storm foreshadowed earlier.

There's a gay slowmo montage of them all nodding at each other as purple storm magic swirls around them. The bartender who has been telling this whole story reveals that they may have survived, because he has the funko pop :marseyfunko: that they brought onto that ship.

Final Rating: 3/10 . ChatGPT writes Guardians of the Galaxy fanfiction. I shouldn't have wasted my time watching and reviewing this garbage. I hope this post is long enough to count as an effortpost, but if it isn't, the least you can do is upmarsey me or donate some dramacoin for going to all this trouble and saving you from having to watch this terrible episode. Thanks! :marseyembrace:

Neolibs ree at Social Security


Pls I don't have electricity :cold: This would have never happened if America owned you :marseymagahat:


AIO my boyfriend keeps farting on me. : AmIOverreacting


AIO my boyfriend keeps farting on me

I know the title sounds ridiculous but my boyfriend keeps farting on me and I'm thinking of breaking up with him because of it.

I (f26) have been dating my boyfriend (m28) for about a year now. He is lactose intolerant but still eats dairy and lactose so he is always gassy and having stomach issues. He has a gross habit of farting near and around my face any chance he gets (usually 4-7 times a day) and in bed EVERY NIGHT without fail, he will fart under the sheets multiple times and then pull the sheets/duvet over my head and start laughing. I have told him how much I hate this and it makes me feel quite ill because the smell is so strong but he will not stop no matter how much I beg him to. I'm not sure if it's a maturity thing but I'm getting really sick of bringing it up with him and being shot down because he says it's a "joke"

I don't find it funny and it makes me feel sick and I am getting very annoyed. What do I do? Is this like a normal joke people do? Please advice???

EDIT: I'm adding this edit in now because I have already gotten a few comments. I will further explain what he does.

-He has given me pinkeye/ eye infections more than 4 times because he has farted on his hands and wiped it on my face

-He says he sometimes doesn't wipe after number 2 because he "doesn't need to" and says he gets clean from showering anyways.

-He dutch ovens me when I'm sleeping and so sometimes i legitimately wake up with the sheets over my head inhaling his farts

-He also farts loudly in public and then will say "omg ewww you farted" to me to make me embarrassed.

We have an otherwise great relationship he is very kind and caring and really loves me but I genuinely don't know if I can stay with him because of this gross habit and poor hygiene.


I am truly disgusted and I have honestly never experienced anything like this. I don't know where to even begin to explain what happened this morning.

I told my boyfriend we need to have a serious discussion about our relationship when he comes home from work. He left this morning and I had a pit in my stomach the whole morning. I felt absolutely sick knowing I had to break things off when he would be home from work. To preface this next part, he lives in my apartment with me and has been living with me for the past 3ish months and so my name is on everything, lease, utilities etc. I decided to deep clean my apartment as a distraction. I can't really explain the type of bed frame I have it's like a bed base and has fabric draping over the sides so you can't see under the bed but if you lift it up there is about a 7 inch gap (I hope this makes sense) I lifted up the fabric of the bed frame to clean out anything that had fallen behind the bed etc. When I tell you there were legitimately THREE WATER BOTTLES FILLED WITH URINE I genuinely fricking lost my mind. I have never been so repulsed by someone and the sheer laziness and poor hygiene makes me sick to my stomach. I have never felt so blindsided. The comments opened me up to a new perspective and helped me understand this is not the man i thought he was. At that moment it was over for me. There was no way I would even entertain an explanation from him I just wanted out.

I've packed everything of his in garbage bags INCLUDING the three disgusting bottles of urine, and left them in the hallway I don't care if people take it he is no longer my problem. I sent him a text saying we are over and his things are outside but he hasn't read it yet.

I am hoping he will just leave and go back to his parents house and I won't have to speak to him anymore. I am honestly distraught I cannot believe I put up with this for so long. Thank you for all your comments and advice and helping me see things clearly. I still love him and I'm honestly very distraught about the whole situation because I have been with him for almost a year but this is just too much for me to deal with.

I probably won't update again but I'll see what happens when he sees my message.

Sorry if there are any typos I typed this out quickly as I just wanted to give a quick update.

‼️Second quick update

I couldn't handle the stress and anxiety of him blowing up my phone or spam calling so I've just blocked his number. I can't deal with his shit right now so I've cut all contact. After he gets his shit I won't be reaching out to him.


Chess tournament asks player to change jeans into something nice, the player quits the tournament, trans people most affected


Update at

They're clearing out the homeless camp underneath Terrace Hill with a skid loader. : desmoines


It's so beautiful

Reported by:
New Boulder

1,041 days

Longest 3 days of my life :marseytime:

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST Ethics in Journ*lism - The Huffington Post South African Controversy

I know I keep saying I'm going to leave but I just have to write this piece because I was inspired by @kaamrev's post about the closing of the Rapport. The truth is I have a shitload to say about journ*lism in general and the South African journ*lism scene but some of it would result in me doxxing myself, and quite honestly, most of it isn't interesting if you've never been in the space. I also have a funny story of how I fricked up so badly I almost caused a long-running newspaper publication to close down permanently, but I'd rather push that memory back to the dark recesses of my psyche.

With that said, I never fricked up as badly as the who we'll be discussing today - Verashni Pillay. This is pretty much South Africa's version of G*mergate, and it caused waves internationally. My post will be organised as such:

1. What is Huffpost?

2. Who is Verashni Pillay?

3. Verashni does a hate speech

4. Verashni is in trouble

5. Conclusion

What is Huffington Post

If you're familiar with online journ*lism, you'll have come across Huffpost. It is a left-leaning publication that aims to be hip and trendy while delivering the news. Not all their content is "news" and it also features a lot of clickbait pop culture slop. It's really a terrible site. The site almost died but it was purchased by Buzzfeed in 2020. It was during this time that the site experienced mass layoffs and the Canadian arm of the business was closed down.

Go on the front page right now and see the slop they post. From experience in the media industry, I can easily tell that it is a content mill that you shouldn't trust at all. I can spot the SEO tricks and the common tactics used to increase engagement and exploit the writers. Take a random article on the front page:

The headline is stuffed full of trending keywords. They had to fit in "elon musk" and "obama" to improve SEO on Google. Secondly, the writer never had to leave their desk to write the article. It's literally a longpost based on a Tweet by Elon Musk. All it does is report on the Tweet and the responses to the Tweet. I can promise you @kaamrev puts more effort into his posts than the writer of this article did.

You can also tell it's a content mill by looking at the writer's profile page.

This is someone pooping out three articles a fricking day. 100% he has a quota to meet and he's grinding away trying to achieve it. There is no way you're going to deliver quality journ*lism when you've got to write three fricking articles every day. The only way you achieve that is by writing slop.

The worst part of Huffpost is the writing. They've been bought by Buzzfeed, as I've mentioned, and they write in that "BuzzFeed" voice. You know exactly what I'm talking about. They use Black People Twitter slang and it's incredibly cringy when you see the author is a generic white dude.

Elon Musk is getting cooked on social media for equating the policies of Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany party to the U.S. Democratic Party at the start of Barack Obama's presidency, after Musk recently pointed to the AfD as Germany's only hope.

Yasss! Elon Musk is cooked! Fricking kill me.

Who is Verashni Pillay

For some reason, a lot of young people in South Africa want to become journ*lists. It's mostly young people who know nothing about the job market, are probably above average writers, and are highly opinionated. The truth is that once you're in the business, it's all about SEO and meeting quotas, and most importantly, YOU DON'T NEED A FRICKING JOURN*LISM DEGREE TO DO JOURN*LISM. So many idiots get scammed into a journ*lism degree that is utterly useless when all that matters is your portfolio. Instead of going into debt paying university fees, you're better off freelance writing and building up a portfolio to work your way to a permanent position (jk those don't exist anymore it's freelancers all the way down, journos don't get permanent jobs lol).

If you're in South Africa, for a long time, Rhodes University was THE place to go to study journ*lism. It had a very, very strong reputation for being a good journ*lism university and for anyone who wanted to become a journ*list it was assumed you'd be going to Rhodes.


Quick Notes from Holly!

So I attended Rhodes University, got my Masters Degree in English there and also wasted 3 years trying to get my PhD only to fail (I'm currently doing my PhD at a different university while working). I was fricked over by my supervisor majorly and I had a lecturer bully me so hard I attempted suicide, but that's a story for another day. Rhodes used to be a fun university. I arrived in 2014, which was right around the decline of the university.

Rhodes has a reputation of being a bit of a party university, and it's extremely liberal. It is also known for the National Arts Festival which is held every year. The university is located in Grahamstown which is a small town almost entirely dependent on the university for its economy. I was in Grahamstown when COVID-19 hit. Students studied from home so the university was practically empty. As a result, several businesses shut down and the entire town was financially crippled.

Fortunately, I don't live there anymore because the town can't even provide water or electricity to its residents, resulting in mass protests. I mean, they literally go weeks without any water.

I would not recommend anyone go to Rhodes University these days. It's a dead university in a dead town. Also, due to Rhodes's liberal approach to academia, they allow you to mix and match your degree however you want, allowing you to create a custom degree of your choice. I know a couple of universities in the USA like Evergreen do this shit as well. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NEVER DO THIS. If you're going to university, get a degree with a set curriculum that allows you to specialize in a skill that is in demand. Nobody wants a generalist who majored in Psychology and History, or a weirdo who decided to major in Math and English. Anyone hiring is going to take one look, think "what the frick is this shit", and move on to someone who has clearly specialized in a specific task.

Dear lord if there's any advice I can give it's that university is not there for you to follow your passions. There is nothing passionate in a university setting. YOU'RE THERE TO SECURE THE BAG. Pick a degree that is in demand. If you want to go the artistic route, university is not the place to go. You're better off independently working on a portfolio.

Last point I want to make about Rhodes. The lecturers get paid SHIT. It's actually funny how poorly they are paid. Just look at this shit:

A fricking full-blown lecturer is only netting about $25K. Why the frick would you move to a town with no water to earn peanuts?!?!


Verashni Pillay attended Rhodes University where she earned her degree in Journ*lism. Verashni quickly proved herself to be quite the ambitious journ*list and she wrote for a number of popular South African publications including News24 and the Mail & Guardian. She has won a number of prestigious awards for her journ*lism. I'm not going to list them all because quite frankly I don't care. All that matters is that she was a journ*list of note in South Africa and she worked her way up to eventually become editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post in South Africa.

Verashni Does a Hate Speech

Verashni's woes began when she allowed a blog to be published titled "Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise?". You can still find the blog post online. The author's name is Shelley Garland and the author basically argues that white men should not be given the right to vote, and that their assets should be forcibly redistributed.

For the sake of stirring drama and outrage, I'll post a few choice quotes here

If white men no longer had the vote, the progressive cause would be strengthened. It would not be necessary to deny white men indefinitely – the denial of the vote to white men for 20 years (just less than a generation) would go some way to seeing a decline in the influence of reactionary and neo-liberal ideology in the world. The influence of reckless white males were one of the primary reasons that led to the Great Recession which began in 2008. This would also strike a blow against toxic white masculinity, one that is long needed.

A withholding of the franchise from white males, along with the passing of legislation in this period to redistribute some of their assets, will also, to a degree, act as the reparations for slavery, colonialism, and apartheid, which the world is crying out for to be paid.

Although this may seem unfair and unjust, allowing white males to continue to call the shots politically and economically, following their actions over the past 500 years, is the greater injustice.

Almost immediately, the article garnered widespread attention both locally and internationally. It got so big that fricking Jordan Peterson commented on it:

Locally, many groups cried racism and attacked Huffpost for publishing the piece. Afriforum, a group focused on the rights of Afrikaaners, accused Verashni Pillay and Huffpost of hate speech.

This did not deter Verashni and amidst the controversy, she fully defended the piece. Thanks to the wayback machine, we still have access to the article.

A few quotes from Verashni to make you seethe:

Garland's underlying analysis about the uneven distribution of wealth and power in the world is pretty standard for feminist theory. It has been espoused in many different ways by feminist writers and theorists for decades now. In that sense, there was nothing in the article that should have shocked or surprised anybody (or so we thought.)

It would appear that perhaps much of the outcry derives from a very poor reading of the article -- or perhaps none at all.

So in response she basically shits on her readers telling them denying white men the vote is pretty normal feminist theory.

Verashni is in trouble

Well, a big plot twist emerged. Shelley Garland does not exist! The whole thing was a fricking prank written by a white man! Not just a white man, but a fucing full-blooded Boer named fricking Marius Roodt. That's a peak mayo name! Roodt wrote the piece to prove that there was little fact-checking done in South African journ*lism and so he wrote a piece where he intentionally inserted errors and he got fricking published! He made an absolute fool of Huffpost, and he's not fricking sorry about it.

:#gigachad2: :#chadnordic: :#chad:

Eventually, the backlash got so bad that the article was taken down and an apology was issued.

But this wasn't just a thrashing on social media. There were legal consequences to face as well. The South Africa's Press Ombud found that the article amounted to hate speech, resulting in Verashni stepping down from her position as editor-in-chief.

Since the incident, Verashni has taken on the role of the victim and has framed herself as a victim of online hate mobs. This is ironic as she tried to stir hate mobs against white men. She is just getting what she tried to dish out to others. When speaking on the matter, Verashni brings up many of the criticisms of modern journ*lism that I've brought up and she confesses that the site is basically a clickbait content mill where writers are stretched to meet insane quotas.

"He targeted a stretched newsroom that was being asked to do way too much with too little resources: we were being asked to publish 30 unique pieces of content a day in addition to wire stories and international content from the other HuffPost sites. We had three junior reporters and were refused sub-editors, despite my warning that we would run into legal trouble given the rate at which we were publishing. In addition, the editorial team was under enormous pressure from management to produce traffic and clicks."

She has also released a Ted Talk about her experience and how she got shamed because of the piece.

Quite honestly, it's an annoying video to watch. She hides behind the fact that she is a female BIPOC and argues that her identity is the reason she was attacked, and not the fact that she published an anti-democratic article arguing that white men should not be allowed to vote.


Verashni was knocked down but she's not out for the count. She currently works at radio station POWER 98.7. I have no knowledge of the station or what it does, and I'm not in the mood to research it. Did she learn anything from the experience? In my opinion, no. I don't think she understands or accepts that she published disgusting hate speech. That blog post should have never been published and it was only possible because


b) Huffpost is a content mill that cares more about clicks than facts.

For this reason alone you should never read Huffpost. It's inaccurate garbage mass produced for clicks. So what do you think of Verashni's story? Do you think she got what she deserved? Or was she the victim of a mean prank?

Happy new years! Post for 100 marseybucks ^-^

I bought some awards and have a ton left over. First post gets 100 marsey bucks, then 2nd, etc till I run out. Thanks to @Irredeemable-krampus for them! I don't really use them

ANYWAYS ITS FRICKING RAINING WHERE I AM >( !!!! No fireworks :soycry: :pepeleave:

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